PAG1 EIGT TE MCEIA ' -I MICHIGAN DAILY x ....... D A IL Y..._._.-SA . ..rJa~- i"JANA-..m.- & l... . r I'DAILY OFI ICIAL B'ULLETINK i Publicat~on n he Bulletin is constructive notice to all members or the U~niversity. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOL, X1,. SATURDAY, J'ANUARY 18. 1930 No. 81 R''OUND TABLE CLUB TO BRING NEARING ASNEXT* LECTURER, Frank and Outspoken Economist to Talk on 'The Next Step SUnai accustomned to Snow, California Drivers TUE01fl Moder ~LI n Structures Have to Excavate Cars After Heavy Storm I II 1L6L G I C9L 91LN: to Replace, The; }..~. TAKrN I E O (lB' .\.^sc'c iat. i 'rd Iatre I I 't i i i LO~UNDOJN, Jan. 2? Lond~on's '"Old Vie." fhamous as the theatre that Dr. pery ofHarard outs ;staged all of Shakespeare's plays So6cial Contract Theory without going bankrupt, is soon to of Modern Church. . 'be torn dlown' to make room for a - -- railroadl station. The London coun- NOTICE~S Senate Council will mect for the considration of important bu ness at 4:15 p. in., Monday, Januatry 27, in room DI, Alumni Memro hball. Please note the change of dine, T his meeting was at first announe4 for January 20, but the chaigo is nade because of conflict with t Senate meeting on that . cay. rr.-Lw L E. Robbins, Secretary / EVENTS T'ODAY A Collecction of".Silk an~d ("4tou PJrits by American designers a- inanufacturers is now" hull.;in thelkc:lngoc,~hition room, third fhc Architecture building. opco a('ily . 'S u.-d: vy, from 9 to 5 o'clot 'There is also a collection of 'ttidKby 1ws; 'Wdnt~s of the New York Sch4 of Applicd Design. Viiiwrs ax~e cardlially weicomo. An Exhibit of pbotgraphlls antd floo~r plan:'; of twenty churchese t~rcd in the Nation Wide Chtirch Building; Competition of the Christi llerailc is now being shown in the ! grouind floor gallery otf the Are! tecetural Building, from 9 to 5 o'clock, JaAmaary 15 to 13. Oppen to t public.. University flureani of Appointt Ns :and Occupatiounal lilfotniatio There wil be a meeting for prospective Mister and Ph.D. degree can( dates interested in college or university leachinig at 10:15, in room2 Mason hall. Th~l Bureau would like to inform the students of the c portunities offered:- Dean °G. Carl H-uber of the Graduate School w~ address the group. Chi illreu's IRhythm nClasses: GClb Iren ' Rhy thm Clasacs will nic at 10 and 11 o'clock at the Womon's thletie building. A new course of 10 lessons is just :starting. Beginners$ as well former pupils, are eligible. There is still room for a few more in eat class. The regular ineeting of the Ann Arbor Brandi of the America Ailssociation of University Womten will be .lod in the ballroom of tl Michigan League building this afternoon. Mr. Fred Black,. 1'ublity Mta agr o the Ford Motor Coinpar will speak on "The Roance of Mod(ern A6Avrtisiin." Mr. Black wa6s formcrly;, one of the e! ikors of the Dearborn tidep6 dent and speas froi a wide and varied. dXperhunce. A ance is beinig given by th( Catholic Students' Club from 2: until 5:00 p. mn. COMHING EVENTfS International Vorun: Mr. lowaI'(l B. Calderwood of the Politic ;$cie nce department will lead aninformnal discussin on "The Problen of Minorities and Mandates in the League of Nations" on Sunday, Jai uary 1), at 4:00 in Lane hall. All cordially invited. Scott Nlearingemninent a.utilnw and lecturer will speak under tl auspices of Th~le Bound Table Clb Mouday. January 20, 4:15 p. in.. Natural Science auditoriuma. S1, je et: "The American Emipre'.s 1e: Step." Ann Arbor Art Association: 'Ehe Memorial Exhibition of Paintin= by the late Max Boim and the 199-9 Water Color Rotary Exhibition ci: cuited. by the American Federation of Arts open in the Galleries+ Alumni Memorial hall, Sunday aftcrnoon, January 19. These exhibitioi wil close Sunday, January 26. +Geology "31, Laboratory: Those students who are incomplete ma Mak ,e up their work at the following periods: topographic or geolog neaps on ,Monday at 4 o'clock, rocks or minerals on Tuesday, at 4. A incomplete work should be made tip this week. Lutheran Student Club: At the regular meeting tomorrow evenin Dr. Davis, Secretary of the School of Education, will speak on some pha: of Religious LElucation. Li ri al - - :. , .. ~. LTJUREL SEIES E5 NDS y council needed the site in con- he "Cristianity has always beenacinwtthneCargCos IS AUTHOR OF 15 BOOtKS t he religion about Jesus not of bidge and station. " sad D. or yers the old playhouse has .: l Jesus," aiXD. illard L. Sperry, be'en threatened from one quarter Has Studied Economic Situation dean of the Harvard school of or another. Six yasaoi a yd in Russia, Revolutionaryj Theology, in his lecture, "Religion saved when the lat:e Lord Oxford. 00' " hia andEuoe and the Church," the final of a se- n h rhihp f Canterbury Europe. of fivegvn ne the aupc ntercded for it, and on another o ;Serft t Nearing. well-known writer .agivnfun Reliugios. aionSr ergbanerece I ni leicturer, will talk on "The Next of the Michigan schooofRlgn.itb providing $15,000 for neces- Stni meils. t41 -"The Roman Catholic modernists fsay rpairs. - lock J mera. Ni. atur15al-; have come nearer to what hap- - - - . Moady.c2,Ain1 en( through the centuries than :I iIllill1fItIIlIilllliillIlIlIllItilitII a. ~cicneuditorium, .uer heau- 1, : I; .pic..oftheRoun:Tabe cub, t..-..* .5- #Iany other group of mcecliastes." I ,h ie s as thann oun d Ta "ubit The church does not exist as a SI-HII Ne wsangou elnconied asday A heavy snow storm receiyickd. ma hgw sleinI cause for certain things which are SIR.PHILIP Nern s elcognizthing that has happened inghays ledieg ~~ rank ~~ out of no thern Los Angeles, as well as many other roas in southern to be done; it i a result of some- Clfri bv r hw oeo h ooitms fwo andpoe oucayofhstiwsr- had never seen a snow storm before, inexpertly trying to dig their ars I . 2051 kn doacyo i ves e out for the first time. Los Angeles has been followed gain by mnisfr- of the church is not the historical- grlsofteruouaiy. tune in the form of earthquake tremors, which were felt in the city 1 rt.Curhscm it en - Taught at 1 ennsvlvania. seeaIasao to commemorate the memory of the 'il After receiving his E.S. and Ph .D -several__days- -go. religious doctrines and theories of degrees from the University of sonie individual, or set group of in Penl~vni. eserved there as CERCLE FRAN AIS ECTU E SE IES dividuals. Jews did not found the Octintructor and later as asociate pro- ? ~rQ~ TTAA church He did, however, occasion fessor un til 191. 1-e was also in- , NNUNE BY PROFESSOR T----*-.---- it. A group of men who wanted to' astructor in economics at Swarth- .--. ----- - I perpetuate his hopes, enthusiasms, - more college.Fetrsoth anulCie and lie is secretary of the division and tasks founded it. The trouble Nearing has made several trips FIancais lecture series w'ere made of medieval French literature for with the church now is that it. an to Europe and Asia, studing eco- public yesterday by Prof. Rene Tal- tha organization. deals with the interpretation of his henni conditions at first hand, in- ion, faculty representative of missions and1, acts superimposed i. u IEluding two visits to Russia and that organization. Therd' will be }ranhi ppbOi 1 i~ Cristianity.. -. onetoreouiny districts of seven programs,inldg a lecture jbrt Kenyon, both Michigan in- "A religious sect, such as Pot-! r~hi revolut.ionre ryoizcludeIng rv- ,strutors. are scheduled to speaki estantism, is founded because, at Writes, for Magazines. ard uirity,a play by the circle Aprl. The presentation of the an I h iht time, sm person states Ilie is the ath or of more than 15 I members, and five lectures by indi- v "lpa il take place on Wed- some doctrine or fact that has been- books, including "The Anmerican I viduals from the faculty in subjects nos~cay evening May 1. At the, forgotten or neglected by soetcy ' E3 m pire2 "Oil and Grmns of War,"' of their specialization or research. present time, officers of theC ercle I at the moment when people feel a 30"Dollar Diplomacy," "Educationin Season ticket~s to the series cost 50 are in the process of selecting whatI need for it. That was what hap- -.w Soviet Russia." "Where is Civiliza- cents, and may be obtained fromI play is to lbe offered,. The organ-; perid at the Reformation. What ion Goiw,0" "Wither China?" Miss C~tlieais, oom112of heizati~ii has ofrd aplay eer Lthr aid was no telgclnov- "B a k A e i c , n a n t e s a r m n e l a V J.a y s, b ul d i n g . h ej "BakAeia'an ayohr.III anelagaesbilig year since 1907. Their list of of- ety. The perpetuity of the sect, : eialoafeuetlnrbtrt M oie n f iehotpp ferins includes Moliere, Rostrand, however, depends upon how muchI The Nation, the New Masses. Mod- lclirr in e and Beumnarchais. of the original doctrine or relig- .2.. in uatrl, nIohe 1gzi-uaniteitaes, il seakin N the desire of Professor Tala- +ious idea has been carried along.!,= 1 mnj Qu rel ,a d t e a ai. iUna it e nctaesaudillo p kiun,'J a tpor m n to iimpre ssthe people on the iThe death or decline 'of eligious - I u a be ucesvly a2.l eSciteadtor im. Jonua1 can )U i ittthese Programs arc not denominations depends upon ows liein'eariu as ee stviesivey ~u 3 ieviste oh cmpsforte aon f u s ents ttkigaFkingmchreigresexchincmouch ndep rrenl;, a sc alit .rd a acon- lectuireseries last y ar, andwill f alepreico , in uis. ls ocizalist., -ncq feran et cursecs. TeSri'1sfo l sn!Iaity of religion the scismatic ha -r- xt 1 s. fi cLi an ' .fl'O.expositionL oin L'EI)pit d(Idents and tOxvnpc5pOle who are in-;Icarried with him. If lie has not = 2 party is the subject of some dis- Votir. . oiz sa ai er eestedi in the various aspects of taken enough, it cannot exist," lie + tyIFrancee, comlinlg to this couiiti j Fr'en-ch i clture I con~luded.- A cubSsio in radical circles where itI shortly .after the recent wvr to ais----~.. .. -*-- -* --. .-* ( is r nu et hathis f an ne swas [- - --___._..,_-.-_ _ _...__.. ly of > Isi l obab ly t s rce f fr iin. s w Uisume a professorship at iHarvar'd.- Anproadmishsocheof 2cnts Po.JanErad f teruay - n ; A n a m si n c a g of 2 ce t ipa t B n , w l sp a inwill be mae ,e on "L'Ainerique d' Apres La Litter-! ,lpjjJ ~l i y T ~ ature Francaise." lie is teat iecs Seven of the 24 qusinuobloDh oreinnntet n isaefevfryatone npo rn g the In Meteunhlid;( .lprah i 41 13 ensuof eeoni.repargtetet tIetryFec lti~Headmaster of St. Paul's School- dl 930cenus ~'eecoomi. Te r-ture, and lie also assists with the plies will give the governmnent-, com-'I home owers, nuber ofcourse in romance philology. Wl 1, meonusa renters, farm wok- offer a talk "A Travers La France," I- worer,,neploY-I and Prof. Charles Knudson is to ST;A DR VS1HU C d th aueo h nutyadIspeak on .,La Vie Universitaie au a 1O A U uda 1t .... v heheronewors fr hni~lf. Moyen Age. Both are members of 1 i. aur Lv in1eWh~ . the Michigan faculty. Professor and will speak to Students in t U i i 1 ,t-I A break inte aa h rver Knudson recently spoke at thle IH ri al t63jP .' Iage to more than 20,000 acres of Modern Languages coniventioni at I farm land ~~~leveland o the medieval novel; _____ _________ ______ 1-D f rm la d - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A ETRVALUES EVERY DAY- ~ .1DLI LI(Coming to the 5 ra ge' Are offered at our BARGAIN WEEK _' _i IB OSA ELydia - ,u TONIGHTB OSA E_ ItPar k Plat Some Standard Works in Sets and otherwise at IMendOfl sso h N )w M ef2c 14, 1-3 and 1 -2 offK Lde Fre.'Fl GodBifC ssad Stationery at Great- LaieiFeead 2 Theatre Muicb teReduced Prices- 1=n a a, I UNIVERSITY m I W~'~ STREShakespearean 4i i ^ sd(JI IU IJ~KRepertoire ilra mIT. \\f e .!me. _-..-... "-._ ____ _________ -iqqqqqw e 5.qqp~ p~y q e S NA ! l IF~a. Rl.RlP.IRP . . P/s R1F l.FM Pl..r. . , ~ i, . I~ le .S U N D AY. ". Stdn hita-soitoConvocation EVENING D . MONDA jie qfflJANUARY 27 PRESIDENT OF THE PRESBY'TERIAN SEMINARY OF CHICAGO 2 MATINEE 1N= "TWELFTH. INVEIN "MreetingToday'sNProblems" "HAMLET" Sunday Evening, January 19 .:aloresno.e ing filled. 'he rnebes of the Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculi Women's Club will entertain their husbands at the next regular me ing, to be held on Monday evening, Jan. 20.. The meeting will be he: for this o casion in the Women's Field house, at 8:15. The Cosmopolitan C(auh: Members,. desiring t4,) go for tbe SCi6p 33icf Party on Friday, Januiary 2,1,, wcath r permitting', will please mal rf 5serv;ti115with the Social dit i rui. J'Ewe Chleong, au 1on cc. Mccl.i Mlichigan PaJiC;. Ub.WUIl;)wet l1? mxci y, Jars. 20, at 8:00 o'clock,i the Cave room of the Lcague ilmildb. M -rs. Louis C., KarpinLaki wi giv , a deniuatraf~-tnik 4l1.on lwr l?;.3of a i3.? ait th-is meeting. A 1ir. Atomdance is ird Battleship Serves as t('d in f iaflock and her poweri g oc:'astors connected to city po0w Power Plant for City :.,z,, after a drought had caused - (l~y Asudatc.d V.4..e;is production of hydro-elcc ,TA COMlllA, Wash., Jan. 17.-_.-The Utric power, finished its job ht aircraft carrier Lexington: was be~- ;Tiursd ay night. Rain and snoK ,t., re~~^ - A....4-, '.f.. i mil in"... . . . * "1 * tnrn 4-% rv~itI- } r R Ilg Q.on"Wr2 ""iVI(onI UAii i Arecently iy rori te urugiuji.- electric lines here today after harr-° ing served for 30 days as an emner- Necklaces made of beads in. tI gency power plant for the city of form of snaxdes biting their ow Tacoma-. tails, mace by prisoners in Albafli The big battleship, 'Which was are n~ow popular in London. ., a ay MERRILL, LYNCH & CO* members New York Stock Exchange Chicago Stock Exchange Cleveland Stock Exchange ]Detroit Stock Exchange New Y ork 'Curb Market Acc~ounts Carried on Conservative Margin 201 First,.Nat'I an Phone 4294 . r = a cccm w i The Now STATE CAF 302 South State Street Elmer M. Stofflet and Lane S. Lee SPECIAL STEAKS 0~c TO $1.25 ; -, Chinese Dishes it I