THE MICHIGAN D Al L Y SA'vimAV i A ~lARV '11. iQgiO LAI1 J1'111 Sl44. 11, 1:1 3V OR, ALDER SPE AKSDeForest Is Chosen Radio Engineer Head ONPSYCHOLOGICAL [CTURE PROGRAM IM Foundation Plans Open Forums, Led by Untermyer, Wise, SERICE[S HELD Funeral Ceremonies in Florida Were Conducted by Dr. McConnell. Western Independents and Young Guard Gain Recognition in RQw on Committees PRIZE AT EXHIBIT Architectural Instructor Wins $300 Prize; Oil Painting Submitted to Exhibit. Explains Failures by Inferiorityj and Fishbein. and Superiority Complexes *ANY OTHERS INQLUDED BODY PLACED IN VAULT Iefqre Large Audience.__P EVPO .-..-VIEW S GRANTED ( IHillel Foundation yesterday an- w .ri;. 4 i e S ENTEVIEW IS GRANti1TED I nounced the schedule for its annual LAKE WALES, Fla., Jan. 10 - In open forum series of lectures fOr a settng of tropical beauty, funer- ictdra ly Life Is Held Responsible tae seconi semester, promising to al services will be held at 4:00 p. r. aryLm. today for Edward W. Bok at the receive for Later Crininal bring a lage number of prominent Singing Tower which the disting- entitle a and nationally known men to Ann uished journalist and public bene- 'Tendencies. ed In a eArbor with the beginning of the factor erected as an :appreciation Galleri of the opportunities afforded him Galle, Lecturing on the individual psy- new term. echology viewpoint, Dr. Alfred Adler. ,°ouis Unterneycr, noted poet,b Theervices will be conducted bourThe. appeared in the Hill Auditorium critic, and essayist, will be brought Dr. Samuel D. McConnell of Phila- prizes yesterday after the Natural Science, here to lead an open stuctent dis- delphia, an old friend of Mr. Bok. annual Audtoiu hd roedto sal to -cussion on March 6. His topic,: As the tribute is said over theasoa Auditorium had proved tooh smalltodp e b td e while as yet not specific, will in- body, the 71 bells in the carillon associa accommodate the.crowd thatestood1lude a resume of modern Ameri- will be sounded. The services will, John Thomas. Roe L lle Jr. riiembe about its doors to hear the psy- Dr. Lee DeForest, can poetry, and a discussion of ten- be in the lower room of the tower. ganiza +chologist speak. . Radio inventer, who was recent- dencies in present-day literature. This was Mr. Bok's private room. Senate Republicans who wer e given places on the Finance con- ists an is s Complexes.yeln o. n On Mvarch 10, James Waterman The body will be placed in a mittee after a struggle with the organization leaders. Thomas, of Ex th 1 y eted f I Wise, a writer for current periodi- burial crypt in front of the great Idaho. represents the newly formed "Young Guard" in the upper ' Chica Taking as his chief topic the in- tute of Radio Engineers for 1930. calls, will speak on "Youth and iorth door of the tower Mr Bok chamber, while LaFollette, ,of Wisconsin, is one of the leaders of the 'leio sg feriority and superiority complexes Dr. DeForest is one of the pioneers Youth Movements." This lecture built the vault there, but only his independent bloc. The places on the committee, which is one of the dad as explanations for the failures in !y !otiprati h eae ;euulyrsre eedbedr e, octor Adler pointed out that l'a the field, and is credited with will be sponsored jointly by 'the intimates knee what it was for most important in the Senate, re usually reserved for dependable tions t iV of the inability to become ad,- many inventions that made radi Avukah society and the Hillel Foun- when it was being constructed. members among the regulars. The vacancies were caused by the res- men in jsted to the problems of social dation. Anton Brees, Belgian cailloneur, ignation of Senators Sackett and Edge, who will become ambassa- spectiv teeading to the majority ofsu reception possible. Although the services of many will play on the bells one of the dors to Germany and France respectively. ceiyed and failures of today arises other widely known lecturers have songs a melody of his native land, - -- - --work from a lack of early training in co- AD Vbeen definitely secured, the dates the Netherlands. The music for the INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY HILL The when they can come here are still number. "God's Hand," was arrang- Val'TD io u hic itrisimpossible toonly tentative. In this category is ed by Josef Hofmann, and the ' SHOWS PROPORTION OF AUTO CASES women Dr. Maurice Fishbein, editor of the words were. written by Mr. Bok ,-__--- --- circles net life and its problems in a nor- American Medical Association himself. As the body is laid away' Moe than 38 percent of all the piac I mal manner. Quarterly and 'nemesis of n t he crypt Mr. Brees will renderl, sredn percui cu thTh The famous psychologist pointed _"quack" branch of the medical pro- Chopin' c ryp rench.ilaw cases tried in the Circuit court ticability of adopting certain inno- the out that in reality the superiority fession. Dr. Fishbein will discuss Mr. Bok's sons, William Curtis of Wayne county, the county invations. Compulsory automobile that i complex and that of inferiorityI Chemical Engineering Student "Quacks and Quackeries in Medi- sok and Cary William Bok, with which the most of Detroit is situ- insurance is one; it has attracted second arise from the same causes and are, to Receive Award of $750 cile. six employes of the sanctuary, will ated, arise out of an autonobile ' a certain amount of attention dur- implyi in their general nature, the same Y 'others who will appear under the act as pallbearers. accident of some sort, according to ing the last few years Some sort thing. He showed that, in the case fsauspices of the foundation during statistics obtained by Stuart W. o . Des of children who resort readily to -- theoming semester are Alfre Design Students ork ii, '29L, who is conducting this of a compensation system similar i tast anterwihs n s-:Karl Kammenineyer,'3, chemical cymoig smetr rDAf e sinSuetdok'il 9,woi onutn hs1in tota tears to gain their wishes, and usu- Kreymborg, exponent of modern work under the Lawyers' Club Re- to ,the workmen's- compensation 1Vere ally succeed, they come gradually engineering student, has been American poetry, and Stephen S. on Seal for Society search fund. , acts, now in force, in nearly all the last y to have a feeling of superiority that awarded a Tau Beta Pi Fellowship, Wise, leader of national Jewry. Dr. The investigation is being done states in the country, is another, depart makes them dread defeat and according to Prof. A. D. Moore, of A. L. Sacher, of the University of. Stuuenth mfi decorative design at for Shippen Lewis, a member of the -- -- ---------_ hence always seek easy ways, al- the electrical engineering depart- Illinois. who visited Ann Arbor as the architectural school are now committee to study compensation ways avoiding real effort in the fear!tn speaker last week, wil return in engaged in a competition for the for automobile accidents, which is- that failure may result. ment. The stipend which is $750 February to lecture on "Disraeli." design of a seal for the Architec- iunder the auspices of the council ,NOW Not Much Difference. will enable Kammermeyer to take' tural society. fr research in the social sciences' SHOWINGW Thus, despite the fact that the a year of graduate work, beginning Qallup Made Chairman Prof. H. A. Fowler, Ralph W. Gore, I of Columbia university. superiority co1.plex gives just the and Ross T. Bittinger, all of the I In seeking to determine the pro- opposite impression from that of bleeyother fellowships will be of Horticulture Group deparment of decorative design,}portion of motor vehicle cases' BETT Y CO inferiority, leading people to believe will select for final judgment six which are tried to the entire num- E that its possessor is more capable awarded next year by Tau Beta Pi, E. A. Gallup, M.S.F. '16Superin-design. from those submitted. er of cases tried, the duration ofTHEHE than the fact warrants, still it is the national engineering honor so- itendent of Parks of the city of Ann these cases, and the amount ofTHE, essentially the same thing. ciety. Selection is made from ap- Arbor, was appointed chairman of C B A tidh Prs dthmages recovered, Hill has been Doctor Adler stated that crimin- plications by Tau Beta Pi seniors the standing committee on horti- CAMBRIDGE, Jan. 10.-President a TIME, PLACE A als are almost invariably the result all over the country, and only men culture of the American Institute A. Lawrece Lowel of Harvard Wayne county. If all the tchan- With of this complex, taking to crime as who show unusual promise are giv- of.Park executives for the year, is report to the board of overseers,f ctio e utoi dall te hdt H a means to avoid the real responsi- en the award.. 1x9-1930, made public Monday, recommended GRANacios wreTonideedth bilities of life with which they are Kanmermeyer, whose home is in i The appointment is a signal hon- a redution of Harvard's inter-col- o)p derably reduced, possibly o mdd bey W I ERS-d unable to cope. i He said that Germany, has been carrying assist- or. made in recognition of Mr. Gal- legiate athletic contests to one 38 to 20 percent, Hill believesy mlkey drunkards are usually of this class antships, has coached gymnasium lup's knowledge, ability and service 'game in each major sport per year. erc i bei ground of a modern college, a Inti eotPeietLwl i- Similar research is being carried gon famdr olga too, as are most of the others who teams for several years, and is an in the field of forestry and plant In this report President Lowell dis on in many of the principal cities' Wall Street. do not conform to our social rules. outstanding gymnast. At the time conservation. cussed the manner in which over- the East. The information when - All these troubles may be traced of his election to the Michigan Serving under Mr. Gallup on the emphasis is being placed on inter- -ompiled will be studied in con- back to the early life of the sub- chapter of Tau Beta Pi, he stood committee are institute members collegiate games while the more nection with other material to de- i ject, according to Doctor Adler, at the head of his class. from Philadelphia, Grays Summit, important feature of intramural where insufficient training in co-! Mo., New Orleans and Winnipeg, isports is not receiving the attention operation and hence understanding Vessels Sink on Coast Canada that is due it. are at fault. Vesl Sn n os "The University of Michigan is as Heavy Fog Spreads m recognized throughout the United a Detroit Theatres D A N C I N G SItates' and Europe as one of the :1 .\v 4sociated Pes)ii.' ' foremostuniversities in the world," BLOCK ISLAND, R. I., Jan. 10- said Dr. Alfred Adler, in an The freight steamer Edward Luch- uiversity. is especially renowned grounded, on Southwest point here ONLY THIS WEEK ierityiesealy trnon. T!e baShorty eo re BcoasnrdptS iH UBERcTo $300 iiieoHa v for the research work that has been at 2:30 this morning in a dense fog TED HEALY in done by some of the members of its: and with a heavy swell running. A NIfHT IN VENICE faculty in the field of pernicious Shortly before the coast guard put Nights, 75c to $3.00 Cvcry anemia. This research will go out to her assistance, the ship's of- I Only Matinee Saturday, 50c to $2.00 down in history as a great benefit ficers reported the craft taking Saturday Nte to mankind," continued Dr. Adler. water rapidly by the bow and called AV___ On being questioned concerning for help.." the psychology department of the CASS THEATER Park Plan University, the eminent psycholo- MARCUS HOOK, Pa., Jan. 10.- Nights $1.00 to $2.50E-PP gist said that the department rank- The oil tanker Sunbeam, operated ip Mat. Sa $1.00 $ 2and1.50 ed extremely high and that the by the Sun Oil Co., sank Thursdays uErb dy work beinig done in it was worthy at the company's Delaware river PAULINE FREDERIC of considerable praise. pier here after having her forward "THE QUEEN WAS IN THE Welcome Following the lecture delivered hold damaged several hours earlier PARLOUR" by Dr. Adler ig Hill auditorium yes- when she struck a submerged terday afternoon, a limited number wreck in the river off Wilming- - of teachers were permitted to at- ton, Del. tend the clinic which the child psy- The vessel went to the bottom chologist conducted. Three chil- an hour after making port under dren served as subjects in this her own power. None of the crew clinic, and at the end, Dr. Adler was injured and all left the tanker' said that the only avenue by which before she went down. She was not IF YOU WILL HAVE THE MI the difficulties of these children completely submerged, as the wa- can be corrected is through the ter at the pier is comparatively As Beautiful as a STARTSGTO careful diligence of their teachers. shallow. Western Sunset! -?-"" TODAY GAN DAILY 0 F FE R S Y O U RAIT TITLED HELEN' Mastro Valeio instructor wing and painting in the ctural school, has recently d notice.that his oil painting d "Helen" which was enter- in exhibition of the Chicago es association during No- . has been awarded i prize. award of $300 was one of 25 given in the eighth semi- members' exhibition of the ,tion, of which Valerio is a r. According to him, the or- tion is composed of 160 art- d sculptors. pining the function of the o Galleries association, Va- id that it aims to set a stan- f work in the many exhibi- hat it sponsors so that lay- the field of art who "ire pro- e buyers may not be de- as to the quality of the art they are purchasing. directors of) the association, oe explained are men and ipromxinent in Chicago at common house fly sounds te of F in flying. This means is wings vibrate 335 times a 1. The honey-bee sounds A, ng 440 vibrations a seconds. ite a*decrease of 5 per cent al crop production, 1929 crops worth $85,000 ,000 more than ear's, says the United States ment of agriculture. ontinuus ' i1:30-11:00 Shows Today 1PSON THE ND GIRL RT ROACH Ve set against a back. ad the mad whirl of Y COMEDY! Ster? A U 111111111111111 li Ili i IIIIIll IIli I 11111111Ijli Ii III 14I 11I lalt 111 1 I l tn yMEDIUM FOR FILLING Y( SHOWING 2:003M5 1'35C lOc RO MS t} ~~7:00. 9:UQC( S AVISHiNG ROMANCE, liting melody, languishing senoritas -r50c, 25c R . . . tinkling sounds of dusk, alluring glow of moonlight a song of love that wakes in the heart, flames in the soul and lives in the memory! A tian torn between duty and love . ..a passion flower wilting between the fires of desire and hatred . comedy as light as a maiden's love whisper . . . drama as tense as the strings of a violin. "ROMANCE OF RIO GRANDE" will send you =' f sailing on the river of adventure and delight and music. -L USE TCLASSIFIED SECT You'll marvel at the cast, which includes Warner Baxter, MaryU'. tiMTHEdSECaT'j = Duncan. Antonio Moceno. Robert Edeson and Mona Maris. \, AND FIND YOUR ROOMER R^MAN=Els.oGEAT Comedy Trusting Wives" F [ Sound with \ - and lIIIIi t1111111111111111111 as! I 1 lU ittil 11 1111 11III 1fl 1 11 11111li 11141111llMAf il Silent _____ Daron4 Ak11 )UR li [ON zs- I,# !{f 1. tlfft 1tE~~t X 0 '4 I -'I A A Y I #. I