THE MICHIGAN DAILY' n Scholarship Contest Winners Enroll At Massachusetts Institute Of Technology f ~1 I U ' TROOPS PATROL 'TOWN OF RIOTS National Guard Called To Scene While Officials Investigate Gun Battle IKillings (By Associated Press) ] City P of~ 'anning Body Forms Greatest Concern FThirty-first Season of Municipal League 1 t isAppaeratus And Showers horoughly Ovehauled In Summer Vacation erman Gymnasium is now for use. The temporary, left by the registering stu-L tramping through the gym been removed. Athletic ap- s and shiowers have been ghly overhaiuled and are ,ngthe appearance of the t: Any studet twishing to hie gymanisurn's facilities is d to- do so. Lockers -mayT be d bypurchasing a locker, for two dollars at the Tre as-' office and presenting' it at tin. hman classes will begin ay, October 14. The week or inactivity befor~e that time e used for th~e classificationj ie fre'shmen. Doctor May' the first ,,year men to class-1 the, earliest possib~le date in to escape th~e rush tha~t comes g the last few days before s start. Freshmen ma.y class- the athiletic office i.n Water- GymW anytime next week be- the hours of 9 to 12 and 2 toj IMARION, N. C., Oct. 3.-National' guardsmen patrolled 'the district; around' the Marion Manufacturing Co.'s Mill today, while in the town of Marion, a mile away. officials began' their investigation of Wed-'; nze~day's gun battle which took three.-lives. jIni addition to the three union ,men:f who, died when stikers and sherif's deputies"Iblas~hed', four' others are at the Mar'ion General ~Hospital still in a seiouits conidition, nine< are less seriously' hurt, but confined to hospitlbeds, and 'a{ dozen, others are nursing minor in-I juries at their homes. The ,natio al guardsmen, ordered here '"from' Salisblry 'And North Wilkesboro, arrived last night. One company wvent immediately to theI Marion mill' and' Col.'Copeland,' commanding, ordered out patrols. WillU 1Maintain Guard These patrols mardihed the, streets 'of the little xmiill' village; where the workers' live in old, frame houses setting high on stilts around the mill, throughout the night.: III LL I C' invitations to all the members to This year marks the thirty-firstatedacnrneofheOi season of the Michigan Municipal ,ity Planning Association this Leage. rganzedin 198,themonth. Michigan has no general Michigan unit was one of the pio- city planning body, and Mr. Smith neers in the field. In the United hopes that this meeting will give States at present, there are twenty-i the officials from this state an op- six similar institutions, with ten Canadian Unions which serve the portunity to judge whether a Simi- samepurpse fr Caada.lar organization would be beneficial The "fundamental purposecofithe. pups fteMichigan Municipal League is the G RSE C E improvement of municipal govern- GO ESTEACHES inent throughout the enitire state.!° COURSE' IN ARTS J This objective is advanced~ through the maintenance of', a central of -1 Walter J. Gores, instructor in flce, now located in Alin Arbor. decorative design) in the architec- The organization is comhposed,.. at j ture school, Wednesday eight held present, of practically all the prin-, in -Detroit the first meeting of a cipal cities in the 'state and also ;class in the history of applied art, many of the smaller towns and vii-j one of the extension courses which lages. One hundred and seven mu-! the University' o frs each year to nicipalities are enrolled iy the ' citizens of Detroit. league. When ever a question of This course, which °parallels' Prof. vital importance toI the communityI William C. Titcomb's course in de- arises, the discussion is referred to rcorative design, meets each Wed- the central bureau of the leagu'e for. nesday evening from seven to nine further 'advice: o'clock, throughout the year and A magazine& entitled, "The Mich-1 gives two hours of University cre- igan Municipal Reviewt" is the' dit. Enrolled in the course are ar- monthly publication of "the organi- chitects, architectural draughts- zationi and is chiefly' concerned men, teachers of architecture, and with. problems of city Manage- interior decorators. annt I The large enrollment for the Harold D. Smith of Ann Arbor is course, Gore says, is indicative of Director of the League, with Laird the desire of Detroit people to take J. Tr~oyer, Mayor of Lansing, the advantage of the University Ex- I presloni;a... i ir . i1-.' ho'i$cctn1u L-oninn nii u in FOR i . { a . ING Left to right: Dr. James Try on of faculty, Ivan Getting,.Pitts- burgh; Wilbur Huston, Seattle; C harles 'Bruiiissen, West Redding, Conn. Il prsdn r:Smt a sua- eso ore JITN E~Y - FRI. EVE. OCT. 11 1i h EREE INZ m ' r - ;- 4 ; =s IEtoEi~ O~pa sJUS'i N, M19 CA!RT~jy$ =*r y ~ ' The, Most Thrilling O peretta Ever Produced In America. I4s Flayed for 63 weeks at, the c2asino Theatre, New York, and 32 Weeks at the Great M ,rthern Theatre, Chicago. B RILLLdNT CAdT 01 ioo. With Superb Touring .Orchestra. kany that plays l$oston, Providence, Buffalo, Cleveland, Kati, Pittsburgli, and 10-week return engagement, Knicker- N. Y. I; alcony: $.50, ,$2.00U, and $1.50;,Gallery: $.1.00. No Tax IL ORDERS N1OW L ,t -j Hear! ____________The Livin~g Screen- The Theater With Perfect Tonal Reproduction Hen Pecked ,husbands! Neglected Wives! See! Tryouts for the varsity debating class were held yesterday ''hn Floyd K. Riley, new coach of the team, heard fourteen men anid fouir women deliver short talks on il"~h itary training in colleges. Results of the tryouts will be anniounced~ soon. In addition to those who appear-. ed yesterday, about twenty ceandi-' dates have already registered f the class from which the tea~m 'vlf eventually be chosen. The'db- for the men's team this seniestor will be held on Dec. 16; when. Pur. due will meet one of Michigan' s teams here, .while the othei" team1 makes the trip to Minneapolis to~ meet the University of Minnesota, team. T he question for the deba'te hasnot been decided: yet, butt wily probably be announced' with~n ,.a' week. The women's teamil'rd ~eet Ohio State in Ann Arbon~, andl r--' diana University away from hoe WUERTII H LAST TIMES SATURDAY FOUR MARX BROTERS in '"COCOANUTS" Did you catch that joke about the Prince of Wiles? Setter 'come back and hear this picture again: You Missed Some Laughs-they come' s { fast.'' MID-NITS SHIOW SATURDAY "4 tJTY rsi Appointmnents ""The Carnation Kid"~ in a All-Talking Comedy new laughfest! Featuring lovely "THE IGHTBED"Marie Prevost, Frances Lee t4HERIHTBE"and Johnny Arthur.,- All. Cartoon News, Curiosity, talkin-g! SATURDAY-CLARiA BOW-"DANGEROULS CURVES" SEATS.-IN WYSEL .l .00 LING University of Michigan Oratorical Association tlll!!!l1111l 1l I ItI!!l111 11111111t1ii1111#l I1 l1 1l1ltiltltll1111111111111! iiiiii 11111111111{1lll11{1{01111 {{1illIlliii 1111111 {1i 1liii{11{ ,- 4rn -Wk 0 / 0 WILLIAM' SHEPARD WvvILLIAM B13EBE E. H.p SOTHERN CAR VETH WELLS International' Correspondent Recognized Authority on Crime Prohibition. and .and America's,. Forem ost Naturafiist,. ,ntist9, Author, Explorer. " Sct- America's. Greatest Actor, tnlat~c Recital and 'Lecured in Drae z he Man Who Makes cilatingandtheTruth itbLe.' Facts Fas- Sound take October 23rd November - lst Deecemjer'5th February 27th A SEWIS -OFEI At LJ T OUG~A DUCATJPNAL VALUEJ SEASON TICKETS1NOW ONSAE - 3.50-$3.00-$.59 1AIL ORPERS NOW