SATURDAY, JMI VAi Y 18, '1930 THE MICIII. A - A"IL 8 PAGE FIVE SATUDAY JAI((JRY ~, 90 TE MIHIGN~DILY AGEFIV .. ..e.. ,14-1 *w qw lgvp ,7r LTA It *41 TO {RAFT DISCUSSES FIRST DEANS HONORED IN NAMING PCT DR. HYSU II. ING '20M G ''HP II OE IN MSC DORMITORY MOSHER-JORDAN HALL Ufld P IL TWO PIECES OF CHIN? ' "ost of the talented pipil1s I've ___ -- -- FP R EI O ft Two unusual pieces of Chinese' beeuwme,"stte E Constructed in Two; first women to take the course VLUI.dI J' embroidery were rto'endy prce11Ld 121 wad Arthur Kraft, organist and j__i__prtottheLdaguexDPiuplinkby sr.e. N. G fchormaster of the Trinity Cat he- UitZo.,edUde heatic ostin, P.s o r epight'____ dratears.ebecominganinn18rviewesclnt Members of Cast and Choruses 13.Ting '20M in be halfo kher co~n a- LwOM[N Ing ihu i s el ed nsay ater- -- phyNsecpioeera nd rofeoss for eysiot Will be Notified patriots who have graduated from "g --- oni ilAdtru.Irecognition o h ine ogy at Vassar College. Ttsheken University and wno are now c ti i W. A. A. Gives Second Skiing "Women, as a rle, make very ;work done by the first two deans * First. Doan of Women.T stationed in China. Dr. Tint, 1 r- 'have and, Tobogganing Party capable ,organists," hie continued, !of women at the University ofI In 1590 she came to Michigan as' VANT SC ARAN self has just returned from tlic~fran inAboeum and organ ought to provide al Michigan, Dr. Eliza Msher and firt dean of women of the college TU LIICAR A to do research work !in p datrc. inAbrtm wonderful field for them. But for{jMrs. Myra B. Jordan, the new wo- (then the department of Literature,! The enbrodtry ovc 100 yaine some reason, the churches do not men's dormitory now under con- Science, and Arts), professor of hy'- Announcement of the cast and ollnufte acudn st ELLSWORTH ,IS MANAGER want women organists. I suppose'struction on Observatory street. has giene, and superintendent of phy- choruses of the Junior Girls' Play was originally worn as part of an Leag _ ~they feel that if something goes been named Mosher-Jordan Hall. sical education for women. Dr. will be made the first part of next- InCase of Unsuitable Weather wrong, they can scold a man for it. ;Wishinxg to express the appreciationj Mosher remained at the University vel, according to Ruth Vnul InAnd then too, lhe added, "probably of the University for the services, for six years resigning in 1902 to Group Will Skate the girls have too niny dates to of these women the Regents have practice medicine in Brookyn, N. '31, assistant chairman of the playA at Collseum. Iget to the Sunday services" {named the first University-built !y.,where she died in 1928 at the and in charge of the tryouts. Thow" hn h ra nmto i-ionioy o ht.aeo 1 h aebe ie lc sinte ~An I p ra t A at tureiseusesI think thgninotion pic-tdrmitrynfralth ie . Dr.osherwo hveturnegien laositthellporail 'Unless there is some unexpected tr ossi hn fteps eta Ofc.D.Mse eundt't n-production will be notified bytel and will never be resurrected," Mr. The building s constructed ini versity before the construction ofphntisweed.Cc r aqc door party scheduled for this after- lotte Lockwood Mathewson as one ministration office and a single begun, to turn the first 'spade of Women who have tried out bte Co c rnnI noon will be a skiing and toboggan-'i ofthe most outstanding organists Ikitc~en. The north unit of the dor- earth. She commented at that time !who have not made the cast or gi hcuty ntr ilb nw sEiauo ecagsi hrssaermne htteei -ngparty, similar to the one held i h ilb nw sEiauo h hne nopprunities chrssae eiddthtteei "I have always admired Palmer Mosher Hall, the south unit as My- for women at Michigan in compari-I a great deal of committee work to last week by the Women's AthleticI Christian a great deal," he re- a B. Jordan Hall and the entire io t hoeofeedwenseea done. Chairmen of the various ° association. All women on the cam- marked, "and Ann Arbor is very building for business purposes will'asuet n fteUiest committees will be glad of the help 7 pus are included in the invitation ;fortunate in having an organist of combine the two names as Mosher- loan .funds has been 1namled in her of all who are interested in the suebyDrtyEwoh'3 hicabe. leasopiedheJdnHl.hnradecheradsm yw-;okinoncinwthher-f oudo aaeadne o eFrieze Memorial organ in Hill Audi- Dr. Eliza Mosher graduated from men to complete their work here. duction. Costume, make-up, prope- !r. i eprskirinodrtatedtetorium, calling it one of the "mas- the University of Michigan in 1875 Served for 20 Years. ties, and ushers committees are still I Zr-A The group wil meet at 2o'clock - dan took up the work at the close( The play is in charge of Helen ,< at the Field house and from there W.A A. ORIGINALLYE of Dean Moser's administration. Jones, '31, who is general chairman 71will proceed to the Arboretum A, jRIGINALLY~L ~ h served for 2.0 years, leaving the' The other committees are headed wheeaslas weks rou dsev- OF LEAGUE; ORGANIZED IN 1905 University in 1922 for several years' by Marjorie McClung, 31, msc fordlthereae ls of allizesth her position and is working with leen Clifford, 31, properties; Hero foi'Cllderees fhskil.erfer thhe- adisrs f wme i 'adngrmoine Soukup,'31, mae-u; Ma' sports are over, the party will re- , I Cdaiicingitennis, -swimmling golf, the wvome o o m zten >in aSeiin 't apoo, 1 cstme; turn to the Field house for refresh- The Women's Athletic Associa- riding and rifle. Iw omacie n ote UniveritttyoShe grt apgd, '31, rostums; Rae meis hc1wl etkncr f!tiz a onela.committee o IW. A .ha ntrcueI wsmav nfrin ay~braRe, 3,porm;Jn beyts, i hwiltaere o io a fie yo A.Ana utou~ y of Ithe wmns rgallWritiQU.5 ol the Yearnd, '31, finance; Margaret Ea- byJneMichael, '31. the Womens Leag u, organized in 'the traditions now on campus. campus, in securing buildings and man, 31, ushers, and Helen Domin,vs As every one does not own skiis,( 1890. Three years later the present ILmtr~Ngt n fteot facilities for women's sorts, and '31, publicity. iasbeneospecallyexusttati name was acdopted, but not until standing events of the year, the 1ha worked with the Barbour schol- ""w3; any5 oid twhoohas anatextraepant as' tams for the first eight years they A cietrlSceyt ' bring' them. However it is not nec- 195ddtleo uztoiexs soie activity which includes every weeA cietuatoit essary for every one to have skuis a separate body. 'l'ie Committee wouian on the campus, was begun I Univte iv M mersity. ancd the invitation is open to th~onoi Student Affairti assured W. A. A.i in 1911 ; to represent the passing of c. ntae Fv e br .h aenoea el sttoeapermanent place in studenit ac- the' classes. The first indoor t h-MetnsC n iue Alpha Alpha Gammna, honorar~y who have. tivities on the campus by formally litic meet was held in Barbour Week's League Events'sorority, open to students of archi-Io In case the weather does chxange. I LsunI 10,an ic tetcturne, decorative design, and land- the party will meet at the same accepting its constitution. in 1917. r ynsu n103 n ic hn tieap lcbtwlgotth Th i'to'aidsoratar this annual meset has been consu-, Social activities at the League sape design announce the inti- timeandplae, ut illgo o te Te fr tortatl~edspot a Ba- 'ed one ofth most Important! building have not been particularly, tioni of new members. Mrs. R. T Coliseum to skate, instead of the bour Oymnasiuni was basket-ball, events of the year. Bttingr was madec an honorary i Arboretum. Ini such a case, womeni It was carried on by means of a The history of the association isI heavy this past week rior do they member. Others initiated were: ; jare rems id e tbrinotherathlet committee on which' each class one of steady growth. Among the prmie obeveyheaivy next week Nloride andberg, '3;Agusa koupns ith hem inorde togetteam was represented. It was felt; first women assoiated with it was -dlue to coming final exminations. ;Schafer, '31; Virginia Hanlon, '311 "°the special rates that are given to that other sports, were also needed Myra Beach Jordan, '90, one of the! There will be, however, heusa Ruth Van Tuyl, '31, and. Shimrly° tuet.Ithrisandobaswhich should be organized and I present Advisers of Women. Mrs. ; . ~ Barbe, 31. to what the party will do, it can codce:y9eai'ly nodrJordan contributed much to the amount of reguar club etngs. j --- --- - ytmtcly nodr be cleared by calling Dorothy Els- to have a unity among these, for !extension of W. A. A. as well as to Pan-Hellenic and Theta Sigma Phi, NOI' Mortar Board, Wyvern, the Wom- national journalistic sorority, will Nh OarTo IEctroh ton wapseoriginAlfred. Theci e's League and to other societies'TeBadoDictroftRS oxwsoignlyomd. hen both~ hold meetings next Tuesday. Women's League will meet at 10 MR .BLACKMORE business was conducted by an i on the campus. The present dire-'g SPEA S A ME T eecutve ommtte of ffiers j ot;of physical education for The Political Science group and the o'clock this morning in the class representatives and reresen- w01men7, Dr. Margaret Bell, camxe to World Knowledge committee both' 1oard room of the League build- We ar itroducing a new line OFFL IG;L tatives from each -sport. The first Michigan in, t23 anid since thmen will hold their regular ti on-' 11ciiy anfatre frus Te ______ ~officers numbered only seven. Such has been lending her enthusiasm next Wednesday. i iigaM7 ~ vle htw aesardornn "Women learn to drive cars and quaint practices as sending out in- {'anditrs oteavneen1fMs1yaB odnI isRt eesn ad s planes with more facility than men vitations to basket-ball games withi the organization. The growth of private luncheon today. Tonight{ Elalina K. Soutliwortl, experts of A the lin a perrnancn addition to our s under the same circumstances," the charge of 10 cents per invita-! W. A. A. as an influential factor Sigma Kappa is giving a dinnerI the United States Tariff Commis- I- we guarantee u iconditionaly. Thy, stated Mrs. Orra Heald Blackmxore, ion, and excluding men from wit-'ion the campus hus culminated in dance in one of the private dining son, were recently admitted to tlh~ weight and of course full fashioned. of Detroit, in an informal talk given ' nessing games-prevailed at this~ the addition of the latest unit to rooms. The Oriental girls are hold-'floor of the Senate while that hose always at the height of fashon. *Wednesday night before the men- peiod.maThegrwhoteogn- the athletic plant of the University, rng initiation tomorrow night in body was in session. They are thexI bers of the Women's Aeronautical ainmy beJudged by the fact the Women's field house, opened in the Garden Room which is reserved first women to ever be accorded V $1.74 a p association of the University os that now the executive board mem- 11928 seilyfrterecuieue hspiiee Mihgn hi ru s o e ership includes 20 girls, with rep---- ---- _- _-_.- -_ _._. ._ 2-p__ir_$3 ing formed and is to be a unit of resentatives front the following't the national organization of which sports: hockey, basket-ball, base-3par$ Mrs. Blackmore is National Presi- ball, archery, fenceing, bowling, ^ She stated that this was true b- 1Oberlin College Deans - Vn lo caue wmenhave more leisurei z-- -"_ .v tie o etinpractice flying hours( Visit University Todayyal thant-he average man. Mrs. Black- u -h more believes that the psychology Dean Klingenhagen, Dean of Wo- of mobl women's success in aviation is meadDenNs, o heCncr due to the fact that they arc fear - vatory of Music, both from Oberlin less. At the present time there arc College arrived last night to visit 120 licensed women pilots in the the ,University. They will spend the United States. clday seeing the League building,Pal-Ul. T e n x me t n of tr Mi h - m r F ed H u e an tak n wihga unit will be hcltd Thursday M argaret Bush, '30. 'night, Jan, 30. in thoc Leaguei build- Mrs. Myra B. Jordan, adviser of ing. Mrs. Blacknore expressed women, entertained their, and . gratification at the interest of the other advisers of women, and then unit and with their future program Physical Education faculty atI I' saying, "The more you carry the,!'lunchon today at the League build- V X 1 f . fri 1~ h~ 'I~ ~[~ society along the educational inoesi ing."I II\ I\-' A EJ I fU I~ IiiIIL which you are planning, the more t9 AD IVES LEAGUE ESE EMBR~OIDERY mril roue vworn at religious rune s. F6Li a. been relin--d made into ahlarge piano cover table col:er. Because of their beautiful coloring, and ex- to workmanship the two pieces been placed under glass and ted. They miay be seen hung ither side of the main stairs above the first landing in the uc Building.. nouncernent Hiosiery!4 0 0 of Hosiery tht have bee are so good' and such fine to on thew 'and. have made tock. 'this-excptional tese, 0 are in Chiffon and Service 1I You, will find these fine silk y lair x39 WO . . ., respect you will command." It o " / ''LIp?.-L ® t \'A w~ . I Suzanne Lenglen, French tennis .X star, is d 'signing dresses especially' suitable for sports wear for a well-yV known dressmaking establishment . in Paris. - au d yWe choose this method of making : drastic clean sweep of our S R N Fo aud yracks of Coats and Dresses. Th evry instance the prices have been re- - NEWFS RA[ _ Afternoon Tea duced before and now climaxed by this low price reduction you can have 1L! a new coat or dress at a ridiculously ,low pric. Signs of Saring heflirs'at froc 'A saving chance so great as this will crtainly draw a great 1 arrived Our buyer hve tirournd fr Music Three .1 January - responseSo come eary. of exqusite niew (crations, They hol( until Four Clearance j of Spring Lies ar cleeryfni Beautiful High Gradie No Charges No App'rovaU1l All Sales Final are bubbling ovr with enthusiasm or now at most -ttractiv c esru a'.inandhe I V FROCKS cks of the new sej on have'. o~m New York with hundreds9 1 every V'rotuise of a delight. aring' with all. the fresthnessa nine and oh so lovely. We a these new dresse~s. Presented new light shades for Spring._ H6.75'