PACE EIC IT THE M ICRICAN DAILY -Th. T)-A V , T.AMTT A RMZ.1iFr 1020- . _.___. i -t - -YL1 -- S -- 1- s} .v . r University Bureau of Appointments and occupational Information: I f P-m Publication in the B uilletin is consructive notice to all m emrbers i D f t e U i e st , C p e e v d b h s i t n o t e T e; -C i g opleneo h rea y A stdntsoany.e& o P a m a ya~ dntuni "30p[m.(1:0Iin. SatuULLLy)ii 'requested to file elections for the second smester today or Friday, Jan.ri 01 the Ur~~r~1v Copy ~ ~ ~v~ b~ the I j 17in troame50, C hle eofPamaci Alstrynt l 1 C~~o Pharmacy abuiTding.U deT uti30p. rM. ~(1:30A. in. a~kTtua y) eIQ lnP4'' M1+ tr r~rc!A~~el 'Man ifestoes AgainEst [~ CM UE 3 P e s d e t re F o nd 3 E I MI { higan G overnor L ight ens . . ; rfeTerm!; for JFive Liquor Law Violators. NOTICES To All Fraternities: At a rmeeting of the Committee on Studen. Affairs held January 15, the following resolution was passed unanimous- ly: Whereas both the University Senate and the Committee on Studeri Affairs have gone on record approving a plan of delayed ruishibt pledging and initiation f'or fraternties. and. expressing the belief ~~ suach-a plan would prove to be hen erieh tito the best intcrests of both the University and the fraternitir , and Whereas this Committee believes that the time has arrived for the adoption of a definite plan for such delayed pledging and initiation. Therefore be it resolved that 1 from and after September, 1, 1930, no freshman shall be allowed to live in a fraternity house: 2a from and after September 11. 193;.- no freshman .Shall be eligible' to be pledged to a fraternity, nor l)(,r ttcd to board in a fraternity house until his second su ii rYeresidcl~te at Michigan, and then only in the event that he shall 1h; ve (tarne 1 during the previous semester, a minimumof eleveni hour; of credit -axed 1d to~n honor points; 2b no student s'Dall be eligIble for initiatlion until the beginning of his sophomore year, and then only in the event that he s]:nl' hz zye earned a minimum of twenty-six hours of credit with an avea e rt:t of "C" and shall not be on the warned or probation list; 3 the details of the plan, with particular reference to the time and method of rushing and. billding-, be workfed out by a joint com- mutte(.- ou:i izgofthe De< z.nof Sturi ->cnt: a d i Oher members, three to bac appointed by him a--i theeby ie JIc lBntOf e 7iuterA:rnal ty Co iwhich , u. (00 itIfC.n1 .lY01',Ye to uthe C );lmittee ' t. .. I~c.cxi, Sc e rrlv, (> unazit tee I o~ udent JcW'ATaius ,r C. C. Glover, Secretary Honor Students in EEnglish : Procfessor Strauss is unable to meet the jgoptoday. The next meeting will be th- regular one on Reading List No ,Thursday, January 23. Society of Industrial Ebgineers .(5 Year Men) : A lecture on IPro- i .-ltion Control" will be given. by Mr. Gordon Lefebvre, Vice-President r: Charge of Operations at the Oakland Motor Car Company. al 8:00 p. mo., in ioro 302 at the Union. Everyone 1ntere- L.~is cordially invited. Chemical Engineers: There will be a regular meeting of the A. I. Chi 1 . at 8:00 p. m. in room 3201. Professor A. D. Moore is the speaker of the evening and a very humorous talk is expected. * Engineering Council will meet In room 304 Michigan Union at 7:30 J1. D1. j ouse Presidents of the Women's League: There will be a meet- ing of Hose Presidents at 5:00 o'clock in the Board of. Representatives' room in the League. All signing out slips must be in. Choral Union Ushers: Report at Hill Auditorium before 7:30 p. m. for concert tonight. 1tumnmcrs: Pictures will be taken at Speddlg's at 12:08 o'clotik. Senior Blall (Committee: Picture wll he taken at Dey's Studio art 3:30p.i. a G Professors With Pure Saints of Ch irch. Freshman Week: Ata meeting of (,he Committee on Student Affairs Christian Science Society meets 'in the Chapel ot fhe Michigan held Janary 15, it was voted that hereafter fraternity and sorority1 League building at 7:30 p. m. ruzhing will not be allowed before the noon of E:.turclay of Freshman Week. Faculty Women's Club : The Faculty Women's Club will meet today 11. A. ken~jyon, Secretary, Comiiittece on Student Affairs { at the Michigan Union, 2:30 p. in. Senate Council. will mecct for thle conlsider ii=,,n of important busi- ness at 4:15 p. im., Mondry, Jzanuary 21, ini room lD Alumni Memoria) Please note the chanige of thi. This; meeting; was at first announc- ed for January 20 but the change is madc bca use of conflict with the'~ Sedate meeting on that day. Fra uki E. Robbins, Secretary Action of the .Adi inistrative Board: The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts has taken the following action: g William Dobkin has been suspended for the remainder of the presen semester and has been recorded with an E grade in Spanish 32 because of dishonesty in the class work of that course. W. R. Ilunilhrc.yv, For the Acdministrmtive Board COMI1NG EVENTS Doctor James B. Conant, Professor of Organic" Chemistry at Harvard University, will present a lecture under the joint auspices of the Univer- sity and the local section of the American Chemical Society, Friday a t 4:15 p. mo. in room 303 Chemistry Building. His topic will be "Some General Considerations Concerning Oxidation Reactions." The lecture will be open to all who are interested. Chidren's Rhythm Classes: Children's lthythnx Classes will meet as usual Sa':urday morning at 10 and 11 o'clock at the Women's Athletic Building. A new course of 10 lessons is just starting., Beginniers as well as former pupils are eligible. There is still room for a few more in each class. YFAITH NEED NOT CLASH "No science is warranted in giv- ing an ultimate religious jud~ge~- ment of e~i e world," stated Dr. W"i'l- Slard L. Sperry, dean of the Har- vard school of theology, in the third of a series of lectures spon- sored by the Michigan School of Religion given yesterday, entitled "Religious Spirit and the Scienti- fic Method." "The judgements of science and religion do not always coincide, and probably need no :," he said. "When science first clash- eci with religion, it opposed itself so what was revealed religion, or 'ran :.foul of statements in the Bi- ble. It would not believe that the world vas made in 24 hou~cs, t a t man was a fiat' creation, ethxicaali; innocent. This opposition ot r'i5 years ago led men to believe that science is the enemy of religion. Science Equals Religion. "People now believe that science an~d religion are one and the same tthing. They identify scientific pro- gress as miracle. There is no rea- solwhy a good astrologer should not be a good Christian, but ther'e is a good deal of too hasty jumip- ing to the conclusion that science is religion. A chxemst as such is not a maan whto, as a cmist, should be called upon to say whether or not tlere is a wisdom or spirit of the world. As a manl, he may. I believe that universities wvill defend the right of any man to say what he wants in the area in which hie ape- cializes, but not in any other. Tradition Untouched. haseligious tradition, as a whole, hsbeen left untouched by science; such instances as the book of Job, and the thirteenth chapter of the Corinthians have not been disput- ed. My relation to the mystery is the same as wften science started. It has not been able either to af- firm' or deny an ultimate affirma- tion of religion. !"Science and religion have three ! points in common. As in every re- 'ligion there are a few pure saints,I in every university. there are a few really good scientists. Both are seeking the truth for t he sake of kniowledge, not to cash in on it. jThey both possess a dispassionatef love for truth, which is a most splendid chraracteristic of a scion-: tific mind. They do not let personal likes or dislikes interfere with the ,truth. And lastly they have the power of self criticism. In religion1 the power and practice of it is more Ioften ethical than Intellectual. The power and practice of self criticism makes scientists and religious men of one method in life,", he conclud- ed. Deferred Rushing Planr A Ae~ i-,r% L-ar r w~aLLt Pew amendment to the state crinm- n al code. The five affected are Associte L re3 hoo " nk B'Uker, Muskegon; Etta Mae ' ~Juan Coatpisteguy. ; ltll =r, L,,nsing: Alon zo Noyes;, rguy reidnt wo's e-!oia : Fred Palm. Lansing, and lieveci to be imperiled by the rev- The Popishatiooslerapouty lutionary me nifesto recently 1. ytheomtinswrapov goenrbrought to light. Copies of the doc edaythe oveorfonrthe hrecoin- ument were widely distributed .'i nendatmisonerofarhrdonsWoda the Riveraprvnne.colesinro adn n a in commuting the sentences off School of Forestry the liquor lifers. Gov Green issued Students Hear Talk a statement declaring it never. was on Wetern actic ithe intent of the framers of Michi- on 'ste Tatics -an 's crinminal code that prohibi- S.B.Lckd' of the0officeof Forest tion violators should be sentenced ~. B. ~to a life term. Management in National Forest "It was not the intention of the district number 4 is now visiting1 drafters of the criminal code that the School of Forestry and Conser-1 violations of the liquor law should vation, and has addressed the stu-; bring a life sentence. I am there- dents and. faculty orr forestry prac- 1 fore commuting the sentence of tices in the far West. One of the these five persons to 7 1-2 to 15 most intensify interesting of expe- years to comply with the new riments connected with forestry, he l amendments to the criminal code,'" said is now being initiated in the the governor said. SKibib national forests, which lie in! Of the five whose sentences were the north of Arizona. commuted by the executive, the "Back in 1906, under the protec- cases of of Mrs. Miller and Palmr tion of the federal government bio- Iaroused nation-~wide attention at logical survey, 4,000 deer grazed fLhe time of their trials and son- peacefully in an area of fifty square I tences. Imiles,", he said. It began to beI Palm, whose felonies were a mix- realized in 19:18 that deer Nvere in Iture of offenses, was known as the creasing to a degree of overstocking. Inat ion's first and only "pint-of-gin" In other words there were too many Ihlfer. Hie was sentenced to Jackson deer for the forests available. in September 1927 for life on a Studies were made by biologists of four th felony conviction. the biological survey. A crisis was __________________ reached when a survey placed the number of deer at the amazing fig- New York Listed ure of 30,000. A program of action was hindered by a disagreementj Stocks between the state and the nation- al government. An agreemient re- garding the necessity of reduction Conservative margin of the number of deer was finally' accounits solicited reached." Conditions became critical, severe damage being done to the forest Telephone 2327 trees, lie said. A remedy plan wasI finally put in action whereby reg-I M uated hunting was allowed in des-f BROWN.- E~ss 6&1C01 ignated sections, trapping was per-E INCORPORATED mitted in order to send live animals to other parts of the state and Investment Securities country. "The state and govern- nnAbrTutd. Iment feel this plan is likely to cor- 1st Floor rect the prevailing conditions," he said. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t { . f 4 GIVEN FIFTEEN YEARS iA~ ,2TG, Jani. 15.--Gov Fred WV. 1 'Ti oday xWrote the final' .1:jnlce: in Michigan's famous "life, car liquor law" when he commuted ie life sentences of five prohibi-; ' :mriviolators.; The commutations bring the ' entences of the five to ternms of 1-2 to 15 years to comply with the ; ( University Bureau of Appoininnents and occupational Information:I Geological and Geographical Jolurnal Club: There will be a mzeet,- There will be a meeting for k)rosl)4 ct.ivre Master and Ph.D. degree candi- i lug in room 2054 N. S. at 8 o'clock en Friday evening. January 17. Mr. dats iterste Incolegeorumv ersity teaching, Saturday morning at W x. S. aCarl son will give an illustrated talk on, "Winter Dog-sledging to 10:15, in room 205 Mason hall. The Bureau would like to inform the # the Inland Ice of Greenland." All interesoted are cordially invited to students of the opportunities offered. Dean G. Carl Hluber of the Grad- j attend. ua~ col iladesTh ru. Lttt rurdomn, Director ' Pect Club: Dr. George F. Cartland of the Upjohn Company L._....___heralmao will address the Club on. January 21 at the Michigan Anunmtcint. of a Circular on Chromium Plating: The Depart- League, on the results of recent research work on Cod Liver Oil. Dinner mnent of Engineering Research announces the publication of a circular, at 6:15 p. in. will precede the address of 'the evening. All interested Number 3 in the circular series, on Commercial Chromium plating, by are cordially invited to attend. Richard Schneidewlnd. Members of the faculty who are interested may obtain comnplimentary copies by calling the publications office, phone Lutheran Students: There, will be a sleighride party on Fridav 467, and students may obtain, copies at half price, by calling ait the evening, January 17, at 7:30 p. i. Thre meeting place is at the church of 3ce, room 1047 East Engine erizng builing. The circular is priced at at Third and West Liberty Streets. !Call 5996i for reserv'ations. If there 50 cents a copy. lis too little snow, the party will be postponed until further notice. J. Raleigh Nelson., Chairman of Committee on Publications Engineering Students: All changes from one department to an-' Scalp and Blade Members: 'I'he picture, for the 'Ensian will be other should be made before January 18. Application cards may be takenat Rentschler's Studio, 319 E. Huron, Saturday, January 18, at procured in myb office. i12:30 p. G .Pno.o , soiae D a G. I. Patersn, ssocate eanPhi Sigma Initiation Banquet will be held this week Friday at 6:30 EVENTS TODAYi o'clock i~n the Women's League building. 'Dr. E. C. Case will give the Choral Uniioni Concert: I-eifetz, violinist, at 8:15 p. in., Hil~l audi- address. All members are urged to attend. Send reservations to Evelyn toriunu. Dressel, Botany Dept., Natural Science Bldg., or phone 7259. A Collrctiwit of Silk and coItoi rrits by Amercicani designers and C raftsmi-en: Note change in schedule this week. Meeting Friday anufa ctuirers is now hung in tl ,,fo;re cxhibitlii room, third floor at 7:30 p. in. because of game Saturday. Also meet Sunday at 2:30 for .Archite-It,,re bpjil.(ing. opfen ladiy, et:,:epzt Siindays, frome 9 to 5 o'clock, rehearsal in preparation for candidate Jan. 25. 'Ensian picture at There is ali a collection of studj(; by3}o' udeuts of' the New York School Rentschler's Sunday, January 19, at 10:00 a. m. Everybody out! of Applied Design. Visitors are corc~hl~y Nwelcome. _______________ 1 4 . ' !"1.X111.1, :. " "'./"d.. .Id, I. ". ". o".., ".re"1.r+" /. . ". "%.d . .0. ./. .f./. , "./d'.r . ".rr': id ~«/ f MERRILL, LYNCH 4 i An Exhibit of photographs a~d floor plans of twenty churches enr-I tered. in the Nation Wide Church Buildi) Competition of the Chr'istian H~erald is now being shown in the grouand floor gallery of the Arehi- t ctural Buildimig, from 9 to 5 o clod-,,Janutary 15 to 13. Open to the public.; L~isu. iai.itistration Lecture: Mr. ,J. G. Sandry, Salcs MNan.agerj of Eon-Moeanid Company, Wholesale dray-good's :dealcrs in Detroit, will spealk on the subject "The Wholesale-Retail Relationship" in room) 110, Tapan Ball, at 3 o'clock. This lecture is intended primarily for Business Administration students but others interested are invited to attend.I lhstu Wiilaaird G. Sperr~y of the Theological School in Ria-rvar(1 Uni-j vcrsi~y. inos giving Ra series of lectures under. the auspice: of the' Michigan chool of Religion, will speak this m4ftrnoon, at 4:15, in the N atural Sr~ciece-auditorium, upon the subjeot: Religion andwlJiiotory. r Michiganx Union Executive Council will mneet at 4:15 o'clock today in the Student offices. Kenne-th At.Lloyd, "president ~ DO OUR GLASSES REMAIN FULL f-are you ever noticed thamt your gusslav-hi Swater -lasses full at the enod of the meals' Do you suppose Ethey do not like water or is it the taste of the particular E drink you are serving. Play safe--obtain complete admin. # Sistration from your friends~ by serving pure Arbor Springs Swater. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO. S416 W. Huron Phone 8270 AN1GEL14 SPEAKS ON YOUTH. extent merely to gain social pres-j NEW YORK, Jan. 15:-American He said the hunt for social pres- ,youthi, in the opinion of Dr. James tige had drawn hundreds into col- Roland Angell, president of Yale lege who would have done better university, goes to college to a large I outside. .auoptea y %,oIIII5iuce IMebr (Cc iiiiuucd From Page 'tte) New York Stock Exchanj pledging and rushing. Allttmp Chicago Stock Exchange to have the Interfraternity council ; take the initiative in the matter'i Cleveland Stock Exchange produced no results. I' Detroit Stock Exchange+ Members of a committee of the New York Curb Market ~Fraternit vity Alumni association of i Acut are nCnevtv I h nvriywent on record fourteut are nCnevtv years ago as being in favor of such 201, First Nat'l Bank a system. a & coo ige '$ Margin Phone 4294 a 1 i r , t _ prrrr. .. ,. ., . . rr,. -r .1 S S 6__. _ The NOW, 302 South State Street ELinxe M. Stoffel and Lane -S. Lee SPECIAL STEAKS 50c TO $1.25 w - .. "I,-. 1 - - f BETTER VALUES EVERY DAY Are offered at our BARGAIN WEEK BOOK SALE _ 11 i Sonme Standard Works in Sets 1.4,1-3 and 1.2 and otherwis3e at of ki Chinese Dishes Try our Noon Dinners, complete, 45c Counter and Table Service Also Delicious Sarndwiches OPEN DAY AND, NIGHT Felt Goods, Brief Cases and Stationery at Greatly Reduced Prices- WAHRS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE I II ________ jI 1 !1 i1AICE C.I i TI At the MICHIGAN UNION viii iiI is-", "a,_-_vr 00"% 'Ow b w Ar-r AP% i . AO"__Id_ 1111 7 1 !if "I A I U if " if -I S1 A U & -A -U .5 n ! 1 - L - .'Il-.. dlll A