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January 18, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-18

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-... ,,,

SEnateof l lsmmitteeSanctions Formation Freshman Debater Kidnapped From Room;
of H itlel Players Dramatic Organization Is Released After Being Held in Ypsilanti
Another student dramatic organ- elMU IINADri Evidence is being sought to de- wanted to tie me to the bed, but
ization, The Hillel Players, is now As an indication of their inten- l'(Itermine why Benjamin Tudek gave them my word of honor that
NO V C ES C V~l in existence on the Michigan cam-!bnsT he m Hillel Players lhave TTO A lS,' 0 E.waledsday hiseven ing otIol o r oecp. t1
- pus after receiving official sanction chosen as their first vehicle "Ca-' eT[TAIL house Wednesday evening about yno eiSenaeoitteign Stu-tons, the eaydra '2 E.,iwao lurbd from his roomig i wo ud not sretosae" t1i
ifiheSenate Committee on Stu- pnaci"atreatdaab i o'clock by three unidentified Y clock Tudek was returned to his
dent Affairs at its meeting last ,Goodrich and RosePalmer. and taken to Ypsilanti in home by the same men who had
Specially 'Manufactured Leather Wednesday. This group, the fourth This show has never before been Will Investigate Systems Used an old roadster, where he was lock- visited him at his rooming house
BridgeSets to be Given o s kind atvte niversity, a attempted by amateurs and has by Other Schools With in a'room a tehuro el arler in the evening.
rdge also received recognition of the lac- onybeYlae yWltrFap At 10 oclock Tudek was released Tdksi hth ol o
to Guests'Only, ulty dramatics committee which den for whm it was written sev- Same Problems. from his confinement and returned idet i th e cau of the
approved its creation and its eraHdyearsago.Hampden, until to Ann Arbor in the same car that darknes of the night. They kept
OVER 550 TICKETS SOLDjt choice of Prof. Osca J. Camb jtrecently,gplayed "Caponsaec- APPOINT SIX STUDENTS tad taken him from home earlier ahicoats pulled about their faces
of the English department asad- chi" in New York and Philadelphia. in the evening.
viser. In the office of Prof. Robert ' ad
Booths Arrangements for Non- Unusual success of a presenta- The group have already re- Houster, Crane, Merry, Scherer, Brackett yesterday afternoon Tudek The idnapping has not yet been
tion of "The Pigeon," b as ceived permission of the authorsreotdothpli.Tukwa
fraternity Men Will be tg byGals-Ind a well balanced cast, selected Todd and Farrell Are said the men gave the impression rcheoled to thke poli Tudek was
Nworthy, a short time ago prompted by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson of the Members. they had been sent by a professor at the Union Wednesday ebe
f Made Next WeekIa group of students affiliated with Engineering college, is beginning who wished to see him in regard btthenio Wesdy evening
the Hillel foundation to band to- rehearsals this week. In givinghis to some work. Tudek believed thebr
Final choice of single favors for gether and form the organization eriss thse g Details of the plan whereby a de- story, and did not even become sus No reason can be found, however,
the 1931 J-Hop consisting of leather and petition the University for prmission Goric intuse of the playI ferred rushing system will be im- icious after being told that the wmye should have been kdnappe
bridge sets was announced last recognition as an independnt might possibly be in Ann Arbor to posed on University fraternities ?rofessor lived half way to Yps- me grelaytpot e Te
night by Henry W. Schmidt, '31, campus organization with the e witness the opening performance will not be completed for several lanai. Upon nearin g Ypsilanti the said he had no enemies.
chairman of the sub-committee on p ose of producing unusua which will occur next semester. weeks, it was announced last night Silent. _d_
favors for the affair. Selection of This group is unique in the fact by William Farrell, '30, president of At Ypsilanti the trio took their
single favors, which is a new policy.,that its plays will be done entirely the interfraternity council and a 3aptive to a restaurant where he O I 1I N I
Was made "due to lack of funds by students who will build scenery, I E T. member of the committee appoint-i was given dinner. Later he was
for 'u to .4ack of u work props, and make-up the ac~I Led to work out a detailed plan for ,onfined to a room in the Huron
necessary for the purchase or dou' tors, as well as acting the show it--the adoption of the system. . otel, but made no attempt to es-
ble favors of any commendable na- .--- 1ADI 1BI M I nvewstigationi Planned. __a~pC because as he termed it, "Thcy D ER B' C GS
ture," said Schmidt, "hence the i Complete investigation will be -_----
committee decided to limit the ex- Wi ID Next -made of deferred rushing systems WlFverine tB' Team Loses Hard
pediture to a more expensive favor ~ TLU II UL JII Will Discuss Program of Next in force at the Uiversity of Mh, N A9 L L Wv GLeAferLedig
Aurxisssrng re. nesota,University of Pittsburgh, Fought Game After Leading
for the guests only." I[EngineeringConference Dartmouth college, and other for Three Periods.
Three--Nourths of Tickets Sold. to be Held Here. schools before any scheme is for-
Nearly three-fourths of the tick- IUCmulate d for applying deferredT JAYVEES IMPROVE FORM
ets for the J-Hop are already sold, i ISAMINGER WILL SPEAK rushing rules at the University,
Fred M. Mitchell, '31 B.Ad., treas- Delegates Gather for Discussion Farrell said. -o se
urer of the committee, stated last Personnel of the conmittee, made Secretary of State Stison By Joe Russell.n
igt te e h grs- on Religious Problems Prof. F. N. Menefee of the ngi- up of J. A. Bursley, dean of stu- Entrains for London Although holding the lead until
sed very well during the past week. of Students,inecring mechanics department will dents, and six student members, EntragnsuforpLyndo-
though many are still withholding be the first speaker on the Michi- was announced yesterday as fol- Ater W come. t cn m utespofpa Mci -
their purchase until the last week OUTLINES CONFERENCE gan Radio night program to be lows: James Houster, '30E., Robert Liy c mo io
of the sale," said Mitchell. "We ex-aongtpormtbe_________________ TALKS WITH M'DONALD sity cage temls. 0-9dcso
pect aomplete sell-out of all tick- Speaking to 250 delegates repre- broadcast tonight at 7:30 o'clock MOBILIZATION J-to the Detroit Y. M. C. A. five last.
ets by the end of next week." This senting nearly every college in through WJR. Professor Meaefec _y Asociated Pres) night in the Yost Field House.
year the committee is offering 760 Michigan. Dr. Bruce Curry, noted j will have an important announce- An organization meeting of I LONDON, England, Jan. 17 ~~ Throughout the game the Wolver-
tickets.-I New York theologian, opened the ment to make concerning the en- fraternity representatives op- Cordially welcomed to England ' .nes looked like sure winners but
Use Revised List. series of discussions dealing with gineering conference which is to be posed to the deferred rushing Plymouth at dawn today, Secretas
latngt h aosar o e in ihth e etmn atjieei Jnu ry 30 anh 31.h ssy e psedtemoithe dfordrm uiii g ;Lheof State Stinson tnhastened thu p thethe Detroit quintet showed a spirit
According to Schmidt's statement student problems and their rela- h1d here January 30 and 31. As system in the form outli by ondon b fs train with the which would not be denied, and
last night,- the favors are now lie- tiaras with the New Testament last! the resolution of the Senate i odnbyfs
lig manufactured by the Burr, evening at Lane Hail. chairman of the conference Profes- Committee on Student Affairs American delegation to the naval outfought Coach Courtright's men
Ptterson and Auld company of The conference, which officially sor Menefee will give a resume of will be held at 11 o'clock this disarmament conference and made to forge into the lead at 16-15 with
Detroit, and will be delivered short- started yesterday afternoon and the program which will appeal to morning in the student offices a bee-line for Number 10 Downing but fe minutes to go
ly a They are being made of a. fine, which will continue through to- all engineers of the middle west. I of the Union. street.official residence ofgPrimeabutnrvedminutesmtokgo.
land-tooled dark hi uc leather with morrow afternoon, consists of a se- Dr. Melvin P. Isaminger, assist- Campus leaders will be pres- For more than three hours Col- theirnarrow margin when Wein-
a maize lining to harmonize with ries of meetings with Doctor Curry,r- ent to address the group on rel- or mo n ree hos - d i w in-
The .University colors. A modernis- centering about a fresh under- nlich professor of hygiene and pub- n;ative dantages and disadvan- oeh Stison reaIed Pr clseter stem droppe n a nea e co
tilein ihte etr "~p~health, will discuss "The Human'aieavatgsaddsda-tinropdnanatiecut
tIC design withthe letters "J-hop standing of Jesus, and involving a Life Span;" and Louis N. Holland, I tages of the deferred rushing bith the British Prime Minister, try and Hole slipped in a dog shot,
103111 and the revised Michigan new approach to the gospel rec-.instructor of electrical engineering, system, it is announced. but baskets by Seng and Van Hee
seal stamped Ingold leaf coinpise I ords. c Aerdiscussionreionf of. how sthis re- wlakaottlvsinadte'rn,'1;1 nyMry 3;the significance of their Wak u akt ySn n a e
heacoverformat. Eachs et udfbeas. will talk about television and the Crane, '31; Henry Merry, '31; Stan- Beyond saying that their talk was sewed up the game just before the
two decks of playing cards, a score- upon the problems uppemost in possibilities of its future develop- erer, '30, "pleasant" and not iterrupted ex- final gun went off.
pad and pencil. student thought today will follow. and Farrell. cept by "a nice cup of the Prime showed a greatly improved brand
Supplementing the bridge set, Doctor Curry, who at present is b "The Beaver and its Ways" will Favor Plan. Minister's tea," he offered no in- of basketball in this game with
are leather dance programs de- teaching at the Union Theological be the subject of Prof. Ned Dear- Although the committee mem- formation about it and successful- both the defense and offense work-
signed as Miniatures of the favors, Seminary in New York City and born of the forest zoology depart- bers. interviewed last night, refus- ly parried the efforts of journalists ing smoothly for the most part.
which are considered an innova- who holds the degree of Doctor of; ment. Professor Dearborn spoke ed to be quoted regarding their of all nations, whom he received However, the old nemesis of the
tiOn ,over the paper programs of Philosophy from the University of on one of last year's programs from views on the compromise system tonight, to find out what really junior cagers, bad passing, cropped
other years. Samples of the favors New York, has won renown as a the Morris hall studio and tonight's proposed yesterday morning in The passed over the teacups between up at moments most advantageous
and programs will be on display at student conference leader in the talk will be in answer to requests Daily, it was understood that the the American chief delegate to the to the visitors, who promptly took
the local offices of the manufactur- United States, Canada, aid Eng- from all over the State for a talk sentiment of the committee was i Five-Power conference and the advantage of every Michigan mis-
ers where those interested may ex- land. of this nature. favor of adopting the plan passed head of the Britisl government. It play. The floor, wet with snow
amine them, Schmidt stated. In the discussion last evening The music will be presented by by the Senate committee without i was the longest pre-conference which has seeped through the roof
To Be Distributed Soon. Doctor Curry outlined the plans for the Midnight Sons quartette, com- changes. I yet held in Lndon- of the field house, caused many
Distribution will take place the the conference with different sub- posed of four members of the Uni- t The committee would not be em- I _ __spills during the course of the
last week of January, before whichjjects to be considered. He stressed versity Glee club, who will present powered in any event to authorize to Sat game, one of these being turned
time, announcement will be made the fact that the method of dis- some of the lighter college songs. the suggested compromise, which Packinto a basket by Weinstein when
of the place and hours during cussion will be in the nature of entailed a two-week rushing peri- ongress! he took the ball from a fallen Y.
which the favor stubs may be re- demonstration studies and group Stone Will Lecture j od sometime during the first se- SaeM. C. A. player and dribbled the
deemed. (discussions rather than lectures. mester, it was said; but by making ----length of the floor for a two-point-
The entire decorations scheme,, Problems covering the range from at Student Meetingpointed recommendations, might Philip C. Pack, '1, of An Arbor, er.
iia bil hi h knn iVi Vii l if h n, influencetheSenatecommitteeonwill be candidate for the Repub-BO SCORE

Coach Mann's Varsity Natators
Take First in All Events
to Win, 57-14.
Frank Walaitis Takes Individual
Scoring Honors as High
Point Man of Meet.
By Edward L. Warner.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. Jan. 17.-
Taking first in every event, Michi-
gan's swimming team opened the
conference season by defeating
the Indiana natators 57-14. In a
dual meet here this afternoon the
Wolverines also vanquished the
Hoosiers in Water Polo by an 8-0
score. Frank Walaitis was high-
point man of the meet, winning the
century free style, tying with
Raide for first honors in the fancy
diving, and swimming anchor man
on the free style relay.
Sophomores Show Form.
Bob Walker, veteran sprinter,
captured the 50-yard free style.
Three of Michigan's victories were
turned in by sophomores swimming
in their first conference competi-
tion. Valentine won the back
stroke. Another sophomore, Raide,
mile while Staelin took the breast
stroke. Another sophomore, Ride,
tied for first place in the fancy
Reif, Walaitis, and McCaffree fea-
tured the water polo contest with
two goals apiece.
Free style relay: Michigan (Reif,
Hubley, Walker and Walaitis) first;
200 yard breast stroke--Staelin
(Michigan) first, Goldsmith (Mich-
igan) second, Coon (Indiana)
third; time 2:52 2-5; 50 yard free
4vle - Walker (Michigan) first,
Hodges (Indiana) second, Reif
'Micnigan) third; tsim e26 3i1O;-
440 yard free style-Ladd (Michi-
gan) first,- McCaffree (Michigan)
second, Coon, (Indiana) third;
time 5:46; 150 yard back stroke-
Valentine (Michigan) first, Ham-
mer (Indiana) second, Warner
(Michigan) third; time 1:54: 100
yard free style-Walaitis (Michi-
;an) first, Hubley (Michigan sec-
ond, Hudson (Indiana) third; time
:58 4-5; fancy diviig--Raidc and
Walaitis (Michigan) tied for first,
Thayer (Indiana) thiri'd; medl y
relay: Michigan (Valentie, Gold-
smith, Hughes) first.


In the last meeting of the series
of International Student Forums
this semester, Howard D. Calder-
wood of the political science de-

MWe deta s oI Wi c: are now W1I quesnons on sociai e on Tne cam- ;
to the coimmnittee in charge but are pus to national and world prob- Y ~v .
being withheld, will be announced lems, and questions on God, Dr. John Timothy Stone, presi-s
tomorrow. Both arrangements for prayers, and the genius of Chris- dent of the Presbyterian Theologi-
independents will be made at a tianity, will be discussed, cal seminary of Chicago and a na-,
meeting of all non-fraternity men ! ---tionally known pastor, will addressi
within the next week. 70 Mile an Hour Gale the undergraduate body at B o'clocki
Novelties Planned. 7 Sunday evening in Hill auditorium.!
Both Ted Weemts and Fletcher Sweeps Western Cities The convocation is being sponsor-I
Henderson, the two leaders of the -- ed by the Student Christian associ-,
1031 J-Hop's music, arc. planning Ecsy Associated Press) ation through the courtesy of the
several additions to their roper- DENVER, Colo., Jan. 17- Snow Wesicyan foundation.
seveal ddiion to hei reer-laid in gales and record breaking'
toire, according to Richiard A. I mdk ?eting Today's Problems" will
Furniss, '31 E; these will consist of low temperatures dealt a stagger- Stone's subject. The speaker
ensembles by the entire fourteen- ing blow to the mountain states and °e arte's sbe The mpeke
piece bands, and also separate the plains to the eastward today. 'is rf arded as the outstanding min
numbers by individual soloists. Blizzard-swept sections of the mate of agoeand ispidely
Weens ad hs orhesra R ocihky Mountains were lashed by demmand as a speaker, especially
Weexns end his orchestra are R k ntiswr lse ybefore studezzt assemblies.
now playing at the New Granada wind reaching a velocity of 70 miles b r u t--
cafe in Chicago, having followed anihour amd howling dust from the
Guy Lombardo and his Royal Ca- .y peaks rode down to visit upon INSTALLATION OF
nadians who went to the Hotel ( the prairie country the bitterest TO MORE
Rioolsevelt, New 'York. Fletelher weather in years. TO M R
Henderson, whose band is consid- i
e-kd by the committee to be the GOPHER SYSTEM - M eicient managemelt t
best colored aggregation in the}Mh e fiiensmaa toe
country, is filling an engagement at: DUE FOR CHANGE the uin and social aheiitie
the Roseland ballroom in New FO of the Union will be one of the sev-
York. It has been possible to obtain eral advantages derived from the
the. t ads both of which (By Associated Press) installation of the merit system ir
were originally considered for first MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 17.-- that organization, should the prop-
playing honors, inasmuch as Flet- Hard on the heels of the threatened osition pass a week from today at
cher Henderson's outfit is making resignation of Dr. Clarence Spears the special meeting of the Unior
a trip to Minnesota at J-Hop time, a edfobl oc tteUi membership, it was stated yester-
ri as head football coach at the Uni- day by Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of
yversity of Minnesota, reports of ex- the Political Science department

student affairs to make slight lican nomination for representa-
changes in the plan. I;ive -in the state legt.slature, it was
To Discuss Plans. announced this week. His candi-'
Work of the committee had its (lacy is backed by numerous civic l
inception at a meeting held yester- and veteran associations in this
day afternoon in the office of theiand nearby cities.
dean of students. As information Mr. Pack is a world war veteran i
from other schools employing a de- and has also served as Medical I
ferred rushing system is receivcc, upply Officer, 33rd Division and
the committee will hold meetings Captain, Infantry, Adjutant- 63rd#
and discuss the relative merits of Brigade. He is engaged in the ad-#
the various plans in use, with a vertising and publicity business I
view toward designing a system, and handles the athletic publicity I
which will avoid the pitfalls other ffor the University. He was ap-
schools have encountered, and pointed special publicity counsel to I
which will be best adopted to the the Conservation Department last
Iituation at the Univer ity. 'Iyear.
ixAtorT CVcToNI XYm1 T T An

and develop the social aspects far ise that not once have the Board
>eyond the present status. Th( )f Directors of the Union, which is
naximum amount of service car :omposed of both students and fac-
-hen be obtained within the finan- 1ilty and alumni members, split
vial limitations., At the presen' ilong purely student-faculty lines
- ime, the student executives spent > a major issue. The only split
nost of their year in office ir > sk aunI
'earning of the various problems of f this kind has occurred on a
.he Union and do not have time tc ninor question and in that case
3olve them effectively. 'he students were maintaining fac-
"The second advantge would be alty privileges.
that the merit system would allow "The board had decided that stu-
the highest position to be open to' dent directors should not pay for
those who do the greatest amount their meals at the directors dinner-
of work and who have the most meetings, and the student members'
ability. It would attract a high felt that the same privilege should
calibre of workers to all the corn- apply to faculty members, but the
mintee of the Union." I faculty voted to nay for their own

partment wiIl speak on the subject,
.icingft p tp "The Problems of Minorities and
Mandates in the League of Na-
Lindsay rf .......2 0 1 4 tions," at 4 o'clock tomorrow after-
Weinstein rf ......2 0 1 noon in the auditorium of Lane
Jennette if.. . .....2 1 2 5 gull
Holei f ...........1 1 3 3 Mr. Calderwood, who spent last
. summer in Geneva, Switzerl and,
Tyler rg ......,...0 0 1 0 wisiting the sessions of the League.
Torrell rg .........0 0 1 0 is well acquainted with its work--
Justice lg .........0 0 0 0l-41 I w h(,;
o.... 3 -1 1- many requests have been received
T1 s ..........3 3 11 19 1by the International Committee of
Y. ---.~-~Ithe Student Christian association,
Detroit Y. M. C. A. for discussion of this subject, it i,
Deimehak rf.....1 0 0 2 expected that the Forum tomorrow
Va Hee rf ........3 0 1 6 xill be well attended.
Ott if ............1 1 0 3 Following a brief introductory
DutyI.... . ......0 0 1 6 presentation of the subject, Mr.
Sen;g c ............22 1 Calderwood will call for response
Fraser rg .........0 0 0 0 in the form of questions from the
P%1 ip::::::.. 0 2 0 audience. While tie organization
Chapp ig........1 1 2 3 of tile league will be explained, it
- - -- I is expected that most of the dis-
Totals.........8. 4 7 20 cussion will center about the prob-
Referee, Olds; Umpire, McCul- lems of the minorities and man-
lough. dates.
------- In discussing the plans for next
DRURY TO TALK semester, John M. Brumm, '31,
chairman of the International corn-
AT ST. 'ANDREWS mittee, stated that a series of
) Forums would be carried out with
-a meeting every second Sunday.
Dr. Samuel S. Drury, headmaster Topics which- have been suggested
of St. Paul's school for boys at Con- at the meetings this semester will
cord, New Hampshire, since 1911, be discussed together with other
will preach at St. Andrew's Episco- prominent international questions.
pal church at 11 o'clock Sunday
morning. He will also address the i.Local Fire and Polce
Student Supper group at Harrisr
Hall at 6:30 o'clock Sunday night. Departments Plan Ball
The probable subject for his morn-
ing sermon will be. "Has Civiliza-, The annual Fireman's and Po-

nRIm 1I

tended and drastic changes in the
athletic system of the Gopher
school gained circulation today..
In the tentative plan, as an-
nounced by an unnamed authority,
intercollegiate competition in ath-
letic contests would be limited to
rs..' ...... - A ti~c~n~f iM n r +

who is one of the directors of the
"The proposed system, as against
the system now in effect, will allow
the selection of the president and
the recording-secretary, the two
highest student offices of the Un-
;- +n h a rl frm am()ja tsn



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