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January 10, 1930 - Image 1

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I ailil


VOL. XL. NO. 74.





TR ' Interpretative Dancers Will Appear in Second Elect Da mrts Vens Physician
BO OKSgC U 0 !At S Recital in Women's League'Theare Tonightl E Y R EQCEl I toEDCanEmeritls V eceture Today P E
FOR ATTT UDHE N 0 E>NC1NEERS' AIiDD J r. Ader's System of ClinicIE
I S t 1 iN p lGS1E''r°a1Commlission Confcrs Honor for psychology, Dr. Alfred Adler of II
_iHigh Type of Work in.*VeawilapainteNurlU1
Special Committee of Association +I ~Engineering Field.Io'clock.V..tdiToricu romi2to b4 Expe
*Y< followed by a free clinic intended to
of Professors Censures . HOOVER GIVEN AWARD demonstrate the material in the
Missouri Head. ______ I eture.
_______Dr Adler is an outstanding fig-
FA UT N ETG TDSociety to Make Presentation . r ; i the field of child psychology, : LOS
FAUT N ETG TD.of Prize in Chicago "=a ?rg found:ed several famous
During.Feruary.ies for the investigation of childAli
Action Considered Clear Breach ___Duringl...Berlin.Tese andlmor
of Fr e om oIRs ar hDe n EcrtuhoriarraCo-c t epr tednaie veaad re k
anecig ey, of the engineering college was; able success, being now in cone-j
(s> -ot".u 'res ' notified of his election. to receive lon with the public school system.; Sig
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 9.--i . he Washington Award for the year; Recently Dr. Adler has been in of Un
President Stratton Duluth Brooks x ii'q13 talnho yesterday which J vew York teaching in Columbia callin~
1~0 t alunceonunivrsiy ad oraniing he oun
and the Board of Curators of the was attended by President Ruthven,I dation of individual psychology. colsid
University of Missouri have been v Dean Sadler, of the engineering .Dr. Adler has been deeply interest-I amend
seveelycenure by , secil cal- ollgeheas ofthedeprtmntsed in the study of individual py- werec
Ieeeycnue ~ pca on olghaso h eatet chology and has written several
mittee of the Association of Univr- of the engineering college, and Ed- boos!uonwheeubjct
siyprfsor sa oul fa o-gar Nethercutt, ereay of the Dean Emeritus Goole, The lecture here is sosrdbfO
trvesyoera e qesin irdWestern Society of Engineers. Of the Engineering college whoI the children's fund of Michigan by Ke
at that institution last year. a, ,;: < ;"«: ?<<: 1 The award, which was founded in tas notified yesterday of his le- I and is to to be open to all inter-' man e
T>.ce sur, nno ncit::ht.. s> £!I>:. . a9: 1915 by J hn W. Mvr°afrm ro 0receive the W ashington ested mite
byThe Aessoci aionca red tonight,~s president of the Western Society of +Ai r for the ar 1930. He will {Athi
byteAscitows eundbe honored in Chicago ii February ~ v n
after an investigation inbo the dis- ** Engineers, is defincd as "An honorI when a formal presetationh will WhINM 11 IL 1111
cpiigotw mebrofteconferred upon a brother engineer' be madie. L II E LINIEIj before
Unvriyfcly "eas f±by his fellow engineers on account -I vote i
Unvriy fautbcas fio accomplishments which pre-em - IVE0 E P S ,0
their sanlction" of the questionnaire!i inently ppromote the happinessN other 1 t
circulated among students. The As-' comfort, and well being of human- ____~t
soclation said the inquiry had becn over d
udraeatteruetoPrs-Ntehireutt. Announces Honlor T I Final Examination Period fo tuaccod
dent Brooks, many of the faculty E. Nethercutt extended the award 5IiE CH dT9NOfl#IPL Architects and Engneers a h
and students in the ourses of Pro- , to Dean Cooley in behalf of the at__ the
was dismissed last April on ac- ! Dancers,, who will appear in their second concert of thleir two- ,ists of representatives of thej Proposal of Naval Parity for I-- of tab
count of the questionnaire. Profes- recital series at 8:153o'clock tonight in thle Lydia MoncGlssolm the- American Society of Civil Engineers,! CutisI utrdb MUST REPORT CONFLICTSi fore t
CounriesIs Rpturd byboard
sor Max F. Meyer was suspendcd. atre. Krcutzbcrg and Georgi have just initibed a rccitali in Chicago, American Institute of Mining and ?ion
Statement Soores Act. j during wlch they filled Orchestr a Hall for three nghts This tour Metallurgical Engineers, American! French Reply. Fnal examinations in the Col-
The committece's conclusion, as( of American cities is their second and is being madec after Numerous =Society of Mechanical Engineers, je TfEgnern n rcie- Ac
revealed in a statement issued pre-: appearances in Europe last year. American Institute of Electrical En-{ BREAK DISTURBS R 0 M E le^ fEgneigadAcie-RAc
liminariy to publication in the Feb--'---- -- - ------ -. . . ..- ginleers, and the Western Society o tre iAll be held Feb. 1 to Feb 12, Iton, ij
ruary bulletin of the Association ®'-Eni r.lsc <,C;I 1'rr incluive, it is alnouncedl by Prof. cordinm
was: "For the iboard of Curators, 6 GAIOYLiE SUBSCRlIPTIONS. In i P l1t FPresident Hoover was' ROME L, Jain. 9.-The Louis A. Hpino the depart-!pnt
to decree the most severe punish-! Sale of Gairgoyle's "Open Let- IU4W ienl the award for his pre-cininh- ,br alwti t Fe e ubrwiha~ae ranco-Italian negotiation for e met of mathemati'cs and secretary o
ant ihnispwr dsisl ur"Nme, hc perd U11 services inl behalf of the pubi clr
foissal r yestrday, will becontinued to-welfare. Robert Hunt wastihe next preliminary naval understanding of the engineering and architec- picuose
and suspension w i thlou t ps sa lo ~ y s e d y il b o t n e o u
this alleged offence, (trivial, if anly),i day in thle University Hall'1111 iPPI IKI Ilb to receive the honor for his pioneer before tile opening of thle free- ture colleges. nmeetin
is under the present crcumstances doth Couponls will be acet IIIgl L 11!I LTi N ET work in the development of tile power disarmament conference i Four hours will laloted to eachi approv
a lear breach of the princileis of ___________ steel industry, and for a life devot-(~nI 4a~ to a standcstill today , exmination. Hours for examnina- veniken
freedom of teaching and research T ~.Krectzberg and Georgi to Give edi to tile advanicemzent of tile el-I with the announcement that France fil 'il e fll o1~ocoktib r
vtMemb rs of the commnittee of ini-BURNES Arbor Toigt _.undamuental scientific research andj naval parity between the two counl Below is the complete schedule
Toigt.Ias anucdb rfso o-petitio
quiry were Professors A. J. Carson, i n Eif resultant successful airplane flights, tries. aione yPrfso o-quired
and L. L. Thurstone, of the Univer- T 0 V NUL JJIIS N 91 WILL CHANGE PROGRAM IOhr h aereevdtehnrkips: y&ag"b
sity of Chicago; Percy Brdwell, of1 U; are Bion Arnold for pioneering work ;eci the French reply as a rupture of atr,3 o'clok classes,i surveying eb
the University of Iowa; and J. H. i rsni~ iefnlprom nce 1thle engineering and economics1 the negotiations which have been a ttea
Gray, of the Amlerica~n University R'C ' Wl ofti'' 'tl.o' electrical transportation; Mich-i goig or for several weeks. Italy':s majori
at Washington. Reigious Convocation Wiluelaofupinforievotonoorscenticleaortetoreaccan gieeentSaturday, Feb. 1, afternoon: Mo-
Alluding, to tile action against; Held in -Hill Auditorium !AnAbr aadKetbr n research leading to ilveitions I negotiation onltile question of day at 1' o'clock classes. pass it
D rafndMyrahaigbeatiOclc.Yvonne Georgi, celebrated intre-I which have materially addt( aiy areidlieed tohve ai+ Monday, Feb. 3, morning: Mon-
taken withlout notice to them "and I____peaiednes vi pert development of long distance tle- daead1.o bckclsss.iet~
n ight at 8:15~ o'clock at the Lyd ia r'piony and radio broadcasting;ed f Wl Monday, Feb. 3, afternoon:T'ues- beta
without preferment of diefiniteI IS WELL KNOWN SPEAKER Mendelsohn theatr. Jh'loc o hspoerwr It now is inerredhee thatItal day at 1 o'clock classes. P
chres"th-taeen aisild___a The program~ tonightt wvil be en- indvlpigtefudmna and France will go to the London 1 eday, Feb. 4 morning: Mon Th
qusinarehdrltd o"ieIProgram arrangements for theII tirely different from tile one pre- ricile. o pblc tiit . i_ conference without a prior under- ;day at 9 o'clock classes. , Irady5
changing economic status of wom I " l eigosovcainseited by the p ,air in their initial p ctiso uli tiiytaandn nesFrinMnse usaFb ,atr of25
en, the sexual code and the moral xpeimena rlgosCIVrti tion, anld his marked contributions stnigulsroeg iitrITed~Fb ,atron
awiclCalsappearance klast nsight. t aiaysine 'l abt Biand of France and Foreign Min- Drawing 2, E. a . I and 2, and C. :om sniescnenn h aiy"Bt twihBso hre ely Teapaac fKetbr o str
Ida CiC~rln hefmiy" oa ilopWslyI h apnine fKruzbrorks'ias s 1dettauteah-ser randi of Italy, who will meet E 2. that ez
professors approved tile question Burns of San Franclscb will ad- and Georgi in Anni Arbor is being ~~Wi tdn n ecl in Geneva for the league council Wdedy e.5 onn:trest
er, nd ils contribution to thne sci-WdnsaFb 5,mrig
and several hlundredJ copies werej dress the unidrgraduate body at 11 I sponsoredl by Oi'chesis, wIoollensofnsessioni shodrJona can achieve some- -Mna at 8 o'clock classes. res it
ditiuedaogsudnswthIocok udymrnn nBila-dslil Sm.Temmb ft i the serviceigan Jns sthin b esoy, M o ndayn 1
dsrbtdaogsuet wIh'o'clock undayrmornngnill Iserviuesdanci! ylgl.1 WednesdayerFofbthis frfinrthan:
instructions to answer thleman l- ;ditoriunllare being coflpleted, it i organization ushered at tie per- pe;nlnil tkp y pron lxhageof WdnsdycFb.5,atenon
onymlously. was stated yesterday by Harleyi form lice Last nigh I. and will of ici- Fomromotingl the public Peett welfare. aerTe Fenh nsertoth l s hpsd2, Fb,mrnng 4e- h
Call Charges Il-founded, fKline, 3,whlo 1s inlcharge of tile ate aiii ntoniight. Itaeliano ~commiunication on thel ii-ayat 9 o'clockiclasesthe se
The statement, continues: "The service. for tile Student Christian I Toni hts program follo°ws: Formal presentiation of the award Iiistuday
cagsmd byteeeuIeagocaton will be made in Chicago at thej tationl- of naval armaments which Thursday, Feb. 6, afternoon: Isue
board of Curators against the pro-, Bishop Burns has not yet for- j nlg fthDance.iton " jFebruary meeting of the Western ;2h adeieeto h to a iacemem echniclngieeing3.I l boa~
Ane fteAnnito. Society of Engineers. 2,wsdlvrdt h tlalal Friday, Feb. 7, mnorning:'us-a o
fessors were: warded his topic for the talk but,' Dance With Sticks. Dean Coley who isa graduatej bassador on January 3. It rejects 'day at 10 o'clock classes. Union
"1, That they (Meyer and DeGraff) ' s he possesses wide cekperience in Jester'ss Danlce f' heUnteySats ava cd h rpslo aa aiy hc rdy e.1,atron us lco
allowed a questonnaire to be cir- addressing younger people and I From the BllVet "Don Mote") ofem Unted ta teUersita lcadfeprpoalmofnaal parntintyhIh rdayat Feb.'cl7, caftenoon: te eo
culated whichI tended to make stu- ,strikes many of the vital questions Gavotte, X1881.Amte etoirtion o ivers-I tsiii s.afn lnapitilItaySaudayate11 o'cloinclTuesses. uintre
denfts sexually immnoral. of religion, he is expectedi to give Kas andl~'a. 1181 ttleeprtoIo sa- taha d proposed the idea of.da at 8 o'clock clauses. studen:
"2. That the questioiniaire was' a highly appealing mlessage. Rural Dance~. signinmemt to this post lie was given It a a
shocking to Asudlits especially to Questionnaires to determnne if Intermission, the hoinorary degree of mlechlanical partity onl the understanding tiat Saturday, Feb., 8, afternoon:: those
wopen st de ts th sud nt aten in c nv ca Walie an eengineer, and accepted tile chair jsile' w ould accept any linmit in toil- I Monday at 2 o'clock' classes. heU
"3.e sthatslehqustoniecud tdn tse nllucgoers, -wil ornfulDance of Mecanical Engineering. Irl1 nge tatrance considered nlees- I Monday, Feb. 10 moning:Tues- and t
nor produce any scientifically valid !be distributed among tile audience.I Capricio. 10le a ppitd la ojh sr orhrdeec.ornensdayF2oclockcassesoon e ntire
college of enigiieerinlg laboratories. ;always inlsisted thlat with coast Modye. 0 fen on,_le- ] ir
coinclusions, nor any facts likely to Dalies Frant'z,_Julliard scholar ofI Bad Dreams. Ilen "nolev 1rh' h1s sevdasV a, ' mem(~l- lie of three seas, an extensive txial engineering4 2 a. date's

ct 1,500 Signatures Willbe
Obtained in Favor of
New System.
Petitions Must Be Turned
'n at Union Office
by 5 O'clock Today.
atures by a suffiint number
1011 Members to compel tie
g of a special meeting for the
leratioin of the merit system
Imelnt to the Constitutin
obtained yesterday afternoon
but two of the 25 petitions
in circulationl were received-
nnieth M. Lloyd, '32L, char-.
f the Student council com-
which is promoting tec pa.1
tough but 200 signatures ae
;ary to place the proposition
tile Union nmemlbers for a
[t is believed that mlore than
will be obtained when the.
23 petitions hlave been turned
tile counci. It is imperativ,
ing to Lloyd, that' tese be
I over to tile student offices '
Union no later tan 5 o'clock
ternoon in order that details
uationl may be handled be-
he nmeeting of the Union'
of directors sheduled for
Uo Set Date. for Metig.
nrding to the Union constitu-
t is mandatory tat the re-
g-secretary call a meeting
writtenl request of 200 mem-
stating with reason ale par-
ity tile mlatter or' matters
;ed to be considered" At i~%
g tonmorrow tie Board will.
e tile plan aild will set a con-
tt date for tile ballotng and
annexd of voting, and will at-
o0otiler elec tion questois.
ast 10 days notice after tie
n hlas been acted oi is re--
before the special meeting
e held. Six hundred Union,
Urs in good staninug consti-
quorum an~d a two-thirds
ity in favor of the mert sys-
miendment is necessary to
but both faculty and alumni
rs as well as student nein-
e entitled to vote.
ition Sh6ws 254 Names.
two petitions whichl have al-
been received show a total
Ssignatures while reports
those outstanding indicate
ach has from 50 to 100 signa-,.
affixed to it. From"l these flg-
is believed that many more1
,500 signatures will have been[-
merit systeml will provide for'
lectioll of the two highest
it officers, the president and
ing-secretary, by an elector-
rd chosen froml the regular
board of directors. The new,
ral board to be composed of
student and four faculty oi
i menmbers, would appoint the
it officers from the roster oif
whlo had previously served
lion in subordinate capacities,
,he selection would be made
ly on the basis of merit, ak-
ito consideration tie cand i-,
calibre of work, his -person-

be of substantial value, the University School of Music,,will Waltz '~I~~'~s.~~ .'t4II overseas professions, she needed Tesdy Feb. 11,nmorning:, Mon- ality,r
"4. That the questionniaire teindedi be at thle organ for the service;, it uriboy of various oards and comiznis-
totpuri craetl:odtolta ti ln allu~~ rnz "'* ~ admsc l sions, is a member of numerous e-! stronger nlaval power than Italy. day at 10 o'clock classes. It 11
Wceto hecoectio."ti sKln none yesterday. Frrnz lle compositionanmuil ac- gimeerilg societies, anld has pub- Tile impression iiRomne since the: Tuesday, Feb. 11, afternoon:1 advan
alleged t orc. has recently returnled from a coin- comlpanimieint for the recitals is I hshed numerous professional re- rcito ie1'eclioei htM
After hearing iheld by the Icert tour. furnished by Friedrich Wilekens. ndayeaFreno'clock cs nses.nillctrd
com mittee of the Association,'...... ports and addresses.thFrnhieisotllacd Wednesday, Feb. 12. morning: ! inist
pTihe speaker, now bishop over theI A limitecd number of seats rem~ain--- --- with tile true spirit of disarma- Monday at 4 o'clock classes. politic
these charges are declared to San Francisco area, has been in the for the performance tonight. Tick- rupI neat Wednesday, Feb. 12, afternoon: elimin
be i1 - founded. In an11s wer minliistry inl various parts of tihe, ets are priced at $2.50, ;x2.00, ,$1.50, tGou Will Discuss (Tle Italian Foreign Ministry,; Tuesday at 4 o'clock classes.elc(
to the accusations of the Curators+ country for the past 30 years. I and $1.00., thinks that tile corawngersalabratrysorkwieth
the report states in part: "There is _ __-- League of Nations haveawconversationsorywith
little or nio evidelnce than "any stu- -- __-- ,IFirance e reached ,i impasse, 1 l'ly lbe contiuedi through tile cx- I JI1JI
reclvii th qesionaief EDWvARD BOlk PILANTHROPfPIST ANDf Withi Dean H. M. Bates presiding, tind the failure has aroused pessi- !aillimatiol] period in amountccqual
~e t s o k d o n u t d b t A 4 A A A A ~ A ~ 5~a m eeting is to be held at 4:1a 1 Il~ l l ol C a o t tl t p r f to that norm ally devoted to such
There is no evidence that it lead to1 PEACE ADVOCA TE, DIES IN FLORIDA! o'clock today to discuss the subject; tile naval disarmanment problem ( work during one week, ProfessorI
-exalini-raty-o-t-dcras - i "Tile Tenth Birthday of the Living specially effecting France and ( Hopkiins said yesterday.' ME
selfso controlI meiamiztinCops"in Natural Science Adt tl.Cases of conflicts between as-
aratborpy of Edw ard e dorium. Tile discussion, w Audhist- tl. __________signed examlination periods are to ,i watnr
behavior on the part of students., AK WALES, Fla., Jan. ?.-EutborahBodeam-hch' o g . 'nn
Aprnlbfr tiepbiiywadWBkwocieIwidely knlowni. occasion of the tenth anniversary, > offioc of Prof. H. H. Higie, room' lower
the studecnts took the questionnaire 'country a an immigrant boy from Relatinlghils details of first eml-' is to be carried oil by Dr. H. B. by Dry Commission 272, west engineering buildng, it; Fro;
for what it purported to be, a scien- the Netherlands and carved out forpoyetinAeiaaamseg-Cdrw dPf. .W.Sso, i 'Ue isnouc.
erfi iuiy"hmlf ,jtlujhjj1 f boy at tihe age of 13, hisefforts D. F S.OndeirdIonkRev.I3.P. WAHINGTO'N, D C,Jail 9.-'ythier
,-.1public life as an editor, authlor and .Marley, Mrs. . W. H-aiscy, Fung With tile introdutoin in Congress ? (t2 2 te ~ nsna
- -- ded athis esate ,to eduI~cate himisef and his success IL G. Hi. Smith, and J. b1, ofa resolutionm andngthat it .U______Isip
Ias a jourilist, the book was re-I Brumnm, '31. Prof. E. D. Dickinson hoild openl hearinlgs, tieHoe ja
Wll e Dscpie ner er1tda.fe as66yerstlec
e l e Dsilndnold.a eeioa.Hews66yas ceved as.5ap ioutstanidng work of will be unable to speak as an- Enforcement conmmission contiued f* .Ipoh
Students wishing to report "pot- Mr. Bok becane ill shlortly after I its kind. noullced yesterday, due to illiess tonight to maintain its silence oin Col
less" freshmen to tile special dis- his arrival with Mrs. Bok from Mer- Following ihis retireenit iin 1919s This mleetinlg is one of serveralI prohibition. large
ciplinary commlittee of tile Student ion, Pa., four days ago, and ..his as editor of the Ladies Home to be held in tile country on this Despite an assertion ol Monday i after

and hlis administrative .ability.
Las been pointed out that the,
Ltages of the merit system lie
fact that continuity of ad-
,ration will be maintained,
;s and its resultinlg ills will be
fated, and officers' will be
d on the basis of merit.
'issippi Regions
wept by Rain, Flood
MVPHIS, TENN., Jan. 9.---Highl
stages were assuming thlreat-
proportions tonight as rain
iued to swell streams in the
,1 Cairo, Illinois, south, down
alley, small streanms had left
banks. Tile larger ones were
ng flood stage anldtile Missis-
was climbing too rapidly furl
omfort of tile 'flood harassed
ewho live on its delta.
d showers continued over a
part of the valley tonight
record rainfall since Monday.


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