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January 12, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-12

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~rte Cto


Published every morning except Monday
during the Hlniversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman..... ..George r. Tilley
City Editor...............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor........ ...Donald J.Kline
Sports Editor.......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
NWomen's Editor........Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor........Cassam A. Wilson
:Musicand Drama.......William J.Gorman
Literary- Edxitor..........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor. . .Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry .. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kn",film Weter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams1
ilertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc David M. Nichol
Maxwell Bauer William Page
Mary L. Behymner Howard H. Peckham
Benjamin H. Berentsonilugh Pierce
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz j
Arthur J. Bernstein John D. Reindel
S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts !
Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell
John H. Denler Joseph Rnwitch
Helen Domine William P. Salzarulo
M1argaret Eck els' Charles R. Sprowl
Kathearine Ferrin S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer
Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson,,
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin
Jack "Goldsmith Elizabetlh Valentine
Morris ~coveritnan ,rold 0. Warren, Jr.
Ross (lustinl Charles White
A sargaret Harris G. Lionel Willens
David B. Hempstead John E. Willoughby
Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise
can Levy Barbara Wright
ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
Dorothy Magee
Telephone 21214

strength in various classes of small- _ -
warships, an undertaking left un- OAST rLL
done when the Geneva conference 5
was broken up by the disputes be- uow TYPOGRAPII
tween English and American dele- AL ERRORS ARE
Expected accomplishments of the "Typos" are to be found in everyi
conference will be along the lines newspaper but the public as a
of parity and possibly reduction whole does not understand how 1
of ships of tonnage less than ten they are manufactured, so I am go-#
thousand tons, namely cruisers, de- ing to explain the system this
stroyers and submarines, the Wash- morning.
ington conferece in 1921 having *
dealt with capital ships? The prin- Each line of type is set up on one1
cipal item of discussion will be slug, a column in width, and a
cruisers, since United States has proof reader goes over the "galley"
lagged behind, comparatively, in of slugs looking for errors. Once
the building of this class of ships. ,in a while he finds one (usually by
If the conference will save United accident) and a new slug has to be
States money, there must be actual I made by the linotyper. The proof,
reduction, the chances of which reader then places the corrected"
are problematical. There is little slug back in the "galley" in such,
doubt, however, that some agree- a position that it doesn't make
ment will be reached regulating the sense but makes good Rolls mater-j
limit 'of power in this and the ial. I shall now ilustrate Lesson No.
other classes, though it may only 1
be between the three major coun-
tries, Great Britain, United States, From an interview on the wom-
and Japan. The other two nations, en's page of Friday: Said Yvonne'
Italy and France, are somewhat Georgi, interpretive dancer, "We go
pessimistic, and may not actually to Switzerland for the summer, and
agree. A five-power compact may after we rest, in the superb quiet1
be secured in effect however, as at of the Alps, it is there last night
least one of these two, is said to be in the Lydia Mendelssohn that we
willing to declare a naval holiday plan our dances."
for itself.
Regardless of the complications That gives me a break, you see.
that may arise, and there will It gives me an opportunity to ask
surely be plenty of them, some- Yvonne why she waits until she
thing will be accomplished at Lon- gets to the Lydia Mendelssohn to
don. Nothing like Geneva discord plan her dances.... And the whole;
will be repeated. At that confer- ! business gives you a pain in the!
ence the conservative party and neck, I presume.
the professional members of the!
admiralty of Great Britain upheld Before I get too far away from
such rigid demands concerning the Bgy
further building of cruisers that the Women's page I'd like to re-
the meeting came to little more mind you that every Wednesday
than naught. But those parties afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock Mor-
have been,,cast aside and the Brit- { tarboard members flit hither and}
ish delegates will be of the inter- yon in the Russian tea room in
nationally open-minded L a b o r the League building serving tea andl
party and politically minded diplo- what the Women's editor calls nice
Smats. Prenier MacDonald will head atecake. Have you been'
the British party, and his continu- down there? You oighta go..b. And
ance in office depends on the suc- i'f the cake isn't nice, why blame
cess of the parley. He is now re-
maining in power because of popu-

. .. _ __ _
m.::. .._ _ _ .._ _ ____ ..

Music And Drama


Professor 0t .. Campbell, whose
,pleasingly avid interest in the dra-
ma, generally and locally, induced
him to consent to undergo the
trials and tortures of a judge two:
successive years, has interesting

t lassjJed
B' ii ng R

comparative remarks to make on -
the results of this year's contest.
He states unhesitatingly and un-
fearfully as the firm, sincere opin-
ion of the board of judges that "the
plays as a whole were very much,
better than last year and the final
bill for production should be more'
varied, more attractive, and moref
mature both as to intrinsic quality
and treatment."

Describing the ramifications of
the judging process, Prof. Camp-
bell had some remarks that might'
shed light on the comparative qual-
ity of the efforts last year and
this. "The process of elimination
was far more difficult this year, the
conflict of individual viewpoints,
being at times almost intense, with
each play requiring an elaborate
justification from its partisan."
Contrasted with his remark of lastI
year to the effect that a speedy
judgment was quite posible be-
cause most of the plays were so ob-
viously bad, this statement of dfffi-
culty becomes significant.
"The Subjects," Prof. Campbell
said, "had a distinctly wider range,
deriving neither from literary tra-
dition or facile observation (such
as the prevalence of bootleg plays
last year). There was certainly a
more firm intellectual grasp of the
subject matter bespeaking matur-
ity of conception. The authors had!
not only observed but intelligently
commented on their material. Thej
realization on the part of the au-
thors of the need of particularising
the narrative to fit the dramatic
' form was more consistently pres-


New York
Private Wire C
wahl all Mi
Seci: i'ies bought
cme ision
"Telephne -
Investment S
First Floor Ann Atb

Diaries and Line a Day Books.
Michigan Seal and Personal\ Station'r.
- -'
1 i tted
rkes Sir Philip
or sold on
te v and his
ecurites ;v
or Trust Bldg.NDIHAXY 1?ItS C
The Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Caldry, Alta., MONDAY JANUARY 28
Mlareh 4, 3925
en a
a cairn of stones 0
heir cards miflh
eeyet.Not Repertoire including
EveryendmTyeih Nigh
the 7'iI e;ui of
Ca-cs m1nov.rite
om Ans:ralia
yort 's with
friends friendly.
Vii. Jl stone
SL Mall orders now being filled.
Seats $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00

Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ............ ... Hollister Nfawey
Advertising.Kasper If. Halverson
Advertising..........Sherwood A. Upton
Service.................George A. Spater
Circulation...............J. Vernor Davis
Accounts.............. .....John R. Rose
Publications............ueorgeR. Iamilton
Business Secretary-X Maary ('base
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kokacker

Tin as Al
Cailiiv {
Laru & Dr:o. Co.,
Richmond, Va.
U. S. A.
While in Bamif, A lbt
t his mniitaini 1 Len' isa
where 1tourists leave t
remark:-,; .al o, , -e see
haiga car. d ~(IwithII I-f
F dgeworfl a "ii('Od. s(ri'
andl~ addiress on a pie(
said, 1tIt\( .a fill ont 11
1 have kelA it.) a ha
sp~ondene l 11 ho".(, of t
m~e thnill th flu or
Edge'with \. I n
youtI i ttool ='i-"'
received 'o s0 lices ofl'
the words, "lkl ve a f~i
see Edgewort h keepsf
Yours ince.(
Snioking '1

"The most notable weakness was
a general insensitiveness to the
reactions of an imaginary audi-

James 1E. LCrtwrig
Robert Crawford
M-arry B.} Culver
Thomas M. Davis
Norman Eliezer
raes Hoffer
~'orris Johnson
Charles Kline
Laura Codling
Agnes Davis
Bernice Glaser
11ortense Gooding
Alice McCully

zht 1 awrence Ifucey
TPhomas 'Muir
George R. Patterson
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Joseph Van1 Riper
Robert Willianyou
William R. Worboy
Sylvia Miller;
helen E. '.usselv~hite
Eleanor Walkinshaw
Dorothea Waterman

Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER
John Henry Newman's apothegm:
"To discover and to teach are two
distinct functions; they are also
distinct gifts, and are not com-
monly found in the same person"

larity gained from the meeting It has just been called to my at- ence, a certain indecision about
with Hoover. The pending confer- 'tention that the fraternity whose the direction sympathy should flow.
ence has been widely advertised freshmen cut down a valuablei Momentary exaggeration for
and even though the five powers Christmas tree before the holidays purpose of immediate effect often
do not agree, or though no actual was fined $450 by the outraged threw; character out of focus and
reduction is approved, something owner of the tree, and that they damaged the inner consistency of
will be accomplished that will be tried to sell the tree for $350. That's plays."
a high tribute to MacDonald's po- depreciation for you. . . . For some "To the end," Prof. Campbell
litical life. reason that reminds me of the said, the judges clung tenaciously
Great Britain is not the only na- story about the gent who sold a to the illusion that somewhere,
tion that is to be represented by dead horse for $100. The new own- some day a good play about col-
political minded diplomats and not er then craftily sold 150 chances lege life would be written by a
defense-minded members of the 'on the horse at one buck each and college student. But it was hope-
admiralty. United; States has no ' gave the winner - who naturally less; students get too much of it
navy man, but only statesmen and howled-his money back, and ten probably."
politicians on its commission. The dollars to keep quiet. All of which enthusiastically
conference will be one of diplo- spoken gives one the right to be-
mats, not admirals. That alone Iflieve that the second play contest
means something will be accom- The trees on campus, as you've is slated for success, the consum-
plished. probably noticed, are slowly freez- mation of which of course depends
_ ,_ ing to death. Rolls is organizing an on the coming production by Play
PRUDISHNESS, expedition to relieve the suffering Production of a bill of plays select-
# Y. _by knocking off the ice with hock- I ed from these.

1 1

is a principle which has very wide!
application. When, occasionally, a paper reporte
incident and
man makes his appearance who I
combines pre-eminently the quali- paper feature
ties of the research worker and of two Universit
the teacher, that man is invariably sors were
hailed as one of the greatest of his Stratton D.
generation. graduate) be
On such a basis rests the claim to much criticis
fame of Dean Emeritus Mortimer phase of soc
E. Cooley, of the engineering col- came a joke.

2 "enterprising" news-
er resurrected a closed
a metropolitan news-
ed it for several days,
ty of Missouri profes-
dismissed, President
'Brooks ta Michigan
came the target of
m, and an important
iological research be-

ey sticks, baseball bats, and clothesI
poles. So far, 58 people have agreed
to help the cause. (They said they
wouldn't actually knock off the ice
but they'd ask someone else.) Will
you help?
Buckets of sand are now selling I
for five bucks per bucket. There
are only a few sand left and very
little buckets, so act quickly.'

The proportion of plays written
without the aid of faculty instruc-
tion to those who have had it wHl
always be an interesting aspect of
the contests. Five of the seven win-
ning plays this year came out of
Professor Rowe's course in play-
wrighting, certainly justification
and praise for his worthy efforts.
W. J. G.

lege. ver since ~hecame Here in Sex questionnaires and sex books
1881, the love and respect which he have come under adverse criticism
won as a teacher was equalled only during the past few months be-
by the national reputation he gain- cause the whole question is usual-
ed through his published profes- ly deliberately exaggerated. Some
sional reports and addresses. of the objections are thus valid;
Although Dean Emeritus Cooley I many of them, however, arise from
is seldom seen now on the campu, I prudish sources and only tend to
s sdem yd I make matters worse. The question
the student body does not forget Ii etil motn nuit
him. Newspaper and magazine' is certainly important enough to
stories about Michigan's most fa- be sensibly discussed and'it seems
mous engineer appear too fre- increditible that a university presi-
quehtly to permit undergraduates dent is unable to differentiate be-
to fail to recognize Dean Cooley as tween sensationalism and scienti-
one of Michigan's most renowned ftc research.
son uMchiansonorstrate The questionnaires under dispute
When such an honor as that be- were answered and returned with-
I in a week's time, according to a'
stowed on Dean Cooley Thursday student at Missouri. and the inci-
by the Western Society of Engin- d tn-
eers is conferred on him, the Uni- dent was forgotten. And yet the
versity is not surprised. For proph- Missouri administration permitted
ets are not always without honor . ! itself to be aroused by a newspaperj
their own college. story to the extent that two pro-j
Nevertheless, it is . h a pleasur- fessors were forced to sever their,
able feeling of satisita:n that rconnections with a university
The Daily extends heartiest con- which i now the focal point of
gratulations to Dean Emeritus publicity's spotlight - and a very
Cooley, on his winning of the murky spotlight it is.
Washington Award, an honor Sex is a delicate question when
which in the past has been ex- not regarded in a serious light butj
tended to such engineers as Presi- ordinary common sense on the part
dent Herbert Hoover and Orville, of President Brooks would have
Wright, and an honor which, in the prevented the questionnaire prob-
words of its donor, "is conferred lem from becoming a perfect ex-
upon a brother engineer by his fel- ample of silly and useless uproar.
low engineers on account of ac- -tth nn r o
complishments which pre-eminent- Now that the Union directors
ly promote happiness, comfort, and have approved the new amendment
well-being of humanity." for the adoption of the honor sys-1

Somebody lost a glove up here IN TWO NEW ROLES.
the other day. It just fits me and .
I'd be grateful if the owner wouldI It is only very rarely that Ameri-
id be rthe the oneI ca knows the glamour of a real
mail me the other one. stage personality ,a vivid creature
always thrilling. Katherine Cornell
LONESOME COED AGAIN. is certainly one, Pauline Frederick
Joe, dear, I was tickled pink !probably, and the papers have it,
For I really didn't think Ethel Barrymore. Her appearance
You would print my letter. next week in two roles, unlike in
But since you have wept aI every respect and presenting in
tear mood, character and personality
For my lonesome state, my two distinct persons, looks like a
dear, tour de force. Certainly it is an
I'm already feeling better. occasion of some significance.
So you are lonely too? Oh "The Love Duel," a new modern
my, play by Lili Hatvany, adapted by
To get together, we should !Zoe Atkins, will be acted from Mon-
try, day to Friday nights inclusive. "The
And then we'd both feel bet- Kingdom of God" by G. Martinez
ter. Sierra, translated by Granville I
I heard today from one Barker, will be played Saturday,
Michigan Man matinee and night. "The Love
Who wants to be chummy-if Duel" is a highly sophisticated I
he can comedy. As the glamorous Lydia,
For he, too, read my ,lt- 'Miss Barrymore appears in the
ter character of a brilliant society
Perhaps you'd like to substi- woman who has lived freely and
tute fully, but never seriously, until she
For a chum-aha-toot, toot; meets the philanderer Carlo who
Then we'd write no more let- challenges her to a duel of love at
ters. which both are experts. It is a
Yours truly, piquant situation written, only as
LONESOME COED. a playwright from the continent,
where sophistication is real, can
REPLY treat it; handsomely translated
Lonesome, I felt much better and adapted by Zoe Atkins, herself
Until I got your letter. I the author of Declassee in which



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