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January 17, 1930 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-17

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Ir 14 t : - Tvl t !. ITT 4' "A'- K 'D A T L -Y

?7"TIAV -A??A ,-

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ofhell week, for hell week serves
+d "a purpose of its own which no fl
Publvhed every worning except Monday other form of activity can achieve, ROLL
during the U niversity ear by the Board in but we do urg a modification of
Cont er of Western Conference Editorial e houe'vie'm ethods which REDLETTER
Association. some houses employ. A ORTM
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled - LANDLADIES.
to the use for republication of all news dis- COMPULSORY SNOW REMOVAL. ,,
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited The cries of "Whoopee!" and
herein. Progress on wisdom's straight "Oh, baby!" which you may or may
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, and' narrow path has become ex- not have heard yesterday were ex-
of postage granted by Third Assistant st ceedingly difficult for the past sev- pressions of delight on the part h
master aeneraln Ann Arbor's landladies who, if th
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; -by mail, eral days in Ann Arbor, because of present deferred rushing plans ar
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. the quantities of snow, slush, ice put into operation, will have fresh-
snar street.Esand then more snow which have men as their paying guests an ex-
Phones: Editorial, 4 25 ; Business, 2 214 , e e t r
EDITORIAL STAFF glutted the sidewalks lea'ding from tra semester.



I Music And Drama
0---r-- --- 0
A Review by William J. Gorman.
This iron self-possession of Hei-;
.fetz can almost be construed as an
insult to us. For obviously it ex-
presses a scorn of the universali
yearning of all audiences to have
some of the performer's "joy in
art" communicated to .them. It is
difficult to catch this enjoymentc
from the music itself; it demands
listening, which is a tremendous
nina,-, o f I a Tt.niP n Gfi r f a pt


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to guit.
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7iT bad ia..gr4 ,a?4


the residence sections to the cam- 11p * *e 0 nery.±tS e rLO
T el ph ne 49 5 it fxtpenaslate innrgs as r o adg
MANAGING EDITOR pus, fountain-head of University Owners of Greasy Spoons and iits traslated int od
ELLSknoMEwYleQickan Dirties also celebated by smiles and flowing movements of
ELLIS B. MERRYknwlege Quick andDiteasoelbtdy the body and sentimental bows in'
Not only is it exceedingly uncom- going out and buying a lot of meat
Editorial Chairman......Georger'.' ,tilley t to pu one's way t gh be used when the in- the manner of Mischa Elman or oh
City Editor................ Pierce Rosenbeg fortable t push oe a through whichwilbusd he te n
,ews+ditor-....-..........Donald J. iline melting snow or to slip perilously coming frosh descend upon to de- so many pianists. We can get pleas-
Sports E~ditor... ...Edward L. WarneJ.atyectda nEm~ eia
Women's Editor. . ..... ..Marjorie Follmer(over ice-covered sidewalks, but the:pend upon them for sustenance.
Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson ver without listening to the music.
i "itor "'n R Health Service reports that an in* Heifetz. scorns this superficial type
Litray ditr .....LareceR.Klein creased number of students are'
Assistant City 1 ditor.. .. Robert '*Fld a
Night Editors- Editorial Board Membes suffering from common head-colds Altogether it was a great day for of communication. . His impressive
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Mes since the inception of the recent Ann Arbor, to say nothing of the!earnestness has nothing solicitous
Charles R. 1 aufman Walter W. Wilds conditions of bad weather. Many class of 1934, poor fellas. about it. His movements are sim-j
GCrney Williams 'of these colds are said to have been . . ple and determinately prosaic.;
Reporters coThis cool objectivity of his is with-
Rertrm Aswith este Maycontracted by persons whose feet The Inlander has been relaunch- otadutiela tg a-
Bertram Askwith Lester flay ouadubielasatgemn
Helen Bare David M. Nicholi became water-soaked in the slushy ed amidst much ballyhoo and it . out arub ire as aistae man t
Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckham . hoped that their new epmusic or be bored. We hunger for
Benjamin 11 Berentsonflugh Pierce The snow-covered sidewalk situ- urvive the crass indifference of a , f
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitzto a little bit of physical "soulfulness"
Arthur J. Bernstein John I. Reindel ation is such as to suggest that low-brow campus will be a success.-'in vain.
S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts 1 there is no local ordinance compel-
Thomas M. CooleyJ oseph A. Russell g Unfortunately, however, Heifetz's
John H. Denler Joseph Ruwitch ling householders to keep clean the'ly,
Ifelen or nine William P. Salzarulo 1sidewalk in front of their houses. They ought to introduce some- treatment of the music itself is less
Margaret, Eckruls Charles R. Sprowl
Kathearine Ferrin S. Cadwell Swanson Many persons have been of the thing new in the way of l sales intelligent. His attitude is quite too
Sheldon C. Fullerton lane Tae
Rth edes Mat hompson opinion that there was no such talk, though. I heard a gent in pugnacious; the veni, vidi. vici of
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin regulation. front of the library yesterday try- the virtuoso. He is too much im-G
Jack Goldsmith 1lizabeth Valentine
Morris Ceoverman Harold 0. Warren, Jr. But when the Ann Arbor police ing to sell some of the Current cop- pressed with the power of his really
Margaret I station was called yesterday after- ies with a spiel that consisted only phenomenal technique (of which it
David B. Ilemnpstead John . Willoughby noon, and the desk sergeant asked of, "Get that Inlander you've been would be superfluous and imperti-
ea n Levy Barbara Wright
j C'ln evKennedy Natan Wa ighe - If such a law were in effect here, he ~hearing about all week!" nent to-talk); and so considers his
ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit replied, "Of course. You bet it is!" . e scores as something to be conquer-
Dorothy Mgee Apparently the police officers ed, something to be pacified and
BUSINESS STAFF know the local ordinances, but in He was too conservative. I've been made ass gentlemanly and quiet as
Telephone 21214 this case they have failed pitifully hearing about a new Inlander fof 'himself. ' The result is, of course,'
BUSINESS MANAGER to enforce the law. Many house- nearly three years. amazing. Phenomenons do amaze;
A: J. JORDAN, JR. holders have not even been warned * it is their great achievement.
Assistant Manager by police to clean their sidewalks. John Langdon - Davies didn't But too often ,such an approachj
ALEX K. SCHERER With the old timers predicting draw much of a crowd Wednesday is an evasion of the fundamental
more snow and sleet than usual night. I still think the trouble la'' problem of interpretation. Instru-
Department Managers this year, there is yet time and oc- chiefly in the fact that Daily read- mental. mastery of the notes is!
Advertising......... ..... Hollister 'Mabley
Advertising.... ........asper If. ITalverson casion for greater diligence in the ers took th# Oratorical associa- quite less important than intellec-
A nde A. Upton Sevic performance of duty which public tion's ad too seriously. The last line tual mastery. It is unfortunate to'
Sevc.... ......."...,..George.
Circulation...............J. \'ernor Davis health and convenience demands. in Tuesday's ad stated that there use the Tchaikovsky Concerto as!
t....ear R.Hamitonwere "Tickets at Slater's and 3211 an example because it is such thor-



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.. the Lee'Morse habit. She insinuate;s her t ay so pleasantly into
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So you'll be -lad to learn that leer ne e- reor--Columbia, of
course--has been released,and that it holds thel pep, appeal and fine
melody you always expect from this charming croonstress.
hear it today, and these runninig-mates, too .. .
Record No. 2063-D, 10-inch, 75c
A Lrrr[ Kiss EACH MOaxN c (A Little Xiss
At ]ight) (from Motion Picture "The Vocls
\ agahomi Lover" ) Lee Morse and Her
1LOVE, N O'F JEIE 1Elf';.,EI toys You'(Th"' Blue Grass Boys
+ lDreami of 1Iy Hleart) (from Mlotion Picture
"The 1at!a bond Lover")
Record No. 2062-D, 10-inch., -3c
LwE A LTrrr FAr IN ME (from Pox Trots
Motion Picture "Spring Is Here") Go
CR-ING FOR THE CARO.1iNES (from Guy Lombardo and his
Motion Picture "Spring Is here") Royal Cainadians
Record No. 2064.1-, 10-inch, 75c
(With You) WiErE oU ARE 1Fox Trots
Jusr TanK of ME SOM1ETIMEH . Will &)orne and his Orchestra
Colum b~a -vw c ria r Record
{ Viva.- tone' Recording - thie Records without Scratch



4Business Secretary-Mary Chase
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker
ames E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
obert Crawford Thomas Auir
Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer Lee Siayto=
Carmes Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
0orris Johnson Robert Williamson
*Charles Kline William R. Worboy I

Camnpus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves- to less tbain 300
cards if possible.- Anonymous cn-
niunieatiorns will he disrev'tided. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-

Angell hall for $100." oughly bad music. But the point
lies there. The most superficial ex-
,lamination -of the score should re-
. veal that as music it is quite un-
pay $100 to hear would be one in.( i
dep?'t-important. As sensation (that is,i
which five or six of my pet depart- in ts auditors) it may have som
ment hea~ds discussed final exam ; i t uios tmyhv oe
questions. justification. The only way to per-,
; n form it is to point it continually for
immediacy of effect (that is, to.
(Headsplay it sensationally, blatantly,
boldly for all its superficial worth).
hh eBut Heifetz does nothing of the
While I'm on the subject of ads kind. He calms it, that is, conquers
and studentkspubilcations-well,I maks itm th andflowing If



quiest. Letters puisbo-d sbnhld not he
Laura Codling Sylvia Miller construed as expresisng the editorial
Agnes Davis Helen E. Musselwhite jopinion of The Daily, -
Bernice Claser Eleanor Walkinshaw
Hiortense Gooding I )orotria Waterman
Alice McClly To the Editor:
Out of place perhaps to discuss
the following topic in a college
NIGHT EDITOR-HENRY MERRY newspaper, but really something
-______ --*--- should be done. For weeks a great
FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1930 student body has suffered in silence
or such silence as may be found inj
ABOLISHING "HEL" WEEK. a newly converted "squawkie" the-
Among themore important items atre. Why oh why Mr. Editor must
we all be deprived of what was
covered by Dean Bursley in his re- Ann Arbor's favorite indoor sport?
cent talk to the Intrafraternity Is there no justice? Can't Mr. But-
Council was the matter of abolish- terfield see how his theatre is los-
ing "hell" week as part of the I ing its patrons? What has become
Neophyte's activity just before in- of the endless cue (queue) that
one used to encounter in the outer
itiation into Michigan's houses. regions of the Michigan Theatre?

Fingerle Operated


was a minute ago, anyway--I'm
wondering at the effectiveness (or
lack of it) in Enslan's half-page
ad yesterday. "The 'Ensian Printes'
Everything of Your College Life,"
stated the last line.

, IidK a1 '1V 1 ,li1U ~1. 1
we are talking about Heifetz as a
virtuoso, we can say his perform-
ance of the Concerto was excellent.
If we speak of him as a musician,
we are justified in saying that his
taste is bad. For his serious ap-


Dean Bursley, although supported
by a few, did not have the major-
ity of those fraternities present at
the meeting on his side of the ar-
gument, however, and no definite
action followed.
Two things were. brought out by
the Dean which bear 'comment.
That "hell" weeks are often un-
necessarily rough on incoming
pledges, both physically and men-
tally, is an unpleasant fact which
must be admitted. While a majority
of the houses at Michigan use the
utmost care during this trying pe-
riod., there are some fraternities
whose tactics occasionally have
resulted in serious bodily injury to
the pledge. "Hell" weeks that inter-
fere with scholastic activities, de-
stroy city property or interfere#
with the affairs of other organiza-'
tions are an abomination and
should be exterminated. It is be-
cause of such houses that Dean
Bursley proposed his ~ drastic step
at the council meeting.
"Hell" week in its original form'
and based on its initial purposes is!
an interwoven activity with the
life of any fraternity. Good "Hell"
weeks mean good men later on;
there is no other time when a
man's mental and physical courage
is so tested. "Hell" weeks are aids
in keeping the fraternity together.
Once a year, at least, the older
men in th- house are re-united in
one definite purpose. The week of
probation is equally essential toI
both neophyte and active member.
Dean Bursley's action is a bit
drastic, but, considering the factsJ
which are evident on both sides,
quite necessary in order to show
Michigan organizations that he.
rrt'., n e.I -ina ac n. icarh. i- Nk a v i

j Georgie White .(the producer)
one said "Talent is what the public
wants,"-true, but not thatdtalent
'which' is hermetically sealed. We
are fast becoming a "canned" na-
tion-canned light (courtesy Edi-


son), canned fruits, canned vege-
tables, canned meats, canned milk,
canned music (courtesy Marconi),,
canned heat (courtesy Volstead),
what is this world coming to? I re-
cently heard an inspiration to at-
tend the Michigan squelched by the
admonition. "We can listen to a


squawkie in any theatre, any old
time. Let's go to a dance."
Can't you see that the situation
would be different if one could see
vaudeville at the Michigan? It
seems horrible to realize that one
of the few remaining traditions of
the U. of M. may be entirely ah-
olished. It's only horrible, it's posi-
tively degrading. We miss our vau-
deville be it good or bad. We miss
those twice weekly, impromptu
recitals of student wisecracks. We
have little left to show visitors af-
ter they have been over the Uni-
versity. I believe no better remedy
could be found for the campus the-
atre situation than to house vaude-
ville exclusively in one of the the-
We must have our diversions and
if something is not done about sup-
plying vaudeville for the indulgent
"scholars," the Dean's office will
probably employ a larger staff to
care for telephone reports of inso-
lent, doorbell ringing Freshmen
and ash can tipping Sophomores.#
This does not include the more,
adult minded Juniors and Seniors
who might take to stretching wires
i across highways.
f TcVurnr.i' cnmi hn' hs , s *nhal,

*proach to Tchaikovski's music im-
I'm trying to figure out whether plies his judgment about its worth-
that was a warning or a threat. whileness with which no one would
agree. In other words, he hasn't
judged the music. He has evaded
K. B. P. writes in a bit sarcastic- the problem of interpretation for
ally, (but he or she writes in, and the triumph of the virtuoso.
that's the main thing) and encloses The same thing is true (in a
a couple of extracts from Herbert lesser sense) of the closing number,
Asbury's opus on Carry Nation the Hubay Scenes de La Czarda. No
(that's the way he or she spelled one ever has any illusions about
it). Here they are: "The Woolley' the value of this type of number.
I Club of the University of Michigan Like the Hungarian Rhapsodies,
gave her (Carry Nation) a banquet they are glorious potpourris that
at Ann Arbor, and the function are played only to whip up a lot of
was such a success that the mem- i sonority and rhythm that will tin-
bers of. the club became her espec- kle pleasantly in minds, that are
ial pets. 'It gave me new life,' she just a bit tired by the end of the
wrote, 'to look at such men of in-Iprogram. But even here, Heifetz's
tellectual and moral force. Oh! For style was eminently serious. He
such men to be the fathers of the went to work quietly on the unim-'
rising generation! One cannot but) portant phrases, smoothing them,
help compare tie tobacco-stained, 'out. The point is that the correct
dull-brained, sottish students with sinterpretation is to leave them
these giants of moral and physical wrinkled. Facility is no substitute
manhood.'" "for the intended fire.
The eighteenth century sonata
Here's the other: "Indeed she was different. This was definitely
could discern no hope of any secu- 'Music. It needed only playing. It
lar school in America, excepting of needed no whipping up. Composers
course, the moral and physical gi-- at this earlier stage of the evolu-
ants of the University of Michi- tion of music were more complete-
gan." ly able to realize everything in the
score. Their scores, because less in-
And here's what K. B. P. wrote: clusive, were more complete with-
"The above paragraphs may help in themselves. It is in such music
to shed some light on the origin of [as this (Mozart of course being the
the present state of moral and phy- !best example) that Heifetz be-
sical excellence along the student longs. There his reverence for the
- body of our dear University." !text would be most appropriate;
y *4*}'and his disregard for the implica-
Watch for Fried Fish, II! tions of the text would be less dam-
aging because eighteenth century
SAD DEM 1SE.texts had fewer implications (be-
ing as I say more complete). It
Dear Joe: I have held- the sec- would there be most necessary that
and meeting of the Ho-Hum club he be continuously master of the
with questionable success. The situation, as he most certainly
business report read by me stated could be.
that there was only one member of In romantic music, part of the
the club. As the only member I al- ,intended expression depends on,
so read the minutes of the last I there being in the performer ves-
meeting. And as the president I tiges of the emotional energy spent
stated that the club was as big a ! in achieving articulateness. This
lon at h nrnsnet of' ecetnt obvious type of emotionalism

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