°T"H v1Vt n IA T IT 1 z+c r. traetma", s Irv w s ".+inr " . e5 sr -I «+t .. - ---- - -1, a - ..Ra'ate 1" .11R .ls . .~ *.TL MiV'7, TAITUARY 11, 1;73 Corrloia.Club meets at 73,InQ Lane hal. Al members WI 1 INC M 9 °yI LL HOL DA L FF C A UL E I iieds , of Religion at Calvin College, will address students of the Christian Re- sode-ie" rfrigt h For IEvery no later than January 31. It is advised that notice of such im entioii, fomed and Reformed denominations at Lane Ball, Sunday, Januar phrase, "A million men will spring; tomv1emd toc,12, at 10:30 a. i., and 4:00 p m. All are welcome, to arms over night" when the na- to. B.ave beAssis-antt ounce.__pLion calls, he asked: -Radios:-- ScablIS.d nd aiade:Airsttofnte Wednesda night, I"Upon what ground can we just- - Majestic, Victor, Crol; University Women: All women student s who intend to change in' the Michigan Union. January 15. Important.fyptigsuhimliovlner;Lwt hossarh-n ft't eetrsol dis h os edadGereResn rsdn Ameiicans up against a million ITERMS IPnos: houss a thendofhissemetersholdell-trainedue had nndGorelRyr-onrPrsddnsol-el toinedandwel-armdasl-wo nllt.BolwinKoherCaCa the office of Advisers of this intention before Monday, January 20 ("fourI irofathrninPlywleOcsra nruna weeks before the beginning of the second semester"). Mimes: Tryouts will be held at.Mimes theatre starting Monday,iesf nthroaton"paywfe I~ rhsrlIsrmn Grace Richards January 13, at 3:00 o'clock p. in., for men and women wishing to tryout Victor, Columbia,------ - ,or "The'City" and "Old English." - Stamp Collectors: The regular' IRecords. EVENTS TODAY Hugh Clancy, President meeting of the Ann Arbor Stampj Householders: Householders (caving rooms to rent to men students clb xil be held this evening at 8 ASK i THOMAS HINS for the second semester are requested to list them in the Office of the - Interfraternity Council: There will be a meeting of all house re- o'clock in room 408 of the Romance Dean of Students, room 2, University hall, as soon as possible. presentet Ives Monday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in room 302 of the; Langutages building. There will be 601 East William Street Available ligiht-housekeeping rooms and apartments should also be :Union. an a uction. Visitors and collectorsi: -t, ., 1F. B.Wahr. ~Asistant Dean W. It. Frrell, President are cordialy invited. ' SIXTEENTH T UNIVERSITY the edification of the vis- fthe Oaklf~nd county road ;sion, will read a paper on ete Pav'ement Maintenance," cussion of the subject will by J. H. Dennis, Genessee engineer, at the Thursday g meeting. "Macadam Re- rid Gravel Roads" will be the of C. P. Owens, mainten- igineer of the Missouri state "y department. only session of the confer- be held in the assembly of the West engineering g will be that of Thursday ion, with George WV. McCal- ;ident of the Michigan Road ssioners and Engineers' as- n, presiding over a lousiness g of the association. At the -me, Otto Hess,' engineer- er of the Kent county road ,sion, will address a meeting State highway department 'rs in room 1213 east Engi-a building, on "County Road g Systems." annual conference dinner on ay night will conclude the ~s. Mr. McCalla will preside of. L. M. Gram, of the civil !ring department, will act as ster. Addresses will be de- by Hon. William Wilbur MA. r, attorney-general of the 'rof: John S,. Worley, of the rent of transportation engi- ,and H~on. G. C. Dillman, ighxvay °commissioner. ?rsity students will be wel- at the meetings, many of w'ill ae of general Interest :orrison said. /oice! Saying MUSIC HOUSE ,thing Musical wick Ibfo inrio HAW, Mgr. Phone 7515 4- t I 4 II.Qty iCl i' University Lee Wtre: Dr. Charlotte Euhier of "Vienna wilt speak at 2:00 in. the Universty High School autd- itorium, Her subject will be "The IDevelopmnent fromt. Play to Word." - The lecture will be of particular in- terest to students of psychology and education. Children's Rhythm Classes will resume activities today at the Wo- men's -Athletic building. Children 5 to 8 years old will meet at 10 o'- clock, and those from 8 to 10 years old at 11 o'clock. There will be a course of ten los- sons. Arrangements for payment of the fee may be made at the first meeting of the classes. Beginners as well as former pupils wiil be w°'._ -come, but the number of regis- trants wiil be limited to 20 for eac h Eta Sigma Phi: MichigancrV~nell picture at Spedding's at 101:45 a. ra. 1929 Summrer Michigan Daily Staff picture will be taken at Sped - ding Studio promptly at 10:30 o'-! clock. All members of both the ed- itorial and business departments are asked 'to be present. Hillel Focindation: From 2:00 to 5:00 p. in., the director will select;t the cast for the next production,I Caponsacchi, to be presented at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, March' 7 and 8. "Those interested in any= phase of this production are re- qu~ested to report at that time to .the Women's League building. , Those unable to come at this time Are requested to call Mr. Cooper at 6417. ". YY "ILL , 511.Y71 77uf4li U LL Ctll 1 I4 MASTER VIOLINIST Choral Uion Series I THE STORY OF OUR BIBLE Beginning Tuesday Evening, January 14 Mr. Thomas Iden of the Ann Arbor Bible Chair will give, a Series of Twenty Stutdies on the BIBLE. The Class will be open to both Women and Men,' Townspeople and Students. It will meet on successive Tues- day Evenings in the "Upper Room" in Lane H-all. The hour will be 7 O'CLOCK. There will be no expense whatever connected ,with the course. A popular Bible Course for everybody. liiii I Ll LITERATURE FOR ORAL INTERPRETATION RICHARD DENNIS TEAL HOLLISTE.R UNIVERSITYOFMCIA $3.60 ncr ~jJUSTPULSE - -,,,. ,." I.. 4 I 1 sew W AHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ' e 1 " 'I y......,....... BISHOP .CHARLES WESLEY BURN of San Francisco WILL DELIVER THE ADDRESS OF THE MORNING Sunday Morning, January 12th - HILL AUDITORIm I1:oo0 Music Under Dalies Frantz, University School of Music. 4 ,- 4 DANCING TONIGHT at GRANGER'S TONIGHT HILL AUDITORIUM Tickets : $1 .50-$2.00-$2.50 at SCHOOL OF ,MUSIC, MAYNARD STREET I Lirv, Park Pla an Ladies Fre 4en 25c _____________________ -U .l' SPECIAL BARGAI N DAY SATU FLAT, JANUARY 11th d' u . _ 1111i ® ' ®- - - - 1"U - - -tir- 047. I! 1111