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October 04, 1929 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-04

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blication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
nt until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)

English 125:
I shall not meet the class until Monday.
English 183
I shall not meet the class until Monday.

L. A. Strauss

. XL


No. 5

3rical Association:
e University of Michigan Oratorical Association Lecture
le the following series:
)ctober 23-William Shepherd.
rovember 14-Louis Anspacher
ovember 21-William Beebe.
ecember 5-E. H. Sothern.
anuary 15-William Hard.
ebruary 27-Carveth Wells
rch 11-Phidelah Rice.'
,ril 3-Lorado Taft.

Course will

L. A. Strauss
English 211:
(c) Professor Campbell--Monday at 4:00, 407 Library.
(d) Professor Rice-Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00, 403 Lib.
0. J. Campbell
English 211 (e) :
Section (e) will meet in Room 2220 A. H., Monday, October 6, at
S. R. Ashby
Freshman Week Faculty Advisers:
Faculty advisers who have not already handed 'in the name of their
student assistant during Freshman week are requested to do so at
P. E. Bursley

Henry Moser

ides Scholarship:
Candidates for Rhodes Scholarships kindly meet Professor A. L.
ss in Room 1011 A. H. on T esday, October 8, at 10 A. M.
A. L. Cross-.
All Department Heads:
Kindly call at the Secretary's office to 0. K. the payrolls with the
roll clerk, BEFORE October 25. Also, please send to this office with
least possible delay, all recommendations for appointments of as-
ants in order that their names may appear on the October payroll.
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary
udty, School of Education:
The first faculty meeting of the academic year will be held on
iday, Ictober 7, at 4:10 o'clock in the Physics Lecture Room (Room
-first floor) of the University High School building. Please note
'ge of place.
C. 0. Davis,.Secretary
duate Students:
Instructors and assistants-who are planning to tale graduate work
have not attended to the formality of registration should do so
week in the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder

Aero 14:
Students who have elected this course will please meet in
office at 5:00 P. M., Friday, October 4, to arrange the work.
F. W. Pawlowski


Course 151, Political Philosophy:
This course will have its next meeting Monday. The next lecture
will be upon the Greek City-State in the light of Plato's Republic.
R. W. Sellars
English 233:
The Studies Course in 17th Century Drama will meet for the first
time Friday at 3:00 in Room 2212 Angell Hall.
Paul Mueschke
New Sections in Speech:
The following sections in Speech have been opened:
Speech 31
Section 13, M. W .F., 3:00 P. M. Room 4203 Angell Hall.
Section 14, M. W. F., 9:00 A. M. Room 302 Mason Hall.
Speech 32 -
Section 5, M. W. F., 2:00 P. M. Room 4203 Angell Hall.
C. E. Densmore
Mechanical Engineering 32:'t
e Students electing this course in section 1 will meet at 4:30 P. M.
Friday, October 4. Semester arrangements will be made at this time.
W. E. Lay

Both are lines of national defense

duate Students:
Graduate students who are on leave of absence from other uni-
sities where they hold the rank of instructor, or above, are re-I
sted to leave their 'names and addresses at the office of the Grad-E
e School, 1014 Angell Hall, for the use of the Faculty Women's Club.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder
ice-Upperelass Women':
New upperclass women who wish to take an examination in lieu
he required Hygiene series please come to Sarah Caswell, Angell
, at 12 o'clock Friday for this examination.
Margaret Bell, M. D.

Mechanical Engineering 52:
This class will meet in Room 222 West
Tuesday, October 8, at 9:00 A. M.
Mechanical Engineering '53:
This class will meet in Room 222 West
Friday, -October 4, at 4:00 P. M.

Engineering Building on
G. L. Jensen
Engineering Building on
G. L. Jensen

TFHE Mississippi was a menacing flood.
-The telephone was the first line of
defense, for over its wires the work against
the flood was directed: Maintenance crews
performed the same service as did tele-
phone men in the signal corps in the war.
In the daily life of the nation, just' as
surely as in emergency, the telephone

ineering Mechanics 13, Applied Elasticity:. Piano Class-School of Music-A15:
The classes will meet on Wednesday and Friday. at 5 o'clock, in The section for adult beginners in Piano will meet Tuesday at
m.340. The first meeting will be on Friday, October 4. 4:00 P. M., Room 305 School of Music. No previous Piano study is re-
ineering Mechanics 15, Theory of Thin Bars, Plates and Slabs: quired for entrance
Classes meet Wednesday and Friday at 3 o'clock in Room 340. The The section for Intermediate stidents-those who have had a
meeting will be on Friday, October 4. little training, meets Tuesday at 5:00 P. M., Room 305, School of Music.
tinar in Theory of Elasticity (E. M. 16aand C. E. 65a): Studen who have paid the annual University fee may enroll
The meetings will be on on Tuesday and Thursday at 11, in Room 'withouteannaldditionalfee fee.rol
The first meeting will be on Tuesday, October 8. Special students may enroll upon payment of nominal fee at Office
_.__._Ti__shenk I of School of Music.
Guy Maier
nopolitan Club:
The first regular meeting of the University of Michigan Cosmo- Chamber Music, B33-
tan Club will be held Friday evening, October 4, at eight o'clock in Arr
Hall. Dean Cabot' will. give the address of' welcome. All foreign All students who have registered for the course in Chamber Music,
School of Music B33, are requested to meet Friday, October 4, at 4:00
American students are cordially inte Ruth Dow, Secretary P. M. in Studio 218, School of Music to arrange for future hours of
HelnRthowSeretry meeting.
Hanns Pick
sity Band:

"0 U R

P1 1 0 N

r1 '

.n of those men who have not yet obtained their uniforms may do
iday night between 7 P. M. and 8 P. M' at Morris Hall. A de-
of ten 'dollars is required before a uniform can be issued. This
e the last opportunity.
he tickets or their value for the M. S. C. game must be turned
me before Saturday.
Elbert E. Trail, Asst. Mgr.
%1 Union Ushers:
horal Union Ushers may register tonight at the box office of Hill,
orium between 4:30 and 6:00 P M.
E. S. Warren
astan Club:
here will be a meeting of the Hindustan Club on Sunday, October:
1929, at Lane Hall. All those who are interested should be at
Hall at 2:30 P. M.
S. A. Raiiman, Secretary

. ,



y, Colleges of Literature., Science and the Arts:
he first meeting of the Literary Faculty for the year
ay afternoon, October 7th, at 4:10 P. M. in Room
Election of Committee members.
John R.

will be held
2225 Angell


nan Women, Hygiene Lectures:
ctures begin Monday, October 7, Sarah Caswell Angell Hall,
M. Remaining lectures and examination are on each Monday
P. M. until October 18.
Margaret Bell, M. D.
tchins' Sections, English 31 and 32:
glish 31, Sec. 16, 1:00, Room 1269 A. H.,


English 32, Sec. 2, 10:00, Room 1209 A. H.
English 32, Sec. 4, 2:00, Room 1209 A. H.
I shall meet my classes today as scheduled.

H. C. Hutchins

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The Age of Conquest
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USIC-the kind you want, when you
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with the Columbia Portable. Why, it's just
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elbow! And the price leaves no headache!
Just let your Columbia dealer put the
Viva-tonal Columbia Portable through its
paces for you-and you'll want it if it's the
last thing you lbuy! It has the tonal beauty
and volume of an expensive cabinet ma-
chine. It looks like a million-yet it costs
only $50!
If you like your melody in a more elab-
orate case, there's the electrically operated
Columbia Portable at $60. But if you feel
economical, there's a Columbia Portable
for only $25.
Whichever one you pick, be sure these
Record No. 1938-D, 10-inch, 75e
Ted Wallace and His Campus Boys.
Record No. 1942-D, 10-inch, 75e
SINGIN' IN THE RAIN-(From Talking Picture Pro-
duction "Hollywood Revue"). Fox Trot.
MY SONG OF T HE NILE (from Motion Picture
"Drag")-- Waltz-Ferera's Golden Hawaiians.

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