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January 17, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-17

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Hoover Nominates
for Commission


England to Honor
American Delegates
to A .m C n" f ol-A"i

Omi CUT[flfli n


A Deferred Rushing Compromise

Leader Has, Won Much Renoi
Both in United States
and Abroad.
Delegates Representing Alno
Every College in. State
Attend Conference.
Student delegates representi
dearly every coLeg2e in Michigs
will meet with Doctor Bruce Cu
ry, noted New York theologian,
the first of a series of disdussioi
of student problems at 8 o'clo
this evening in Lane Hall.
The conference which begins th
afternoon and which will contint
through Sunday afternoon, is beir
sponsored by the Student Youi
Uen's and Young Women's Chri
tian associations throughout t

I -

Nearly 200 Register.
To date nearly 200 registration
have been received with 50t
100 more expected, according to th
iatest reports from Fred'G. Bau
chard '30, chairman of arrang
meits for the Bruce Curry confe
ence. The majority of application
have been received from the fo
lowing colleges: Michigan Stat
Albion, Alma,, Hillsdale, Morn
Pleasant, and Western State No
The work of the conference cen
ters about a fresh understanding c
Jesus, involving a new approach t
the gospel records, and proceedin
to ,a discussion of how this redis
covered religion of Jesus bears upo
the 'solutions of problems upper
most in student thought today.
Dr. Curry, who at present9
teaching at the Union Theologica
Seminary in New York city and Wh
holds the degree of Doetor of Phil
osophy from the University of Ne
York, has been described as bein
"the most successful interpretero
the Bible appearing at student con
ferences in the country." In add
tion to being the author of th
books, " Lacing Student Problems
and "Jesus and His Cause," Doct
Curry has won renown as a confer
ence leader in the United State
Canada, and England.
Discussions to be Unique.
The method of discusison will b
in the nature of demonstratio
studies and group discussion's rath
er than l*gtures. Problems cove
insg the range from questionso
social life on the campus to nation
al and world problems, and ques
tions on God, prayer, and the geniu
of Christianity, will be discusse
Following registration and the s
curing of rooms this afternoon th
delegates will attend a banquet
the First Methodist Church. At
o'clock this evening they will mee
in the first discussion with Doct
Curry. The second division wit
him will be tomorrow morning an
the third tomorrow evening. A re
ception for the visiting delegate
will be given tomorrow afternooni
the Women's League building

L:....L i ltl 1C1l \.1 1ICL1tG . U IV VU L J I LAIU L 11VVI
ams onerence neial
PLYMOUTH, Eng., Jan. 1G.-ThIs 1 11
old town, rich :n Anglo-American fIT 11B EH t I
associations and In tradition of
British sea power, is ready to ac- Tenth Prohibition Birthday Finds
cord a warm welcome to Secretary
Stimson and the American delega- Senate Wets Urging
tion to the London naval confer- Repeal.
ence. The welcome will start as
N soon as the liner George Washing- RESOLUTIONS OFFERED
ton can nose her way into the po(-
tected reaches of Plymouth harbor. --
ist Late tonight the wind was howl- La Guardia Desires Amendment
ing over the historic town where Declared Inoperative on
Sir Francis Drake played at lawn eTchale Go nds.
bowls three centuries ago when the Techncal Grounds.
alarm of the Spanish Armada was sel;
Ssounded here. If the gale continues, WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 16.-
an r{. ?the popular welcome to the Ameri- The tenth anniversary of prohibi-
tr cans will be somewhat subdued for tion found a Congressional contro-
only those officials whom duty calls
will care to board the tossing naval versy over President Hoover's plan
ns, tender on which tihe delegates will for Volstead enforcement superced-
ck A.ssorrp lPa"* -I-. a be brought from the outer harbor ed today temporarily by arguments
William E. Lee, to the dock. on the merits of the dry law itself.
Of Idaho, who has been nomin- The George Washington is due Senator Blaine, Republican, Wis-
is ated by President Hoover for the at 7 a. m. and the tender is expect- consin, offered a resolution for re-
u interstate commerce commission. ed to reach the dock at 8.18 a. m. peal of the 18th Amendment. Re-
n - with the Americans aboard. Forty- presentative La Guardia, Republi-
five minutes later a special train can, New York, introduced a reso-
will pull out from Plymouth. It is ltionrat veeclare the Amendment
scheduled to reach Paddington sta- n eteron tcys rounds
tion, London, at 1 o'clock I the af- T Veteran Drys Reply.
nsternoon.+ able contest which brought a ban
t o on the sale and transportation of
he ( liquor stood up in the Senate and
s- pecia s i rHouse to pronounce their cause a
B- cids for Patrons May Be uicontributing factor to America's
r- Exchanged for Tickets greatness.
ns Until Wednesday. nU1 Senator Sheppard, Democrat.
000 f U l Texas, co-author of the 18th
SALE TO START2 Amendment, hailed the "triumph-
SALr-TO START JAN. High Waters Endanger Sections a ea o hibition before an
Invitations for Play Production's of Lower Mississippi Representative aCooper, Republi-
n- presentation Jan. 25 and 25 of Valle #can, Ohio, contended before an en-
of "Leila," by Dorothy Ackerman, '29, thusiastic House, that ' a "solid
to were mailed to all atron f the' phalanx" of members of the Chris-
orgizsatienCWednesdayCHECKrdingtian churches would stand for per-
s- organization Wednesday, accordng ~~~ ptuation1 of prohibition.
n to Valentine B. Windt, director of"'T''.\c'ncate P ,' As the Congress wet and dr
r- Play Production activities. MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Jan. 16-Flow- Aors the Co ng n dryiora-
tosieeidlgn nterpole-
The invitations will be honored ing southward to the accompani- mics, prohibition commissioner Do-
isand tickets exchanged for them at ment of a cold wave and freezing ran selected the day to declare that
al atemperatures, water from the rain-! the large scale liquor operators had
0 the box office of the Lydia Men- swollen St. Francis river tonight been driven to cover and that the
I- ' delssohn theatre until Wednesday was flooding over lowlands in "lines are tightening with certain-
w noon, Jan. 22. The mail orders will Greene County, Arkansas. In Mis- ty" on smaller violators.
itbe filled ' th sissippi, the coldwater, after break- Clancy Enters Battle.
o fille in te order of their re- Ing its banks in several places in There were other orators, too,
:caption. Quitman county, had sent a flow + Representative Clancy, Republican,
i- After noon Wednesday the box of water inland. i Michigan, a wet, bitterly assailed
e office will be opened to the general It was estimated that the inun- ' the Anti-Saloon League for holding
public. During the week of Jan. 20 dated area in Greene county would its present meeting in Detroit, his
or the box office will be open from 10 be increased to approximately ten !home city. He described the League
r- o'clock to 12 o'clock and from 1 thousand acres by water let in by as "the most bigoted and the most
s, o'clock to 5 o'clock for the accept- depression in the dikes. Along the fanatical organization in the world"
ance of invitations to Wednesday Coldwater levee workers were re- I and termed Dr. F. Scott McBride,
noon, and for the general public ported late today to have checked superintendent of the Anti-Saloon
be after that time. the .1ow over the embankment by ! league a "typical League lobbyst
n Miss Ackerman, the author of the the use of sandbags, but water 'who never won his leadership by an
play, has come to Ann Arbor to which passed over the earth works over-scrupulous conscience."
of assist in any minor changes that ' was expected to spread more than Representative Oliver, Democrat,.
o may be necessary in the script or a quarter of a mile. New York, another wet, told the
~ in the action. At all other points in the lower House "we turned a good sermon
s- ;Mississippi valley, levees were hold- into a bad law," and it was time for
us PHI DELTA KA IPA ing and engineers directing the America "to conquer her sense of
d. A flood battles were optimistic that humor."j
e-' HOLDS INITIATION the fight would be won.--
eC The cold weather is proving to be
at Dr. Morrison Talks to Honorary an ally in checking the water from Pea sg'S TT
y up-country streams and drainage 39PH N111 U
et Education Fraternity. stations. P
or Desatches from Paragould, ten
1 ''Phi Delta Kappa, honorary edu-- miles south of the Watertop sec-
d i cational fraternity, held a banquet tion of the Greene county levee, re-
e- in the Union last nght at 8 o'clock ported three breaks in the embank-

To combat certain alleged evils in the present cut-throat sys-
tem of fraternity rushing the Senate Committee on Student Affairs
adopted last Wednesday a system of deferred rushing which pro-
vides that no fraternity may house freshmen and that no freshmen
may be pledged during his first semester on the campus. Their
contention is that freshmen new-arrived on the campus are be-
wildered by the terriffic pressure at which the present rushing
system operates, and in that state of mind cannot wisely choose
their most intimate associates for the ensung four years. To a
certain extent this contention is borne out by facts; each year some
freshmen make unhappy choices, though we believe this number is
small in comparison to those who choose wisely.
In any event it would be desirable both for freshmen and
fraternities if this number of unhappy choices, resulting from the
hectic speed of rushing, could be materially reduced. To this end
the Senate committee voted to defer pledging one semester to permit
the freshman to adjust himself to college life and develop a rnor
thorough acquaintanceship with fraternities before making his final
choice. Certainly no exception can be taken to the general thesis of
deferred rushing as calculated to serve this end. Unfortunately
however, the particular system of deferred rushing ordered by the
Senate comnmittee leaves other large questions open to discussion.
and therefore their action can hardly be regarded as the last word
to be spoken on the subject.
The first question is that of the financial readjustments which
the fraternities must make if the new rushing system goes into
effect. Not a few of the present houses have been built to provide
rooms for freshmen, and their kitchen arrangements are such that
a full membership carries the overhead at the least cost per man.
This means that between now and the end of rushing next fall
every fraternity, to protect its economic stability against the loss of
freshman boarders and roomers, must pledge nearly twice as many
men as usual-an utterly impossible task. There will not be enough
men on the campus who can afford to join a fraternity, who will
want to join a fraternity, or whom and this will have to be a minor
consideration next fail the fraternities will want to admit to mnem-
bership. This means that many fraternities, particularly the smaller
and younger ones, will have to operate at a loss for several years
or surrender their charters. If the total fraternity membership
on the campus is to be reduced one-fourth by eliminating freshmen,
obviously the campus cannot support the 66 general fraternities
which it now boasts.
The second question raised by the new rushing system is that
of where to house and feed freshmen who would normally be ac-
commodated by the fraternities. Obviously they will be forced to
seek inferior rooming-house quarters at no saving in money, and
to board at restaurants and eating-houses without the proved ad-
vantages of regularity, balanced diet, and service at cost-as opposed
to cost plus profit to a restaurmteer. This objection would not be
so valid if the University maintAuied freshman dormitories and'a
freshman commons, but for at least the next ten years there is no
money in sight with which to provide such accommodations.
The third question which the Senate committee's order leaves
open for discussion is the efficiency with which deferred rushing
will orient the freshman to college life. Of course he will be more
oriented before pledging than now, but to The Daily it seems that
by depriving him of contact with upperclassmen, which he would
normally have in a fraternity and which he can hardly get if left
to his own devices, his orientation (certainly in itself a desideratum)
will be seriously retarded. It is a fact commonly met that many
freshman do not discover college life until they join a fraternity
It is also a common occurence for upperclassmen of a fraternity
to guide and advise freshmen in their academic work as well as their
recreation and their extra-curricular activities.
A fourth consideration, and one that certainly cannot be omit-
ted'from this discussion, is the inevitable clandestine rushing that
fraternities will practice du.ring the entire first semester under the
senate committee's new system. In order actually to defer pledging
in accordance with the Senate committee's order, the sub-committee
of the Senate commnittee appointed to consider this matter, must
hedge the fraternities about with restrictions as to when freshmen
may visit the houses, when the subject of joining may be broached to
them, and when pledge-pins may be worn. If pledging is not to take
place until the second semester, it would be logical for this sub-com-
mittee to designate early in the second semester a two- or three-
week rushing period at the end of which pledge-pins might be worn.
This period would be made long enough to obviate the intensity of
rushing as we now have it; efforts to prejudice a freshmen in favor
of a certain fraternity before the designated rushing period would
have to be banned and made punishable.
If such is in the minds of those who favor the Senate commit-
tee's deferred rushing plan (and we believe it to represent the logi-
cal functioning of such a plan) then we ask what is gained by defer-
ring the rushing period by one semester during which nothing is
accomplished toward acquainting freshmen with fraternities. Our
suggestion is that a rushing period of similar length be introduced
in the fall a week or two after the freshmen have started their class
routine. It would be stipulated that pledge-pins must not be worn
until the end of the period. Freshmen would be free to accept in-
vitations at any time duing this period, possibly to come to under-
standings during the period with the fraternities, but also to reserve
the right of breaking such agreements at will.
Such a program would be in accord with the Senate committee's
desire to shift the emphasis from the fraternity's choosing the fresh-
man to the freshman's choosing the fraternity. Also, by not inter-
posing a fruitless semester, it would enable fraternities to maintain
a full table and avoid the loss of revenue occasioned by empty
rooms; it would provide fraternity-inclined freshmen with a better
room and more wholesome board than he could otherwise obtain;

it would assist his speedy orientation by contact with upperclass-
men; and it would eliminate clandestine rushing with its attendant
accusations, recriminations, hard-feelings, and petty disciplining.
It is our hope that these objections and this compromise plan
will be reviewed by the deferred-rushing sub-committee of the
Senate committee in the same sincere spirit in which they are
offered, and reported favorably by them to the Senate committee.
M. S. C. Experiments Alumna Will Become
With Motion Pictures President of College

Existing Duty to be Retained
Say Senators Following
Week of Debate.
House Reaction to Decision May
Prove Disastrous to
Low Duty.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 16--
The Senate by a vote of 48 to 38
today refused to grant higher tar-
iff on sugar as proposed by the
finance committee Republicans and
approved a Democratic proposal to
retain existing rates. The vote was
reached after a week of debate on
an item regarded as the most im-
portant in the tariff bill. It placed
the Senate on record by a surpris-
ingly comfortable margin in favor
of an amendment by Senator Har-
iison, Democrat, Mississippi, to
maintain the present duty of 17
cents a pound on Cuban raw s'nr
and 2.20 cents a pound against
other countries.
The finance committee majority
had recommended a rate of 2.2)
cents on Cuban sugar, and 2.75 on
sugar from, other nations, while
the House bill provides rates of 2.40
and 3 cents, respectively.
House, Senate at Odds.
The difference between the House
rate and existing law will have to
be ironed out in conference. Wheth-
er the House will consent to the
Senate's action is highly doubtful
Sizable blocks on each side of that
chamber favor a higher sugar
On today's vote, 18 Republicans,
half of them regarded as regulars,
joined 29 Democrats and 1 Farmer-
Labor Senator, Shipstead, of Min-
nesota, in supporting the Harrison
Four Democrats broke away from
their party to join 34 Republicans
against it.
Eastern Regulars Split.
The surprise caime in the large
number of Republicans from the
East voting for existing levies. Al
factions were known to have split,
and did split on the final roll-call.
But the Harrison Democrats who
were counting the eastern RaA-
licans to win for them, but did not
expect so many from these ran'is
to support' them.
\Also the Republican regulars fav-
oring an increase had.predicted a
greater number of Democrat to
vote for them.
Orestes Ferrara, the Cuban em-
bassador to Washington, saw in the
Senate's action the "first step to-
ward a more intimate relation b -
tween the United States and Cuba."
President Ruthven and Deans to
be Hosts at Reception
This Evening.
President Alexander G. Ruthven

and the Deans of the University
will be hosts to all the foreign stu-
dents of the University at a recep-
tion this evening from 8 to 10
o'clock at the Women's Athletic
building at Forest and North Uni-
versity avenues.
Close to 350 students represent--
ng over 40 different countries O
the world, have been invited to at-
tend the reception given i Lhei
honor, according to Prof. J. A. C
Hildner of the German department
who is chairman of arrangements
for the reception.
The first public reception for for-
eign students was given under the
administration of the President-
emeritus, Henry B. Hutchins and
has been an annual affair since
that time. While the purpose of it
is to promote and extend better
feeling and understanding between
students of different countries, it
also allows the students to meet the
PraA Ct nt. f 4-i, a Tin i,, .c'it H, a o itl



in honor of the initiates who were ment._
taken into membership earlier in Along the Coldwater, the situa-
the day. tion tonight was reported as ma-
The new members of the organi- terially improved. The river had
zation are Bertus L. Boone, '30 Ed., at Marks, just north of the threat-
Lofton G. Burge,; Grad., Charles ened section, reported a fall today{
Chapman. Grad., Orie . Frederick, of nearly three inches. A force of

Special Invitations To Be Sent
Pupils of First President
for Commencement.

;G rad., Paul D. Guernsey, '30 Ed.! 100 state convicts were working on Projected plans to extend a spec-
Leaves for Missoula to Confer Harold Steele, Grad., and John E.,the levee. ial invitation to all alumni of the
With College President. Warriner, '30 Ed. I Big Lake, in northeastern Arkan- University who attended Michiganj
The address of the evening was sas, the upper St. Francis in the I during the presidency of Henry P.
(fy: As ociated Pre delivered by Dr. J. Cayce Morrison, vicinity of Holcomb, Missouri, and Tappan to the commencement inj
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 16.- Assistant Commissioner of Elemen- the St. Francis near Marked Tree, June are now being developed by
With the University of Minnesota tary Education of New York State. I still were regarded as battle- the President's office and the Alum-
making last minute efforts to keep Welsey C. Darling was the chair- grounds, but from each came re- ni association, Dr. Frank E. Rob-
him as head fooball coach, Dr. Clar- : man of the evening. ports of improved conditions. bins, assistant to the President, an-
ence W. Spears started today for the ' - -----nounced yesterday.
West with the offer of an $11,500 RUSSIAN VIOLINIST EXPERIENCES Among the former students of
annual salary as gridiron coach at, President Tapan's regime, there are
the University of Oregon awaiting MANY UNIQUE INCIDENTS IN TOUR nearly 50 graduates and more than
him. ---- 100 non-graduates living. Few stu-
Dr. Spears was elected coach at Many unusual happenings, inci-r dents at the University during the
'Oregon at a meeting of the institu- dent to his foreign tours, have been pro i udoin Civil War times graduated after
tion's executive council at EugeneY experienced by Jascha Heifetz, vio- may be perfectn this world, or God having completed a continuous four
last night, and he will meet Dr. Ar- linist, who played in Hill Auditor- be jeoushand stroys t year course,aues reag n
nold Bennett Hall, present of the l ium last night on the seventh of the wher ofan-graduates remainingran
Oregon school, at Missoula, Mont., Choral Union concerts. bad you nop yibgsometh g the class rolls of that administra
Friday to discuss final acceptance. In Australia Heifetz was obliged to bed tonight?" pti n.
Coach Spears has been dissatis- to adhere to the custom of opening The proposed plan, which has re-
fled with management of athletic every program with "God Save the The crowning experience of his ceived the sanction of President
affairs at Minnesota, especially over King." Having played it a score of many travels, though, came on his Alexander G. Ruthven and the
financial matters relating to assist- times he was automatically prepar- last European tour when he had ! Alumni association, was suggested
ant coaches and their salaries. The ing to start this number at his first a . distinguished looking colored by Mr. Luther Conant, '62-'64, of;
~~~~~~~~~~I valet travelling with him. The Hei a akIlni.Ms ayB
Gopher mentor receives $7,500 a concert in Honolulu. He luckily aettaanatsme in Hen Oak Park, Illinois. Mrs. Mary B.
year at Minnesota and devotes all glanced over his shoulder and saw fetz party was on a sleeper goig Henderson, secretary of the alum-
his time to football. At Oregon, in that his accompanist was prepar- through Switzerland when early in nae coucil, pursuant to a policy
addition to the salary increase, he ing to play the Vitalli Chaconne. the morning a trai porter knock- laid down last year, has agreed to
would be permitted to practice med- He hurriedly shifted to that. ed on the door of the violnist's hold reservations at the League
ini a i a rg+ff1h a eunn Ane rnv in a hotel lobbyin Perth compartment. open for all of the graduates to



Y(y Ayiatd '"s) Miss Lucy C. Wang, '23, a gradu-
EAST LANSING, Mich., Jan. 16.- uate student at the Univer-
Here's a two-act drama of the sil- uty student at te nivr-
ent screen that will still be new i nity last year, will be inaugurated
spite of the talkies. president of Hwa Nan college at
Michigan State College athletic froochow, China, Saturday, it was
authorities are experimenting with. announced here yesterday by Dr.
motion pictures of basket ball prac- Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the
tices. Eleven huge reflectors which;h rI
flood the new portable floor, give 'the president.
out an intense light and pictures Miss Wang's inauguration will

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