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October 05, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-05

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VOL. XL, No. 6



5, 1929



- t
Spartan Battle Brings
Puoils of Rockne,
Yost Together

A. A. Milne's Sketch
Slated On Program SHEPR
By Play Production' ORATORICAL
Inaugurating the 1929-30 Play
Production program Valentine B.
Windt, director of the organiza-
tion's activities, yesterday an- SPEAKING ON


Given Full Presidential Powers

Unanimous Vote
Cast By Regents
For Local Man

nounced the first vehicle for his
group of student actors. A. A.
Milne's "The Truth About Blayds"
will be presented for four nightsj
commencing Wednesday night Oct.
16, in the Medelssohn theater.
Advance seat sale for the pro-
duction will start next Monday and
will be conducted through the Play
Production business office in Uni-
versity Hall. All seats in the thea-
tre will be 75 cents.
Play Production each year of-

s s s s aa r

Lecturer Will Discuss
Crime Existing At
Anspacher And Beebe
Will Deliver Next

Veteran Backfield
Face Wolverines



Gridiron t i- °_ a resses - 4
fers presentations for the general
public and for a select group of
By Edward L. Warner. patrons. General shows will be "Crime Is Paying Too Well" will
The new coaches at the helms of ,given in the Mendelssohn theater be the title of the first lecture of
their respective teams for the first throughout theyear and the parts the 1929-30 Oratorical association
in the cast will be taken by the
year will pit their grid forces more experienced members of the series, to be given October 23 by
against each other when Harry department. A general ticket sale William Sheperd in Hill Auditor-
Kipke's Michigan squad encounters will be held for each of these and lum. All readers of Collier's maga-1
Jira Crowley's Michigan Staste the audience will be limited only zine are familiar with the work of
eleven in their annual .game at I by the size of the Mendelssohn Mr. Sheperd as a star writer on the
2:30 o'clock this afternoon in the theater seating capacity. sjeper as a r iton
________________subjects of crime and prohibition,
Michigan stadium. in which two phases of American
Although possessing a flashy of- life he has been interested for
tense, developed along the lines of many years. His talk will present
the Notre Dame system, the Spara- a true picture of crime conditions
tans have shown to be lacking in as they exist today and the picture,!
an adequate defense in scrimmage though startling, will be accurate.
sessions this week. The State fresh- - Mr. Sheperd is one of the lead-
men, using Michigan plays had; ing figures in the world of journal-
comparatively little trouble in ad ism,having been a star correspond-
vancing the ball against Crowley's __ent who has been assigned the
Varsity. First Weekly Program greatest events in the world news.
Only one new man will appear in i Before the war, he was in and out:
the State lineup, all the other play- To Be Presented of Mexico; during the war and aft- Alexander Grant Ruthven
ers having had at least one yearTomorrow erwards, Europe was his field. He Who was chosen this afternoon to succeed Dr. Clarence Cook Little
of experience. Haun at end will be has traveled with almost every as president of the University. President Ruthven has been serving
the only sophomore to start. Nev-! Radio Night programs will be army, presenting every side of the Michigan since 1906 when he became a member of the faculty of the
ertheless Coach Crowley has been broadcast weekly throughout the situations in which he found him- zoology department. He was chosen at the suggestion of Dr. Little to
having his difficulties in moulding 1929-30 school year at the Univer- tself, and during the revolutionary fill the position as' Dean of Administration, a comparatively recent
together a forward wall that will upheavals in Russia his sound keen- creation which amounts practically to avice-presidency. He has been
repel the opposing backs. sity, it was announced late yester- visioned articles were sensations. creton whih m u mi o a ver esidecy. H
On attack the Spartans have a day by Prof. Waldo Abbot, of the Next on the program of the new director of University museums for several years.
set of fast ball carriers who are Rhetoric department, who is in Oratorical series comes Louis K.
well adapted to use the open sys- 'charge of the programs and is an- Anspacher, a distinguished dra-
tem of play introudeed by Crowley. nouncer for the broadcast. This is matist and orator who is known as
This group ran wild against Alma the third year that the series of "a torch in the minds of an audi-r
last week, scoring nine touchdowns programs will be held. ence." In his lecture, "The Trend'
to smother the opposition under Beginning October 6, the pro- of Modern American Drama," Mr.:
a 59-6 score. grains will be broadcast, through Anspacher points out that those
Roger Grove, an excellent punter the courtesy of Station WJR, De-- who believe the theatre has fallen
and open field runner, will call troit, between 7 and 8 o'clock each upon degenerate days are sufferingP
the signals. Verne Dikesn and Saturday evening until the end of _from an illusion, and he shows that__c__ld and Family'
Carl Nordberg, both fleet men, will April, Professor Abbot stated. A the modern theatre is aMeveryare-am l r. Jan MetZelaar Dies
take care of tne halfback positions, policy similar to that of the past spect fulfilling the Shakespearean Asked To Extend
wrhile Fred Danziger, a consistent two years will be maintained. maxim of "holding up the mirror" Visit Here When Fishmg Boat
ground gainer through the line, will The first program, tomorrow to modern life. November 14 is the Is Capsized
be at fullback. Dickeson and Dan- night, will consist of talks by Field- date set for this second lecture. iy Asociatei ir
tiger are cocaptains of the State ing H. Yost, director of interschol- Following Mr. Anspacher will WASHINGTON, D. C.,-President! Dr. Jan Metzelaar, a member of
teams. astic athletics, Wilbur Humphreys, come William Beebe who will de- Hoover greeted Prime Minister the staff of the University Museum,
assistant dean of the College of liver a lecture entitled "Beneath MacDonald warmly with a hand-t
Many of his former pupils will be Literature, Science and the Arts, Tropic Seas" illustrated with un- clasp at the White House late today was drowned late yesterday morn-
. the Spartan line-up today, when and W. D. Henderson, director of derwater motion pictures, on No- in their first meeting. ing while fishing in Grand Lake,

New President Selected By Board Of Regents
Following Short Private Session Held
Yesterday Afternoon
Dr. A\lexan der Griant Runthven was unan imiouslyv chosen seventh
resident of the Lniversity b ythe board of Regents at its regular
meeting yesterday afternoon. President Ruthven since September 21
has been directing the University's policies as acting president.
Regent Victor \ . Gore presided at the meeting. The report of the
comnittee on the selection of a president was presented and discussed.
Following the vote, Dr. Ruthven was summoned from his offices and
after receiving the congratulations of the Regents resumed the meet-
ing as chairman.
Dr. Ruthven, who has been associated with the University for 23
years, was horn April 1, 1882, at Hull, Iowa. Following his under-
dergraduate work at Nforningside college, from which he was grad-
uated in 1903 with an '.\.B., he entered the Graduate school of the
Ulniversity of Michigan. He was granted a Ph.D. by Michigan in qo6.
Immediately he began his duties as instructor in zoology and
curator of the Museum of Zoology, remaining in these positions until
1 o. lit that time, 17r. Ruthven capacity, he had taken over, many
was made professor of zoology and of the administrative functions of
director of the Museum of Zoology, I the President's and Secretary's of-
later he became head of the De- flees, his position having been made
partment of Zoology. In the mean- to serve as an adjunct and cbrre-
time, he had married Florence lating factor of the work of these
Hagle of Ann Arbor, and is the fa- officers. With their acceptance of
ther of three children-Katherine President Little's resignation last
Lenora who was graduated.: from spring, containing its leave of ab-
t-he University last June, Alexander sence clause taking effect June 2,1,
Peter, a junior, and Bryant Walker I the Regents designated Dr. Ruth-
Ruthven . i ven, as Dean of Administration, to
.During his tenure as director of carry on the work of the Presi-
the Museum, he has conducted dent's office during the summer.
various expeditions to several parts President Little's resignation hav-
of the New World, including one ing gone into effect September 1,
in south Vera Cruz, Mexico, and the Regents held a special meeting
others in British Guiana, and the September 21 for the purpose of
naming Dean Ruthven acting-Pres-
NEW PRESIDENT'S ident of the University.
FIRST STATEMENT At the time of his selection as
"In accepting the position ofI Michigan's new president, there-
President of the University of fore, Dr. Ruthven was professor and
Michigan, I have not been head of the Department of Zoology,
guided by a feeling that I am director of the University Museums,
pre-eminently qualified for the I and also Dean of Administration
task, but rather by the feeling and acting President.
that long familiarity with the The new President is a fellow of
problems of the University the A. A. A. S., the American
should equip me to some extent Academy of Arts and Sciences, a
to assist in their solution. member of the Society of American
"While some adjustments are Zoologists, the American Society of
obviously desirable, it is not to Naturalists, the Michigan Academy
be expected that these will be of Sciences, of which he was presi-
made without due regard to all dent in 1913-1915, and the Associa-
possible consequences. An in- tion of American Geographers. He
stitution as large as this one is also a member of Alpha Gamma
cannot be changed in important ,and Sigma Xi.
ways over night. Modifications President Ruthven's chief scien-
in policy and methods in any tific nterest has been the study of
part of the organization should reptiles. He also has an interest
be made with a full knowledge of in paintings and etchings, and is
the reation othe severkaldg p s devoted to the collection of various
"It is my earnest wish that the art objects and books.
faculty, students, alumni and I
friends of the University will iRegents Accept Gift
continue the splendid support! Of "0,0 For Use
which they have given to the in- $
stitution in the past and that By School Of Music
they will be patient with the ad-
:ministration while attempts are Chief among the business con-
made to solve the problems that i ducted by the Board of Regents
present themselves." after they had settled the matter
of a president for the University,


Hn arry Kipke sends his Michiganithe University extension division, vember 21. Mr. Beebe is Director The British Premier here in the Presque County, Michigan, when
agk eafootba tcch gridiro 'Itand selections by the University! of Tropical Reasearch of the New avowed hope of being able to do the heavily loaded boat in which he
Ling wast footall coah atrEdt band. York Zoological Society and is something to narrow the Atlanticn
Lansing last fall, but he returned 'nw sAeiasfrms a-wsecre ogettePeiFand his companion, G. McGrinn-
to his alma mater as head coach Coach Yost will speak to the known as America's foremost nat- was ecorted to greet the Presn,'
this year, succeeding Tad Wiemian. young men of the state on the uralist. dent in the blue room by Captain Amon 25, also of Ann Arbor, cap-
theme that the ideals shows in!On December 5th, lovers of the Alan Buchanan, naval aide to Mr. sized about half a mile from shore.
One of Kipke's proteges, Grove, Boy Scout work make far the best ! theatre will welcome E. H. Sothern Hoover. The leaders of the two Dr. Metzelaar sank immediately,'
who received instruction last year men on the University football whose talk will concern "Great English speaking nations ex- but McCrinnmon held on to the1
from the greatest punter Michigan team. Dean Humphreps will talk Actors and Actresses." Part of this changed salutations, and then pro- capsized boat for more than three
ever produced, is likely to cause concerning the place education has lecture will deal with the manner in1 ceeded to the green room. hours before he was noticed by per-
plenty of trouble for the Wolverines in the advancement of the state, which he prepared his roles before With them was Sir Esme Howard, sons on the shore and rescued. The
with his kicking. Grove will prob- Director Henderson will tell how I acting them with Julia Marlowe the British ambassador, who had: deceased was on one of his numer-
y the University aids the people of with whom he played Shakespear- accompanied Mr. MacDonald from ous field trips about the state in
Wheeler, who are Itipke's mainstays the state through the extension di- Ecan works for twenty years. the British Embassy. search of conservation data, a work
in that department this year. ision .A famous Washington COr O- They joined Miss Ishbel Mac- which shas taken his entire life-l
The Spartans have a forward The band, under the directionof spondent, William Hard, will ap- Donald and Lady Isabella Howard, time.
gall that will equal the Michigan Nicholas Falcone, will be held in pear January 15. Mr. Hard's lc- who has been escorted to the green Until late last night the body had
line in weight, but not in experi- Morris hall. Because of the large ture will deal with "Current ,Na- room by Colonel Campbell Hodges, not been recovered.
ence. Ridler, a tackle, outweigh membership of the band, visitors tional Problems" a subject with the President's military aide. Jan Metzelaar was born in Am-
any of the Maize and Blue linemen,'will not be permitted - which this noted author and radio Thereupon the group proceeded sterdam, Holland, in 1893, and at-"
tipping the scales at 210 pounds. speaker is most familiar. For many to the red room where Mrs. Hooverrtlndedtereparataryehe t i oei hherea y o-e
virtually the same line that started The radio programs wil behed ears he has been the foremost awaited to receive them all, twene ad praraor schol ther be- I
against against Albion will take the through Christmas vacation, the Washington correspondent and his A short period of chatting was plemented by twoi years' work at
the spring keen writings have appeared in The followed by the departure of 'the the Wageningen Agricultural Col-
recess todaybttanoucalthoughWok eviwHaydenaennge wriulurl ol
replace Poorman at left tackle. s, Prof. Abbott announce Nation, World's Work, Review of British Prime Minister and his lege and in 1912 he entered the
pacormhan wilef tcklrne. IThere will be no program Decem- Reviews and several other of party for the British Embassy, Univerdin 12 Aeterd the
Another shakep will occur in the';pUavri fAsedm fo
Wolverine backfield, with Dahhem ber 28, however, as it will interre America's leading magazines. escorted to their automobile by mil- which institution he was graduated
slated to start in place of Wheeler with the broadcasting of the sner- Carveth Wells is sixth in the pro- itary and naval aides. in 1915. Four years later, he re-
right half. The diminutive half- sectional football game at Los An- appearoram, appearing February 27 to tell During the 12 minutes in which i 1 e For ater, henre
at rih alfgramdiinutneuhaf- ceived the Doctorate in Science,,
back has shown well in practice and about his experiences "In Coldest President and Mrs. Hoover con- equivalent to the American PhD.
-_Africa." Mr. Wells is a humorist versed with the Prime Minister and'
PrdosasbaleLrieps:. and a scientist and while his facts his daughter, Ishbel, Mr. Hoover Between 1917 and 1923, he was
Probable Lineups: Ourther Man ! are accurate he has the knack of formally invited Mr. MacDonald to ! employed by the Dutch government1
Michigan Michigan State making them seem utterly absurd. spend several days at the White as as head of the nation's fisheries.
Truskowski ....LT...........Dill, . March 11 is the date set for Phi- House. In 1923 he came, with his wife and ,
. . - delah Rice whose work as a The Prime Minister told the family, to Michigan where he has
Havden . ..... .G...,,...... Steb i -- ----- -- t. . been emnloved ever since in the de-

Central American countries. His!
last work was done in Columbia.
Since 1923 his exploring activities
have been confined to North Amer-
ica. The results of these researches,.
chiefly in zoogeography, havebeen,
set forth in more than 125 books
and pamphlets or special magazine
articles, appearing both under his
own name and with the collabora-
tion of others.
Professor R u t h v e n 's first en-j
trance into the University's admin-
istrative affairs, exclusive of hisI
duties as head of the DepartmentI
of Zoology, began several years ago1
with his selection by President
Burton as a member of the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs, which
position Dr. Ruthven has held
since. Two years ago, when theI
decision was made to consolidate
the various museums of natural
hitorv into one unit and to house

was the acceptance of an endow-
ment of $100,000 left by Charles H.
!Ditson, deceased New York music
publisher, to the University School
of Music. As stipulated in the will,
the fund is to be known as the Oli-
ver Ditson Endowment and the pro-
ceeds are to be used "in the crea-
tion of a chair, or chairs of music,
for music scholarships, and for
public performances of musical
numbers written by students in the
School of Music."
Mi:t Beatrice Johnson, advisor
of women was granted a leave of
absence from the University for
the academic year 1929-30. Dean
Emeritus Myra Jordon was recalled
to help with the work of directing
women's activities" as far as her
health will permit."
In appreciation of the work of
Benjamin S. Hanchett while that
gentleman sat as a member of the

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