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January 15, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-15

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APPEAT(ByAsiated Pres)ther in the Yangste valley
SHANGHAI, China, Jan. 14-Har- escribed as cases for the suf
n I Orowing storiesosfsfhiCeSoPehan ao-
Pbalism in China were added today Speaking of the Peiping r
T~ i L nA U+t n t <,~c orf wa~. ,.- - that two million had died in

eports i



I W 4+ilu I'aluzi Vi ilu i VE 1ucuu cu ul

Altercation Over Contents of,
New4 Magazine Settled; Staff
Has New Personnel.
Magazine Uses Campus Material,
Outside Prose and Poetry
From Noted Sources.

famine and cold that are reported'
to have taken two million lives in
China within eight months. An-
other 'two million persons axe said'
io bc doomed to die by starvation.
Typhus-grim sister of famine, is
charged with the death of unnum-
hered thousands and three million
1 Mohammedan fanatics 4re accused
iwith murdering all adult males of
numerous villages of Canshu pro-
vince. George Andrews, a mission-
arv hnnh Knr~i nvint


:,i province had died of starvation
Andrews said that conditions wer: Big Assignment of Enforcement
fk worse in Kansu where "85 peAem
(t",1t of the province is afflicted Commission Serves to Deter
with famine." Open Debate on Issue.
'Prospects for the coming year,"__
tndrews asserted, "are that north- SEEK BETTER PERSONNEL
west China probably will experi- EKBTERPRONL
ence a plague of disease and fa-
mine that will be the worst within Pres. Hoover's Recommendation1
human memory."GesLreSaeoAtnin
Reduced to the last extremity by Gets Large Share of Attention
starvation, people in Kaiisu prov- I From Party Leaders.

Secretary of Sta
Start Final P
for Conf
Final Touches tc
of American
Made T

ate Anxious to
o Headquarters

a t
of N

dr, un rrnnstprvic aaince, said Andrews, are resorting to I
'just returned from nine monthis o'icesai An ssoctedtoess hc) (ByAssociated PressI
heralded to the campus with no just rur fro *n m t o cannibalism. On many occasions
certain reports of controversy elief work there said that famine be witnessed flesh carved bodies WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 14.- LONDON, Eng., Jan. 14.-In the
ceti eot fcnrvryIdisease in Kansu, and Shansi pre't~~ i i h od adhdse
d dissension within the staff and e a ed o t it lay in the road, ac had seen . Willing House leaders concentrated Ifist flurry in the final prepara-
itetnb h eprtl ugy today on President Hoover's as-, in forth five-power naval con-',
ween the staff and the faculty terrible situations ever experienced The missionary told ofautbri dds--
viser, the new Inlander makes its in China, In which plagues of dis- ties attempting at list to halt con- signment to revamp the ways and? ference occurred today through
pearance tomorrow, a result of ease and famine are common and I nibalism and then abandoning ef- means of enforcing prohibition. ( Secretary of State Stimson's desire..
effort of the editor to inau- life is cheap. forts to stop it. One man, emaciat- The manifold program of the ad- to reach London early Friday morn-
rate a new policy In oppositionl Falur of crops ast year and no ed from hunger, said when brought ministration and the law enforce- ing and put in a full day's work at
the precedent upheld by the ad- or he coing before officials: Why should I be
er. and a few members of the son, together with beslozerowea-- b f a Wy h ment commission subntted to Con- the headquarters of the American
WOIpunished for eating only nat dogs?
ff to admit no material to the are eating?" gress yesterday served to quiet the delegationi.
gazine from outside the ULOBor-gHaving been born in Kansu pro- wet and dry talk as all sides sought Mr. Stimson asked that the Liner'
y. That there was a controvers fl vi l rnce of missionary parents, An- Ito assimilate it; but by nightfall George Washington be speeded up
that the publication was car- dTEI 0rews will return there soon to di- there was signs of new trouble so as to reach Plymouth at mid-
d out in spite of objections, is rect relief work of the China Inter- - M ciadR4ss1ll
ested to by the meeting called national Famine relief committee.d Republican drys in the Senate lgtn etursday, enaking he McBride and Russell,
arly a week ago by the adviser U hu 1T[ -who have been critical of policies delegates to disembark and take a Of the Anti-Saloon league, who
the purpose of receiving the de- !FwereFsilent. It was pointed out pri- train due to reach London at 8 will convene with the board of that
ion of those interested in Inlan- Cvately, by some, that no cognizance a. m. body in Detroit today. McBride is
Sas to their opfriion the ques- I Senator Caraway Presents Report was taken in the reports received But the Secretary of State did general superitendent of the
n whether or not Inlandershould Indictin Recent Fight from the White House and that the orsee tnd consternationfoundhey
ke a radical change or continue g comission, of the demands for not forsye the consternation he They are meeting to act concur-
in the past, on Sugar Tariff. Icleaning out of personnel or of com- i taries, who have planned a cre- ntywith President Iouver's in-
he meeting, at which it was de- plaints against leaks of industrial wolare a e on -vestigating body.
ed by an overwhelming major-i ALLEGES $400,000 SPENT 1 alcohol. lionial welcome for the American
of the interested ones to dis- Senator Borah Declares HigherWhile administration leaders in ticon ine thaetir historic harbor, r ntwthaf0
~tlnue Inlander as a sectarian| <B Asoitr Prss Hua eyWl ige he House were initroducing the buitaconsider tha t 3~.m sa n .~i i~II
blication, resulted in the resig- WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. S4- first of legislative proposals asked
ion of Jean Gilman, '30, on of Lobbying activities in Washington Aid to Home Growers. -y President Hoover, transfer of Mreover, the weather in Lodon
editors, from the staff and the were described to the Senate as the prohibition enforcement agen- Lfor the warmth of the N E
arent estranbgment beei r-"egraft" by Chairman Cara- IU. S. SHOWS PARTIALITY y from the Treasury to the Jus- come which the capital expects to -
d Curlndr, 1,theedtorintice department, a Republirall wet, give Mr Stimson The sun does
ef, and the faculty adviser, way of the lobby investigating con-! (;n" AI"('ia"iP sI Representative Sabbath, was offer-
nlander in going through as mittee as he presented a report es- WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 14 - ing a measure for tl.e repeal of the not ierceLondon's blanket of Harvid Dean of Theology Tells
nned by the editor presents the timating that more than $400,060 Opponents of an increased sugar 18th amendment. Enactment of iBeuse ofthis situation the About Overgreat Emphasis
ripus with a mixture of campus d b expended by th it tariff and those favoring a bounty new laws as the result of the dras- American embassy and the secr- Upn Subjectivity.
aerial and various prose and po- i its stead, held the center of at- ticUpon _Sybjecthvinyd
"~solicited frod prominent lit- ested in the pending sugar tariff tention for another entire session EifOrcemnt rosd by tc LW tariat at the delegation's headquar-
soicte rot otiehe i- odyit ~ commirssiois to bey tes in the Ritz hotel were busy all T OLGES NOT VITAL
ry men of the county at large.! ontroversy. today in the Senate which agreed w avp L- yrebTHEOLOGIES
e mate-f the courntls "Business men might just as welll just before decssing to vote on the ing any onlct with airy statein arrivalns en A eries abou'ther
s planned by Courlander, is to o to the palm reader or a crystal question not later than neon Thurs- inaking its laws effetive. That las while trying s andt heith r "Protestantism, which has been
student work, and this policy is gazer and have the future of legis- day. otohfrcmna- this is directly in the haids ofl( , wlge t mthei the particular religion of most of
red out in the forthconming is- lation foretold," Senator Caraway While not coming out flatly for a those backing the revision was as- iTs, us for the past hundred years, was
. Among the contributors of the observed after the report was read, bounty, Senator Borah, of Idaho, a I sured today in well informed cir- Mr. Stimson has been informed a protest against the extreme ob-
dent group are William J. Gor- "as to put their money in this so- leader of the Republican indepen- ies.s
titi a, of the confusion and his arrival Ijcieo h ~rsii eiinI
n, '31, editor of the Music and called publicity agents and these dents, disputed the argument that The day's discussion the Capi- was awaited tonight. It is possiblective of the Christian religion in
ama column of The Daily, who j lobbyists we see here in Washing- a higher levy would benefit domes- tal centered largely on the ques- that the George Washington may the early day of its existance," said
done an article on the novels ton." 'tic cane and beet sugar growers. tion of the Constitutionality of the arrive at Plymouth harbor at mid- Dr. Willard L. Sperry, dean of the
Virginia Woolf; Willis Holden, '30, President Hoover was absolved He contended that an increased ta- commission's proposal to turn petty night and yet the delegates may Harvard School of Theology, yes-
o has submitted a review of the today by the senate lobby Investiga- riff would bring no relief so long off enoders over for trial by United not go ashore until 7:30 a. in. terday in the second of a series of
w American Caravan; Merle I tion committee of any impropriety as existing American relations with States commissioners. Chairman The finishing touches to the com- .
sworth, of the old Inlander staff,I in connection with negotiations the Cuban and the Philippine grow- Norris of the Senate judiciary com- modious headquarters of the Amer-Michiga
another contributor. Of the out- with American and Cuban sugar ers continues. And he said that he mittee, is one of those who has icano delegatio ere nmade todaol of Religion, entitled "The
peopletheLAmmotprominent are saw * ~noprspet ofthse codtnswereSchoolda
interests charged against the chief saw prosptc 0f .hese cOitionS serious doubts of this proposal on under direction of Lamott Bln Decline of Religion." "Today the de-
nn Frank, P sidenA'of the Uni- executive in testimony before that changing for some time to come. the ground that it denies the con rBi. Am cin of Religion. "Tady the
'sni ofrasnkPrsid;nteofrte Dlo,. h dhanavct' oe-first secretary of the embassy.,m- cine of religions is caused by the
sity of Wisconsin; George Dillon, I group. The Idahoan advocated protec- stitutional guarantee to a trial by bassador Hugh Gibsong
othmotpromising of young tothteion for the domestic goesbttilb asdrHg isn arriving deathi of religious consciousness
hf the most g Reporting to the senate, the com i growers but jury. from Brussels tonight will be the
erican poets, and AlfrediKrey- itteeasserted in addition that a said it was impossible for Ameri- I Senator Harris, Democrat, Geor- first of the chief delegates to occu- which is due to the extreme sub-
"g, New York poet of prominence. reprehensible" effort had been can farmers to compete as long gia, a dry leader, who pledged his y one of the numerous suites of jective of our religion which has
--made to stir up Latin-Americam an- as the situation cotinued where full support to carrying out of the I ,which take up almost three caused us to ignore the other part-
H. REED TO GO +agonism against the United States we are allowing a heavy preferen- Hoover legislative program on pro- floors of one of London's hotels. ner of our relationship."
. by those opposing an increased tial to one of "the greatest sugar hibition has had a bill of this na- The fourth, fifth amd sixth floors "There are three, in my- mind
O H A R V A RD tariff on sugar. producing countries in 'the world ture for three years but the judi- of the Ritz are reserved for the outstanding causes for this decline.
It listed the total expenditures and granting absolute free trade ciary committee has been sceptical Americans. The sixth floor is re- These are the stupid confusion of
NEXT SEMESTER of those for and against such an I to the other potentially greatest. of its constitutionality. Represen- served for the secreariat, and religion with theology; itch-
increase at more than $400,000, He added that the favored Phili- tative MeKeown of Oklahoma, put cable wires lead direct to th con- lectualism and sentimentalism.
with $175,000, to $200,000 spent by ppine independence and chimina- forward this measure in tme HousC ference tables. Persons who claim they have
litical Science Professor Now the former and $200,000 to $225,000 Lion of the 20 per cent sugar tariff today also. rnetbeI-ost their personal religion never
Bus With Municipal Affairs disbursed by the latter. preferential allowed Cuban imports FosUD Th einers lei ey
Byin S Luicounty.ffa i With reference to testimony that to make extension of a domestic PTIST COLLEGE FLOODS INUNDATE had one in the first place. If they
in St. Louis County.IPresident Hoover had sought to bounty unnecessary. LANDISINOL EUThatheytheg merel g e
bring about an agreement among While the Cuban preferential was IS ORDERED SOLD Lruined by racing ge motor of feel-
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the po- the sugar interests on a sliding established originally on a humani- (BV Asociated Press) ings when it is in neutral, than in
cal science department, will scale of sugar duties for incorpora- tarian basis, lie said, Americal cap- (By Associated Press) MEMPHIS, Teni., Jan. 14-Ap- any other manner. That is oie rca-
nd the second semester of this tion in the pending tariff bill, the ital now "is almost exclusively the DES MOINES, Iowa, Jan. 4- Des proach of a new rain storm from why the present type of reviv-
r at Harvard Uiversity, where committee said that in all this capital which is producing sugar Moines University Baptist Fnda- I the West to add to the deluge which alism is objectional. Intellectuahish
will teach several courses i your committee finds no Improprie- in Cuba, and we are in fact giving nientalist institution, which closedis arady sweepng down the Mis- never r nsla thInltsts
isaraysepnIdw h i-nvrtranisate tougts into a-
inicipal administration. Profes- ty nor anything open to censure or a preferential to American capital- last fall after a long series of eventsissippi and its tributaries inun-~Lion. Religious truth cannot b
Reed, who is recognized as an criticism." ists who are engaged iil the indus- rocked its student body and admin- i n ho ndfPr1 on Religious tr amsmat bn
dating thousands of acres of low- verifiedit must be translated in.
thority on municipal administra- "It is quite likely," the report try outside of the United States." istration, today was ordered sold to lands, added gravity to the high to conduct. I also suspect that quitc
n, will go to Cambridge on Feb. said, "that representatives of both This preferential, he argued, satisfy a $225,000 mortgage held by gater situation in the lower valley a bit of skepticism and pessiis
o give a course in Municipal Ad the contending forces waited on the amounted to a bounty in favor of tie Moatsmans National Bak today as the first levee dynami-exists in the minds of many peopl
nistration and one in the Ad- president to incline him favorably, these capitalists and permitted St. Louis. F ing of te presemt rise was report- throughout the couty in regards t
nistrative Process. Ile will return and, the sliding scale solution hav- them to "dominate the sugar price The order was made by Federal
Ann Arbor in time to teach m ing been proposed, he suggested in American markets." Judge Charles A. Dewey, who di- e religion.
eSmmer Ses"siomn.di Levees, 'however, were hioldg' "My own guess," concluded Dr
e Summer Session. that they get together in an effort "As for the Philippines," Borah rected that the real estate, build- fast. Sperry, "is that we are nearing th
rofessor Reed has been on to work out some plan, and In that continued, "I would like to see them ing and equipment be sold after Interior streams already were at end of the period of subjectivity
ve of absence from the Unver-connection informed them that he given independence, but I do not the bank asked for foreclosure and or near the flood stage. and that in the near future, Vh
y for this year. He has been em- would have inquiry made into the expect it is going to happen in my judgment for $207,070. At the office of the United States object of the reigion will be stess
yed as the director of research practicability of the idea. by ex- time and I doubt that it will hap- Claims of 29 intervenors will be Engineers here it teas stated that ed equally as much as the subject.
the city and county develop- perts of the departments. pen at all. Isaiisfied out of property not cov-the levees along the Mississippi Dr. Sperry will deliver the thir
t committee of St. Louis. His - -- iered by the mortgage.Ceta len- were capable of withstanding all lecture of the series, "The Religiou
rk had been concerned with re- 'dSIAN AL TODAY R FOUR were 'tord b seco e he water now in sight. I Spirit and the Scientific Method,
a yirntrhtermtosofEEN NMAETDY O OR, eeeemtdfo eiuebt t, hnf ~rdni~ ie__ ,_ n-

"The English Political Scene'
to be.-Discussed Tonight
by Langdon-Davies.
Young Englishman Has Figured
Prominently in British
Political Affairs.
John Langdon-Davies, author,
journalist and distinguished man of
affairs, will speak tonight at 8 o'-
clock in Hill auditorium on "Th e
English Political Scene,'" as the
fifth lecturer on the Oratorical as-
sociation program.
In England Mr. Langdon-Davies
has for many year been a popular
lecturer and in 1923 was a candi-
date for Parliament in the Epsom
division of Surrey. He has done
extensive lecturing in the United
States during the past three years,
his subjects embracing labor con-
ditions, scientific themes, feminism,
and intimate sketches of literary
and political people in England.
As an ex-candidate for Parlia-
ment, Mr. Langdon-Davies is per-
sonally acquainted with most of the
Labor Party Statesmen and will
discuss the present situation in En-
gland, British public opinion tow-
and America, war debts, peace, ar-
maments, the League and. the
World Court and other pertinent
and enlightening subjects.
Although only 31 years of age to-
night's speaker is said to be one of
the soundest, mst brilliant and
likeable of the younger Englishmen
to visit America. He is a familiar
contributor to the New Republic
and various other magazines and is
the author of "A Short History of
- Wonen" and "The New Age of
Faith." Since he quite closely re-
sembles John Barrymore Mr. Lang-
don-Davies has often been rcfei'r
to as "the Greek god."
Mr. Langdon-Davies held the Sir
Thomas White scholarship in mod-
ern history at Oxford, as well as
three-other scholarships and exhi-
bitions. For two years he was a
feature writer in the London office
of the Christian Science Monitor
and a constant contributor to the
New Statesman and the Westmin-
ster Gazette. Since September,
1923, when he was sent to Spain
as a correspondent for the London
Daily News, he has made his home
in Spain.
It is thought that toniglhlt3 lec-
ture will reveal some of the inside
facts concerning the approaching
naval conference, since Mr. Lang-
don-Davies is acquainted with Pr-
mnier Ramsay MacDonald and many
other delegates, and since he is well
, versed in every phase of British
Henry Moser of the speech de-
partment, business manager of the
Oratorical association, predicts a
heavy ticket sale for tonight's lec-
ture and believes that Mr. Lang-
,don-Davies' youthfulness will hold
a great appeal for a college audi-
nce. Single admission seats are
on sale at Slater's or at 3211 An-
gell hall today at one dollar each,
and will be sold at the box offlee be-
* ginning tonight at 7 o'clock.

o ANGELES, Jan. 14-Over the same
flooded fairways and rain soaked
greens that proved a golfer's grave
e yard for America's greatest, there
, tramped today a little known dis-
e ciple of the royal and ancient game
- to win the championship of the
" $10,000 Los Angeles open. Young
d Denny Shute, of Columbus, Ohio,
is whose brief career as a professional
hardly rated him the honor of a
- gallery; hunched his shoulders in-
to the wind and braved the tor-
rential rains to post the respectable
and winning score of 296.
t1 Ticket Orders Received
For Shakespear Troupe
- Mail orders for the three per-
- formnances to be given Jan. 26 and
r 27 at the Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
w tre by Sir Philip Ben Greet and his



searci imu n cum i~iav
administration of the St. Lou is
region. In addition, Prof essor Reed
has delivered lectures throughout
the country on topics of municipal
interest. On Jan. '7 Ihe talked in
Toledo and on Jan. 8, he spoke be-
fore a representative body in Bos-
Air Company President
to Tell of Latest Ship

Approximately 750 students who purchased a yearbook, and the
hold coupons worth. one dollar on nm fteognzto ilb
their copy of tie 1930 Micigane name of the organization will be
sian will have the opportunity to- engraved on the cover of the book
day and tomorrow to nmake final in gold letters. Any group which is
payments of their yearbooks, it was entitled to a free copy should send
announced yesterday by Samuel a list of names of the subscribers
Atkins, '30, business manager. The; to the 'Ensian offices in the Press
sales campaign will be cionducted building.

will be taken in charge by thne no- 1Ue resort to dynMIU was re-
ceie alokg with ohger uncur ported today from Quitman coun-
ty, Mississippi. Unidentified per-
bered property and accounts-. d11 al t d 1 1 g as.
".SOUS last night blasted a -gap 20
_______________ Ifeet wide in a roadway fill in Cas-
sidy Bayou, two miles southwest of.
the town of Belen. Search for the
jO ur~eaera n dynamiters was futile.!
Water backed up against the fill
had spread over a wide section,
about Belen.
In eastern Arkansas, the situa-
tion at Big Lake, one of the focal

this afternoon in the Natural Sci-
ence auditoriun at 4:15.
Anti-Saloon Delegates
Gather for Board Meet
(1y Associated Press)
DETROIT. Michigan. Jan. 14 -
The National board of the Anti-Sa
loon League of America held a er
ies of meetings here today prepar
I atory to the opening tomorroV

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