THE SIvCHIGAN DAIL [ MEET' STATE COLLEGE v/ /KLVIE1 OF MINES LLt BE FIRST OF MICHIGAN-PURDUE CAGE TITLE MA1 TW in lVE EEBRINGS PREP MATES TOGETHER VUUT~VL U I~ he h Wo lveiecgrsme er u oterotingWsen rIldIIm DT D Tfl Intrarmaral News CGERfS TO LEAVE FORH PUplflE M V L When the Wolverine Gagers meet year due to the rotating Western, the Purdue quintet at Lafayette to- Conference schedule. Invaders Held High Reputation iorrow night, two men who were Last year when both were juniors. Lteammates on the Indiana state they were named on several all- Entrain This Afternoon to Open Last Year But Have Slowed championship team from the Mari- Conference teams, Murphy as a 1930 Season With Franklin Down This Season, on High school in 1926, will face center and Chapman as a forward. and Marshall. each other at the pivot position. Murphy also shattered the all-time arh DEFENSE IS STRONG I One of these men is Bob Chapman scoring record by piling up 143 of Michigan and the other is points and Chapman with a total MEET PRINCETON ALSO Retreating in disorder after a Stretch Murphy of Purdue. of 94 points accounted for much of-- - Chapman and Murphy have both! the scoring punch of the Maize and Opening the wrestling season disastrous eastern invasion the I been .outstanding players in colle- Blue team that tied Wisconsin for with an eastern invasion, the Wol- Michigan State College of Mines giate basketball circles and have the title last season. i hockey team will tarry long been honored by each being elected Tomorrow's game, one of the PeInsymaniaae:2oriLaster. captain of his respective team, al- leading Big Nine battles-of the sea- Pennsylvania, at 2:28 this after- Enoug iny AnnAror tonget Coach though Glen Harmeson and Murphy son and Purdue's initial contest noon where they will clash with Eddie Lowrey's charges tonight and share the position of Boilermaker will mark the third encounter be- Franklin and Marshall tomorrowf tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock pilot as co-captains. tween the former teammates since night. On MIonday evening Prince-a on the Coliseum iee before pushing In tomorrow's encounter Murphy they doffed their high school cage ton will play host to the Maize anc; on to their upper penninsular lair. -nd Chapman will meet as enemies togs after winning the state titlet Claimants of the midwest inter- for the third time in their athletic in 1926. As both stars are seniors Blue grapplers terminating the trip collegiate puck diadem in, last careers. In 1928 when they were now, this year will see their last Three Veterans Return.I year's hockey reckonings, the Mm- sophomore members of their teams, battle on collegiate cage teams. With but three veterans remain- ers, starting the season with a they faced each other in both of ing from last year's Western Con-' team of veterans have encountered the Purdue-Michigan basketball l IA nhmiosipta1 U. many snags in their campaign to games of that season. They have ;ernceihapioshi tem, hl: maintain the high rung achieved not met since then, however, as the! lUUseason's aggregation is still some- in last year's play. After splitting Boilermakers and Wolverines did what of an unknown quantity. a pair of close tests with Wiscon- not play each other ache following Captain Hewitt, America's represen- sin and dropping another to a up- ~-- t_____ _____O1I]i 1 tative in the 128 lb. class in th per peninsular amateur outfit -the unn~i tLUi~ U i I saiei h 28l.casi h Miners began their invasion of theL~-- Olympics held last year at Amster-- Atlantic seaboard bent on estab- Yearling Mentor Discovers Four dam, Holland, should be able tc lishing recognition. or Five Promising Thinclads garner a few points in that divisio Yale Smothers Miners. Out of 125 Men. In the 158 an. F'orced to accept a 3-3 tie dcci- S O MHOt f12 et nth 58ad16 il. classes ; Michigan is also represented byi son at t e hands of Princeton the Over 125 freshman track aspic- veterans from last year, Kelly in av ohrdetermined thdeeintheNEli Although it is a little early to ants are reporting for work threelte former and Pray Parker in the p 1 ~latter. In the National champion- skaters. Yale, international inter- definitely determine just who will or four nights out of every week as sittra ntNat ear ao- collegiate champions, proved to be make up the regular freshman earnest drilling for the indoor s - ship tounament last year both too much of hocey rachine for basketball lineup, Coach Ray Filh- son gets under way, follewing the vwere able to conquer the Conf the Mine tu e ame ito er has uneaerthed six or seven real- holiday vacation. Under the direc- ence champions in their respective the 15 rout.Torround outh te _r ly promising players out of-a squad tion of Coach Charles Hoyt the Ights.A stilts against the strong Big Three that numbers 17, and expgcts ajboys are paying most of the' at- in te118 wl. mvko tlrip teams. the Crimson of Harvard team that stacks up on paper as tention to getting into form before and Texiera will make the trip. team. th Crmsonof arvad (rtariiiCaptain Hewitt in the 128 1b. class, flasled a 11-0 smothering on Wed- being relatively strong. st ting the time trials. !Out of thie lretr. Yo spr Woodard in the 138 lb. class, Benz nesday night. Work on fundamentals has con- in, thsfour group of aspir- in the 148 1h. class, Kelly in the 153 As a result of these defeats the suned the major portion of the, _n_;trackmen__frorl _n. lwhob. class, Parker and Sigerfoos Miners will come to Ann Arbor de- yearling drills so far, no plays hav- WANTED the 1G3 lb. class, Steinke in the 171 tcrmined to balace their books at ing been given to the men at thiS. lb. dNss and Auer and Stoddard in the expense of the Wolverines. In early date. One scrimmage has High jumpersand pole vault-'the Heavyweight division comple 1927, the last time the two schools i been held with the Varsity so far, ers for the freshman track team. the squad making eleven wrestlers have met one the ice a pair of 1-0I but it is unlikely that another willte in all to go on the trip. Coach scores were split by the Maize and be held for a few days. Study for Hoyt at Yost Field house. Keen intends, in the case where Blue forces and the sextette from final examinations is already caus-;two rnen are being taken for one the north. ing i'rregularities in the men's re- ( show real promise have been di's- weight class, to use one in each Sophomores Valuable. porting for drill. covered. Even though the squad is meet. Two sophomores, Langen andl A fairly-tall squad is working out not going through its' really hard F. and M. Undefeated Tompkins, at center and goalie re- daily under Fisher's di'rection, it work now Coach Hoyt has been in- Franklin and Marshall is liable spectively, have been capable fit being the coach's belief that by pressed with the form they have to prove pretty stiff competition j ted into the veteran nucleus which next year they will have attained shown. A great increase in th fon the Wolverines, having come was available for competition. The a size that will make them better number of hurdlers over the squad through last season's campaign un- former. fitted to compete with the Varsity of last year has be'en offset by a defeated. Only two veterans have Joseph and Nygord, veteran for- players. Three of the tallest men surprising lack of high jumpers been lost from last year's team. ward performers will go to the wing on the squad are still in their 17th and pole vaulters. The freshman Princeton, while unable to boast positions, while Captain Bryant! year, and -wil undoubtedly develop team faces a real problem in these of so enviable a record has five vet- and Hart will be seen at the d-e- considerably before it becomes two departments, and the search erans returning and indication, fense posts. Schlanderer and Cour- their turn to engage in Varsity for capable jumpers is being con. point to a powerful aggregation thi;} (continued on Page 7) competition. cntinued on Pc 7) yea I- - --~ -- -------.---------~-- __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __10_ _ HOCKEY PLAY STARTS WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS Handball. , Boilermakers Will be Oppositiot Xi Psi Phi, last year's runners up Friedman Axinn defeated Crain- in Second Conference Game for the Inter-fraternity hockey Broading, 21-9, 21-15. for Wolverines. championship, defeated Theta Chi' Basketball. Wednesday night in a fast practice ; Psi Upsilon, 18-Phi Mu Delta, 8. TEN MEN TO MAKE TRIP game on the Coliseum ice. Both Phi Alpha Delta, 11-Sigma Pi, 2. teams fought to the final gun fori Tau Kappa Epsilon, 29-Tau Del- Accompanied by a squad of 10 the victory, but the Xi Psi Phi's I ta Phi, 6. basketball players, Coach Veenker came out on the big end of a 10-71 Zeta Beta Tau, 22-Triangle. 3. ' will leave for Lafayette, Indiana, at scoe f Theta Kappa Nu, 7-Xi Psi Phi, 8:50 o'clock tonight to encounter standig performer for the lsers, 20. Purdue on their own floor in the stadin prfome fo ,h oes Delta Phi, 3-Alpha Rho Chi, 8. cuilts fteBgwn akt making most of his team's goals Delta Upsilon, 12-Delta Alpha crucial test of the Big Nine basket- and playing a good defensive game eln,,2aA a as well. The wners presented p Chi, 14-Theta Delta Chi, 2 The same players who made the weli balance si c acin as n Phi Rho Sigma, 2-Delta Sigma Minnesota trip will be taken to shandling and shooting , sIPhi, 0. Purdue with the addition of Hud- Phi Kappa Psi, 20-Alpha Omega son. These include Captain Chap- Kipke Lays Plans for 0.Theta Chi 19-Phi Kaa Si- man, center; Orwig, Lovell, Down- Ne t Y a' Cg ma 4. ' ing, an4 Rrcketts, guards, and PX___ Phi Kappa, 0-Theta Xi, 2. Truskowski, Kanitz, Daniels, and Coach Harry Kipke, youthful Alpha Kappa Lambda, 12-Alpha Weiss, forwards. Michigan grid mentor,' is already Sigma Phi, 23. Formerly the Boilermaker quin- beginning to pay preliminary plans! Pi Lambda Phi, 6--Pi Kappa Phi. tet has played its cage games in the for the 1930 football season. With 13. large Lafayette High school gym, the double aim of having Wolver- Alpha Delta Phi, 8-Delta Chi, 12. but tomorrow night the Wolverines ine football men mingling togethor Phi Beta Pi, 6-Sigma Zeta, 12. will battle Purdue on their own more and to keep them in the best Beta Theta Pi, 13--Lambda Chi floor for the first time in years. possible condition Kipke is organ- Alpha, 12. Returning Sunday, the team will izing a handball league which willi Phi Sigma Kappa, 18-Kappa- immediately prepare for the third be ande entirely of football men.l; Delta Rho, 0. Big Nine game of the season sched- Coach Kipke is also at work dia- Alpha Kappa Kappa, 4-Sigma uled for Monday night with Illi- gramiing every game Michigan has Nu, 14. nois, the Indians travelling to lost in the last three years to show Kappa Delta Epsilon, 6-Phi Ann Arbor for the affair. Illinois his quarterback candidates where Lambda Kappa, 8. with no game tomorrow will rest different generalship might have Kappa Sigma, 10---Sigma Alpha this week end and be fresh for the brought. different results. Epsilon, 15. contest Monday. - FEN'GETTEWNE FOR THE GREATEST MID-WINTER I Flret.>1 Sale I' vI J. 'Y I r , a k Y 4 Y ,. .- -- - .ow. w - - w4 - - - - BNww MW WbO RN IT WILL SOON OPEN-WAIT FOR IT G -4' CA MPUS IML-, fqmswk South - 'I !Ii mmmmmaw Scale -of U41ts and Fine .Furnlishings We are erin from our teg ..arstopk aa 20% ds unt one hundred fine Langrock Su'Its These suits are in hard f ished worsted materials in Brown, Blues and Grays. The tailoring in each garnment, as usual where Lang rock is concerned, is of superior workmanship and merit. A variety of fine shirts in colored Madras, Oxfords, Chambrays and Basket weaves, with or without but- toned down coJlar . Dermi Bosom shirts in solid colors or fancy patterns. A splendid assortment of neckwear and hosiery, sweater ensenbles and robe ensembles for you to choose from, at this particular season. -mAND - OUR BIGGEST SALE NOW ON Here is an ooortunity to buy a new wUit or o'coat at reatly reduced p rices. Tailored in the best college models -fine woolens and all the wanted shades. We are giving all our profits to ycu z savings as high as twenty dollars. It will be a oY time before you fine another such sale. Take ad- vantage of this one. ANY SUIT IN' THE STOR 7-5 i s E f a s I !fi I I , I i w f I I I f I i I i i j I i 1 i our regutlar stock :oftonsn bros. shoes includin scotch grains, calf skins a sale 40# of all -1 t ' W uc an~Ces in brogues and plain toes. were Values to $50 O'COATS PRICED FOR QUICK SELLING 1000 and 1200 shoes now FLEECE MELTONS KERSEY Valus to$5 BLUES AND GREYS, SINGLE BRIEASTED 69-5 4- -9b2 S. ii _A $1.95 2.95 3.45 . 3.95 SCARFS SHIRTS - NECKWEAR Values $1.35 $2.50 to $3.50 $1.50 to $2 ......$1.20 2.35I 2.75 Now $1 to $1.25....----90c ' 3.15 X1.85 Winter Sox.-------.69c Ir PI SuO A4 111' I IIC