p PAGE 'TWO TH MICHICAN DAILY' FRIDAY, JANUARY 17; 1930 y u uas.. .wr,+w.awu.,,.., ... ...... .., ,.r....:,.,rv v S"Y' ||| 0 | ROME ACCLAIMS PRINCESS MARIE JOSE OF BELGIUM, BRIDE OF CROWN PRINCE HUMBERT, ON HER ARRIV AL INt FO URTHLECTURE'I F- 1 _ . ..,. ! ... . .. I Theological School Head Calls, Religious History Both Science and Art., 'CLASSIFIES RELIGIONS Believes Christianity Too Archaic to Make Itmpression on Modern Mind. "Religious history is both a sci-? ence and an art," said Dean Willard L. Sperry of the Harvard Theolozi- cal school in his lecture yesterday' afternoon in Natural Science audi- torium. The address was the fourth of a series he is delivering this week it the University. "Religions can be divided into two groups; those that are historical and those that are non-historical," he r:: said. In the first group falls Judah -..:.:. _____:......_______...::..::.:.......___________"_____:,,______ ism, Christianity, and Buddhism: Associated Press Pto While in the latter, those with Princess Marie Jose of Belgium, now Princess of Piedmont, was loudly acclaimed upon her arrival in Which no deep feelings prevade, Rome for her wedding to Crown Prince Hunibert. The royal couple are shown riding through the streets such as the Greek and English re- of Rome after the arrival of the Princess. ligions." __ "It is harcd to take ai~f iw o iei o ny't timeless R 1T i nlRUSSIA'S CHANGE TO COMMUNISM out of joint, but the western view- ULJ ID iTiv0PROVES DIFFICULT, SAYS GUCKERT point hasn't been understood, he' . r n E continued. "Russia has undertaken the tre- "I I sometimes feel that the foun-' mendous task f chIt is', as yet, too soon to tell der of our religion is too distant, human whether the new system will be a too archaic and far in the past to 1 nature," said Elroy S. Guckert, of success. However, the Attorney- coerce our viewpoint today; to University High School Will be the sociology department, yester- of Moscow s t make any deep impression on the day. "They must change peoples' e modern theological mind. The many Topic of Talk at Monroe ideas friom capitalism to commun- ' der the new regime, there is much Christs of piety had very little to Conference. ism, from religion to atheism." less trouble, fewer divorces, and do with the Jesus of Christianity, "Russia before the war was as less promiscuity. they were two distinct men. His- Prof. W. C. Olsen, of the Uni- capitalistic as any other country "All houses are gradually being tory for the orthodox Christ has versity High School, will address in the world. With the revolution, taken over by the state and a been a drama of redemption." the meeting of the Supervisors of they attempted to change their Housing Commission determi'nes The Harvard dean discussed the Michigan High Schools association iwhole system overnight. It was too the number of rooms necessary for history of religion through the today at Monroe on the subject of rapid, so in 1922, they introduced one family. All rent is paid to the question of whether or not it was the plans for operation of the Uni- a new economic system, the Nep, state. an art or a science. "Does it," he versity's new experimental school which was a reversion to semi-cap- Ae the time of the revolution, asked, yield laws with indetermin- of which he is to be in charge. italism. Since that time, the Soviet the Greek Orthodox church was a ate application, or does it yield giv- I This address will be the first an- government has been continuously!polic 1 organ of the state and, as en laws with determinate applica- nouncement of the plans as, com- trying to return to a more absolute such, was' immediately, abolished. tion?" Then the obvious relative plete to date. The new school is to communism. Atheism was openly preached by question that would naturally fol- serve as a supplement to the Uni- "In the event of this return, the the newly founded government and low would be: Is or is not History versity High School in the field of Soviet government will be one large banners such as "Religions- the an Art.experimental education. It will in- ,corporation holding a monopoly on Opiate of the People," are much "Can we bring such definite axi- dude all grades from the pre-kin- all buying, selling exports, and in- in evidence, today. The commun- oms as 'Starvation brings on revolt' dergarten pupils up to the junior ports. All profits will belong to the : is t smintain that they practice the or its equally true and proven re- high school age. 1government t o be used for the cor- principles of Christ rather than Morse, 'Starvation brings on com- plete submission.' Art, in the first Its purpose, guided by the Uni- mon welfare. Advances h'ave al-?merely acknowledging them. plaeelsithn rt inv; not versity School of Education, will be ready becn made in this direction. i "The chief cliticism to this gov- place, deals with the dividual;not u o e They have fxd the maximum sal- mcinent," Guckert concluded, "is the particular. Science on thesystems of education as well as to ary of any communist at $112 per its failure to take into considera- other hand deals with the particu- carry on experiments to add to the month. This figure includes the tion individual differences." lar only, and the more dispassion- advances made in recent years in premier and all of the officials. An Guckert was a member of a group ate and impersonal ndividual is the this line. ' endeavor is being made to replace of college professors and instruc- better scientist. Dr. Olsen came hlere recently the old commercialistic motive with tors who made an intensive, first- "Take an analogous case. For from the University of Minnesota one of service, hand study of the sociological and instanceserice the hangingof he oofloJohnan Brwn, fte hntoigo raid awhere he has been conducting re- "Laborers receive in the neigh- economic problems of Soviet Rus- Brpe' Ferr h Threis some search work in the subject of sec- borhood of one dollar per day. In sia during the summer of 1927. Vague, unexplainable feeling envel- ondary school education. addition they are given security by oping the affair, somethingcon- all forms of insurance, including Women of Northwestern univer- g dth at c th b(By Aociated Press) old age, accident and maternity. At sity have upset the old theory that endg eery pharticuarn t hisr l ROCHESTER, N. Y., Jan. 16 --the present time Russia has the the fairer sex talks too much. Pro,- single affair will probably not, as The newest servant of photography most highly developed system of fesor C. C. Cunningham of the long as time goes on, be repeated looks through a negative with an organized recreation in the world. Spech, department there posted a i s e e way. Yet e electric eye. "One of the most radical chang- I call for women debaters a few days that is to compile the story must Then it stamps on the edge of es brought about by the Soviet is ago and expected a rush of appli- have the gift of the scientist to the film the grade of photographic in the time-honored institution Of cants. So far, however, no one has collect all the facts concerning the paper the pictures should be print- marriage. Under the present sys- appeared, and Northwestern is in case, and must have the ability of ed upon, and the degree of light to tem, any man and any woman may danger avng o women the artist to bring out the individ- I use in printing. live together as fmian and wife. Di- bating team this year. ual feeling that pervaded at the It was the idea of Roland J. Wil- vorce is easy for either can lae actual time of the hanging." kinson, a young photo finisher of at will. In the event of separation, Jackson, Michigan, and was per- if the wife keeps the child or chil- T Reichsbank President fected in the Eastman laboratories. dren, the husband must give one- AN E Wilkinson is a vice president of the third of his income toward their May Give up Position Master Photo Finishers. upbringing. ELiterary Groups Unite f or Reception, DantceL the University's four literary so- ! icieties, in co-operation With the _______;U NIST OI T Student Speakers Will Discuss Oratorical association will hold an Bureau of Appointient Director EniernProblems l informal reception and dance in SasSnosadGidae r~ngincetingthe Women's Athletic building to-Ar iI emrn. Jan. 29. morrow night. Are itiDemand.. The affair is open to all members PLAN OUTSIDE CONTESTS of Athena, Portia, Adelphi, Al INQUIRIES ARE MANY Debates between groups from the pha Nu. Members may obtain bids -r- from the officers of their respec- Numerous po5siticnhs are being of- EEngineering Speaker's Club are fered to the seniors and graduate I , ti~ve groups or ma-. get them at the progressing at the Union, and plans v r r g m h students by various schools, busi- are going forward for a mass meet- . Althon h the dance is to be ress firms, and manufactories, ac- are I ~~clbsec. dffair nessfirm,-nadcesaufaroriehaac ing on Jan. 29 when nine student It is nessary that cording to T. Luther Purdom, Di- only one person in each couple bb rector of the University Bureau of a member of one of the societies. 'Appoi-tments and Occupational If- ing engeer g problems. Dick Watkins' orchestra will fur- formation. The debate groups have been or- iish the music, it was aliiounced "The Bureau endeavors to get in ganized by Prof. Robert Brackett to yesterday by Albert '. Donohue, '31, touch with every kind of job by train the students in public speak- 'general chairman. Danmcint vill be- writinx-g to these institutions in re- gin at 9 o'clock. In forier yeas, e gard to the work they have to of- ing, and to give them experience ut explained, the doce w el d ona In this we are able to give meetigs. The much smaller scale in orie of the each student first hand informa- debate last night was on the sub- 'society rooms on the fourth floor of tion about the kind of work he is ject "Resolved that the United Angell hall. interested in. States without awaiting interna- The members of the coimittee "For example, one student came are Helen. Barc, '30, Atiena; Grace' into the office last week and said tional action should imaugurate a Darling, '30, Porti; ftibert . arri- he was interested in the making of program leading to complete dis- sort, 'i, Adelphi; and nRay idges, malt. He wished to know whether armament." The nine students, whpo 1'31, Alpha flu. ! the makinig of malt was a very will speak at the mass meeting wil ,flourishn busiess nowadays. e be taken from the debating group. e y gh weeae telimthattas Arran enients are being made, to lSeel-, Seho i -fwerehablemone ts elhintattlasntr hold a series of debates with other year in that business. t schools and the club has grown Un- I ' imiisThe positions offered range from til now there, are similar groupsL mediocre jobs up to exceptional at Michigan State and the Detroit for_a Esy ones. The range of salaries is from Technical College. Northwestern '-r one hundred dollars a month to University is considering sponsor- Writing for the second annual six thousand a year. The Bureau ing the organization. Gorgas Memorial essay contest, has received fifty-three calls for Prizes for a pin design have been Dana Seely, a junior in the Univer- men and women since Christmas. offered and various students have sity High School, was awarded the In many cases business firm send sent in contributions to assist in medal donated for the winners of ' representatives to the Bureau to finding an emblem for the honor- the local contests held in high 'intervieW the-students that are iP- I ary society of the club which will schools throughout the country. terested in the kind of work they be known as the "Stump." The medallion is given every represent. year to the author of the best es- Studies are being made of em- Local Glider Club say written, on"a group ofassign-lployees of large business institu- a d topics dealing with the work of , tions to find ottVaat traits are WeW. C. Gorgas in making possible the associated with the successful em.- L e sc d completion of the Panama Canaljployee ^ b M g ie irby his method of eliminating the I "A great many representatives ravages of typhoid fever that pro- come here When they know that We hibited work on the project. have good people for positions," Edwin W. Teale, of the editorial There were 50 papers submitted , stated Mr. Prdoml. "Many of the staff of the Popular Science Month- by the junior class of the school representatives come from _co-m- ly, is in Ann Arbor this week in- which were judged by three mem- pan ies who particularly want men Sspecting the Glider section of the t bers of the English department, who have worked their way ,through Aeronautical Association of the Un- Mrs. Marion Huber, Miss Helen Ry- ;school. Other companies emphasize Iesity He will take pictures of der, and Miss Marion McKinney.1 the men and women who have .re- the loeal unit in action, and mater- Only juniors and seniors in high. ceived good miarks during their - ial will be collected for the first of school are eligible for competition. school years." a series of twelve articles which in the contest. The paper of the will appear in his magazine on glid- winner of the local trial is to be Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford have ing. sent in for competition for the na- been identified as the donors. of a mYesterday Teale was given glid- tional award, made by the Gorgas I $1,000,OOQ group of school buildings ing instructions by members of the. Memorial foundation. I in Mount Berry, Georgia. r i S i G club, and with no other informa- tion or practice made several flights. Later he visited Wallace Franklin of Ypsilanti, and arrange- ments were made with him to as- sist i an airplane towing demon- stration. Teale was brought to the Uni- versity by Donald Walker, business imanager of the National Gliders i association. After being taken i through the glider shops in the basement of Natural Science build- ing by Robert Evans, '30, president of the club, he declared them the most completely equipped that he had ever inspected. Has Notice Be Served to Youi- i Dr. Howard T. Barnes of McGill university has -. found ice-melting chemicals which will liberate ships captured by ice in wintertime. that your sludents are going.to move at the end of this semester? If obe.,sire that ou do0not. wait too long before filling the vacancies. Dial 2 '14 Today andask for Cla-ts e" ds. ,r i ..o. LL TAVERN 4* r BERLIN, Jan. 16.-The first inti- mation from Dr. Ijalmer Schacht, heimay resign as a consequence of president of the eichsbank, that his defeat at The Hague on matters of Germany policy WaS given today to'the correspondent of Rheinin- schwestrmelische Zcitunb. After emphasizing that his at- t gude toward "adulteration" of the Young plan was absolutely unalter- ed, Dr. Schacht said the Reichsbank naturally will and must acommo- late itself to the projected new statute making participation in the Young' plan one of its functions. STARTING TODAY WUERTH SHOWS AT 2.00-3:30 7;00-9;00 The Choicest of Wholesome Foods I Cupid K. 0's a Couple of Woman Haters MAE CLARKE.RBRT AMES 'NIX ObN IDAME's WOMEN DONE 'EM WRONGS IN THIS COMEDY WITH SONGS. A hard-boiled heart coiedy of two women-haters who had their minds changed. r [ ,..m A I r 'Ajar - MT, rl gttn ii Mrs= Anna Kaimbarb GAms,, ' F i STARTING TODAY I' I Dtet TheatRes s CASS THEATER ETHEL BARRYMOIE IN LILI HATVANY'S. THE LOVE-DUEL G. MARTINLZ SIfRRA'S JTIE KINGDOM OF GOD Mats. Wed. and Sat.-$1.$2.50 Nights-2.$3.00 QUALITY SERVICE ECONOMY should be your prerequisites frtasty lunchs and delicious 9 U Leja"Lamm 11 The Living Screen Presents The Supreme Genius of Sophistrcated Te flaming orchid, whose seductive person- ality has won- her -tre- amendous popularity. has here a vehicle perfectly tailored to her beauty and talents i The Rib Tickin Spine Ting LMgh Making, Breath Taking Comedy Drama N U Y V s L ) 4 SPLENDID -'-.*-.,3:40 35 c, ioc 7 00 ,. g :oo -. I With ROBERT and JAMES ARMSTRiON GLEAS(ON TALL TALKIN4G G ALL. Pos*LAUGHING Froul the S4pat9 'y Bvei t g Stozry, "No -Bra'kes" By A. WI. Seniervilfc A A rt -... ^r{. w i« ,. ;Yx'4. .^.. ' ka'fy m. ,t .'r'r '«J iwikA. A1 -"; c":...:u