A - THE MICHIGAN DAILY rACE FIVE WEDN~SDAYPJAN11AUY A'5~ 4930 PAGE FIVI~ TI+IF MICI-TICAN DAILY Nr i k K } A : b Y" : I 7 I 4 aA 1120RGAN TRIO SHOWS POSSIBILITY 'ECONOMIC DEPRESS EUUURIIUEN SCHOOLMQRGAOWNCAREERaSSPERY rn I CONMI OFWOMEN MANAGINGIONLONGRUNBY ~I think we prove that three peo- asVthteP-I At a recent confeence of officials COURSETTO ! ple can have careers and yet oe'risy Orchestra. of the United States department of their own managers," said Margue- "Last Thursnay we played in the comm erce with the members of the Tianist of Le Trio Mor- executive mansion ooNtRELInGIONanythrteomrdsCfbthelarWF shr of bgan which gave the second con- the Roosevelts" said Frauey, the Women's Clubs held at Washing- cert of the series being sponsored brunette of the trio, "and Saturday ton, increased buying on the part Students Enrolling Will Have by the Chamber Music Society of nght we played in Boston. We a Refuses to Consider Men and of the women of the country was Arols ih nteLdaleaving Ann Arbor tomorrow and risst CosdrMnadfthwme:ftecutyws Opportunity to Teach Ann Arbor, last ght e expect to play in El Paso, Texas. Women Separately in stressed ny President Hoover as an in Own Home Towns M elssohn theatre. We have for our next engagement." aid in diminishing the present eco- - never had a manager, and though f u t gi nomic depression. Mrs. John F. our mother has always travelled The only other college audiencef Sippel, president of the federation, IS UNIQUE IN NATION with us, she has not been in an of- we have played before was at the PULPIT OPEN TO WOMEN said in this connection, "We shall ficial capacity," she added. Iorbonne, in Paris," interrupted ;by no means advocate extravagant See"ek fTertcl Thre is no other ensemble just Vuirginai, the ,youngest of, the sis- nfor nea~niniignaonlbs like ours, and so we've had to ar- 5lers. "This audience, though, was Woman's Intuition Is Greatest o butwe see Study to Precede Five range a lot of our music for our- unusually sympathetic. When we Contribution to Modern iness by continuing normal buy- Weeks of Practice, selves," she continued. Marguerite - were In Boston, where we used toReligion. ing." This statement backs the is a small, vivacious blonde, an'd tures helpe t Hurate lnd Hoover program of stable prosper- The School of Education is work- seemed to be unanimously elected( turns on mnusic at Harvard and -fe- ity. spokesman for the trio. "We have Radcliffe by playing the selections After his lecture Monday after-The economic soundness of this ing an a very fine experiment. This found many old manuscripts in Eu- for the class." noon, Dean Willard L. Soerry of the remedy for the present situation is semester they offered to a limited rope, and have looked through Ii- The girls related enthusiastically H ioe n aeo~ g h Harvard Theological school expres- doubtful as a long run measure, ac- number -of students t he world to find eyha made a s mpagn sed his views on the modern woman cording to Professor H. L. Caverly, opruiyaoe'film in PrsfrteCman sdhi iw i h oenwmnI to have seven wi eks of study in music which would be both inter- Francaise de Films et Sonores just in religion, "I never think of men of the economics department. Pro- the theory of education and then' esting, and unusual. We also cor-FrnisdeilstSorsjutnrlgo,"Ievrhnkfmn fesor Caverly said in continuing, enthe e t in pose music ourselves," she added. before sailing for the United States. and women separately in connec- "This proposal for increasing ex- to five The three Morgan sister, Fran- They also made a Paramount sound tion with religion, I think of all in penditures in the states started practice teaching in a high school ces, violinist; Virginia, harpist; and film in New York.. "We have play- general as human beings. When with the November market crisis. ed for the radio in England and ignrla ua ens hn;wt h oebrmre rss in their home town. The course was Marguerite, pianist; have just re-F" one considers work in large move- The real business situation was under the direction of twelve pro- turned from a tour abroad which France, but never in America,dooe- conss wk ingrep sounder than the stock market dop fessors in the School of Education has lasted almost six years, and I dared Virginia. mets, for instance, giving help to would indicate, nevertheless, the who correlated the material offer- during which they played beforereliee the poorer classes, he neve market situation tended to cause a g in-~a reieveithetporertclasssthecneve ed by well known specialists. Dr. most of the royal families of Eu- stops to consider whether it is car- slight panic in the country. One Schorling, in speaking of the expor- rope. They expect to stay in Amer- OTICESied o by a man or a woman. Why, of the main causes of danger was iment said, "It is the only one of ica for several months and will play terefore, should he consider them psychological. So in this case any its kind being carried on anywhere at many colleges, clubs, and social Th -herfreysoudreligon"paction to maintain confidence in the country," functions, returning to France in The schedule for the inter-class separately in religion?" would have a desirable effect. Keep- Yesterday afternoon the students the spring in time for Marguerite's basketball practices has again been However, woman is intutitive, ac- ing up buying rather than post- who are enrolled in the course mt -------- ---- -- changed. Hereafter practices for cording to Dean Sperry, in Lontrast poing expenditures is beneficial if to discuss the experiences and the Tthe Juniors and Seniors will be held to man, who is logical, and her there is danger of temporary stop- problems they encountered during EITuesday and Thursday at 4:00 o'- page of purchasing due to fear. the five weeks they taught. Only lUllVf 0I 0 clock and sophomores and fresh- greatest contribution to religion to- pa y a si ue seniors are eligible to take the men on Tuesdays and Thursdays at day is this intuition, this belief in ing involves one potent danger, course. Sarah Francis Orr, was the 0T1 A 5:00 o'clock. This schedule is ef- the truth of her feelings. The gen that the purchasing shall be waste- chairman, and the speakers were fective Thursday, Jan. 16. eral emancipation of women, espec- ful in character in goth govern- Louise Lingle, Helen Geer, Martha U Iire illy in this country, is making hermental and private expediture. The Johnson, Marion Widman, A. J This is the last day to try out better fit to assume active leader- resources of the nation could bet- Van Krimpen, Ervin Stewart and Publicity Manager of Ford Co. for the Junior Girls' Play. All try- ship in the churches. "On the T. Foster Moore. Miss Johnson and outs must appear before 5:30 at j whole," Dean Sperry stated, "There M~iss Geer had interesting experi- to Speak on Romance of the Lydia Mendessohn Theatre. is a tendency to welcome women as nces in a high school in the north- Modern Advertising'. * reachers." rn peninsula of Michigan while The January meeting of the Fac- The many courses open for wo- Miss Widman taught at Central A joint meeting of all the local ulty Women's club to be held at men in co-educational institutions igh School in Detroit. Mr. Stew- American Association of .University 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at as well as in women's colleges on rt spent his time in a Port Huron Women groups will be held at 3 the Union- offers a varied program. the history of religion and related School and Mr. Foster in Buffalo. o'clock Saturday afternoon in the Mrs. E. L. Adams is ge'neral chair- subjects, are increasing their un-t ['he actual problems encountered ballroom of the League building. man of programs and special fea- derstanding of religion. It is no ave the students a much better j Mr. Fred L. Black, publicity man- tures. longer the women who, for want of' dea of teaching than could be hop- ager of the Ford Motor Car Co., * proper knowledge, defend old worn- d for from theory. will speak at this meeting. Mr. All women interested in writing out beliefs, and their enlightenment The course will be given again a Black's publicity field covers a var- lyrics for the Junior Girls' Play will is making a forward step in reli- 'car from February. All studentss icid territory, including Central meet at3 o'clock Thursday in Miss gion today. Concluding his discus- esiring to enroll may do so now and South America, China, and the Amy Loomis' offlc in the League sin; Dean Sperry remarked that Pleasant tit must first see either Dr. Schor- LUnited States, and his work also building, women no longer represent the ing or Professor Crittenden. brings him in constant touch with r n conservative element in the church- promlinent New York artists.-, - - There will be a meeting of the es which clings to old traditions and 1.A.A. MEETING TO periences of his in his work will ird of the Women's Atletic As-holds back from advantageous pro- or Afternoon 'constitulte the theme of his talk, sociation at 6 o'clock Thursday at gress, but due to their enlighten- UE H E L D FRIDAY Y 'Romance of Modern Advertising." the Field House. Everyone must ment, have now become a most A'JT V'TE7 V IL n ra_*__*J*_*be present. necessary element. SION NOT AIDED SUSTAINEDBUI~FV RUSPA S S AN DB YN IIE H O P 9 ter be devoted to solehing else.~ ~ A E E TO "People do not reallyincrease em- ployment by spending. This pro- S'posal has the basic element of mer- Women's Forensic Organizations it as a psychological proposition,' F but economically greatly inmreased Cooperate in Plans for expenditure is not warranted by Dance on turday. ' !the situation, which is really con-;_ tcerned more with the drop in the thena and Portia. women's hon- 'stock market, and does not involve t nd rtia w oen's a serious business depression in any orary T forensic and literary societieT event." are planning an important part of - ' their +year's social program in co- lAviation Club to Hear oper: tion with Adelphi, Alpha Nu. . National Head Tonight !and the Oratorical association, for _ I , _Saturday night, when they will I Mrs. Orra Heald Blackmore, of sponsor an informal reception and Detroit, national president of the dance in the large reception room Women's Aeronautical Association, of the athletic building. will address the University unit of More than 200 invitations have the organization tonight at 7:15 been mailed to members of the o'clock in the Alumnae room of the speech department and their wives, Michigan League building. Mrs. ,to mtmbers of the women's and Blackmore will speak on the gen- ; men's debating teams, and to the cral subject of aviation at the first members of the societies in charge meeting of the new year. of the affair. Thse members of the University Members' of the committee in unit, which is now being formed, charge of the reception are Helen who would care to have dinner with Bare, '30, of Portia; Grace Darling, the guests are requested to meet at '30, Athena; Al F. Donohue, '31, Al 6 o'clock in the Women's Lounge ha Nu; and Gilbert N. Harrison, of the League building. f'31, Adelphi. PRICE REDUCTIONS ON GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, JEWELERY Also ALTERATIONS AND PLAIN SEWING THE MARY SHAW SHOP 1306 South University II ...._.._ Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying Go To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical 1 Lowest ' TE3RMS to suit. Play while you pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Croley Pianos:- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records tarw . p. mdfir * bm" r1 YhAs inndib ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 Last Williamn Stree Phone 7515 A T F I E L A H I.JE All members of the Women's Ath- ietic Association are invited to at-P tend the first open meeting of the year, which will be held from 4 to 6 o'clock Friday in the lounge of the Field House. The meeting is to be very informal, and will be pre- Honor Societies Argue Question sided over by Dorothy Touff, '30,t - president of W. A. A. c6f Selective University The main purpose of the meeting Membership. is to get all the members of the organization together so they may Portia, upholding the negative, know exactly the work which is being done by W. A. A. emerged victorious in the annual After the business of the day is Athena-Portia debate, held last disposed of, the meeting will be , night upon the question, "Resolved, converted into a party, with re- that University education should freshments and dancing. Janet be limited to persons of special, Michael, '31, vice-president of W. mental ability." Prof John H. Myu- kA. A., is in charge of the social part skens, of the phonetics depart- of the meeting. ment, acted as judge. Any student who has earned five Ruth Penty, '30, Elizabeth Quaife, ;points by taking part in an in- '30, and Gale Saunders, '31, mem- tramural sport or in some individ- 1 bers of Athena, formed the affirm- ual activity for which points are ative team. The Portia trio, argu- given,'is eligible for membership in ping the negative; comprised: Wino-- the Women's Athletic Association na Gerhardt, '31, Dorothy Runkle, upon the payment of one dollar. 1'32, and Jane Robinson, 31Ed. j Women may become members at I It is customary each year that a any time by presenting a record of team selected among members of r - their points at the W. A. A. office Portia literary society participate in the League building. Any one in one debate with the Athena who is interested in becoming a team. Freshmen as well as upper- member is cordially invited to at- class women are eligible. tend the meeting Friday, to see Last year, Athena won the tro- how the organization is conducted. phy, a silver cup, by a 2-1 decision. 1111111111111111IIIIt1111111i11I1111I11~lilIIIII~fil 11 11111111 II IIll1IiiiIIllilI BEATYSHOP Our Special Permanent Wave, $5,00 R- With 6 Monthis' Service Aso 25% off on all work 'clone' eve'ry .M-'pib4y adTuesday c'N ,pt Pertmanctts, :u , 11 I11 I! II lii 1111111 111111111111111111111 III!!!') 111111111111111111111111I111I1111 l 1 i,1 "I tried variOus treatments for 12 The Den 1-- p. MICHIGN BEL i i 3 c i s i ._. ____. _ __ ---_._-- t lDia - '1:f' '-404 ~ ~.'w- Ir t i. Nt1 rg 1* RHEUMATISM. without much relief. Then Mountain Valley Mineral Witer brought much benefit and great improvenment"-says a recent letter. Another says "Mountain Valley Mineral Water without a doubt banished Rheumatism for me." And an- other "The pains of rheumatism are gone. Five weeks of Mountain Valley Mineral Water brought me relief." Take hope, Rheumatic sufferer-this famous mineral water should do for you what it has done for thousands of others. Physiologically balanced, its action is natural, scientific-it helps Nature to neutralize the irritating uric acid and by inducing elimination through all four natural channels tends to prevent the accumulation of trouble-making toxins and waste products of diges- tiom. Phone for our booklet today. Mountain Valley Water-Delivered to Your Home Three Dependable Stores For 43 years, Calkins-Fletcher Drug Company has been serving the University and the people of Ann Arbor. Fair prices, fair treatment-these account for our growth through the years. 324 S. State E. P. Mack Manager 2 S. & F. University L. A. Wikel Manager i I I