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January 19, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-19

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SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1930 2

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TIIIHBy Lewis M. holland be to use an ordinary incandescent siste
AOJ, -Ilamp. A little investigation, how- ! ng
b IS : ft 1, ". o en hx" vt } -c ever, would soon prove to us that rci
to Science Auditorium .s a oi e i for this purpose, because of its in- of t
o~t ,,,E ,~last, nj ablit o r orn tothe raid cur- as t
Speakers Chon for Assembly Tuesday Afternoon The television problem may be renttfluctuations that are encoun- of co
of State Scientists Jan. 24,roughly divided into five require- tered in television. The neon lamp we n
at Museum Building. IS THIRD OF A SERIES ments,as follows: (we see them used nowadays on 6
h hr o eis fmve 1. Means of scanning the image, every corner for advertising ur-shr
.Lhe third of a series of movies o as to subdivide it into elements eoses) will follow faithfully current cy cl
0,.3 sM E4WLLSEAKsponsored by the business adinis- with corresponding light impulses. fluctuations into the hundreds of We
f_2. Some device for converting thethousands per second. This type of telev
University Museum Curator Will' tration school will be given Tues- light impulses into electrical im- lamp can be used to reconvert our stage
be on Unique Program Pub- day afternoon at 4:05 o'clock in the pulses. electrical impulses into light im- surel
graiI fted A Natural Science auditorium. it was 3. A methoa } transmitting pulses. visio
lic Invited to Attend. announced yesterday by Prof M these electrical impulses to a dis- By viewing this neon lamp .ther
atant receiver, through a slowly moving disc, iden- must
Plans for the winter meeting of r H. Waterman of the research de- 4. A device for reconverting+ tical with the one used at the as ye
partment. !these electrical impulses into light I transmitter, one would see a series quest
society, which will assemble in room The program will consist of four impulses and spreading them over of bright spots moving across the gress
3124 at the University Museums features. The first, entitled "The the screen. field of vision in exactly the same anld
building on January 24, havembeen Federal Reserve System" is an a- 5. Some system of synchronizing manner as the light spots moved taint
completed by the local committee rimated drawing and motion picture the transmitter and receiver so that ac s the image at the sendiv o bly b
in charge of the convention. Two efilm, partly colored, illustrating the each light impulse will assume its.
essions are scheduled, one at l functions and operations of the proper place in the picture at the mg discs are matched in position
o'clock, and another at 2 o'clock, Federal Reserve banks. The second proper time. and speed, i.e., synchronized, the
with a tour of inspection of the . picture, "The Man at the Trot- Requirements Considered. spotidetica wit the ocei-
Museum listed immediately follow- t-e," snows a ride in the cab of the e will consider these require- er, is identical with the spt pi-
ing the afternoon session. - Twentieth Century Limited up the ments in order. The scanning of tion on the image being scanned at
The program which has been ar- n Associated Press nP1Qto Hudson River shore from New York the image is accomplished by the transmitter. Also, the bright-
ranged for the state society in. Knute Rockne to Albany. means of a large disc having holes ness of the picture spot is propor-
eludes several important speakers Notre Dame football coach, who directed his team through a suc- The third feature, "The Story of drilled through it in a spiral fa- tional to that of the image spot,
who will deliver addresses on a va- cessful season from a wheel chair last last fall, is recovering from the Compressed Air," shows how air shion. Behind the disc is a light I due to the electrical impulses sent
riety of museum subjects. Led by last traces of an infection in one of his legs at Miami Beach, Florida, eases labor and reduces costs for souice. The light from this source to the neon lamp from the "elec-
Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, now con- He is seen here on the beach with his son Jack. the miner, manufacturer, engineer, shines through the holes in the { tric eye." We are, so to speak, re-
nected with the Ann Arbor instHtu-----and contractor. The fourth and disc and falls on the image. If the producing the picture spot by spot.
tion and formerly with the Heye [last on the program, "The Story disc were stopped one would see Up to this point, we have en-
Foundation, the program has been h w I I 1 of a Can of Salmon," is a scenic a single spot of light. Turning the countered only light spots. Let us
Tlanned by the committee in the r l IEEII! IL UUVpicture. disc slowly results in the spot mov- speed up our discs so that the im-
interests of the' general public as.'oIr is impossible for us to take ing across the image in an arc, im- age is scanned 16 or more times per
swell as attending members of theing isOU R'IONl!6i1111.l.nour students to many factories to mediately followed by another spot second. Due to the ability of the
open tos anyone desi ting sattnd. 6!KI IIU show them the processes of manu- I a little below the first. Since the human eye to retain impressions
-desiring. and distributing said disc is very large the arcs are near- for one-tenth of a second- this is
The policy of open house is a newi n tin Professor Waterman. "Instead of ly horizontal straight lines. The rev- sometimes referred to as the per-
phase of the society's program to Program for Annual Engineering Union Protests Meeting Begins trips, we provide these moving plc- olution of the disc will cause the --
create a feeling of interest with the Meeting Announced byDeanHeatures, which show the business ad- image to be covered or scanrinr nir
-cetfeling o in mterestwih teated Opposition to ministration students the methods once by the light beams. As the 1N
which vitally concern both groups.; on WJR Radio Broadcast. Senate's Action. used by the largest firms of the image is scanned the reflected light
Hinsdale Will Speak. country." varies in intensity, depending upon
Dr. W. B. Hinsdale will lead the DR. RUTHVEN WILL SPEAK E There is no admission charge to the relative values of the light and LT [ TtflIII A I
morning session with an address on__ SEEK AID FROM ALUMNI these movies, and the general pub- dark areas of the image.l 141x
the "Education of the Indian (Continued From Page )lie is invited to attend. We now come to the means of
Youth." He will be followed by Ed- Telephone laboratories, will give a (Continued From Page -) i ntderng che t t he m -
ward J. Stevens, who will speak onf demonstative lecture on "The En all by the scholastic wayside, and converting the reflected light i-e
the subject "Were Michigan's Ieer in Communication"during formation will be sought through BO photoelectriccell or "electric eye" UI
Earthworks Palisaded." Harry L. ieer in Copc at durig the National Student Federation of' INITIA TES TWENT Yhas the property of generating mi-T
Spooner will conclude the morning America as to the success or fail- nute currents when it is exposed to
meeting with "Indians of Oceana communicate with the Leviathan aturr aofcdeferringxdushingtsystrmsyt n Phi Sigma, national honorary light. The current generated Is
o ad innsea from Hill auditorium. A ban other universities, it was announced biological society, held its first se- proportional to the light striking
formal discussions will follow the quet and theatre party in the by those in charge of the meeting. mester initiation banquet Friday the cell. We have, then, a means
Ad League, in charge of John s. Wor- It was stated on the floor that night at the Women's League build- of converting the reflected light State Cafe, 302 South State
A at the Union at 12:30 o'clock ley, will conclude the conference. Stanford university, which has a!ing, twenty neophytes constituting impulses from the image into fee-bos oldest restaurant man
a !iitigummbesnbingtheguets cAcordigrtaDeneSdle, thise rshig sstemcomaralecolteste.md-yarllas.iFolowng eheIle lecrieleipules.Theslarimpulsrbo's.ldethreseraarea
of the University Museums' staff. not necessary to be a member of an one ordered Wednesday by the Sen- banquet, C. O. Erlanson spoke on amplified many fold before they i-le Mave table or counter service
The afternoon assembly will hear engineering society to attend. Reg- ate committee, has found its prac- the history of the Michigan chap- are ready for transmitting., an assortment of seven to ten dinners,
three more addresses, the first of istration cards may be obtained tical functioning detrimental to ter. Prof. E. C. Case was the prin- Transmission Same as Radio. ! noon or evening. We are doing our
whicw is adre by Dr. Mv riting to the engineering de- the best interests of the univer- cipal speaker of the evening, ad- The. transmission takes place in best to give Ann Arbor the best eating
which is a lectureLiving by Dr.Vo Melvin R.byrtment of the University. g sity. dressing the chapter on "The Fos- exactly the same manner that a i house serving A No. food at anf
Silent Stone ." Fred Dustin will A talk on "Television" was deliv-' It was pointed out that efforts to sil Looks on Life." radio broadcast program is sent ouet . I average price of 45c a meal-this srt.
follow Dr. Gilmore with a talk on ered by Lewis M. Holland, instruc-i force a repeal of the alleged "ob- The following emrs. Dwere The television impulses are used to cludes also serve Chinese dishes and(
the "isle Royale Expedition of 1929." tor in electrical engineering. An iectionable" system of deferred initiated: Faculty meb- D. C. modulate a high frequency carrierI Weaeverythingaksforom5sou to dessert.
Ne"i Data Obtained. abridged text of his talk will be i rushing demanded by the Senate A. Arnold and W. P. Harris, Jr. Ac- in place of the voice impulses. Trois Csicken a Dinners Sunda s 75c.
This expedition recently returned I found on page 3.k committee would have to be made tive members-J. Perry Austin, El- wave is picked up by a receiver, Yours most respectfully,
th e ior re n i ae rough new channels since the or- sie Bauchman, David Chandler, similar to a radio receiver, ampli-3 E. M. Stoffiet.
from the Lake Superior region with "The Beaver and- Its Ways"was rLane S. Lee.
data for new state archeological the subject of Prof. Ned Dearborn, diary organs for the expression of Richard Deno, Catherine Dzieur- (fed, detected, and again amplified.
maps which Edward J. Stevens is of the forest zoology department. student opinion had been "spiked"wizz, Wilbur Gorham, Paul Guern- In fact, one could listen to the sig-
now .drawing up at the Museum. "Just how long ago some ingeni-It was charged that J. A. Bursley, j sey, Minnie Hilton, Kenneth Jones, nals with a loud speaker. However,
Dana P. Smith will conclude the ous European discovered that bea- dean of students, had blocked any Edith Kauffman, Donald Miller, it is not sound impulses that ae
day's program with a lecture on ver fur is peculiarly adapted for approach throughtthe deferred- 'Helen Monroe, Newell Norton, Ciar- desired, but light impulses.
"The Summerville Mounds," a top- making felt hats is quite unknown. rushing sub-committee of the Se ence Porter, Ruth Richarndson. rHaw s Impl we convert theseecc-
ic Which concerns itself with the It must have been at an early date, ate committee by packing it with Esther Rodger, Clayton Scribner, firsti impulsesinto light impulses?
earlier history of southwestern however, for the process was gen- students known to be in favor of and Esther Whitney. inclination would possibly
Michigan. erally understood before the ex- the plan or lukewarm in their ob'-- -- - - }
Offlc rs of the society at present ploitation of the resources of the i jections. -I HNGĀ£M ME
are George R. Fox, of Three Oaks, New World began. Probably the Tentative plans were also laid at i RESERVME A SEAT IN
president; Fred Edinger, vice-presi- supply of fur from European bea- the meeting to secure an expres- R
dent; and Edward J. Stevens, se- vers was dwindling when colonists sion of opinkv from parents ofn*
cretary-treasurer. Directors of the began coming to America. At all freshmen as to the desirability of a
organization are Dr. Carl E. Guthe events, among the first commodi- their sons' living and eating in fra- 2 Annonces
and Prof. R. Clyde Ford. Forty ties exported from America to iternity houses. Last year a larg 200 CHAIRS
members of the society are expect- Europe were beaver skins obtained number of letters secured at the
ed to attend the winter meeting. by barter from Indians. So staple instigation of the Interfraternity Washington at Thayer One Block North from Hill Auditorium CHANGE IN PRICE
S- was the beaver skin in trade be- council, aided in its successful fight
WRITER TO TALK tween colonists and Indians that to defeat a deferred rushing move l Lunch and Dinner $6.00 Per Week POLICY
it became their monetary unit, all on the floor of the Senate commit- With Breakfast $7.50 Per Week
ON IMPERIALISM values being expressed in terms of tee.
beaver. .-

nee of vision-we would n
er see a series of spots at the
ver, but a reproduced likeness
he image at the transmitter.
en broadcasting stations. This
urse. is out of the question. So
iust relegate television to the
ter waves wvhere more frequen-
hannels are available.
may sum up by saying that
ision is still in the laboratory
, but that it is slowly and
y emerging. One or two tele-
n receivers are appearing on
market. The public, however.
not expect too much of them,
t. On the other side of the
ion, one can say that the pro-
> to date has been most rapid,
that the problems and uncer-
ies of today, will unquestiona-
ecome the realities of tomor-
Mir area
our Money
Valteria 4
Form Press
.all & Delivered;
Phone 4213
O'C oats
Form Press
Cash and Carry
and Pressed I

With a wealth of information at
his command on economics, poli-
tics, and world affairs, Scott Near-
ing, writer and lecturer, will speak
on "The Next Step in Imperialism,".
at 4:15 o'clock Monday, Jan. 20, in
Natural Science auditorium.
Nearing, appearing here under
the auspices of the Round Table
club, has taught economics at the
University of Pennsylvania and at
Swarthmore college, is the author
of several widely read books, and is
a frequent contributor to many
magazines of a critical and prog-
ressive nature.
He has studied economic condi-
tions in Europe and Asia, spending
much time in Russia and the revo-
lutionary sections of China.
An admission charge of 25 cents
will be made.

"The beaver now enjoys legal Worley Speaks Be ore
protection in all of the sixty-one
political units within the geograph- Army Reserve Offcers
ical range of the American beaver,"
Professor Dearborn stated. "Their "Our Modern Transportation
capacity to produce a valuable fur Problems" was the subject dis-
is not the only object in saving cussed by Prof. John S. Worley, of
them. By building dams they wid- I the engineering transportation de-
en and deepen streams; in this way partment, Friday evening, when he I
they provide more food for trout talked before the Detroit army offi-
and other fish, and deepen pools cers of the reserve corps at their-:
for them to grow in. These dams regular monthly meeting.
make reservoirs which hold floods
in check and prevent excessive ero- Davis Fox to Present
sion. They also, in many cases,'
provide water to be used in com- Lecture Tomorrow
bating forest fires.
"Collecting its salient features," "The Reaction Between Sodium
Professor Dearborn concluded, "we j Carbonate and Carbon at High
note that what the beaver lacks in Temperatures" will be discussed by
beauty of forms and color is abund- Davis Fox at 4 o'clock Monday af-
antly compensated by its utility j ternoon in room 3201 East Engin-
and behavior." eering building.

- ---- -


Dinner 60c
Our patrons will -be assured
the same
as before




we shall


maintain our reputation



eating place on the
Special Luncheon





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