IE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY, THUlRSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1930 such honor. If the partisans of the honor sys- Published every morning except Monday tem would perform a real service during the Timiversity year by the Board infor the literary college by prpar- Control of Student Publications. o h ieaycleeb rpr Asember. of Western Conference Editorial ingthe ground for a general instal- Association. lation at some future date, they; The Associated Press is exclusively entitled must forget their impatience. At to the use for republication of all news dis- present the best work they can doI patches credited to it or not otherwise credited . in this paper and the local news published is to Study examples of successful herein. honor systems, derive the princi- 1 Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, ples of their success, and formu- Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate late a plan that would fit local con- of postage granted by, Third Assistant Post- master General. ditions. Their next duty would be Subscription by carrier, $4.00 ;, by mail, $4.50 sIto prepare publicity matter to be Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- sent to an incoming class of fresh- Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. men -publicity matter mfinitely EDITORIAL STAFF more skillful that the average Telephone 4925 '"fight talk" to freshmen. They MANAGINGEDITOR must also discover and provide for ELLIS B. MERRY the right kind of oral explanation Editorial Chairane C Tilley during Freshman Week of the pur- City Editor------airman.. .eorge llosenberg pose and principles of the honor News Editor-.........Donald J. Kline I system. Such a program would Sports Editor.,......Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor............Marjorie Follmer have our complete and hearty sup- Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson port. Music and lDrama........William J. Gorman Literary rlitor..........Lawrence R. Klein 0 Assistant City Editor.....Robert J. Feldman Night Editors--Editorial Board Members CONTINUE THE COMMISSION. Frank E. Cooper Henry 3. Merry William C. gentry Robert L~. SlossCogesnaatisw ch av Charles R. Kaoff an Walter W. Wild Congressional antics which have Gurney Williams' reduced the Senate to a disreput- .. About Books... AFTER THE STORM FORTHCOMING THE NEW INLANDER. CENTURY BOOKS. The smoke of battle has cleared The new English war book which away and the rehabilitated In- London believes will soon occupy lander, after having commanded a place in current literature ana- more attention and gossip in the lagous to that occupied by "Jour-' past two weeks than the total ney's End" on the contemporary amount of attention paid to it in stage will be published in this all its past history, stands solidly country next month by The Cen- entrenched on the summit of its tury Co. The title of this novel is success. We ventured, at one point "Retreat" and it is the work of C. of our campaign for the "new- R. Benstead, a young Englishm policy" Inlander, to assert that any who witnessed the retreat of the magazine with a sincere objective Fifth Army in 1918 and who is now would by a natural process be suc- an officer in the Royal Navy. cessful. Verification of our project- One of the first reports on "Re- ed truism lies in this February I treat" to reach this country comes lander. The sincere "objective" from Herbert Read, the London (and an "objective" obviously for editor who discovered and spon- the first time put into practice and sored "All Quiet on the Western! hence for the first time sincere) is Front" in England. expressed by the editor, Mr. Cour- "Benstead's book is great," Mr. _._... Aer n d~ Adve .11 f~. " I I ,' _ i i i I i i A a i { ci (!,, 4 I ) i , t, : Special Price Events Scarf S all silk and heavy weight scarfs reduced 20 %. 0 r i i 4 all fur, fleece, G love wool lined gloves reductions to 331-3%. reductions a s OvercoCts great as 50 'WAGNEi'iROMPAHY ,or men ct! Snce jw4 ,, , Reporters :Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Barc l)avid M. Nichol :Maxwell lBauer XWilliant Page ary I.. Behymer iiowardlIH. Peckham Blenjamnin I. Berentsoalliugh Pierce Allar t. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz Arthur J. Bernstein JohnD . Reindel S. Beach Coulger Jeaonic Roberts Thomas M. Cooley Jseph A. Russell John H. Dener 1osephi Ruwitch Bien Dornine William P. Salzarulo Margaret Eckols C harles R. Sprowl Kathearine Ferrin S Cadwell Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton Jare Thayer Ruth Geddes argaret Thompson Ginevra Ginn Ric hard L. Tobin jack Goldsnith E 1 izabeth Valentine Morris Cmroverman Iarold 0. Warren, Jr. Ross Gusti'i Charls eWhite Margaret Harris G. Lionel Willens David B. Hempstead John E. Willoughby J. Culen Kennedy Nathan Wise jcan Levy 1Barbara Wright Russell E. McCracken Vivian Zjmit Dorothy Magee able condition and threaten to place the House in a similar state have turned upon President Hoov- 609 E.WILLIAM ST. PHONi7014 106 E.WASHINGTON St. P/IOA'f 96.9 -, . I BUSINESS STAFFf Telephone 21214{ BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising ........... ..PHollister Mabley Advertising............Kasper 1I. iHalverson Advertising............ lm erwood A. Upton Service ....... .............'eorge A. Spater Circulation........... J. Vernor Davis Accounts....................John R. Rose Publications............George R. Hamilton Business Secretary---ary Chase AssistantsI Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker s Ames E. Cartwright 1,aurce TIucey Robert Crawford Th om, ~Munir. Harry 1. Culver Geor ge R.1Patterson Thomas M. Davis C'harles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton James Hoffer Joseph an Riper Norris Johnson Roberti lamson Charles Klinc Williamn ItWurboy Laura Codling Agnes4Davis Bernice Glaser Hortense Gooding Alice McCully Sylvia Miller Helen E. Thusselwhite Eleanor ralkinshaw Dorothiea Waterman Night Editor-FRANK E COOPER THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1930 WHITHER HONOR SYSTEM? It is impossible to deny that the{ honor system of conducting exam- inations is in theory the best that has ever been developed. Any argu- ment in favor of installing an hon- or system in the literary college need not seek to establish the in- trinsic merit of the plan, but rath- er to decide its practicability. The honor system would unquestionab- ly be an excellent thing for the lit- erary college-if it could be made to work There are at the present time several campus organizations'agi- tating the installation of the hon- or system in the literary college. They have taken the logical and obvious first step of interviewing Dean Effinger and several depart- ment heads in the hope of uncov- ering a large and authioritative opinion in favor of the honor sys- tem. Such a favorable opinion they failed to uncover, but rather they found' a lukewarmness that grant- ed all that was claimed for the vir- tues of the honor system but ex- pressed an honest, if hardly flatter- ing, doubt as to its practicability to the heterogeneous and not very serious literary students. With their heads bloody but un- bowed by this rebuff, the partisians of the honor system, intent on hanging up some tangible accom- plishnent to their memory, are now about to embark on an attempt to install the honor system in one or two favorable departments of the literary college as a sort of-pre- liminary demonstration of its beni- sons. This seems to be a dangerous and doubtful expetient. It presup- poses that the honor system has only to get started to thrive - a supposition unwarranted by ex- perience. To be a success such a delicate affair as an honor system has to be introduced in carefully prepared soil and sympathetically nurtured during its fragile youth. Suddenly thrust into one or two departments where it would have to fight for existence side by side with the crib-what-you-can proc- er's commission on law enforce- ment and observance. Claims that the Wickersham commission is not accomplishing what it should have been made by national legislators who propose that further funds should not be granted to continue the work. The preilminary report of the commission as released to the public Tuesday gives the lie direct to these obstructionist tactics. This report outlines a very concrete pro- gram of improvements to be made in the prohibition enforcement machinery, representing the ex- pert opinion of those in the best position to know where the present M machinery is weak. Their recom- mendations are the soundest yet found on which to base a real test of prohibition's enforceability. Both the wets and the drys are pleased by the report. The drys be- lieve that prohibition enforced to the hilt in accordance with the 'recommendations of the Wicker- sham commission cannot but prove a huge success. The wets, on the other hand,convinced that prohi- bition as we have it can never be enforced in this country, are look- ing forward to showing that the most effective enforcement pos- sible is inadequate to foist a thor- oughly unwanted law on the pub- lic. Between these two extremes the Wickersham commission has steer- ed a most wise and clever course by reserving judgment as to pro- hibition's future, thus conceding to wet partisans that prohibition may turn out to be unenforceable and at the same time saving their faces to the drys. Most certainly appropriations for the continuance of the commission should not be stopped. The com- mission has promised 'that it will undertake next a detailed study of "public opinion and the criminal law." It will "look into the -several factors in the attitude of the peo- ple, both generally and in par- ticular localities, toward the laws in general and toward specific reg- ulation." At the same time it will have the opportunity to observe exactly the efficacy of the changes they have already proposed, and reach an authoritative conclusion as to the great prohibition issue: is it enforceable? 0 A MODEL APPOINTMENT. The appointment of Harold H Emmons to the post of police com- missioner of Detroit is a happy augury for a wise and successful administration by the new mayor Mr. Bowles. Mr. Emmons is a mar with no political axes to grind, ab- solutely above reproach in his pri- vate life, of ability amply proved ' in his practice of law, of a warn and genial personality, and with- out a penchant for the spectacular such as characterizes too many police commissioners. It would have been impossible for Mr. Bowles to find in Detroit a man better fitted for the job 01 jacking up the morale and effi- ciency of the city's police force, and at the same time it is splendidl3 to the credit of Mr. Emmons thai he is willing to lend his talents tc public service. The judicial mind: Pigs stoler " in Mississippi were dead wher found. An indictment of the thiel was thei'efore dismissed, the ground being that "hogmeat" should have been the specification. lander. "It is to be a workshop for student material, yet something more than a collection of indiffer- ent rhetorical attempts. It is nol favor to writers to publish littlel diit tipscomposed in a moment of , l a tMarch 1918 was' very much the inspiration. It gives them a false same as Benstead's, and the book confidence in themselves." has made me live through the' And that last sentence gives jus- whole experience once again. I was R~eaddeclares. "On sober reflection I think it is the best English war book we have had yet. I know of no other book which gives the same subtle sense of the actual show. "My own track in the Retreat of tification to the mntroduction oz that over-debated policy (a policy intrin- sically and in a certain reactionary sense harmless and even- unimpor- tant) of bringing in outside material to augment the selection of campus work. Side by side with the lyric completely absorbed. But its actu- ality is not its only merit. It is more than a brilliant narrative of an episode of the War.Jt is a profound study in human character. I be- lieve that the book is sure of great poetry of George Dillon and Alfred success." Kreymborg, the choice of whose Frank V. Morley, brother of work is fortunate when consider- Christopher Morley, who is cv dit- ation is given to the fact (albeit la- I ed with the discovery of "Retreat,"' mentable) that most of Inlander's declares that it is "magnificent, poetry is lyric, poetry that pro- that rare thing, a great book." clais life tobe Benstead takes as his principal " . . . a cantata character in "Retreat" a highly Played on a broken violi idealistic parson who loses faith, Without strree sid if mute kind reason and life itself in his tragic! .and bewildered effort to carry the of criticism. work of God to the men in the In addition to raising standards, front line. the inclusion of first-rate extra- I campus material will act as an in- centive and even as an inspiration to the student writers. It is a not-! to-be-forgotten point, however (and this is true in some instances in this current number), that the student contribution may outshine by far the work solicited from out- side. But the presence of promin- ent names in the magazine will of- fer an ever-present and bracingly secure stability. The current number gives proof to the fact that the outside material does not preclude the student work. A total of four pages is taken by Dr. Frank, Dillon, and Kreymborg. The cheering thing to note (and this will call attention to itself by a mere perusal of the magazine, an :pct that will be less sheepishly donetonthe campus from now on) is that there is a more all-campus ring about the tone struck by the writers in the book. For contribu- tors who, I am sure, would never have contributed under the old ex- clusive regime are Messrs. Gorman, Scheyer, Rabinowitz, and Donnelly. Mr. Holden, recently had a composi- tion rejected by Inlander (the for- mer Inlander) and immediately had it published in "transition." The point is that the liberal policy is attracting all the students: Mr. Gorman's work is known to all -who follow the trenchant criticism and engaging freshness of his Music and Drama column in The Daily regularly. Obviously his talents are needed by Inlander. Mr. Schey- er since his early college years on The Daily has been known as a satirist and humorist of really rare ability. Inlander needs the vigorous charm of good humor. These stu- dents have been drawn to the pub- lication by Mr. Courlander's more cosmopolitan outlook. The real work is still ahead of Mr. Courlander and his staff. They have set a standard to be main- tained. A let-down in the next issue will not only discredit the splen- did work of this issue but nullify any hope in the future. Inlander has had so many spiritual revivals in the past that now,, having achieved for moment a revival in both body and spirit, it will fall into hopeless stultifaction and consequent decay that none of the traditional arti- ficial respiration administrations will alleviate if the next issue shows I Elizabeth Jordan's fame abroad as a writer of thrilling inystery-ro- mance continues to grow. Her last novel, "The Devil and the Deep Sea," already available in seven different languages, has just been translated into Dutch and will be serialized in one of Holland's lead- ing. reviews. Century will publish her new mystery story, "The Night ' Club Mystery," some time in March. E+ ! l l * * * Cale Young Rice's opera "Yolan- da of Cyprus," had its New Yor'k premiere at the Casino Theatre on January 7. The production is spon- sored by the American Opera Com- pany. Clarence Loomis composed the score. Century announces the new mov- le mystery story by The Edingtons, authors of the celebrated "Studio Myurder Mystery." It is to be called "The House of the Vanishing Gob- lets" and will be published in April. * * *. The death-knell has sounded for the staid old book of etiquette! The energetic team of Webster and Hopkins, authors of "I Got Your Number!" and the companion vol- umes of parlor-psychoanalysis, has just completed a nation-wide sur- vey of the manners and morals of the younger generation. After di-, 1 gesting the thousands of question- naires turned in by young people in schools, colleges and offices Web- ster and Hopkins will publish "Mrs. Grundy is Dead," a book of eti- quette written by the much ma- ligned generation itself. The Cen- tury Co. will have the volume ready for publication in next month. Lyle Saxon has returned to his cabin on Cane River near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to begin work on his next excursion into the curious byways of Southern history. His current book, "Old Louisiana" has proved to be the most popular in his series, according to The Cen- tury Co. The first of a series of unusual mystery stories to be published by Century during the Spring is "TIhe Villa Jane," by Janet Laing, which will appear on January 14. RETREAT, by C. t. B4ensiead, (Century) Februray 23. THE NIGHT CLUB MYSTERY, by Elizabeth Jordlan (Century) __.._ 0 I 3 t II I i 1"L SOUND BUSINESS MEDIUM- READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! Dial 21214 "Classifieds" .newa .. e eresr eur eereei w pro THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE DAILY CONTAINS VALUABLE INFORMATION. IT RENTS, SELLS, LOCATES, AND PUBLISHES NOTICES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. IT LOCATES LOST ARTICLES, SEEKS EMPLOYMENT, AND EMPLOYEES. At this time of the year many students are changing i00l s I 4 y' ,'i r ti their rooms. It is the wise landlord that rents his rooms again before the second semester begin . To them 'the Classified column is well known. By all means, rooms, if you are going to have a couple of vacant call 21214, ask for Classifieds, and the student body will know of it. Do it Today! rh-n ~fi .----- The cautious editor, who confin- ed himself to stern arraignments of the man-eating shark, has settled, it seems, in California where a dar- i 'a