T H E lV 1C1IQA.f Ai X . ARD7 A1V..)l. . t VNIJFY , i ; i. i OPEN- COFREC SEASON TONIUNT U I I m m 1 11 11i-iilliilllo 11111111- - - - - , ,I. I - -iii I I LAST YEAR'S SCORING KINGS STILL PUT PLNCH IN BASKETBALL SEASON I I I s a .., ,, i 1 t F t i4 _r ATHLETIC EVENTS 'T ODAY. Wrestling. Ohio ,State at Columbus. Hockey. 'Wisconsin at Madison. Swimming. Mv. A. A, U. meet at Detroit. MND AY. Hockey. Minnesota at Minneapolis. Basketball. Indiana., here. Michgr n coach feels tat is men N S~lI/l ": " ff :x ::?±. 4{ ?"''" " ,V " . have a good. chance of repeatin< their success of last season against H66 the Bucks. - Fly Jay Vessels playing his last year with the olision with a rafter. Murphy is W ith one of the best balanced- Sports Editor Panthers scored 51ponsithsxfetixndtllgwn. tem(ntehsoyo rstig~ g rCe eu e Associated Pro:rs Ieui 7c Service). first three games of the winter pro- High mni i w ofrne at the University of Michigan, P - c A t_ r'estan"'in his own 2cpoinseinncsin Coach Keen entertained Ohio last j__ NEW YORK-It pl)obably will rp g P Tom Chu chill, Oklahomas great year and sent them home with a eTbe Hyatt, Churchill .=and Murphy ,ge evenin~g.alarudtheistpinot 17-1 defeat. In this meet the 1eIlt h al)against the meld for high scoring Second in ranking among this ithis cear to hlp the Sooners make Wolves took five of the eight MADISO1,NV IS.-University of i onors in their respective basket-i trio is "Stretch" Murphy, Purdue' s y matches, but accounted for butan, Wisconsin crew candidates resumed ibill conferences this winter. ;angling center, who has been out-! it three straight in the Big Six and fall, won by Parker who will per- training. Monday, after a lapse of This ,seems fairly certain since shooting the boys around the Big to keep intact a string of 31 con- form in the 168.pound ~weigt to- h,'e ekbtte ilb ie these aces who finished first in in-Ten for some time. Stretch led the seui-timh ihntecr night. dividual scoring last ya r hw conference with 145 points last OhioWon irst l~e~ a espie agin nxt wek, n ac ju rare shooting form in the early' season and was second high the cut Reports from Co rn~hs hbowcever=. counit of rmid-year examinations., season skirmishes. year before. Churchill, a forward, led the loopi predict that they Nwill turn the, ta.7 Wlen ithe. mnen go back to the "Chuck" Hyatt, the stocky Pitts-j Since Purdue does not play as I with 124 points last season and has bies this year, and- as idenc2c?:y rowing. maclines after examina- I burgh forward who topped the na-; many games as Pittsburgh, the yet to figure in a lsing game in proudly point to the whitewv sjing i os, thenre willbc, no relaxation of tion's players in 128-211 with the! Hoosier beanpole probably will 1 the conference. The Sooners swept which the Scarlet; mnd Gray: 7t remarkable total of 302 points, al-; yield to Hyatt in total points. through their. Bg Sx schedue me aet etrni elr rth ta ggid ni he acready is out in front., Stretch is conceding nothing to his without a defeat both last year and ther one and only mpatchi of~ the!pull dtheir:.shells. across the finishf The great little Pitt star who is conference competitors though, 1 the year before. year. Watters, a soaptlmore ; 38 jlime at. Poughkeepsie, late in June. f - - - pounder and Hall i4i the 148 poudI Coach Mike Murphy now has 150 division counted the. fajl.s, while the ca ndida tes int daily, drill on the rest of the team were able to stay= behind their opponnts for .advan- iachifle5 in the rowing loft of the tages ranging from!5:5 to 9:01. old gn.ainane. This top-heavy win,over a team jOne macn who was registered for wihusually puts ,out ' goodgru( work this week was especially wel- of grapplers stamps. the Buckeyes; comre as he may be the answer to j as dangerous opponents for any' Coach Murphy's quest for a ca-I team, and with. fpur- Michigan mren I Pable, fighting stroke. He is Joe' seeing Conference competition for{ Lucas, former frosh stroke, who the first time, the final score will was ineligible last spring, Lucas probably be close., is a grand competitor. His rowing At 11$ Pounds Aldiniger, who beat ifuture depends upon his ability to (Continued , an Page 7) 'I solve the Murphy technique. -------- -------- ------------- - .0 lIP11 ftIOvercoming a four point lead, !wihtefehaleeve P C M NO P S 11ed over the Varsity substitutes at, the end of the first half, the. regu-. BAOCER[S TON!GHT ~RyFse' eua ! ~a astbac all qite'swentlin. -earinglineup and scored enough i~x Lwrc*yincnIReady focir soii pit ogi a 20-15 decision, in a ii S('11 on of Serics fast scrimmage game yesterday. Madison.Trailing, 13-i2, with only a few Ci.minutes remaining to play,, *.the IVarsity cagers, staged a, scoring. Wiscusins hockey team will nlay spree that netted them three basl- host to Coach Eddie Lowrey's puck- kats and two fouls while holding seers in the second game of the ;.lie freshmen to one basket to cinch 'Air st. two-ply sceries of the Confer-I thevitr."[uc"Kntad Mneason his veiIP.0'1 te ill Orwig, both of them - securely, Mawhichrik.ottled uxp in the eairly part of ti, e rp~samnw un enswhc took the second half, came to in the last few ice last night will draw the open- minutes to cage field goals that put ing assignments, reports from the 1 h-e battle 'on ice. Kanitz ;scored IBadger citadel indicate. Langen will two easy "dog" shots in close sue- go to the center post, Joseph and ;cession, While Orwig followed with a INygord to the wings, Bryant and; basket from the sidelines at' a dlis- 1Hart to the defense posts, andt tancc of about one quarter ol the, Tompkins to the goalie position for court. the Wolverines. Coach Veenker's regulars showed Coach Johnny Farquhar will sendI a decided need for more practice, Captain Meiklejohn to the center in caging free throws, only sinking: position for the Badgers, Segal and four of the 14 charity tosses awar~d-' Kruger to the wings, Thompson and ed them. In the first half. "Doc" Moteliff to the defense position, and Lovell sunk one, while in the sec- Frisch to the goalie post. ond period Hank Weiss accounted Both teams have displayed a for two and Joe Truskowskl for.-one. smooth working attack and ability The first half of yesterday's scrim- to combine team play with 011t- mage session was a rough and turn- standing individual performance., ble comedy of errors that saw the Langen and Joseph are the main freshman team outplay ever~y one cogs in the. Michigan scoring ma-I of the Varsity members but Lovell: chine while the speedy Kruger and1 Daniels and Hudson were at the~ shathoe r Segal are the leaders forwards for the 'first team, Gar- ofteCardinal cause. (Continued on Page 7) OUR RENTAL DEPARTMENT is for your conveie~nce# Now is the time to have a suit rescrve(I for ths j-Hop, assuring yourself a per. feet..fit.