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January 16, 1930 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-16

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No Statement to be Made Until;
Sentiment of Students
Is AscertainedQ






Describes Labor Situation
Due to Increase in
Use f ower.




Forbidden fin Rnimp Frpellmd>"

Discussion Reveals Differing!
Views on Value of New
Rushing Laws.

Investigation of the student opin-
ion concerning the passage yester-
day of the deferred rushing system Jessie Winchell, '31; Mabie Mo
by the Senate Comnmittee on Stu- and Virginia Houghton, '30, pictu
dent Affairs will be conducted by a! members of the Varsity Women's
snegative team from Ohio State at
special committee of the Student delssohn theatre in a debate on t]
council. The inquiry was ordered page five.
after discussion by the councilmen -
uncovered considerable conflict of
George C. Tilley, '30. will head 1 9N HM G Z 1
the investigation group. The other
members are-Jerrold Curry, '31, and
Matthew Haddon, '31E. Tilley was T P g 0 .9
outspoken against the deferred,
rushing plan at the council meet- Kreymbourg, Frank, and Dillon
ing, ridiculing several elements of Are Outside Contributors
it, and stating that the "glory that to This Issue.
Was Michigan has been reduced by-
a few more rules and regulations." NEW POLICY FOLLOWED
He, stated hie believed the aclminis-
tration had "put one over on the Containing material contributed
students" when the Senate con- by Alfred Kreymnborg, Glenn Frank
nzittee adopted the measure. and George Dillon, the Inlander
To Ask Tatcrfraternity Council.
-Th councilocluded, after c will appear this morning in the
sider l disc usio, that it should first issue under the new policy re-
not express an opinion, until it had cently adopted by the publication.
found definitely the nature of the The magazine will continue to sell
student conensus df opinion. I e an will e o se
was also suggested that the student for 25 cents, and will be on sale an
voice should be expressed likewise the campus all day tomorrow.
through the Interfraternity coun- Although non-campus material
cil, since that organization more is featured, the campus is still well
directly represented .the parties represented by William J. Gorman,
.concerned, the fraternities. '31, W. Sprague Holden, '30, Walter
Several members of the council, Dneladmn tes h
including Ernest C. Reif. '30, pes- Donnelly, and many others. The
ident of the council and ex officio magazine has not been enlarged,
member of the Senate committee, ! but the make-up has been changed.
who reported the matter . to the In an interview last night, Har-
council, believed that it would be ,
unwise to oppose the plan strongly old Courlander, '31, editor, made
Inasmuch as it had been definitely lit plain that good campus material
adopted and that the administra- will be preferred to any "profes-
tion was determined to effect the sional" material. The next pssue
plan. will be out some time before the
Plan to Aid Frolic. spring vacation, and a definite
Restriction of campus organiza- schedule is being worked out by the
tions, inclucUng fraternities, to hold staff.


f-4 va V.rv GL { : }w f - - L -. ~ l7 au. [GUi Old AA JI7W.. L ,..-LA iA..Ai
Next Year Plan Takes Full Effect
. Poliica ad EYear From September.
Reviews Poitical and Economic .: ........
Status in England Since legining 1931-32, genral fraternities must onerate under the d-
Before World War. ferred rushing sytem adopted yesterday afternoon by the Senate Coin-
mittee on Student A Afairs, which delays pledging until the second smes-
"The present Labor government ter. defers initiation until the following fall, and prohibits freshnmn livinw
>f England is a bulwark against i fraterity houes,
iommunism," said John Langdon- 'I11( latter provision against the Iirst 'ear students livimme it ihe
rris, 'E.My u BrD sn du rhouses goes into effect next fall, though the resolution allows the fresh-
iris, '31 Ed.; Mary Louise Brown, '30; Dves oedBiisUuhoKn mn ledged ~AIto badat th fraternities al next year asd the scn
red above in the order named, are lecturer, last night in his talk on cenrsemesters of those there sfter.
Debating team, which will meet the "The British Political Scene" n Jascha iHeif etz To be eligible to be pledged the seon, freshen must have rtfaiwd
8 oclock toniht in the Ly dia Men- Hill auditorium. I do not believe," Famous violinist, who v ill appear e e f ete d te scoad, record o in have at
h chain stor pbld ea Men- he stated, "that England can ever at 3:15 o'clock tonight at Hill and- ;uring the first semester a munt scholastic record of :r rhours credit
hi ore probem. See story oilhave a revolution because England itorium in the seventh of the Cho- and 15 honor points; and to be eligible for initiation in the sophlomor
is made up of a people that realize ral Union concerts of this year. year, the pledge must have earned a minimum of 26 hours cre'lit with
England's dependency upon the ±_an average grade of C and not be on the warned or probation list, ac-
rest of the world for subsidence cording to the resolution
C}AMPU'>S ORGAN~IZATIO'NS, and who are so inherently loyal! f iit lnDtis
All friaternities, soroitis, hon- that a civil war seems impossible.IUI I Hayward Chosen r h Details of the system,itha-
f o cMr.' d u Orgaii IrLaingdoii-Davies reviewed the, tuFrolicrGrouprChair an cu eference to the time and
iaiisshould ariangc to G S Lh0aver Cic a :forigt tcrsouin
their picture for the 'Ensian tilat have existed since the war cEnmiTaJl L.H d '33E has been method of rushing and bidding, will
artoaarllcunced- and described some of the work of ,FE IL I U I amdh H rde Utting,' be worked out by a joint committee
photographers, i sanone .avepo ibead soeoialsutie onsInmd oreoceRssconsisting of J. A. Bursley, dean of
David Lloyd George and Premierl- as chairman of the Frosh Frolic ,stus three members appointed
Ramsay MacDonald. He cited Pre-1 Russian Ranks Among Youngs committee, it was announced yes- bnhim,, three members
D Dp o the ce eers of: Concert Masters; Started erday by Carl F. White '33E, pres- pointed by William Farrell, '30,
policies that may comi with the at Studies Early. 1 cla Utting has left school since council. Last night, Farrell de-
B U15(types of government that may (1____FAhe wis appointed clared he would name the three
AD Ii ELE~ Jl J comc into lpowf2r, and said that Eng- FAHR FRTTACE- A~[ lred he duin Frmeha whee
land's Conservatives and Liberals ' HER FIRST TEACHER fraternity representatives today.
cannot strictly be compared to Am- -- nndrgF ha w
Engineering and Zoology Also erica's Democrats and Republi- Jascha Heifetz, violinist, who will next September, the last fall rush-
Wnzl b Discussvd 1 en parties because of the inherent: appear at Hill auditorium on the fng permitted for freshmewas
Willnbe Discussedooteseventh of this season's series of also prohibited by the Senate con-
Radio Program. ai . ofhChoral Union concerts, is one of U --- mittee because it conflicted with
fai~ctions;.G OR H I UP teUiest' rg~i o h
Says Politics Are - Heterogeneous. the youngest -concert masters,. the University's prgram for the
LIFE-SPAN TO BE TOPIC "I cannot see any resemblance Heifetz was born in Vilna, Russia, ente ents. Fraternities will
a be permitted to start hir enter-
-- between Al Smith and a citizen of, ,in 1901 and began studying at an Chairman Announces Orchestra, tainment for the first year students
Television, and the possibilities say, Alabama," he stated, "and early age. He played a small violin T tanoon, on turd o y res
of its future development, will be when you say that Senator Borah which had to be specially construe- - Favors; Booth and Ticket at noon, an Saturday of Fresh-
's a Republican I get a very strangej ted for him, and his father was his Plans Are Complete. man week.
4iicssed on Saturday night's ra- 1.____ Confidence Expressed.
impression of the Republican teacher.
dio program by Louis N. Holland, party." Several years after he began his TICKET SALE STILL ON In adopting the deferred rushing
instructor in electrical engineering, Mr. Langdon-Davies spoke at studies he entered the Vilna con.- system, the Senate Committee ex-
according to Prof. Waldo Abbot of length upon the labor coniditions servatory and was graduated when \ith less than a month I pressed its belief that the plan
the 'rhetoric department, director in England. At present, he stated, he was eight years old. In order remain- would prove to be beneficial to the
of the campus radio station. Mr. there are a million and a half un- to give young Jascha several years' ing until the 1931 J-Hop, final best interests of both the Universi-
Holland has been experimenting in employed men in England, princi- training under Professor Leopold plans for the affairs are rapidly ty and the fraternities, and that
radio Since his student pally among coal mining sections. Auer in Petrograd, his parents broke becoming less nebulous, says Fran- the time has arrived for the adop-
days and has installed loud speak- IHe explained this situation as be- up their home and moved to that cis Beebe, '31E, general chairman tion of a definite plan for such de-
ing amplifiers at various times on ing due to the increasing use of city. of this year party. Orchestras, fav- layed pledging and initiation.
the campus to aid in drives and en- water and oil power and to the fact! In order to get around a law that ors, booth arrangements, and tick- The resolution adopted by the
tertainments. that Germany has been paying her required that individuals had to et sales are completely negotiated committee is as follows:
Prof. F. N. Menefee, of the engi- war debt to Italy in coal. Most of have a legitimate reason for resid- for, and the decoration scheme for 1. From and after September 1,
neering mechanics department, will aly before the war, now there is no ing in Petrograd, Heifetz' father the dance, which will be held in 1930, no freshman shall be allowed
have an important announcement market for the millions of tons of took up the study of the violin with the Intramural Sports building to live in a fraternity house;
to make on this program concern- England's coal export went to It- his son. I again this yearwill be announced 2a. From and after September 1,
ing the engineering conference English coal that furnished employ- - When he made his American de- !shortly. 1931, no freshman shall be eligible
which is to be held here olJan- ment to English miners ten years but 12 years ago, he was a sea- Tickets are being sold each af-.. to be pledged to a fraternity, nor
nary 30 and 31. Professor Menefee, ago. coned artist, with seven concert ternoon from 2 o'clock until 5:00; permitted to board in a fraternity
who is chairanun of.the conference, Education Becoming Important. seasons behind him. o'clock at the main desk of /the house until his second semester in
will give a resume of the program Mr. Langdon-Davies said that Heifetz' first public appearance Union; they are available to all residence at Michigan, and then
which will appeal to all engineers the English are today struggling was made when lie was five. He students of the University at the only in the event that he shall have
of the middle west. ; for order in industry and are pay- was nine when he gave his first regular purchase price of $10. i earned during the previous semes-
Dr. Melvin P. Isaminger, assistant ing considerable more attention to public recital in Petrograd and soon. Fraternities are forming their ter a minimum of eleven hours of
professor of hygiene and public education than has been the cus- afterward became the soloist with booth lists already, it is reported, credit and fifteen'honor points.
health, will talk on "The Human tom. "We used to think," he said, the orchestra at Pavlovsky. jIand at the end of the week a meet- 2b. No student shall be eligible
Life Span" and will show that the "that if a man was not educated at It was not until Jascha was 16 ing of all independents will be held for initiation until the beginning of
average death rate indicate that the age of 23 he never would be, that the family came to the United i at the Union for the purpose. his sophomore year, and then only
men are living longer than they but now we are adopting the Am- States. The fall of that year, 1917, in the event that he shall have
used to. erican custom of fostering educa- he made his debut at Carnegie Hall. Iearned a minimum of twenty-six
Prof. Ned Dearborn of tlue forest ; tion as far as the death-bed." That same year lie gave four other Cadillac Club Takes hours of credit with an average
zoology department will speak coi- A profound thinker and brilliant concerts in New York without once - grade of "C" and shall not be on
cerning the beaver and his ways. speaker, Mr. Langdon-Davies is al- repeating a number. I31-24 Verdict From the warned or probation list;
Professor Dearborn spoke about' so an author of note. His new book, Since that season he has not only tII 3. The details of the plan, with
Michigan's fur-bearing animals on j "Man and His Universe," is now toured the United States several Wolverine Team particular reference to the time
one of last year's programs and being published by Harper and times, but has also appeared in I - I and method of rushing and bidding,
many requests have come to the Brothers and is said to be a sequel practically every European coon- (5ocI to iTene :alv) IIbe worked out by a joint committee
Morris hall studio for another of to his most popular work. "A Short try, in China and Japan, Australia, DETROIT. Jan. 15--Encountering consisting of the Dean of Students
the same nature. History of Women." and 'NOw Zealand. the same difficulty that has marred and six other members, three to be
--- - ---- - --- --- -------____-- - - most of the early season games, the appointed by him and three by the
I deerue o th Miciga Juiorpresident of the Interfraternity
LANGDON-DA VIES BLAMES AMERICAN POLITICAL EVILS Varsity basketball team was not I Council, whichhjointcomfitte:
ON TARIFF, LOBBYING LACK OF POPULAR INTEREST strong enough to stop the Cadillac shall report back to the Commit-
Athletic club /quintet and the Wol- tee on Student Affairs at its earl-
"The English are far more inter- verne Reserves dropped a 31-24 de- iest opportunity.
. affairs, Mr. Langdon-Davits con- law, medicicne, theology, or military cision in Detroit last night. Begun in 1913.
ested i politics than tie average tinued. "Politics never stops, for I as you have here, for the work must , The Lineups Agitation for a deferred rushing
American," said John Langdon-Da- there are meetings going on in ev- go oi constantly with - three par- Michigan "B" I Tsystem was begun in March, 1913,
vies, author, journalist, and former ery constituency, city and village ties striving for control and none Pendell, rf .. . .. . ..... . ... . .1 1 3 when the University Senate adopt-
Parliamentary candidate, in an in- of all parties every week in the-I Jennett, rf.............2 0 4 ed a resolution recommending "a
terview last night, "and every man year. There is no round-up once at with an absolute majority at any Weinstein, rf..... . . . . . . .0 0 0 policy of having membership begin
in the street knows exactly what he the end of four-year periods, such one time." - hole, if.................1 2 4 with the sophomore year, as re-
is going to vot e for. Issues are - Mr. Langdon-Davies went on to I Lindsay, If . ........ .......0 2 2 gards rushing, pledging, and init-
clearly defined, while here in Amer - - -- -- ---- - - -"say that even at college politics Falls, if . . ........ . . ......0 0 0 iation by fraternities."
ica only general issues are discuss- I plays an important part in the life , Coombe, c ... . ........... " .1 1 3 The resolution was to be ut into
ed and party platforms differ but OurWather an of the students, but they divide into Tyler, rg ..................0 1 11 effect by Feb. 15, 1914, but the mat-
slightly." Conservatives, Liberals, Radicals, Torrell, rg ....... . . . ...... ..0 1 1 ter was delayed until the beginhing
Mr. Langtlo -Davies said tha t lie and Socialists on the major politi- Justice, IgI.:...............2 2 6 of the World War, when the frater-
believed one of the big reasons for cal issues concerning the nation, j- - --i nrtsituation at the University be-

so much more corruption and bri- not on purely local aspec ts of the Totals ........... . .......7 10 24 came involved, because a large
bery prevailing here than in Eng- .4 j$ individual election to be settled, ) - number of students left school to
land is due in no small measure tor such as he finds the case in Amer- Cadillac A. C. G f T join the Army, and the manage-
the protective tariff existing here ! } -'.'u.°! iCanluniversitir , nRhi rf 1 n 0 -o -r , fr -iioam m


dances on the night of the Frosh ------
Frolic, was approved by the coUi- Comedy Club to Hold
ell. The measure was taken to in-
sure financial success for the dance. Tryout Meeting Today
The Frolic wi be held during the;-
first two weeks in March, the exact I Tryouts for the next play to be
date to be set later. I presented by Comedy Club, honor-i
. Disposition of a bill for $154.13, to ary campus dramatics organization,,
cover the expense of repairs neces- will be held this aftefnoon from 3
sitated by actions of several soph- to 6 o'clock in room 203 University
omores on the eve of the under- Hall. All men and women members
class games last fall was discussed of the society are eligible to report.
by the council. The statement, sent I The next play, to be given on
by the Building and Grounds de- Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, will be Vincent
p'artmcent, covers, among other Lawrence's "In Love With Love."
things, the cost of removing pos-1------- -
ters that were glued to University Chemical Society Willl
buildings, and of repainting the IS
flag pole on which the sophomores Hear Harvard Chemist
placed a class flag. ---
Dr. James B. Conant, professor
ew Bus Schedls of organic chemistry at Harvard'
JUniversity will address the meeting
Will Go Into Effect of the local section of the Americans
Chemical Society at 4:15 o'clock
in Ann Arbor 'oda ;Friday in room 303 Chemistry
/ building. Dr. Conant comes to Ann
--Arborunder the joint auspices of
New schedules for bus service on the University and the local section
Washtenaw avenue will go into ef- I of the chemical society. He will i
fet this morning, it was announced speak on "Some general considera-
yesterday by W. B. Rea, assistant tions concerning oxidation reac-
to the dean of students, after a tions." The lecture will be open to
conference with Charles T. Painter, the public.
of the Eastern Michigan System of
motor transportation. Ruthven Made Member
Busses to the campus will leave i
the corner of Wash tenaw and Aus- of Local Bank Board'
tin avenues at 10 minutes to the --
hour., and begin the return trip President Alexander G. Ruthiven
from the campus at five minutes was elected to the board of direc- I
after the hour, from 8 o'clock in the tors of the Ann Arbor Savings bank
motning until 3 o'clock in the af- at the annual organization meeting
ternoon. of the directors held Tuesday night.

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