GEsix THEF MCIIC M hi CTLirlA VV 'A *fl* A T An _____ _____ _____ ____i~iV~4~JA.. .4"'.4A RY i2, l fl" ILLINOIS CAGERS TO SEEK WIN OVER WOLVERiNES COI INDIANS SPUR RED Illini Quintet to be Bolstered by Return of Mills After Enforced Rest. v S1 _ . i - -.._.. .. .._ . .A - . _ - _ s ., 1 1 MICHIGAN GIVEN EDGE In high spirits because of a well deserved victory over Ohio State in, their first Conference game and the addition this week of Captain Mills to the squad, the Illinois basket- ball tearm will come to Ann Arbor filled with hope of ppsetting the Wolverines in the game at Yost field house tomorrow night. Right now the lime light in the! Illinois camp is being focused on Captain Mills who has been taking an enforced rest following the com- pletion of the football season but W/ho is now back on the squad and; appearing in fine condition.. There seems to be little question that he. will break into the lineup against; Michigan in spite of the fact that the Illini coach has uncovered two hophomore guards of unusual abili-J ILLIN IS LEADER DATE IS SETAFOR BOILERMAKERS C( ILLINOIS RELAYSH MYCAGE RECORD CAGE RECORD The tradition of high-grade per- Ua- For the eleven year period end-I formances by the picked athletes ing with 1928 Purdue has compiled of the nation in the twelve years Farrell and Hoyt Coach Squad an enviable record in the matter of its history will be maintained of Thinclads for Initial of games won and lost in Western, it is predicted, when the Univer- Meet With Chicago. Conference basketball competition. ChIsaro.nHolding an edge over every other ~...sity of TIlnois indoor vela carni-E val, the largest competition of its LACK JAVELIN THROWER ibert soecoerencavewon 3 kind, will be run ofI March 15. Worvking out daily under the tute- or two-thirds of the games play- Last year nearly 60 institutions lage of Coaches Farrell and Hoyt. ed and have shared or won four T 4og'. oahs arel ndHyt cage titles. entered 740 contestants and ,six Michigan's Varsity track team is While statistics and figures us- new records were established. In- slowly rounding into condition for ually tell a rather cold story in re-j vitations have just been mailed to the indoor track card which will counting thletic achievements the J, ,ePurdue eleven-year conference re-' the leading universities and col- get under way on February 22 when cordu provea concnacc reI leges of the United States and the the Wolverines meet Chicago inthe consistently dangerous quintets. response is expected to bring out Yost Field House. In 127 starts the Boilermakers have Four university races e.ill to Prospects for a well rounded in- won 86 and lost 41, for a victory the program, the one-mile, two- door cinderpath aggregation are n percentage of .677. progam, , ,The Wolverines are the only Imile, four-mile and medley relays. order allowing, of course, successful Ttet thatrines withea nay Colleges will compete in three re- leaping of the ever present obsta- of being th comes witrmin wtgate1 Iays,won andrtwo-miles and redcles of scholastic failure and injury. Lambertmen. In an eleven game y hi the wl All events seem to boast at least series Michigan has five victories to ________ ly fr hgh chdls.' IPur due's sig. Wisconsin, co-holder:I A special 320 yards high 'hurdle one candidate who shows strong po- of the basketball championship last tt5a (L , E ' ,",shuttle relay, open to universities: tential ability. year is the only other team to ap- Gaga" Allls k and colleges, was introduced so In the pole vault, an event count- proach the Lambert coached quin- ,ini of the Illinaois basketball ; successfully last year, that it h'as uich will invade Yost Field madey apermanent feature. ed outside of the Wolverine scopQ tot having emerged victorious from olnorrow night or a gaie beenrakaw permapntsarp of point wizining events since the four cut of tel contests with Pur- r pzoowrfultWolvrnes.meNebraska, woxi. hc chainpioia lip ofLoelt Ale fomdue. powerful Wolverines. in this race last year. departure of Lowell Allen from Northwestern, Ohio, and Indiana Ten special events will be com- school, has swung again over to the have fared worst at the hands oft Records Held by peted, the 75-yard dash and low hopeful column with the candidacy the Boilermakers. Ohio has won weste Sand high hurdles; 300 and 100- of Bill Dougal of basketball fame. only three games out of 16 starts,e ernSwimmer yard and 1500 meter runs;. high Allen, holder of the Yost Field while Northwestern . managed to1 and broad jmsadso u n ~ln odro h otFed andw o pol vrault househtputasndconquer Purdue in but 4 out of 18V A hwart of t e North- pole vault. house mark as ayearling at a mark clashes on the court. Indiana the university swimming team, Versatile athletes will strive in well over twelve feet appeared to be traditional rival of the Boilermak- he 1930 season with no new the seven events of the all-around, the find of the freshman contingent ers, has a little better record thany o conquer as far as inter- 75-yard dash and hi-hihurdles; of last year. Ohio with four victories out of 16f e record breaking is con- high and broad jumps, 88-yard run Dougal has severed his connec- Purdue holds an 8 to 5 advantageg The star Purple speed ar- and shot put and pole vault. Bar- tions with the Varsity cage squad over the Chicago Maroons, and hasa ds all of the national in- ney Berlinger, University of Penn- and looks to be a capable perfor- games. g late free style records on sylvania star, who established a mer in the takeoff event. The for- I won 9 of 15 games with Iowa. Il- ram and will content him- new all-around recard last year, mer Detroit Northwestern star has9 season with endeavoring to lwill return to defend it, it is ex- shown knowledge of the fundamen- ATHLETIC CALENDAR s own marks set during the pected. tals and Coach Farrell hopes toi FOR COMING WEEK I a years of competition. . To run off such a large meet in; have him clearing twelve feet by I I, s holding the national re- the limited space of two hours the time the Maroons invade Ann! Basketballp )MPILE GREAT - 'fNCERS PREPARE IN RECENT YEARS linois has been held to only 7 vic-j ______ tories in 18 starts, while Minneso- ta has finished on the long end ofi Johnstone Puts Squad through the score only three times in 10 Strenuous Drills Seeking games. The Boilermakers Western Con.. Form and Skill. ference basketball record for the' 11-year period from 1919 to 1928, FACE HARD SCHEDULE inclusive, .follows: Capta team Wi house t with the i tF ty. r ~ Iive Last season Captain Mills 1os- 1Norh sessed an unerring eye for long shots and dropped enough from the mfiddle of the court to rank as the Capt.I highest scoring guard in the Con- westerni ference. Since his return to the i enters ti squad at Champaign this Indian worlds t ace has been trying long heaves ,collegiat continually, apparently in an en- cerned. deavor to get his eye in -shape for tist hold a .try at bettering his mark of last tercolleg season. the prog New Men Hold Ohio. self this In the game against Ohio State I lower his Harper, forward, and May, center,, past two were the only veterans to see serv- Besides Opponents GaMes Won Lost Coach John Johnstone in Northxvestern .. ...18 14 4 Ohio State........16 13 3 terview today expressed his belief Minnesota........10 7 . 3 that the fencing team is now in the Indiana..........16 12 4 best of form. and .that they will Wisconsin .........10 6 4 prove their strength when they Illirois..........18 11 7 meet Michigan State January 25. Iowa ............15 9 6 This will be the first meet on one Chicago..........13 8 5 of the hardest 'sched'ule that the Michigan.........11 6 . .Wolverines have ever faced, but -ohnstoxe believes that with the' 127 86 41 teamN ;ydrking as it has for the past week they will enter the all confer- Wildcats to E couniter [once competition with one of the strongest teams, Boilermaker Qtint At this time the team has the appearance of a well balanced and Ske cito h Ie Daily) k 4iSoothly working crews though the some instances to grade school days single swordsman. The foil which will be renewed here Monday night is the strongest event is hotly con- when Northwestern and Purdue tested by capt. Stopman, ]azar, meet in the first of a two game ser- =Madero, . Shultz, and Freidman, ies.Gordon, itamhier, Sheyer, and Ited Three members of the Wildcat! are fighting for the honors in sa- team and virtually all of the Pur-' ber. The epee is an event that is due team have either played with iaso calling .or some very excel- or against each other during their =lent svdrdsmanship. Mulliken, Dow- high school careers. . The North- sett, Koon, and Winer are the western trio hails from Indiana strongest contenders at the present towns where they starred on their time. respective hi'gh school 'quintets. Rut J A meet with the freshmen which Walter, the Purple captain, comes is scheduled for Tuesday is the first frohn Eokomo. . Bob Lockhart, event in an entirely new practice guard, is a product of Martinsville1 and tr-aining p6licy. This year. the and Bob McCarnes the other guard fencing team will come into the grew up in Logansport. importance that it is entitled to.- Johnny Wooden, star running To meet this new ,role Coach John- guard on the ' Boilermaker. five, stone has: established training rules played on the Martinsville high that are ideAtical to those of any school team along with Lockhart. other Varsity sport.. Aso t he piac- In 1927 these two boys were im- tice schedule is to include a work- portant cogs on Martinsville's state out every .day and several meets championship team. with the freshmen who 'have an J. R. Porter who holds down one I unusually strong t'am this year. of the forward positions on the Interest in this age old sport has Purdue team was a former team- been steadily growing for: the past nate of Bob MeCarnes, star Pur- few years and one of the evidences ple guard, when both were in high of this fact is to be seen in the school at Logarisport. "Strtch" large squads that have been tuirn- Murphy, center, and Glenn Harme- ed out this year. Also two niedals son, forward, on the Purdue team have been given to the Varsity to are also Hoosier products, the for- be awarded to the high point men mer hailing from Marion and the at the end of the season. latter from Indianapolis. Last year the teams divided a two CHAMPAIGN--In an under water game series, Purdue winning the swimming event in a 'ecent local game at Lafayette, 46 to 30, and [meet at the University of Illinois Northwestern taking the game here' the winner swam 165 feet under 35 to 30. water.- 9 i v 4 >' ice with Harper the only veteran cord in all five crawl events, to play the entire game. He and Schwartz is a member of the re- four sophomo es held the Buckeyes lay teams that hold the intercolle-' to. 15 points with 10 of ,these com- giate records for tl* 160 yards re- ing from long shots by Ervin, vet- leys and the 300 yards medley re-.1 eran Ohio forward. F lay. He swam as anchor man on Coach. Craig Ruby possesses two j both of these teams. of the most promising sophomore ; His records ,as given in the In- guards in the country in Ed Kawal ! tercollegiate Swimming Guide re- I and G. Fenel, former Cicero high 1 cently published are: school stars. So far this season 40 yards free style, 17 4-5s these two men have hung onto the 50 yards free style, 23 1-5 s guard positions and proved them- 100 yards free style, 52 s selves of such ability that at least 220 yards free style, 2m. 18 2-5 s i one of them appears destined to 440 yards free style, 4m. 57 3-5 s start in th¢ game against the Wol- Northwestern has another Na- verines tomorrow night. tional Intercollegiate record holder Oiny Two Regulars Veterans. in Dick Hinch. who holds the 150 The rest of the lineup for the yards .back stroke mark with a time Wolverine game is likely to consist of 1 m. 40 3-5 s. of the two veterans, MNay at cen- ter, and Harper at one forward with PALo ALTO-Charles Smalling, 'Bebe" Kamp, another sophomore star fullback on last year's Stan- I who has been showing well in all ford football team, has accepted the 1 of the games played so far by the position of assistant grid coach at {Illini in at the other forward. If the. University 'of Mississippi.? Capt. Mills is out of the lineup to- morrow night, it is likely that his I MINNEAPOLIS-Harry Legg, for- place will be filled by one of the mer western amateur champion, j sophomore guiards. . and a well known figure in north- In the camp of the Illini cagers western golf circles, died here at the hard game which Michigan the age of 46. , played last night against Purdue has lead to the belief that Illinois has a better than even chance to beat the Wolverines. On the other hand the respective records of the two teams so far this year give the d Maize and° Blue five a decided ad- I - 1OUR A vantage. I- U seems impossible, yet this is the promise' of C. D. Werner, acting track coach and L. W. Hockaday, managers. For four years the IlliniI have compressed the main eventl at night, including five university relays and ten special events, into this time. Increased popularity Arbor to open the track season. Coach Farrell forecasts a weak- ness in the possibilities for a vellj rounded track personnel in a lack of javelin tossing ability. At pres- ent a number of men have been practicing indoors this event which comes in the events in the spring with the fans has been the rewarl. program and have yet tc The afternoon program includes any potentialities. the college and high school relays, the all-round and special event SACRAMENTO-The 19: preliminaries. fornia Coast Conference tr The classic again will be run off has been awarded to Sa in the big Illinois armory with its and will be held in the ne 75-yard cinder straightaway and its mento Junior College sta cinder track, six and three-quar- May 10. ters laps to the mile. PARI1.-Japan has filed its en- try in the American zone for Da- I vis Cup play this year. The en- I try list only totals 10 nations to date, the lowest number to partici- pate in Davis Cup competition since I 1924. NEW YORK-Stanislaw Petkie- wicz, noted Polish distance runner who has defeated Nurmi, has been given pernission by the A. A. U.. to run In ths country. j Oln,. 13-Ininois, here-. Wrestling Jan. 13--Princeton, there. Jan. 18-Ohio State, there. "B" Basketball Jan. 15-Cadillac A. C., Detroit Hockey Jan.-17-Wisconsin, there. Jan. 18-Wisconsin, there. S'wimming Jan. 17-Indiana, there, Jan.. 18-A. A. U., 'Detroit.- C a C Ip Is a,. S BARGAIN -WEEK- Beginning Tomorrow We Offer at NNUAL LEX 25% Disount House Party Irvitations Favors Prograhwi Burr, Patterson and Auld Co. Fraternity Jewelers 603 Church Street ' I - SA A Large Selection of OF SKEES-SKATES AND fOBOGG.AN AT A MISCELLANEOUS 1 BOOKS CURRENT FICTION, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVEL, POETRY, OF BOOKS AND SETS " BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Also Banners and Pennants, Memory nooks, B o o k -e nd, Lamps, Jewelry and Box Stationery-Your opportunity-Sornce ary. 25ii% Dis count _ ,. -WAH- S UNIVERSITY BOORStRE 316 STATE STRE T ri +! rii Irl l~irt" a~irrrr i~~r~ u . .. lr +. pMM+ . w. - _ i'iU LLJ tL_ - _ -~- --~ Distinctive Organization U nsurpassed Facilities Photographs 40 Years of S'ervice STUDIO 319 EAST - ",,r 'A_ Conn nimen tc . . avaal« i il a