EXTRA 4t an 43 EX
GEOLOGIST WILL Given Full Presidental Powers
868 is expeUted to ay-
I N NEWCAMP'AIGN ~we ihvlaeata IlCALSAVANT F______
he -observations made during the
aBid gast of the G g mdeart ent IirsFL
Ambitious Plans Laid terday by Prof. -William H. Hobbs, Stresemann Hailed asPridn Uaimu
Flying and director of the expedition in Message Hour And A Half D
Scheling made the trip fromi
A Greenland via the Scandanavian ByWESeSENSgMES
TRIIGSI OAE merican liner Oscar II, after a ByWEBoaErd oEfSRe
" the oservamonts inate. rcgtc.'
Semi-sarer Type Tlanhe c d m ial wHi LastRites to be Held in Dr exader Gant Ruthent at
Being Designed by fessor Hobbs is some of the most ReiCstag, SCene of uanimously chosen by the Board of Rege
Stoughton ivaluable ever received from the Many Triumphs nckersity. President Ruthven since Scp
:University's northern station. Pro-____pe'ietlth nxrstanhs(lrc
Following a summer of highly fessor Hobbs imtenids to begin work, (1vAoiadPes 'lreidt anonhe nity as dle i treat
successful competition and exhibi- on another phase of the geology of BERLIN, Germany, Oct. 4.-Ber-H ounA af
tion flights in Ohio and Pennsyl- the north. intdyrevdfrmgen-previous to their regular monthly 1)usiness
vanla, the Glider section of the Schmeling, also a Miphigan man, Rintoay cieihednfroegoveen-
Greenlndhvietheas calledan! Bytordeefngea
Aeronautical society Is planning was formerly an athlete at Ann ments in all parts of the world con-
for the current college year an Arbor while a student in the Uni- dolences on the death of Gustav inall coratuat. k
am-:omldvaersilyich 1 )r. Rtithver n t ohasben asoate
ious program of building and fly-eiy. Stresemnn, foreign minister of thetewhhtetHe
ing both primary and secondary Reichs. The messages hailed him ears. was horn \pril 1, 1882, at Hfl, 1
types of ships, -according to Robert as the greatest German diplomat grzlluate work at .\ Iorningsidle college, Fro
BEvans, '3, chairmanl of the -s RUc~M lr since Bismack and their very num- in iJ903 with an .\.>., he enstered the (;ra
tn. Amembersipo10is ;vath ableeverII ceiveIdfromLt ber testified to the wide-spread ef-sit PesdIPthliepi
the goal of a drive which will starn feet of his work for rehabilitation iI rnicthaan. onas grated a .
M ondayrorht wih tee rst gnCe of the Fatherland, and th caunieheUveranh asins
raleetwingd of t smection ton nh rphseofthego o wrild eacn orr"rh he asuaed roology remanigte I
hesCla d locktiinsooma 34an gu Manyi rh i UBERere in Germanyasthe newsrty at J)unAe as mPetere
Aecndgti penia toalinshel- srea f bntei stesfms dfternasbpoftheMumofoveolngy; lat
matd n gliding, fyrodm, n. fcie n ouhuwrefrih a erdnt aac in the- arlysic 96 hnh bcm mme f h aulyo he became head ofnhe Dpart- ostofr
dt geard Mget Mee rng here wa amomt Barn cor-ypt mt o ole . the eaontiey lsites
WornNear Coetion w I beaset.e horalt coie both the oltiald -ffl h oiina pno diitain oprtv hee adu marredn FloeerHale ofarske p1n,
W ork ester ay wa nea ing c m - Cae ltheir
petion i athe pruling tof thei mpiusy iehigash ecoe eld .at ill han AnnrArboEathnd isthr fa thec apanhei
tiod rini ship whicn wasform l tk Anta o thse ng r pans"o ane paido othecidnKh..L . e
eeadi a i e ans e , to Gvernte andnsges pubi CsernunalDy lastuelxran dreter, His r
Ito wlpronl eg , Efyian Saday.:2 thena KuenFnth s ok er nexontheunday.fBustaoseg n ,rnin'
aston prigama iinghprhelst n t the Union. SreeTedanethmet is thiseroona residentwofdthoUty..ncesi3hsexp lRouthenasnbaniate rynd
manctruynde, Inc,nofide and doughn were urnisych-a Presidentmaul Von H indendms - Je,9 tmAmb r ofbthe fau m the Drin h ine as dretor o golc
Oron hs ~e onte b te X-edethe ghuead cigretsere bugpeaeincmoBrinfrzooydprmn.H washe attereion o Der. Little toe ithe Mueus he thase coedearres
thanes clubip, aof erointon wllbetpassedthecgasthte hea dofllthepsto sDa f diitain omaaieyrc arius experk toniseralegrtsspig
a. E frs oftheNewhWorguincdune e
dliv -' erestofnn0Arbor.the Temeigwsoee teh Isne govenmek ntheaoitesrfceainwhc monsprcialyt vc-reiecy eha enin couithVea C.Bz, hMexicoad the 4R(c
I ectionsisfalsotplanningdetopbuildea
ti grimoar siepa ship awithe Band, whh f sh o swresemfo decidthation retrm for er rsiyttNw hiesf in B ritishGuapny, h anteen, atem
new membersght'itcanhe frgaiemscfrm7oclcgntlaounvr-psilehnr hudbepi I-__ - '* etalAeiancutre.Hi"ar
no workinge n gropEansr sidg presiden oducdnr- funer nx Sunday uts detilsrnwcN . hreh sue e ot n oeta 2 ok ai
spread which will be used by the te duce George E. Simons, '30, news mandver in cie. was er ie In'II [ a role similar to the position he now and pamphlets or special magazine ident
ese graefihsi ig1Lly hnpoeddt nromno, wer t atth eisino111 SBrnwct Jwhererhe)assumedsemforhedmothnD125rboos ino
SF editor of The Daily, who spoke on eetthe oiinholds at Michigan. Besides being articles, appearing both under his
or eer snerstudent activities, delaring that the Reichstag, scene of many a po- an accomplished scholar with the own name and with the collabora- t
to qualify for the National Glider they were the second most import- litical struggle and triumnph by a Man to Teach knowledge of several' languages at tion of others. Michig
siotn's cen Whiich s ar ant phase of college life. Schol- Stresemann ? his command, Dr. Senstius has Professor R u t h v e n 's first hen- o
association'ssewcdhclas ir'w arship comes first, Simons declar- Messages Pour In. Course in Study of studied in mny European and trance into the University's emn- rhed
flight of one minute duration with ed, and social 'contacts have third The messages of condolence be- Soil Conditions American universities. His courses 'istrative affairs, exchusive of his directc
seien plot ha ve d e place. gn to arrive early in the day both at Michigan should prove of inter- duties as head of the Department and a
the Ctir la'is hase wala re- Ernest C. Reif, '30, president of at government headquarters and at Announcement was officially est to students of geology, geog- of Zoology, began several years ago and a
-quilre alght eof l30 S nd a.the Student Council. made' a plea the home where Frau Stresemann g a m H. obs, had ofth B o s ae e o f ty P r n t he
A.io.r gs to the freshmen not to engage in and hertwo sons mourned the pass- made yesterday afternoon at head- risiahy and forestr, say roftesesrwt hs seen by Piden ThesA
Oion riots or wild celebrations after the 1ing of a husband ad a father. quarters of the geology department t partment. mittee on Student Affairs, which Acade
hg clu ofDtroitas dilh. vrosexeiinstreerlprspig
ai Ma
ly Elected Af
o'clock this afternoon
nts seventh president ol
tember 21 has been ac
ed its policies and activ
pecial' meeting of the bi
meeting tonight. Presi
the Law building, and
Robbins and the Regents
with the UniversitY foi
nwa. Folloing his tin
mn which he was gradut
duate school of the Uni
). by Michigan in 1906.
tructor in 'loang andy
in these positionsun I
ssor of Zology and di
ni of Dean ofe Adtinistrs
.ar, Prof essor. -Rtlen
to assume that01,ce. nti
y, he had taken over n
administrativen tan
'esirlent's manTI' eery
bis position lhavfing teeit
e as an adjutnct tnd c4
factor of the work f t
s.With their acheptan
nt, Little's resignation
containing its leave of
clause taking effect Jun
gents designated Dr. Re
s Dean of Admintstratlo
on the worn of the p
office during, the sums
nt Little's resignation
kne into effect Septemb
agents held a special me
ber 21 for 'the prpo~
g Dean Ruthven acting-
of the University.
he time of his selectio
an's new president, ti
r. Ruthven was professoi
f the Department of Zoc
r of the University Muse
lso Dean of Administr
sting President.
new President is a felle
. A. A. S., the Ame
my of Arts and Scienc
[l er, eg upmen4 put eiuwu
football games. Those sent to the' government that M. W. Senstius, Ph.D., a native o________Dr._______hsyohe Zoolog
made by the section during the { since. Two years ago, when the Zoolo
summer includes a complete set of Harry Kipke, 'Varsity football paid tribute to the international of Holland, and a former Michigan decision was made to consolidate Natur
tools for their workshop in the! coach, assured the first year men importance of the task which the student, has been appointed as as- Faculty members who have
basement of the Natural Science that they would remember their economist and statesman had ac- sistant professor in the department.' not. as yet subscribed to The the various museums of natural of Scie
building, a trailer for transporting freshman year as the most pleas- complished. Michigan Daily may obtain j history into one unit and to house dent i
the ships, and a car to be used in ant they had spent in college. Professor Senstius has been placed Ianks for this purpose at the of- provided for the purpose, Dr. Ruth- is also
hauling and towing. Lloyd then introduced the cap- The All Campus horse shoe sin- in the department of peddology, a fice of the secretary of the Uni- yen was chosen director of the and Si
Evans, in a Gliders, Inc., PT2, won tains of most of the 'Varsity ath- gles'and doubles championships are study of soils from the point of view versity. It is necessary to renew University Museums, and super- Pres
a second place in the Cleveland letic teams. Joe Truskowski and scheduled to start October 15th o of the geographer, foresty student, subscriptions every year by fill- vised the moving and cataloging of tific in
competition after the glider sec- Harvey Straub were the only two the Intramural courts near the and geologist. ing out new cards and present- the specimens in the new Muse- reptile
tion's train ship was washed out in captains not present. Straub has Sports Building. A. O. Borg was Professor Senstius received his ing them at the secretary's office. ums building last fall. in pai
a spin while being towed behind an ,not yet returned from a trip to 1 the singles winner last year, andA.. degree from the University of H. G. Watkins When President Little was seek- devote
automobile. l Japan with the baseball team. Cleaver and Fry won in the doublesUtrecht in Holland, his Master of ing a man for the newly-created art ob;
1871-1909 1910-1920
1852-1863 1863-1869 1920-1925 1
I _________________9
n g
f , xxk' CI
f ."'."."
er of the Society of Ame:
ists, the American Socie
alists, the Michigan Acac
nces, of which he was p
n 1913-1915, and the Ass
Amer'ican Geographers,
a member of Alpha Ga
igma Xi.
ident Ruthven's chief s
iterest has been the stu'
s. He also has an int
ntings and etchings, ar
d to the collection of va
jects and books.