r~A T L 'P' her export sales would produce; -though further anxiety may be Published every morning except Monday caused by the knowledge that with- during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial would be hard put to meet her war Association. *. obligations to the United States The Associated Press is exclusively entitled and maintain herself as a first- to the use for republication of all news dis- rate power. patches credited to it or not otherwise credited, in this paper -and the local news published While the British regard for the herein. Nationalist movement toward In- Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, dia's liberation and the acquisition iMichigaft, as second class mnatter-. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- of freedom by 250,000,000 people miaster General. rmissoi n n akdb Subscription by carrier, 44.oo; by mail, remains stolid and unmarked by 4.50. signs of hysteria, which has al- nard Se:Ann Arbor Press Building, May. Iways been characteristic of Brit- Phones: Editorial. 4925; Business, 21214. ain's colonial mien, other nations EDITORIAL STAFF of the world may well respect the Telephone 4925 Indian claims for independencde, MANAGING EDITOR if not as a step .n solving disarm- ELLIS B. MERRY ament tangles, at least as the de- cent right of a people to freedom. Editorial Chirman..........Ceorge C.'Tillev _________0 __ City Editor..............Pierce Rosenbern News Editor....... ......Donald J. Kline IRDCLIES Sports Edito... dan . Warner, Jr. RADICAL IDEAS. Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follmer I.c Telegraph Editor..........assam A. Wilson neclgataheisarov- Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman emphasized, believes President Law- Literary Editor...........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman rence Lowell, of Harvard, and in- Night Editors--Editorial Board Members tramural athletics while showing Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merrya William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss a wholesome increase, are still. far Chals R. Kauffman Walter w. Wilds Curney Williams# below what they should be. To "w w. w .f w : -,..- . w a " ..+. r... x. a a .v R x .w '.u: a. w wr +a..+..r-sw+.p ..'raw. .+ p _ _ .. .. _... . ............ .w ...... .....- e .! .. _ 6 TI I " About Books Ma* Ari Di - Music And Draa R i r I ' 1 ,FfT ,i 6-1 I 4 ON MAKING CONVERTS TO INLANDER. All kidding aside, the new In- lander is going to be a revelation. The most difficult task now, for us TONIGHT: In the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre Harald Kreutz- berg and Yvonne Georgi, world fa- mous dancers, in recital - one of THE ART & GIFT SHOP Hark To His Master's Voice! Sayingi Go To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For iverything Musical Reporters Bertram A skwith Lester ay Helen Barc David M,. Nichol Maxwell Baner William Page Mary L. Behymer Howard H. Peckham Renjamin IT..BerentsonHugh Pierce Allan i1. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz Arthur J. Bernstein Joh11 D. Reindel S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts Thomas Mf. Cooley Joseph A. Russell John H. Benler Joseph Rnwitch Helen Dorine William P. Salzarulo Margaret Ecke's Charles R. Sprowl Kathearine Ferrin S. Cadwell Swanson Sheldon,.C. Funlertgn lane Thayer Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson Ginevra Ginu Richard L.. Tobin Jack Goldsmith i"lizabeth Valentine Morris Croverman Harold 0. Warren, Jr Ross Gustin Charles White Margaret Harris C. Lionel Willens David B. Henpstead John V. Willoughby 3.Cullen Kennedy, Nvathatl Wise Jean Levy 'Barbara Wright E. McCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magee BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising..............T. Hollister Mabley Advertising.............Kasper [t. Halverson Advertising.............Sherwood A. Upton Service....................George A. Spater Circulation................J. \Vernor Davis Accounts .....................John R. Rose Publications....... ... .. (.eorg e R. Hamnilton Su'siness Secretary-M ar Chase Assistants } remedy this situation President Lowell has proposed that Harvard's athletic contests be reduced to a single game in each major sport. President Lowell has reason for believing that intramural athletics should be stressed, for the benefits derived here extend to a much larger group than those offered the limited teams composed of out- standing athletes in the various sports. In the case of Michigan, however, intramural sports would amount to little or nothing were it not for football, which has bui'lt and supported one of the finest athletic plants in thetcountry through its profits. It seems that President Lowell hasgone to an unnecessarily dras- tic extreme with his proposal prac- tically to abolish all intercollegi- ate athletics. His stand can no more be condoned than can that of the extemists who believe col-! lege i, merely a stadium with a few buildings scattered around it.{ r Football, basketball, baseball, track, and the many other sports are im- portant elements of a college train- ing and perform a vital function! in providing organized activities which are safety valves for the ex- cess steam pent up in the average youth of college age. The only phase of the situation which demandsj toning down is the cry of the "ath- letico-maniac" for more, but the situation . otherwise seems healthy and robust, and in no danger of attracting all attention to the body to the loss of the mind.; who must impress you with the year's outstanding events. fact, is to sound convincing. In Giovanni Martinellitenor of the first place, Mr. Harold Cow- Metropolitan Opera Company, in lander, the editor, is dead earnest i O about his book. As a matter of fact, recital in Hill Auditorium begin- he has gone to no little personal ex- ning promptly at 8:15. pense to insure a magazine that, -o once people can be induced, tra- GIOVANNI MARTINELLI. duced, or even seduced to buy it With a curt prose style resemb- (they being cognizant of the past ling Sherwood Anderson's, Gio-' Inlanders), the sale of the suc- ;vanni Martinelli has given the fol- ceeding issues will need no press lowing story of his life: "I was agenting. born at Montagna, near Venice. My One healthy sign is that the edi- father was a cabinet-maker, and I tor has reached beyond the limits was the oldest of fourteen chil- of the campus for a portion of his dren. Up to the time I was twenty material. This taking of a big j and went into military service I breath should start the circulation was a pretty good assistant cabinet- of a lot of red blood, and once a maker. As a boy I played the clari- magazine takes on a flush of net in the town band and sang in health, people begin to notice it. church, be'}ag quite mediocre at That was one trouble with the old both. In the army, I continued my Inlander: no one noticed it except musical life by singing in the bar- the few who edited and contribut- racks and playing in the band. The ed. captain of my division sent for me In soliciting all of the material one day and I stiffened with ap- from the campus, the editors made prehension. A young fellow never it impossible for their magazine to I knows what he has done that will be consistently good and at all look oblique to his superiors. times fresh. Even if there were "But I misjudged the officer; he, talent enough of a good printable was a capital fellow. Why didn't I: sort on the campus, the filling of go into Grand Opera le advised. He the magazine with good material knew a family in Milano who were would requitre the constant reap- wealthy. They would be willing to pearing of the same authors in finance my musical education and every issue. But in drawing from I could pay them back. (I am still I outside the college the present edi- paying them,). My father heard of tor has shown good taste (a prime my doings and wrote in alarm: You requisite for an editor) and good want to run around; you don't care business judgment (another im- for your humble family any more; portant requisite), both being I shall come and take you home. items the magazine has nearly per- "A usual story the world over isn't ished for want of. it. A singer takes a chance on As for the value *of the outside success. It is not bad to have a contributions, at present I can only trade-cabinet-making to fall back say that they are all from nation- on. In Italy or America success. ally known literary people. They comes pleasantly if one has an un- will be advertised in this column common voice. I studied only two immediately on the consent of Mr. years; a good teacher to place the Courlander to do so. voice; that is all that can be done.. 'Mr. Courlander has been not a After that, earnestness and will litle courageous in taking over the I power." full responsibility for a. magazine that for years has been the butt of I ridicule. It really was a deed of :f; daring. tven if his venture were; not a success he would deserve pat- ronage for hits boldness. But the proofs of his first issue indicate that it will be a success. The mainI thing now is to blank out the past and become educated to what is to come. There is an existing stig- ma attached to the name of the magazine that will be difficult to Invites you to Inspect New Line of Tallies Score Cards and Playing Cards Radios:-- Majestic, Victor, Crosley I Lowest I TERMS Pianos- to suit. Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell "''"wd""""w""" yPay Orchestral Instruments ck you Pay Victor. Columbia, Brunswik Records ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 1 218 SOUTH STATE STREET AMT- I I o., . WANT ADS PAY! 609 E.WILt-1A ST. PHONF70/4 106 E.WASt1INGTOH ST. P/f O'f 6$4 - ,a A 'v' r ____s \'aa. r, ! . f i i 11. the an unusual, stock of fine overcoats a t b a rg a in p ric e s * QP N TJo / len c ,ance 149 .'fit- . l .' Byrne M. Badenocl James E. Cartwrig Robert Crawford Harry B. Culver Thomas M. Davis Norman Eliezer Jaes loffer Noris Johnson Charles Kline h Marvin Kobaclker ;ht Lawrence l ucey 'Thomas Muir George R. Patterson Charles Sanford Lee Slayton Joseph Van Riper Robert Williamson William :. Worboy Sylvia Miller Helen E. ,iusselwhite I'eanor Walkinshaw Dorothiea Waterman READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS! L.aura Codling Agnes Davis Bernice Glaser H-lrtense Gooding Aklice ?McCuilly; NIGHT EDITOR--HENRY MERRY THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 GANDHI'S LATEST. Editorial Comment 1930 i i remove. in fact it can be removed only if people will approach the resuscitated Inlander with an hon- In accordance with their ultima- YES AND NO. est critical attitude. It must be re- turn issued at Calcutta a year ago From the Harvard Crimson. membered that the magazine can to the effect that if the British Par- The establishment of the Read- not be made entirely different in liament did not grant India do- I ing Period at Harvard has given the first issue. This is not to be minion status with a legal Indian rise to considerable experimenting, construed as an apology or a pre-!x Parliament before December 31, 1 often accompanied by a fai'r share paration for failure. I feel con- 1929, the Indian National congress of skepticism. The first difficulty fident that there will be no need proclaimed civil resistance to the was to have it accepted by all of for apology. And as for failure, no British raj. Behind an enormous the various departments, a task by magazine with a sincere objective I barricade consisting of 13,000 worn- no means complete at the present can fail; and it is a truism that! out railway cars and situated on time. The second problem has been all magazines lacking sincere ob- ' -1OVANNI MARTINEL1I the green left bank of the River in adapting the innovation to the jectives do and have failed, as did His remarks made on his art! Ravi just out of "Lahore the Gol- 1 pecularities of the individual field. the parentage of Mr. Courlander's too are interesting: "Now, how to den," 80,000 Nationalists committed In the light of these two questions, book. But the new effort will be be a great singer? Who can tell? treason with characteristic circum- the announcement that twenty-two a Phoenix rising from the ashes, There are formulas but they are spection and timidity. courses, ostensibly sponsoring the and that, by the way, might be a different for the individual. First, When their ultimatum was re- idea, are continuing meetings of good name for the magazine if Mr. the voice for opera must be strong. jected, the congress opened debate one sort or another through the Courlander chooses to toss over- Then the wind must be sensitive; regarding the prdposed Declaration 'Reading Period, brings the situa- board the present name with the and alert. You must feel or you of ,independence, with the result tion into high relief. rest of Inlander's old tradiations. cannot act. More and more, opera that 250,000,000 Indians are to be! As a matter of numbers, these L. R. K. calls for characterization, for a exhorted to stop paying taxes, stop ! figures lose some of their weight '!balanced relation of acting to sing- buying British goods ,and indulge in that the majority of the courses MACBETH AS A ing. And one must work. If you themselves in a "pasive orgy of are scientific. Here the adminis- SOURCE FOR TITLES. are a tenor and today you sing for 'non-violent non-cooperation.' " #trators are to be lauded rather, There is occasion for a little in- B flat, try patiently for C. The or- Behind the entire movement, as 'than blamed. Their assignments' terest in the fact that within the gans are stubborn but in time they in the case of every major ripple of are confined to laboratory work past three years the titles of four will listen to argument and you India's self-appointed serenity which is essentially a matter of books of fiction have been taken may reach C sharp in the process. during the past several decades, personal research. However, in ! from one speech in the last act of The will to grow is of first impor- 24ahatma Gandhi, the ascetic, several other instances the situa- Macbeth. It is Macbeth's speech tance. wizened saint and patriot of the tion is reversed. on the death of his wife, beginning: "I have never forgotten the day masses, stands as the motivating, The section meeti'ngs which the "She would have died hereafter. . "i of my operatic debut. I heard the cajoling and even sulking prota- courses in elementary Philosophy The four include All Our Yester- plaudits and was overcome that gonist of freedom from British do- : will require inject the element of 'years, the recent war novel by H. this fellow Martinelli was hailed as main. This portentious leader, fol- I pre-digested instruction into the M. Tomlinson, Walking Shadows, a great singer. Martinelli was lowed by his rabble, accomplices, Reading Period; the one thing it Hour Upon the Stage, by Anne somebody else. Every artist in this or retinue (as his followers are va- was designed to avoid. The lofty: Pinchot, and Told by an Idiot, by way comes to have two personali- riously known depending upon the aim of permitting each student to Rose Macauley. L. R. K. ties-an exacting scoundrel which estate of Gandhi's cause in the walk in the exalted fields of know- o-'is his own integrity and is never popular estimation), since his re- ledge under his own guidance falls BOOK LEAGUE SELECTS content, and a public persoality lease from jail in 1924 has indis- completely flat when the tutelage BRADFORD'S "DAUGHTERS OF that takes the plaudits, grows rich putably directed, foisted and ma- I of section men and the added duty EVE" and becomes a public idol. It is im- neuvered the campaign for inde- of assigned reading is required. The Book League of America portant that the second half should pendence to its present propor- The situation would not be so has chosen for January publica- never disturb the first. tions. For. his pains he is properly unfortunate were it not for the tion; "Daughters of Eve" (Hough- "Were I a younger singer in Am-} feared; respected, and idolized. fact that the Philosophy-Mathe- ton Mifflin) by Gamaliel Bradford, erica today beginning a career I While the efficacy of 80,000 zea- matics requirement forces a con noted chiefly in the past as a dis.I should' be happy for the opportuni-; lots in determining the actions of siderable proportion of the under- tinguished biographer of many fa- ties and the generosity of the pub- 250,000;000 fellow subjects of Brit- graduates to take these courses. mous Americans. With his "Amer- ilc. Contrary to what is believed. ain is undecipherable at best, the With weekly quizzes and the ac- ican Portraits," "Union Portraits," there is no country in the world international aspect of the accum- companying necessary preparation "Confederate Portraits," and "Por- which is more tolerant to young! ulating tangle is far more potent, thrusting itself into the middle of traits of American Women," Mr. ! artists." . for good and ill alike. It is true the Reading Period, the idea is Bradford has fathered the new bio- . a- that no measure of the seriousness completely emasculated. graphical technique, using for the' KREUTZBERG AND GEORGI. of Prime Minister MacDonald's pro- For success, the Reading Period most part, material presented by Kreutzberg and Georgi, dance posed liberal policy towards India requires a complete absence of class the lives of representative Amer- artists of the German expression- may be taken; his hands have been room obligations. The idiosyncra- icans. In his "Daughters of Eve." istic school, continued their Amer- ichiganens Ia n YOUR $fi .00 YEAR BOOK Do not wait until the price advances to $5.50 GET -YOUR 'ENSIAN NOW! At the Press Building A .New- Collection of Crepe Frocks In Prints and High Shades $1650 $20 Our nicest salutation to the new season is this collection of silk crepe frocks for smart young things And here are the new little 'i fashion formulas that gauge chic so accurately: lingerie touches, soft jabots, new details, charm- ing colors . . and prices to fit the slimmest budget. -