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January 08, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-01-08

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rATtorslNtTiI11'sisthe thins i0 a --
sFries Rf aRKiS SleT1CSif articles w in the recco nmmendations. In no other in-
l ulcs .lelaiTn to" "rtici"a"in in ca"'..' i stitution is this transcript service
ftdctjvdies, and the poitsystemi.
The women of the University of offered for extra curricular autivi-
P[Aichigan have one of the outstand- ties.

GERMANDANCERS At an attractive program given shades of gold-green and yellow. FOR JUNIOR PLY
recently by Ruth St. Denis and Ted As he placed the tiara on her dark.


ro be Held Friday From
O'clock in Ballroom

4 to

ing point systems in the colleges off
this country. In 1923 and in the Criticisms coming from the out-
6 two years following when a com- side of the university have stated
mittee of the Women's League was that students are becoming too ab-
Un kinf 7Y1 t d i[tl~ l<n . i1'!C1li~ii vr zri l n s~n

Members of Orchesis Act as
Ushers at Performances
in League Theatre.

-agueBuiing.i inwsivuy to develop the isoruu ec n extra curricular activities, i
best and most comprehensive point to the detriment of scholarship. Members of Orchesis, women's
COFFEE T, BE SERVED system possible, correspondence was There is in the point system a defi- dancing society, are acting as ush-
carried on with Vassar, Dartmouth niet effort to limit the numbers ofda
University of Iowa, Northwesterni activities carried by one student ers at the two performances being
Bob Carson to Furnish Music and other schools known to have ( and to distribute the glories and presented by Harald Kreutzberg
for Dancing; Prize Is good systems. responsibilities of college life and Yvonne Georgi at 8:30 Thurs-
Resulting from this work and through a large number of students- day and Friday nights, January 9
Given for Bridge. based on an original point system This is aes numbr o y n and 10, at Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
used for the first time in 1913, the a university group. a
Oriental colors and refreshments, present system has been evolved. The point system answers this ' tre. The German dancers, who are
will carry out the Turkish scheme Katherine Booth, '26, was largely criticism and makes for broadening making their second American tour,
of the Women's League party responsible for the work at that' of friendships which are a large are appearing under the auspices!
which will be given from 4 until 6 time. part of, the justication of extra- of the society.
o'clock Friday One of, the outstanding charac- curricular activities. .
ay in the ballroom of tericts of the Michigan system is The mechanics of the point sys- Names of those women who will
the League Building, Willena Kalm- the transscript. Just as a student tem are taken care of by a cross usher have been announced by Mil-
bach, '32, chairman of the party, transferring to another university file catalogue, presided over by the dred Cassidy, '30Ed, president of
announced yesterday. This will be or applying for a position may ask point system committee of the Orchesis. Six women will usher
the third of a series of League for a transcript of curricular cred- Women's League. In it is contain-
parties. its, so by the point system a stud- ed the card of every woman taking, each night, and no one will work
Suggesting the flag of Turkey, ent may have a transcript of extra- part in any extra-curricular activ- at both performances.
the table on which coffee will be curricular activities. This is valua-' ity at any time during her college Thursday night the ushers will
served will be covered with red(ble because it is complete and au- career. Each activity is evaluated be Dorothy Felske, '32Ed, Betty
Cncir y anhip er+nd t d -.ith-hi+

oaw n, amous aancers, before thne
students of the University of Okla-
homa, Stillwater, Oklahoma, par-
ticular interest was lent a duet,
"Josephine and Hippolyte," because
of the fact that the jewels worn by
Miss St. Denis at one time actually
belonged to Empress Josephine.
Furthermore, they were a gift from
the great Napoleon.
A highly romantic history is at-
tached to the collection. It came
into the possession o Napoleon dur-
ing a visit to Poland when he was
Consul of France. Being dissatisfied
with the original setting, he had
the gems reset according to de-L
signs drawn by himself. Then heI
invited Josephine to visit him in
Milan in order to make the presen-
tation. She did so accompanied by
Hippolyte, a dashing young French-
officer, who was a rival suitor for
the hand of this fascinating widow
from Martinuque. Napoleon's was
no ordinary present since it com-
prised a tiara, a necklace, a brooch,
two bracelets and a pair of ear-
rings, all fashioned from lustrous,
deep-hued amethysts set in twc

head, Napoleon said in fervent
tones: "Some day I shall put a real
crown there and make you my
Josephine, at that time greatly
fascinated by the good looks and.
more heroic physique of Hippolyte,
winked at the young officer as
much as to say: "Now I'll tell one,"
in the equivalent of that day.
Napoleon caught the wink and it
caused him to retort tartly: "And
if I can make a queen, I'll be able
to unmake one as well," a prophecy
realized to her sorrow later on.
Evidently Josephine's nature had
no sentimental strait, for the later,
after she had become Empress of
the French and the infatuated Na-
poleon had dowered her' with other
jewels of greater value, she lightly
gave this token o. his early love to
a lady-in-waiting. It was from a
great-grand-daughter of this lady
of Napoleon's court that Mr. Shawn
purchased the set as a gift to Miss
St. Denis in celebration of their
)fourteenthwedding anniversary.


p'k' ppa eiu ouu e win wnnee cres- theistic. It shows the developmentsand given a certain number 0f 'Heyay, '32 Ed, Mary Lou Hershey,
centnsandgannd cetstanmrs.ofHe
cents and stars. A weird lighting of the students' interests and abili- points according to a chart. The '32Ed, Clara Parkinson, '31Ed, Mar-
effect will be procured by red tap- ties throughout the years of col- cards are filed according to classes, gargaret Seeley, '3Ed, and Anna-
ers buring on the long table. lege. It has been taken into con- and after the graduation of a class,'Terhardt,'32. For the Friday night,-
In place of the customary tea, sideration by superintendents of those cards are filed alphebetically performance the ushers will be Mil-
cookies in the shape of crescents schools, librarians, heads of depart- becoming a permanent record. Adred Cassidy, 3Ed, Anita Cohen,
2nd stars, coffee will be served ment stores, journalists, and em- cross file is kept from year to year '30, Arliene Heilman, '3Ed, ElsaI= BEAUTY SHOP
to all the guests, by members of ployers who value a person's social with the names of every activity Lange, '3Ed, Helen Moore, '3Ed,
the social committee of the League. contribution. The transcript is al- and society with its officers, com- and Florence Seys, '3Ed. Our Special Permanent W ave, $5.00
Bob Carson's orchestra will play ways used by Advisers in writing mittee chairmen, and members. Kreutzberg and Miss Georgie will With 6 Months' Service
for dancing, and bridge tables will' -------------------- ------- present a recital of impressionistic
be set up for anyone who is inter- Tdances of the modern German Also 25% off on all work done every Monday .
ested in trying for the prize which ixegent to beIStudents Lose Time school, and the credited with a ad Tuesday exceot Permanents.
will be offered to the winner. repertoire of mare than 100 differ- 1110 S. "U". Phone 7561
According to the custom at all of at Home to Friends From College Work lent dances. Orchesis hopes to arouse __ ______
thaegeprisnndisinL~O dnr ~1 h interest in the dance amoungG
fee will be charged and every wom- at League Building by Ordinary Colds " thestudents inorder that other
an student on campus is cordially< __dancers of note may be brought to
invited 'to attend the party. Regent Esther Marsh Cram will "Ordinary colds cause the great- the University in the future.
BTASKETBALL be at home informally from 4 until est loss of time from college stud- "Blue Jay," humor publication of E A C H D A Y
6 o'clock on Thursday, January 9, ies," declares Dr. William' H. Mc- Johns Hopkins university, produced E
in the Ethel Fountain Hussey room Castline, medical officer of Colum- a "Girl Number" as its December
BASKETBALL. of the Michigan League buildi bia university, New York City, in: 16 issue. The cover portrayed the We Prepare a Speial
Intramural basketball schedule .. in his report to President Butler. photograph of a young lady termed
for the remainder of this week fol- No invitations are being issued but During the past year 7,574 treat- _e "Jay Girl." The picture was
fo h emidrofti ee o-fthe JyGiHOTh icue a
lows: Regent Cram hopes that all her ments for colds and 14,825 treat- chosen from those submitted in a
friends will take the opportunity, to ments for other ailments were given contest and the winner was pre-
Wednesday, 4 o'clock-Kappa h ave tea with her. at the medical office of the univer- sented with a five-year subscrip- PLATE LUNCHEON
Kappa Gamma vs. Alpha Epsilon versity. Dr. McCastline believes' tion to the "Blue Jay."
Phi a According to the decision of that the cause of many of the in-IP _____ ___
Martha Cook vs. Delta Delta Judge William E. Carroll of the dis- fections suffered by the students -hcallilkesi iIIIliIillliillllllli
e o'lta. -tric court of Butte, Montana, a is the lowered resistance due to IC makes
5 o'clock--Helen Newberry vs. teacher is a "laborer." fatigue and to indiscretion in diet.NAe
ARphT G=m t.- - An appeizng and
Chi Omega vs. Betsy Barbour.a n ea
Thursday, 7:15 o'clock-Theta; balanced eal
Phi Alpha vs, Independents. "N]I
Alpha Xi Delta vs. Adelia Chee- "Always Look Attractive -A
Scores for Intramural games M
played December 16 to 19 are: ------- -At New Low Rates _
Zeta Tau Alpha, 38-Pi Beta ;PERMANENTSITH E
Phi, 5. P RM NE TS-
Sigma Kapp, 31-Kappa Delta, 13. FINGER WAVING MARCELLING =CROSLEY-
lpha Omricon Pi, 20-Alpha HAIR CUTTING AMRAD SHOP
Delta Gamma, 13-Phi Sigma AND OTHER BEAUTY SERVICE
Sigma, 5. - Phone 22812
Couzens Hall, 13-Gamma Phi - 13-15 Nickels Arcade
Beta, 2. 615 East William
Alpha Epsilon Iota, 12-Delta =
Zeta, 2. _ Lipi1 i1 1ltllllillillll1111111llllh
Kappa Kappa Gamma, 30-Mar- -----
tha Cook, 16. 338 South State Street .hone 8878
Chi Omega, 20-Alpha Gamma
Delta,', t__ni______°__ ___-_ __.____ _ _ _ F IT.




Alpha Xi Delta, 24-Independ-
ents, 14.
Delta Delta Delta, 2-Alpha Ep- i
silon Phi, 0(default).
Alumnae House, 2-Alpha Delta
Pi, 0 (default).
Having won their fame abroad
and after establishing their name
in the minds of musical Europe, Le
Trio Morgan has returned to the
United States and will appear in!
Ann Arbor at 8:15 on the night of
January 14, when they will present
a program of chamber music in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Their
concert is being sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Chamber Music Society.,
The three sisters who make up
the ensemble of piano, violin, and
harp are daughters of an eminent
Boston musician. Dressed in attrac-
tive crinoline costumes, they pre-
sent a pleasing picture as well as aI
program of great variety and re-I
freshing novelty. The combination
of piano and harp is seldom heard,
and it produces an ensemble of
great beauty.


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