- ..> -~FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4,. 1929 THE, !vHI C AN- D AIL y Pt. &El i , - -- to aauau aaaanaasrr aaaaaassauaaaanaaaaaaruaaanaaasansarwaaaaasraaaaaraaasan L Z ------------------------------- - ------------------------------- "!. ....... . .... ... ...... j C A L L F O R C R O S S C O U N T R Y< Sideline Chatter :lj I? . .............. * *fqr rq r tqrllflSS..S.RfutsfleflHfifl4{ulu" rlbb* t_. _.. __ .a ssa. xes. ca, a .. .,....oo a::.vn rrs .. r3 Edward 1. Warner Knute Rock ne's style of 'play,4 which has made the Notre Dame Ramblers famous. fromh coast to coast, will have Vf'.'introduction into the Michigan 'Stadium tomor- row afternoon when Jim Crovwley brings his Spartaris to 'Ann Arbor for the annual tilt with 'the Wce] - verines. Crowley is Well versed in the iockn 'system, having been a rmember of 'that 'fiious Wick- fheld 'cornbitiiatlon,,of Stulil- dreherr, Layden, Miller, kud Crowley, Which, made gridiron history as "The Fuour 'orse- men" 'baeck In 1924. It is probable that the Green and White team will present a versatile attack against Coach Kipke's charges. . running and passing game will likely %be. used by the Spartans in' their efforts to' out- score their traditional rivals. Coach Crowley has seven veteran backs that he canl inject into the fray. In last year's 3-0 istruggle, the Spartans gained more than ' 1 60 yards via the aeriA r," w.o, with Schau dloing most of the 'Piag. fkl. x, apptarauice iiii t Statb liher"ijl) ttflnoi)kw wlil (probably 111t ,"toa r1sl'Ciflli ( of the WuIAiii ej'rlcrs. Roger Gr'ove, :partan Quarter-: back, is rated as a capable kice I as well as a dangerous running; threat. Last year he outpunt ed thej Michigan backs, having an aver jage 'of 39 yards. State al o 1reg- istered more first downs than t he IWolverines in 1928, making nine jwhile Michigan compiled seven. A call for tryouts for the position of cross county manager has been issued by James E. Thayer, present jmanager of the team. The position is open to any sophomore or second semester freshman who wishes to;I try for it. Second semester fresh-' man especially who are desirous of doing this work are urged to report. Those who wish to try out should report to either Coach Farrell or James "Thayer, both of whom may1 be locaited at Yost Field house at any time during the afternoon. i'liyoi ts shouldic report immediately.; I'l" TAMSCHEIDULE billiards im I i i Si.r Oct,. (Oct., Oct,.. Oct.; No v. No (v. 5-Mt. Pleasant, there.- 12-Wisconsin "B", here. 19--Ohio State "B", there. 2t-llinois "P", here. 9---Ypsilanti, there. 16--.Kalamnazoo normal, here. provides the zest of an afteroon at the BalGm POINTbehind, but 1stil sri. A . * .~ matching trick for tik kl against ski...thnhehzl of puttn over the winning marker~ that's b illird. Here s a game that gie youth verve, the zest, the keen enjoymjent of an afternkoon at the ball gaewith n pne of the discomiforts.It prvds o ith entertainment and recreation wixthoU't end.. The amateur derieves asnuch:plea& uire and benefit from the game as the Most skilled veteran. Come in any time., ri~sk table is always availabe for you; *iit ~V /A~"' I ......~.a 1 '.'..*."...... AE University Men The satisfactory serving of University !-men through the country for over three de. cades has made for the authenticity of ". Clothes by Lan grock THE STORE FOR MEN WHO CARE Iill fit arnd vice. Imparted Brawn Scotch! M Grain. I j ~307-309 South State Street -J 32 Tables Cigars and Cigarettes Fountain Service Pipes Candy i ii THE 'HATTER SAYS There is a world of difference in the way hats are cleaned and blocked. It 'is necessary that hats be cleaned and blocked by expert worikmen 'to preserve the 'finish which you pay so march for in new hats; this is ruined by cheap cleaners and unskilled work. mq . We make new hats and clean anid block hats in the same way new hats are made, which preserves the iriginal finish. We 'also make hats toi order - to fit the head. LADIES' HAT'S C & B 50c UP MEFN'S FIATS C & B 75c UP 4' .. .s r ,- ! Th Oi nly Hat Factory In Ann Arbor II FACTORY H4ATI STORE j TO RENT-Piano tudio by the hour 161 Packard St. (erSae for practicing. 609 E. "William. " ________________ Phone 5407. 456123 PIANO INSTRUTION STUDIO. 609 cI(As F E E. William. Phone '5407. 456123 , DVD FOR RENT-One large front room 'for students or business men.1 1NOTICE 1216 S. University. Phone 4972. NOTICE---A year's course by 'Mr. FOR RSENT-Pleasant third floor Tpomfmie Mack on "Ge'ography ofI front room in excellent location, World" starts soon. Not a' tutor-' suitable for, instructor or upper ing course, but series of 200 lec- classman who wishes a quiet tunes. Open 'to all. Low course place. 409 Thompson St. Phone arates. :Mack Tutoring Agency, 4038. 4038.1 310 South *State. 34 -________ FOR RENT--Large front room suit- LOOK.-Here they go. Cooper's able for two students. 314 South olored. Wolverine Stompers. Ashley. - __345 They will make '; you dance. Dial SUITE FOR 2 OR 3-Steam heat. 4752. We guarantees our "music. Shwr.Raobl.As - Nocag!f o'stsfe.As cancy for 1 or 2. 536 Thompson.I fagency for Detroit Colored Bands.( 22266. % 3451 823 Green St. 341 -_______- - T- BRIGHT WARM ROOM - Either' NOTICE-If your laundry de- I .single or double. Half block fromj mands that proper home like'! Union. 511 Cheever Court. Dial care to insure the best wear. 5933. 234 WANTED-Young and happy men weighting 150 pounds or more to act as blood donors at Univer- sity Hospital. Apply at office of Director. 345 WANTED-TUTORS- IN EVERPY SUBJE~CT. APPLY AT ONCE 9-12; 1P4; MACK TPUTORING AGENCY,. 310'SOYTr STATE ST.; 34 LOST LOST-Small black. bull. dog near E. University and Hill. Phone 3540. Reward. 'Answers to the name of 'Tex. LOST--Pigskin billforld containing fpapers of importance to owner, fNotify at 310 East Liberty. Re- ward. ' 456 PHI SIGMA KAPPA fraternity pin. Tuesday on campus. Call 8917. 4 LOST-Ten dollar bill. North of Engineerin'g School on Thursday morning. Dial 4626. 456 LOST-On campus September 23rd a bow knot pin set with crystals and diamonds. Has large senti- mental value. Owner will offer generous reward. Phone 6517. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 LOST-Cuff link; fiat top; plain gold; E. A. H. engraved; gift from mother; liberal reward; call Cadillac 3464. , Detroit. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ICall 3916.3 MOE LAUNDRY 204 North 'Main St., J1 C r I BUNDLE WASHINGS. Work guar-I anteed. Phone 4524. 234 I DO YOUR shirt collars look neat? IWe will turn collars and starch at request. Moe Laundry, 204 No. Main. 3916c FOR SALE FOR SALE-Female Police Dog; four puppies; ten weeks old. Floyd E. Gentner, 121 Worden Ave. Dial 4584. 456123 FOR SALE-Dietzgen drawing set for Engineers. Call 4438. J. Mc- Cormick. 4 THREE room furnished apartment. Half block off Packard, near State St. at 812 Mary. 234 ROOMS-i double and 1 single, $90 per semester. 1230 Olivia. Phone 22045. 234 THREE new hand-made chairs.' Brown leather cushions; --sub- stantial; reasonable. Mrs. E. Wood. 725 Haven Ave. 234 WANTED TWO MEN-Seniors, want student to share apartment, near Michi- gan Union in Jefferson. *Dial 3652. 4 WANTED SALESMAN-Extra dol- lars to student salesmen of a good selling article for men. No house canvasing. Call today at 408 E. Washington between 3 and 5 o'clock. 4 FOR SALE-Orthophonic Portable Victrola. Fine condition. Phone 4724. 34 PAW PAW GRAPES, grape juice and potatoes. R. E. Wagner or Icall 9534 or 22413. 1, 2,'3, 4, 5 FOR SALE-Wood-Wood - Wood. IR. E. Wagner. Phone 9534 or 22413. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6 FOR SALE-Scotch Terrier: 14 i Read The Daily Classifieds, They Pay You, Well WANTED-Woman instructor in University wants room in good neighborhood. Call 8229. 456 WANTED--Pianist and saxaphone player doubling on E flat alto, and B flat tenor for dance orchestra. Steady job guaranteed for right months; male; champion puppy mn al3 tDae s o March Detroit show; house Servis. 4 broken; . .inoculated; , splendidI temperament; mascot ball teams ATTENTION STUDENTS or stud dog. Best blood strains. For self-supporting students desir- Box No. 101 Michigan Daily. 234 ing fascinating remunerative work either temporary or perma- FOR S~ENT !nent, may I suggest that many Want Ads Pay _I I 11 I