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Tomorrow CASSIFI
Okar nuTu iiu nisi
t2 r soeated I'm
Secretive in plans and powers,
i Western conference faculty repre-
Poweful astenersExpetedsentatives investigating the status
Powerful Easterners Expected;of eleven suspended University of
to Give Maize and Blue Iowa athletes, arrived at Iowa City
Strong Opposition. this afternoon, and immediately'
went into conference with the
BOTH HAVE VETERANS Hawkeye eligibility committee.
Prof. Thomas French of Ohio .,<
Princeton's mighty wrestling State, Prof. W. J. Moenkhaus of In-
team will. play host to .Coach Cliff diana, and. Prof J. F. A. Pyre of
Keen's wandering matmen tomor- Wisconsin comprised the invetigat-
h ing committee. Prof. French, f
row night in the second match on chairman of the group, declined to -
the Wolverine 1930 schedule. Five discuss whether the committee had
veterans who gained their experi- power to reinstate the Hawkeye f.. ... z
ence on a powerful Tiger outfit of athletes or merely to recommend "c'r"r <.......
last year will go to the mat against such action to the confer nce in !
he inversg tomohrrowt against event of a favorable decison. He ..
the invaders tomorrow, against f e
whom Coach Keen will have to send said the committee probably would
who Coch eenwil hve o sndremain here tomorrow to continue
a like number of men who are
wearing the Maize and Blue for the its activities.
secod tie inther creer. {Dean C. C. Williams, Prof. F. G.
second time in theit careers. Higbee, and Prof. Louis Pelzer were
These five grapplers appeared Iowa representatives conferring
under Michigan colors for the first . . Ds
time against Franklin and Marshall the Big Nine officials. Dis-
tmergayins t ,ranlinnd wh arall qualified Iowa athletes had receiv-"'"
Saturday night, and while all of! ed no wrd whether they would be e r e fgo air h
them arc men of good calibre the gien noportunit tyappead ber
weight of experience will be on the given opportumty to appear before
sides of their opponents. The three is c d''s f bor
voterans that the Wolverines do rowingrfromnthe "trustfd h
boast,. 4ewitt, Kelly, and Parker,
are able to take care of themselves The original list of 14 disqualified
ae able tomtakenyare ohemathletes has dwindled to 11, Iowa
For Princeton Captain ill Bar- athletic officials said this afternoon.-
ForPricetn Cptan pll ar-Three men on the original list, F.
field, who was one of the mainstays L m W o Mtearigind Mar-
on he'Tigr, in ths saso, wl!L. Wilcox, C. M.-Stewart, and Mar- i
on the' Tiger line this season, will in Schmidt, have either concluded
oppose either Auer or Stoddard. !ir c
Barfield is one of the best men in their competition or left school. No agreement has been reache
this division of the east coast and Babe Ruth and the Yankee mana
the Princeton coach is counting on Northwestern Boasts exceeded the club's offer by $10,0
him to add points to their score. In Bet Pl Vpert (right) club president, Ed Ba
case Barfield is unable to wrestle B st oleVauters ------
Van Shaick, a sophomore will take (Special to The Daly) Army Gridders to Play
his place. Six pole vaulters one of 'whom Illinois in New York
New .Men Get Chance, will do 13 feet 6 inches or better j___nisne Y r
Bob Colmore, Varsity coxswain and the other five who will vary
last spring is slated to fill the 118 an e fv h wl ay(by sociated Pres)
lrast prin. s slatedtofil theg 1 all the way from 12 fee to 13 feet The West Point-Illinois football
birth at Princeton. He was a regu-! will compete for Northwestern uni-'
lar last season and reports from the versity during the 1930 track sea- game, scheduled to be played at
east have it that he took care of his sOn. This group is believed to be the Polo grounds early in Novem-
weight very creditably. Either Tex- the best set of vaulters on any one ber, will take place in the Yankee
eira or Aldinger will work for Mich- teminte onty
igan, and while both are new men Tom Warne the star of this sex- stadium
to the squad, they are clever wrest- tet, ranks with the leading vaulters The New York university-Geor-
lers who have been improving fast. in the country. In his sophomore gia game, to be played the same
Thenext two weights are filled year last season he set a new con- day., at the American league field
by veterans also with Hertz and!ference outdoor record at 13 feet 7 has been shifted to the Polo
rent again eligible for Varsity com- inches along with McDermont of grounds. It is understood this move
petition. However two sophomore Illinois, who reached the samegrud.Iisnestothsmv
stars, Ihrig and Thompson have height. In the National Intercolle- was made by mutual consent of all
been giving the regulars a hard giate he tied with Edmonds of! concerned in order to accommo-
fight for und-isputed right to repre- Stanford at 13 feet 8 7-8 inches for date the large number of personr
sent their school. Captain Hewitt a new record. who desire to see the middle west-
will oppose Hertz at 128 pounds Scotty Engle and Dean Klarr, ern elevens in action in New Yorli
with Woodwardscheduled to appear two other members of the array of City.
at the next heavier weight vaulters on the Purple team have,
Thlstfens is o eonboth been threatening to edge into New York University
by Jay Lukens, who will show in the 'oth13-foot c 2 feet 9 in es i Schedules Nine Games
148 pound class 'against Benz. The have not been able to make the ad- (By Associated Press)
Michigan State A.A.U. champion ditional 3 inches. By the time the Meeting Georgia and Missouri
has been showing great improve- outdoor season rolls around both again in its big intersectional en-
ment this year, and Coach Keen , are expected to soar over the 13 gagements, the New York univer-
hopes that he will be able to more foot mark. I sity 'football team next year will
than hold his own against his more __ __play a nine-game schedule. Ex-
experienced opponent tomorrow. NEW YORK-Mary K. Browne, cept for a trip on November 1, to
Princeton will be represented by who lost her amateur golf standing| Pittsburgh to meet Carnegie Tech,
new men in the 158, 168, and 178 when she turned professional in all of the games will be played in
pound division, while Michigan has' tennis, has been reinstated by the New York. Other dates include
two lettermen, Kelly and Parler, in] U. S. Golf association. She was for- October 4, West Virginia Wesleyan;
the first two and a man from the imer women's national tennis cham- 18, Missouri; November 8, Georgia;
football team, Steinke, in the 178 pion before turning pro. 15, Georgetown.
weight. Steinke is looked upon as
one of the most promising wrest-,-
lrs on the Wolverine squad and SUDDEN
should get at least alleven break.SERVICE
in his match.
Intramural News
Strong Independent Faculty Men Active
Quintets Enter Race in 'mural Activities
Some very fine independent bas- Many activities are under way for
ketball teams are playing in the the members of the faculty. At
present a tennis tournament is be-
Intramural leagues this year. Both Int aenis tunmntisube-
ing car'ried on at the intramural
the number of teams and the cal- indoor courts. Johnstone is paired
ibre are far above any other year with Goodrich, Palmer with Stew-
and some very fine games are due art, Calvery with Perkins and Jo-
to be played. Among the favored bin with Crandall. Gearhart meets
the winner of the Joblin-Crandall
teams, on the basis of playing to match.
date, are the following: Polonia Volley ball teams have been or-
Circle captained by Jablonowski, ganized. Four teams have entered.
Oakland Rats, Michiganders, Zicks, Scientists captained by Greys, Ed-
and Pole Katz. ;ucation captained by Weiman, En-
Tnd ChieseK tudgineers captained by Potts and the
The Chinese Students also have Army captained by Edwards. The
a good team but had the hard luck opening game is between the Sci-
to meet the Polonia Circle in their entists and Engineers at 4:30 Fri-
first game and were defeated. The day while the Education and Army
teams clash at 5:15.
Rockets, last year's winners, are #_ _
again in the field with a very fine
te. __ _j Monday's Games
Fraternity Handball <BASKETBALL
Teams Near Finals (After the .Illinois-Michigan game)
ealS ar S 9:00 Soph Phys. Eds. (Masks)
vs. Bus. Ads. (Waters)
Phi Delta Phi and Phi Beta Pi Frosh Laws (Fleming vs. Soph
will fight it out for the supremacy Engrs. (Brown)
in fraternity handball. Phi -Delta Senior Lits. (Schiller) vs. Soph
Phi has Steve Jones, last year's all- Dents. (Engleman)
campus singles champion and the Frosh Laws (McKenzie) vs. Jun-
holder of the doubles crown with I ior Lits. (Swanson)
Navarre. It is this team that was' 9:45 Senior Lits. (Menny) vs.
originally picked as the likely Senior Dents. (Moss)
champions and unless Phi Beta Pi Junior Dents. (Collins) vs. Frosh
pulls a surprise, they will reach the bits. (Schultz)
goal. The match is scheduled for Alpha Chi Rho "A" vs. Phi Delta
Thiursday of next week. dihi "A"
Eight men are left in the all- Kappa Delta Rho "B" vs. Tau Ep-
campus handball singles tourna- silon Phi "B"
ment. Jones plays Gorelick in one
match and Navarre, last year's run- NEW YORK-Big Boy Peterson
ner up, meets Engleman. The other 'will meet Primo Carnera, .at Madi-
four- remaining contestants are son Square garden on Jan. 24 in
Wheeler, Friedman, Axinn and the first American appearance of
Phelps. the Italian giant.
REOPENED-Popcorn business, 440
S. State. our corn is delicious.
Try it! Delivery service evenings.
Phone 7920. 6
Associated Press Photo
d yet in the salary dispute between
gement. Ruth's demand of $85,000
00. Pictured above are Jacob Rup-
-row (left), secretary, and the Babe.
Willis Glassgow Signs
With St. Louis Browns
(By Associated J'ress)
Willis A. Glassgow, University of
Iowa football star, signed with theI
St. Louis baseball club in the Amer-
ical league for a tryout on its 19301
spring training tour.
Glassgow, who completed his col-
lege competition at the end of the
last football season, won three let-
ters in baseball, playing shortstop.I
He will report to the Browns im-
mediately after graduation Feb. 4.!
Mace Brown, Hawkeye pitcher
who was recently declared ineligi-
' ble for playing with the Marshall,!
Minn., semi-pro team, has received
offers from the Browns and fromI
the Terre Haute team in the ThreeI
I league, it also was revealed today.
I -- - -----------______________
BOARD AND ROOM in private
family for two business people or
students. 721 Catherine.
Diamonds, Watch
High Grade I
ONE well heated room for girls,
es, Clocks, Jewelry one block fnCrom ampus. 719
Tappan. Phone 7210. -456
FOR RENT-Clean 4 room furnish-
Repair Service ed apartment- available now or
second semester. Phone 3403. 6
{ FOR RENT--Double or single room
1 for business girl' or graduate stu-
dent; south east from campus;
hvery- attractive; steam heat-;
shower bath; meals served.
Phone 7796. 6
CHAMPAIGN- Invitations have
been sent to all leading universi-
ties for the thirteenth annual Illi-
nois relays to be held in the Arm-
ory here on March 15.
BOSTON--After knocking out Al
Spohrer, catcher for the Boston
Braves, Art (WhatamanY Shires
shouted for a match between him-
self and Hack Wilson, peugnacious
outfielder of the Chicago Cubs.
MIAMI BEACH-Rain caused the
postponement of the lightweight
fight between Sammy Mandell, the
champion, and Manuel Quintero, a
Cuban boxer, until Jan. 15.
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[Except Monday]
"We'vc got the right
time in this house,
for J-Hop
are going fast.
Have y
ou made
I it