1930 1TE- 1M11C HI-CGANi DAILY I '. "Vlmomo"49-4-"' "A"". . ..... . , _______-.___.._. ..._____._____.._.____ . ___._.. _.._ . . ... . . .._.. . ..._... . .._ _b_. ... .. ..,,.._ ... . ... .. . . .. . __. . _._._. ...___...e._w_._.. . __...__.. __ __. _ _._...._.. .._..._... IrnI-EARziLY HISTORY OF POINT SYSTEM rrn YVONNE GEORGI DISCUSSES ROUIN O 19L LiRELATED IN SERIES OF .ARTICLES iU rRO U UNDERLYING EXPRESSIONISTIC DNC r:,,T iA'i , fa~Ii:i-s lu f, i ,i s ONOS PADIYBare.)last night in the Lydia Mendless W-1I1[ BE [ NI 9 :u pttc i in CamillocoivlicpeakingtiltI ILL g0 1 1 Allthti T1S8 .atI ht we plan our dancs. tests, women's Gebaingt eam Cr-T 19u ii mst relrote, we have t xrie We e such a wide tour:e DfelpiaffrmaIatertosi-our' bodies," said Yvonne Georgi, v'cl--filled schedule this year; 10UDKISH F[S1I VA1 pletevndunysem ti ist o a eoItalirauo. ]lack Quill, Portia,IIU iIiLUED cancrftrhrPisd.Bupeasnxtyr titstepoint s3ytemi chart of' Choral Union, University Girls' Glee_ fornance with Harald Kreutzberg; ad Btprasn~tya -- ~~~126 took on an entirely different club , nivesil y orchestra, Wonmen's te salg oHlivodfrt'ii Only Turkish Student on Cam- apparance. Instead of a singeI~ Leagu: orhestra, Cosnoolitan Commiittee Will Sponsor Two "We go to Switzerland for the is; Roman Navarro is one of1 Pus Assists in Planning large sheet, the present small bound club, Rpubican clan, and oio-' Parties Held at League sunier, and after we rest, in the close friendsadhewl' Al eoain.sheets were adopted. " At this time lg lb e oo oite cd aur 5 suerb uiet of the Alps, it is there again for us." study of the. different oraniza---__ !__ American movies are so fi t-ons adatviewamaebd were Delta Sigma Rho, Dela~ with pretty girls, that's al'" of; FOLK DANCE IS FEATURE'the committee in order to give as mc n u h psln SgaMRS. HUNT IS CHAIRMAN I l f if Miss Georgi, "and what they n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A nearly pefect a reward for timeaic lp ha Itadrhh im.- jB rA~h M HfL satnte edtesre BrIdge and Refreshments to be and abiitynecs ary for each poll bftii19213 choolrtgu Eiht YarsAgo L cmmimsi.ialcn it snPormo at ition as possible. So well were tile Ta12 hr me o a i~ Tahr lIlfiII~ RI lr The eyes of the danseuse as ca rga fPry levaluations made, that most o[pousdecre(ase iu at 'vltiesfuTeLNow1as1Eigt 1e1cersU1related her experiences in I 1'W C ,u rciatcd ae' E TE [okto be Held Today. them are still unchaaavzccl The sy s- , .A U mtetkn and Three Graduates. a ~ I.E~ ~ 41 IL uhwnderfulgo Aaudiens 1(V ___...-j lin, was nowv put on)fa ic(ale of a!UUsuch w~ oanderChuicao ces, ee ight out of the Snow and cold 10, the greatest number of points iAJ fMryoo the nwowericlubsnhadas so, whatuyotwoallogL On and conservative dignity of a uni-j being, given to the president of thle not lived andi dsappeared from the rcds.1.I asow tyuclapr ch icaair "Newclubs organ- he ;arties sponisored by the Education-! Professor Dickinson Wiall Speak tv, yet! And these Ainaeric versity in Michigan, and into the League and the rest apportipned io ne h oe' tlti c omteifteUieriyo ~rdCutIse are so different from Euro~e ans warmth nd colr of aassociation, such as Pegasus, Or- Hospikal School are to be uedl to; at Luncheon Today, 'ecmnral rfrtep tval in. Turkey is the promise of Purpose Is Chang'ed. c Freadntecihmeclbapparaallstinpayngthereahes'ealp--.a the. Women's League to all those h:iadterfecuapa-assinpynthtecessa-KuzbgadMssGoip woatdthpatat4ocok At this time tie purpose was ed. Thle Sophomore Prom, Frosh Activities which will hold the in- Ketbr n isGog par feron nthe al lromkofchanged to read the distribution !Frolic, Mimes Productions, P1 JC te1sital s oo. Tere of the iAmerican Associationthroin ofecdaig thi afernon n te bllrom f lof the honors and duties of college ;Lln .Theta Chi Delta Pi, and1 parties will be held a~tt Ihe Wons Uvresit Women during the as follows: coffee, rather early,s teLegebuilding. Color scheme, !life in order to promote efcec Alpha Kappa Delta were added to ; League bilding, the first t 2:'0 monhUofJaur y aetvry ive- fui;xerciss until noo; or entertainment, and decorations I'in the activity, and group (cola hel-to 0t i~soClo:k on Wednesday iafternoon, sifced. Atd12:30 thistnoon the In the istof ct~ltie. sfte. At12:0 tis non he n-'then the dance. have all been planned with the as- I siousness in a larger number of Nt imch different from this i January 15 in the Assemby room' ternational Rlations group of thexrsioimilhtoetp sitneo1eieReiGa. h univers.ity women." The limit of the 1929 chart adapted by the point and the othaer at fi o'clock of the' assca Ioi will be addressed by dnigw r odo, oc only Turkish student on campus. points carried by anay one student syst n oft thie year. There are 40 same day, in the Alumnae roomi. Prof. Edwin D. ickinson, of thledsdain le refd 'coc Oneof he ostuniue eatreswasplaced at 14 where it nwatvities listed vith a total of 150 Eighit years aoro, through. the -; Law School at a luncheon to beedMranittsfom efkhrsfll pesentch asse that the more important activ- simeand the limitation of' points iAnn Arbor, the first teacher was in- Dickii-son, an authority on thelst odances. stihavie oo h netiminwl eZy tnd.Gop eefredi r myo reh ups ean tefrso h igs xa~ieso ivna h egebilig rf eybginn htw , e Refk hrsef wll resnt ssitedities would not lie assumed by a is now 14, having been first 10 and saled in the school. The plan was League of Nations, will speak onl tore."acsI tl ae nm e by, Hazel Dickinson, '31. Both small group. Under this ruling a ltr1.Oe eido er experimental at the time, but has th "World 1.Oe eido er h Court," an appropriate________ dancers will appear in niative Tur- student could accept only one of - 'a system has been worked out rowvn dring this period of yearsl subect on the tenth anniversary oodT kish costume. A quaint little story fiee in group A, one in B, and memn-(which is considered the best pos- ;util there are at the rsenit time of the Leagute. This tali is thoe C1 okn 1 accompanies the dance and will be bership but not an office in C. Per- ( ible cthodl by which honors may five full-time and three hkalf-timge jtird of an informal series boeigLoingGrl explained by Miss Refik just before manent and temporary points were, be diideJd and a teiT~pense given teachers in the academic- di lat- I lvrsb the Internationial Reationas Have Difficult Tit the performnance. also differentiated in this chart, for work efficiently and well done. mnt of the school. Last year three group. Any w onan who is inter- Coffee will be served at one end of' The greatest change over frmer'hlrnwr th alomo al eoae hrswsi h ubro ei-cide eegraduated from the et Ainatedngteeusho thebalrom o atabe ecoatd cart ws i te lunberofactv-high shool grade, end at the end mll, ymke reservations by calling AnsLye to represent the flag of Turkey, ities listed. There were 50 sepa- i , of the present semester six oters Mr. tt . aily,345 To be unusually and conspicic which has a white crescent and rate activities including. over 2001 NOTIJCES will raduate. v rl nn fthIXi rbrly good looking is, inot evn f( white stars set on a background of different positions. New organ',- I Charities Lead( Aid I aca omno h AnAbr girl; an unmixed blessing. red. The refreshments will bel zations and events listed were Thae women's rifle team is sched- Thie school has been f tinned by too eh1, neld will mr attend anooninn Very pretty girls have a h wafers in odd little shapes resemb- - -- - - .-- --uleci to hold an intercollegiate te- Various sources, oxlgy u etooro atenon ntime being anything else. From ligteParis n tas n e~a hcme with the University1 Michigan Crippled Childrens co111 Jacekson, at which Mr. Hegener ofmoethyarbrnhew coffee. ( ars ashions Show ; of Mar an team~ at 4 o'clock next mission. Deri.WsenHihSholwl. conspires to make them live Bob Carson's ,orchestra will play f fr I Wednesday afternoon. The 10 Mrs. Walter Hunt is chairman of isKe aon "ome Celebrities I Have their looks. Throughout their g for dancing and card tables will b.- iiweeds fr ports members of the team to representI the committee in charge of the two I p~ov~ ing years they are never permi provided for bridge. A prize is of- Michigan will be chosen this after- bridge parties, with Mrs. Hugh i Further co-operating with near- to forget their charms, andi fered to the highest scorer at te onfo the grop'ho av Wheeler assisting. The followi g ibyT associations a number of wo- not strange that they often le enad of the party. As League paties r WhilebParis fashionshearastbeingeI,'11lact as hostesses: Mirs. R. C.1jmnwr "vtdt ten et to use temi before they oi aeatalgiebyalothUn-constantly headlined as more and be pci igteps Hre ey, Miss Mabel Van Kee, Mrs. ng of the Birmingham A. A. U. W. I as learn their letters. areactall gienby ll f te Uf-more feminine, tweeds, the most' montihs. In the meet only the five Huslsseyedy t hchMssA versity women through the orgam- masculine of materials, are getting from each team who shoot with i Mary Bu ington, Mrs. frank Nickle la st1 Wensday0at which issnAgD - The social traits which dev zation of thne Women's League, no {m ore and more chic and important.{tehgst coswil outllM.Dnad crgrr.Fan tzdisson ee s eerychrge toI Tis ape t shw wat he xpet.their team's score, The other five 'Ohhnger, Mrs. Robert Grove, whoi of Womnen at Indiana Universityiwih h vrge girl is confr these parties. Every woman is c kows , htter r(ctal w will be eliminated ait that time. has charge of the prices, and Mrs. j soke on the 'Mlilion Dollar Fel-i ed, that of giing something in dially invited to attend. 'Prsfsin-n o esr J. J Keley, who is to take careci o W1 iz 'n. turn for what she gets, leads which is feminine and lyseiousl Members of P'egasus riding club the tallies and scores. For those, Mr. Fred L. Blak, publicity man- to develop such qualities asf Actiitie in e ag ue an allthat an theothe fortheare to meet this afternoon at Dey's ;preferring to sew rather than to l ger of the Ford Motor Car Co., will - - --------- Building Recommencet times at work or play. Tweeds be- studio at 5 o'clock. to have thei play bridge, hospital {arnwnuts wiv31 e the speaker at a joint meeting long to the second mode . Mcigensan picture taken. Pleasei be provided on wich to work. Mrs. of all the A. A. U. W. groups to be, WedallMoe ss yMs edStra afteroonheJanary 1 Activities at the League building Millons of yards of tweed hevy bing yearly dumes and waryuriWe llall Bre, wil e nc hare'f 8,in the ballroom of the FSatugua have begun in earnest after the lullmeimadlgtarpuinito1iighbt. I the sewing. building. "The Romance of :Modern' -Paris to make spring fashions, en- 1 4* I usAvila~1tisn"wllb h tpco caused by the holidays. At; 3:30 sembles, suit or coat. The Archery Club will meet at 4Isev~n Aad ~ Avctng wlb h tpco lo'lock today in the 'Women's ath- Refreshireunts will be served. Re- ' his talk. Central and South Amer- tis afternoon the Women's LeagueE Tweeds that are transparent as CO servationls can be made fur tables iche, China, and the United States is giving another of its series of un- " a face veil are used for dresses, and ItItic building,o ae hn Mna vnnaeicue nM.Bakspb degauaeprie.Te'nen-those of blanket weight are for the --- o ae hnMna vnnaeicue nM.Bakspb k: ionga elatins.Grouh of h e o ot li aterns arecon- Extra basketball patice for 'January 13, by calling onc or the licity field. Mr. Black was formerly tionl Reatios Grup o the sidered sufficiently elegant for aft- Juniors and seniors will be held at following: Mrs. Walter F. Hunt,j treasurer of the "Dearborn Imd- American Association of University ernoon, but when they are at- 4 o'clock this afternoon at Bar- Mrs. Mary E. Buffington, Mrs. B. !pendent" and also an editor and Woens ii a uceo hsterned they are restricted to more bour gymnasium. Sophomores will Frank Ohhinger, Mrs. John M- contributor to that publication lip noon. Tonight there will be a din-I practical wear. practice at t5 o'clock. Gregor, or Mrs. Raleighi Blouch. to the time it was discontinued._ v ner for the Regents.J --------- --- O U O ( 7Tomorrow afternoon AlIp ha2P Lambda Delta is holding initiation -' in the League building. One room 0'Zifir of the League building has been re-a tinrtetherll uday mo orifomlej'Sp i~ Foundation try-outs. C N w 8 to 12 o'clock. An afterno on tea AM= l is being given by Sig~maPi Epsi- r"" ,(is' "ib1 e Far ton, and Beta. Kappa Rho plans " ,IV some sort of activity far' Sunday. *[jr Next Monday Alpha Aloha aam- -~ , ma, architectural sorority, is hold- 1 vr" r Bh idV inag initiation. The Faculty Board: