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January 09, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-09

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D Al L Y_.




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IDitchy Traces History |
GOMBER ELECTL ED L d i Lof City of Washington I LU
Meion. 01 severys American citizen

Public Safety Forces Cut Down?
in Attempt to Decrease
Enormous Debt.
Aldermen Doubt City's Ability
to , Successfully Meet j
January Payroll.

... ........

Outstanding H1onor
on University P
by National G
Dr. M. Gomberg, h(
chemistry department
versity has been electe

is Bestowed

the greatest pride." With these
words, Clair W. Ditchy, '15A., now,
a prominent Detroit architect and
vice-president of that city's chap-
ter of the American Institute of
Architects characterized the na-

Art Work of New York Pupils
Shown in Architectural
Building Display.

CHICAGO, Jan. 8. -- The mayor.
the council, business men and
bankers were still scratching their
heads today over the .city....of" Chi-. ::;
cago's acute money situation.
With fire-fighting forces reduced:
because of inadequate funds, the
gproptn of fire insraceatues
became a matter of concern. With;
nearly50 Toliemn ndicaed h
fears against lawlessness were ex-.
pressed.274,.,......r....s n a rd.-
The hneal department frcd at A.::Teh t ...s
do without the servicg of dair ind
n d h e r d u ct" o f mr a n p o:er m.:r.try::::::t::::ry :.::::::::::::... . t he..U n.....d....at e s..
pctors andoteais was urg- J
ing that something be". doeon--
ableit to give prper protection to!
the public health. The board of tA
education, to whom financial strin-.......y
gec is no new thing, was map-
ping plans to finance the continued;
operation of the city's publicgrme=Pw.W e-EB.kfth
rschools.h p pa tp -T't,'re -L ad kd rtmen ad'Adancig te ;e?:ytha"Ar
Mayor Thompson indicatedhe py dhai ''saf,^ ,
would veto the 1930 budget of G55,-,
274,000, which represents a reduc- th
tion of nearly $5,000,000 from last
Annc tm bxmtedy s PJto
year. It was this reduction which These men, who comprise the Bin Five of the London naval parley to be held next week are: Foreign
necessitated the cutting of the fire Minister D oGrmandi (above, left) of Italy, Reiro Wakatuski (aboveentet) of Japan Premier Andre
and police department personnel;Tardieu (above, right) of France Premier Ramay MacDonald (belowleft) of Creat Brtain, and Sec-
nnd the reduction of manpower in;: retary of State Henry L. Stimson 0f the United Statess
other branches of the city gov.ern- h-m- the Mdr Lgug
C Ie mayor's promised veto has G EEp NBIET SARTS hla TalksatMeetaing A MiEL LRGG
given hope of restoring the .ddAeVELn CEofbhyilologhmeallSociety moyicnerestrinthesbuoffultioTfAVhe CrLnEGEy ADDRESS SESSON'
strength, for 'the mayor believes .
these branches of city government m Prof. Warren E. Blake, of the
are not the proper places to prac- The Traversity, a new travel col- Latin and Greek department ad- Advancing the theory that Are
tice economies. I ege, under the presidency of Sidney dressed the American Philological tine, an early Italian playwright
Doubt that the January payroll Greenbie, author of . educational' association meeting at Boston the' rather than Ben Jonson or Marston
could be met was expressed by books, will be instituted this year. lasi of December. Credit was pre- I was the originator of the satin
many aldermen. John S. Clark Qualifications for admittance will viously given to another person.
chairman of the finance commit-? not be made by examination. Stu- - comedy, Prof. Oscar J. Campbell, c
tee of the council, said the salariesj dents showing a serious interest in the h cho English department, read
of some 27,100 city emrployes .coulds old probem as, poiis, ek paper, 'Aretino's Influence on Eno
not be paid Until additional tax art, liter'ature ,religion, trade and BeuiiainH;s ih oey"bfr h nu
warrants are sold. commerce will be among thoseI Bemeettin its ingCoeybf or the drLanua
__________chosen. meigo h oenLnug
t CARDIFF, Wales.-More than 10,- Applicants will also be subjected± With the stipulation that it be Association, heiq in Cleveland dun
000 work'l ponies are killed, or injured to a rigorous, examination. An in-; used, for the purpose of arousing ing the Christmas recess. The con
annually in British coal mines. dividual traveling by 'himself may! interest in the beautification of the! ference was attended by four othe
parliament is to be asked to forbid also receive through the Traversity high school ?uilding the University men of the English department
use of the animals. They. often the same sort of assistance provided High School has received an anony- Prof. S. F. Gingerich, Prof. H. C
wor*p in difficult tunnels in inches of1 for, those traveling in student mous gift to be offered in the form Hutchins, Prof,.:~E. L. Griggs an(
water and coal dust. I group's. of awards. Prof. Paul Mueschke.

elect for 1930 of th
Chemical society, the
considered foremost
ganization of chemistsi
The society has a me
17,500, including nea
prominent chemists int
many foreign chemists
knowledge and industr
ed by the society andr
offered every opportun
abreast of the adva
chemical science.
The election is the
long series of honors
conc to Dr. Gomber
awarded the Willian
medal given by the
Chemical society in 19
he was awarded the W
medal by the Chicago S
society. Iii 1927 he w
the Charles Frederic
medal by the Chandles
of Columbia University
the Holland Chemical
outstanding onganizatic
fists elected him to hog
bership, and in Decemr
was given the honorar
doctor of science by1
sity of Chicago.
Dr. Gomberg has bee
of organic chemistry in
sity since 1904, and has
man of the chemistry
for the last two years.
Miniature U.S.
for Chicago W
Dr. Henry A. Beuhler,
ogist of Missouri, is pha
plica of the whole Unite
a scale of one foot tot
the Chicago Century
celebration in 1933. Th
be about half a mile
quarter of a mile wide.
Bodies of water, acco
proposal, would be rep
actual water, and thei
be flowing streams. It
posed that a narrow
built over the area f

HONORS tion's capital, in. a lecture on the SUBJECTS ARE ORGINAL
Washington, Plan Commission De-
ead of the . velopment at 4:15 yesterday after- Work done by students in the
of the Uni- noon in the Natural Science aud- New York School of Fine and Ap-
'd president- torium under the auspices of the
e preienArchitectural aociety. , plied Arts forms the current exibi-
e American In his talk, which prefaced a tion in the third-floor exhibition
largest and three-reeli moving picture on the room of the architectural building.
of any or-dc
in the world. development! of the city of Wash- Four departments of the school are
mbership of ngton, Mr. Ditchy traced the city's represented: interior architecture
rly all the history from the revolution up to n itg
America and the present. and design: costume design and
s. Chemical The lecture especially lauded Ma- construction: graphic advertising
y are foster- ' jor Pierre Chare Is L'Enfant, a and illustration: and . teachers
members are young French engineer, wnose or- training departments.
nity to keep iginal plans for the city, abandoned The department of graphic ad-
.ncement of for a time, are now destined to be vertising and illustration exhibit a
carried out itn a greater building collection of advertising posters.
latest in a and beautifying pogram in the As the ideas are developed in small
that hae near future. layout form before being enlarged
,0' He Ifor the full-sized poster, both the
aV He wasd e- 4p
y. I w w'soriginal designs and the completed
SoH.cholsa viou ramnso h ee
n I-I. Nchols IApeV Flstet fs W1 keF protes areshown in many cases.
A merican p r y ad rigt lTes historicdroph nel has
114. In1925, e1 Upype p trand into hodn lds
ilard Gibbs lteeitrnnatdnitomodrnad
rys awred of jWit wr hav ing 1 prgEe trayreinoenir a ndeprcmn p en-
ection of the u hivertising decoration with the por-
vs CandlerdU I IU [I F I Ud' ters equipment, of riding equip-
F hondeor ment, and even of children's toys.
the~~~~~~~~~~~ UnMuclyasuigsae.idctn hesowreidinalityrsshoyneinde
y. In 1928! Ne'w Women's Dormitory Takes Mc rgnlt ssoni h
various treatments of the several
Society, an3 Shape Fasteut as Workmen prbessonjOeo h rb
on ofthem- mtrolems ho tuesuted in -
iorarymer- Labor Day and Night. lems is a "Kindergarten to College"
192Ahm poster, advertising school supplies
ry degree of With work having progresed carried in ar department store
the 'niver-d steadily during the vacation period, Designs for and illustrations'of
, costumes are a notable part of the
four campus structures are ghdu-exhiition. The greater parco
the poesors ally assuming shape, indicating these were done for style advertis-
been chair- that they will be completed by the ;Ne purposes, while a few are illus-.
department time specified in their building con- trations of the costumes used in a
tracts. pa.
A number of designs for interior
Of. these potential campus addi-t decoration are also. shown. Among
Pl anned t1rions, the new women's dormitory these the period designs re especi-
drld Fairhas taken form with the most ra- LG ally important.
g T ork rewshebe tAll of the designs wereexecuted
rsetGeol- biriy obrking, ctes av n fte considerable research onthe
stes u l thLari sg bot un , and d y ni e part of the students of the New
i ed States onpt ih h result that the ;Yorkinstitution. The xcoodich
the mile for structural steel work is more than is incorporated under the regents of
of Progress 25 per cent completed. At this rateNew York University, also hasa
e model will the contract, requiring readiness nI h oolAi Paristw fromperich
long and a for occupancy by July 1, isexpect-E much of its work is carried on,
ed to be easily fulfilled. AGRNWEC KILSOR
zrding to the The other three projects, the legal ___
presented by research building, the addition to (BAsociaedPr~s
rivers would the Lawyers' club, and the Univer- ALGIERS, Algeria, Jan. 8A--Efforts;
is also pro- sity High School addition, are con- continued today to extricate bodies
railway be tracted to be finished by September of ten or more victims from the
ollowing the 1. The steel work on the legal re- debris of a- passenger train wreciz
ttrunk lines search building is 25 per cent fin- I between Tunis and Algiers, Monday.
Lture trains ished, while the Law club addition nfight. At least twenty persons
visitors. The; is more than a quarter finished and were killed and as man~y injured.


r routes of the principal
t, equipped with mina
C. large enough to carry

d round trip would cover about one the addition to the High
and a half to two miles of riding. 50 per cent completed.

School is 'Ten bodies already have been 'e-

- - - - - - -- ---- -----

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v a i f Irv. i_. .'



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