S'HE MI CHI ' :'%13ATEY' Freshman Week ?s i j! 4TH~ MiCHINtAtLY~ ~'reshiiian Week Issue Publlaed every morning except Monday duAlng the University year by the Board in Control of Studest Publicatlons. t Membe of Western Conference Editorial Association.! The Associated Press is exclusively en- Watled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- fished herein. _ Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor, Mbfictiigan, re second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by hird Assistant Post- I master general. Subscription by earrier, $4.o; 'by mail, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May mg.A Stre't Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2_214. EDITORIAL STAFF, Telephone #920 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK ltor ............. ... Nelson J. SmithI City Editor..............Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Rtichard C. 1Ifurvink' Sports Editor ........... W. Morris Quinn Women's Edito1 .............. .Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor-........ ....George Stautei Music and Drama.............., R.L. Askren Assiatant City Editor........... Robert Silbar Nilght Editors V~eph E. Howel Cbarles S. Monroe onald J. Kline Pirce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. r idley ate any motor vehicle." To have """-"-"""" """ """"--.---s--s sc sex)R3*-t--s.."-.....S--S--t--s. .--o-.-a-t-ssrr s P this accusation of immaturity thrust thus upon them is excusably, irritating to men and women who usic ardirama have proved their seriousness of _"--------"__---~---------------------------,----.------------------------ _-------"----------------------- purpose and who cannot, by any iMATINEE AND NIGHT: A melodramatic thriller, "Nightstick," mostly about cops and grooks, in Mendelssohn Theatre, beginning at 3:15 misuse of the words, be termed and 8:15 o'clock.} I' Financial Problems of a Freshman 'sophomoric' or 'juvenile.' It is these persons, moreover, who have not attempted to violate the ban, though it has been bluntly insult- MONDAY: And all week, "The Spider," a thriller of murder in a vaude- ville house, in Mendelssohn Theatre. THE CAMPUS DRAMATIC SEASON IN REVIEW I I ' i i i !Y Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexande? Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertiam Askwit 1 Henry Merry Louise Behyme' Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernste'~a Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bowe JosephA.eRussell Isabel Charles Anne Schell L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert ,. Sloas Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansen Pobert J. Ifeldman ;lane "Thayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Burney Willams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jun g* George 1;. Wohigemuth Charles R.Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assitant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department managers Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer Advertising............-..A James Jordan Advertising............ Cara W. Hammer Service................Herbert E. Varnumn irculatiou.............. George S. Bradley Accounts..........Lawrence . Walkacy Publiction ............... Ray M. Hofeliclf Mary Chase eanette Dale ernor Davis bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halversa Corge Hamilton jack Harwich }~ix Hum~phrey- Atsalstants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newm~an.. Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead. ISSUE EDITOR-WALTER WILDS1 Freshman Week Issue IN ANTICIPATION This issue of The Daily is edited and published with the view of pro- viding for the members of the class of 1933 an introduction, in a meas- ure, to the manifold activities of the campus. Two aims have tem- pered the publication of this spe- cial number: first, to give an accu- rate and representative idea of The Daily as its is published throughout the year, and second, to embody in it material of particular interest and applicability to incoming stu- dents. Accordingly, the contents hereof may be taken as typical. As metropolitan newspapers re- flect the current history of the out- side world, so The Daily fulfills it- self on this campus both by pub- lishing the news of the University' and by presenting the happenings of the world at large through the agency of the Associated Press, of which The Daily is a member. Thus it is a pleasurable task to anticipate your coming to Ann Ar-i bor, and to welcome you into the life of the University. You may be sure that Michigan awaits what- ever of ability and courage you may be willing to exert in her behalf. Needless to say, you will find that the occasions for these exertions will be tantamount to the hearty greeting itself that now awaits you. When you have become immersed and integral in the activities of the school, it is certain that the at- tendant reward may be counted as one of the "durable satisfactions of life." , Y :'Y _ 4 ' - - . SUMMER AUTOS Yesterday's proclamation from the office of the automobile dean with regard to the ban in summer * school is encouraging, though not completely satisfying. It recog- nizes two of our fundamental ob- jections to the ban as it existsat the present time: to wit, that it works an injustice to students in professional schools, and that it deprives juniors and seniors in good standing of a legitimate and deserved recreation. During the coming summer ses- sion, to be exact, the auto ban will not apply to "those who engage in professional pursuits during . the regular academic year"- a class of persons comparable, surely, to those who attend the University's ng to their sense of responsibility. A letter to this paper some weeks With these responsible students ago propounded the critical judg- n mind, undoubtedly, President ment that the calibre of Broadwayc Little promised when the ban was shows was little better, or none at' naugurated that it would be grad- all, than local amateur dramatic1 ually relaxed as it became possi- offerings. There is always libertyt ble to control that element of the to differ with that judgment; if student body in whose hands auto- Broadway can do no better, then Is mobiles might be aangerous. It Mohammeds of dramatic criticisml seems to The Daily that what fear might just as well come to Ann of God can be thrown into a stu- Arbor's mountains. But if the let-9 dent body of heterogeneous psy- ter intended to mean sincerity, not chologies, has already been thrown. calibre, the compliment .is thor-, A few will always rebel against oughly deserved.1 authority, but the vast majority Moissi, to the Play Production have complied graciously, if not group who visited him, insisted, willingly, proving that the ban has that they do his, more difficult, demonstrated its enforceability. version of "Redemption." They We ask that steps be taken to had planned Barrymore's easier extend the summer leniency on one. They could achieve the dra- professional students to the regular matic heights in it, he said, if they academic year, and that the "lim- approached them simply and sin- ited recreational privileges" be ex- cerely. The production in "U" tended gradually to juniors and Hall Laboratory bore witness to the seniors in good standing. We also soundness of his advice. But sin- hope that students in the summer cerity has been the characteristic' session will not so abuse the priv- of all the campus shows this year. ileges they have been granted as The actors have approached their to jeopardize the success of this parts honestly, and the plays modification program which we chosen have for the most part deem reasonable, justifiable, and in been straightforward theatrical the best interests of the University. fun, as "Take My Advice" was, or equally frank problem plays, of. which "The Constant Wife" was STUDENT GLIDING representative. The students of the University The sincerity of approach of the who conceived and organized the actors is undoubtedly the reasons Michigan Glider section deserve for some memorable moments in great credit for their efforts and campus acting. In "The Cassillis accomplishments. Not only was Engagement" Helen , Workman's theirs the first club of this nature scene withthe honorable silly-ass, to be formed in the United States, Geoffrey, who had given her "no but they have already built and re- encouragement," remains one of I built two of the touchy ships the most sensitively done bits of, without outside assistance, besides the year. In "Diplomacy" "Bobby" having trained 50 men to navigate McCurdy's sketch of acid tongued them. Lady Henry was the finest picture As a club, these students have of high comedy-unique during the done more for gliding than any of year as well as unique in Miss a score or more of such organiza- McCurdy's career. In passing it tions now in existence in this na- may be added that Miss McCurdy tion. Located in a strategic posi- possesses what is undoubtedly the tion at the University, the club will finest enunciation among amateurs send out students who will organ- on the campus--a failing in others ize other clubs in their home town, which the Speech, department and will thus spread the sport of might well make it its duty to cor- gliding. The students here have rect in future years. overcome almost insurmountable Still in the field of comedi, obstacles and even personal oppo- George Johnson deserves extraor- sition in their efforts to build up dinary credit for his work in "To' their club. their club.r d The Ladies." The pathetic quality Their excellent results deserve a 'egv i oeybsns s round of sincere hand-clapping. I nty in the Chaplin tradition while his talent for giving tragedy PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES an ironic gilding of comedy places No one will dispute that the fac- him surely among the ranks of ulty committee of the Big Ten act- the few "actors" on the campus. ed in pursuit of a correct principlemIn commenting on Johnson it whe thy ote toout Iwafrom seems a pity that his work for the conference for hiring athletes. Mimes could not have received Professionalism should not taint !more careful and intelligent coach- intercollegiate athletics, and we ing. In "The Queen's Husband"! may assume that before casting he was lamentably bad. their bombshell the committee In Take My Advice" Alfred Fos- weighed carefully the evidence of ter's part as the young son stands professionalism that came into out as an example of what can be their hands. It would seem, how-I done with a stupid part when in- ever, that before taking drastic ac- telligence and a good sense for tion against one university, the "theater" are put to work on it. committee might first have re- ! In spite of its triteness is still re- viewed the whole conference sit- mains vital locally to suggest that uation and drawn a warning line. even a small part can be made into It is no secret that athletes are something good if it is conceived of being subsidized through college.,as being just a little more than First a promising football player mere, line-reading. George Priehs has his way paid through college stands out remarkably for his abil- by his father; no rats are smelled. Ity to do this; witness his chaplain Another high school star may be part in "The Marquise." financed by his uncle, and the cloak Another rather small part extra- of consanguinity completely hides ordinary well done was Marguerite any incipient professionalism. del Toro's as the boarding house Then a next-door neighbor, who keeper in Evreinof's "The Chief happens to be a loyal alumnus, Thing" which the Harris Playesr sends a quarterback down to his did. The talent for broad style Alma Mater. Subsequently a fel- pantomime which Mme. del Toro low townsman, who does not know brought to her part made it the, the boy except by reputation, will only thoroughly genuine interpre- forward him prepaid to the old col- tation in the cast of this fastastic- lege for athletic purposes. Still, in ally conceived Russian comedy of the technical sense, there is no pro- the make-believe in life. fessionalism here. In "The Constant Wife" one part A more dubious case arises' when stands out, perhaps particularly4 fraternity alumni pool funds to because it showed the extraordi- bolster the prestige of their house nary development possible in a with prominent athletes, financed short time. The player I have in sub rose, no matter where they mind is Mildred Todd. In Doro-! come from. This practice is gen- thy Ackerman's "Outside This- erally frowned on but not penal- Room" she did a colorless bit as ized. And then there are the uni- one of the daughters of the Swiss versity athletic associations that household; in "Redemption" she find, or make, for good athletes did the important part of Masha, snap jobs which carry stipends all Fedya's Gypsy sweetheart only out of proportion to the work done. adequately; but in "The Constant Here is a method of keeping good Wife" she played the silly little material off yet on the payroll flirt delightfully,, giving it a charm which is employed commonly by that took the part quite out of the Big Ten universities and surely de- low comedy of its writing, and es- serves investigation quite as much tablishing herself as a sensitive as Iowa's infraction in the next interpreter of character. degree. It seems unduly harsh that It has been remarked before in cated wife. It seems a far cry fromI the Comtesse Karenin in "Re- demption" to Jordan's wife in "Granite." But versatility has been one of Miss Tennant's chief talents; Comedy Club were count- ing on that when they faced this season last fall. Now the Titian Florence has added a strong tal- ent for emotionalism to her stock in dramatic trade. One of the oustanding "finds" I of the year was Edna Mower. Be ginning with last year's Junior Girls Play, for which she wrote considerable music, her dramatic talents were discovered in Play Production's activities-in what might be called the pre-laboratory work, the burlesque skits the group have put on privately. Here her comedy talents were discover- ed. In the second showing of "Outside This Room" Director Windt went iconoclast and cast her to do the character part of Ma- dame Blackman. Her extraordi- nary success in this led to the part of the mother in "The Constant Wife" which she made second only in importance to Florence Ten- nant's work, and then to the part of Mrs. Cady in "The Beggar On Horseback." As Mrs. Cady her tal- ent? for pantomime, her keen sense of tempo, and in general her un- derstanding of comedy technique, combined to make hers the out- standing part in a fascinating show. A similar find has been Trues- dale Mayers, whose work as Fedya in "Redemption" established him as a charming personality, sensi- tive to the spi'ritual values in the character he was playing. His range of characterization seems more limited than Miss Mouer's- limited to the use of a gentle and suggestive charm, -b*t he is equal- ly sure with her ifa his technique within that range. Productions As Whole Reviewing the erings of Mimes, Comedy Clu +rf"and Play Producton as a whole suggests some interesting problems. What ought the campus be offered, any- how? The more or less general answer to this auestiopi often seems to have been; "Givethem muck." It would be un fair to characterize this year with that phrase, and yet it has not been wholly untrue, judged by the rather idealistic standards which may be set up for University audiences. Comedy Club started the season with "Diplomacy." This needed a type of director unobtainable lo- cally; it also needed a type of act- ing that has never been successful- ly achieved here. It flopped quite resoundingly, though it was good producing material. Then follow- ed "Take My Advice," a silly do- mestic comedy obviously done to appease previous disappointment and make a little money. It was not importantenough to do either. With "Granite" Comedy Club saved the situation. A splendid cast and excellent-direction compelled audi- ences to applaud in spite of a bad play. "Granite" was a fine vehicle for Stephenson; "Diplomacy" was the better 'play. Mimes did "The Marquise"-like "Diplomacy," too high comedy to be within student reach; "To The Ladies,"-so low tha.t students sud.- denly discovered they could criticize it; "In the Next Room," an only adequate thriller; and "The Queen's Husband," notable for Ken White's eccentric comedy. Mimes talked of Galsworthy; produced Sherwood and Coward-but not so well that we could wish they had tried Galsworthy. Play Production ran a wider gamut; "The Cassilis Engagement," a not outworn social problem; "The Constant Wife," no less top- ical; "The Little Journey"-an opener that was in no way prophetic of the distance Play Production would go; a bill of one-acts, from Maeterlinck to O'Neill; six student written one-act plays; "Redemp- tion," where sincerity retrieved what bad acting there was; and finally closing with "The Beggar On Horseback," an excellently done extravaganza. -which seems to put Play Pro- duction at the top of the heap, and Comedy Club coming next, though only by the grace of Paul Stephen- son. diately available. Personal checks will cause delay before they can be drawn on, We Will Always Be Ready to Serve You For your convenience and ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Branch Office On Nh Un iersiy on Cm pw - -i we would suggest that you bring your money to school in' some form of easily recognizable credit. CASHIERS' CHECKS, DRAFTS OR CERTIFIED CHECKS should be used--then you will have your account imme- some personal advantage ii; t J i Naturally you have a vital interest in the school. life of your son or daughter. You feel proud that they are going to attend an institution such. as the Univer- sity of Michigan to fit themselves for their future life. Their life is your happiness. THE MICHIGAN DAILY will bring you well into the college life of your son or daughter. We urge you to clip the coupon below and mail it at once to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Build- ing, Ann Arbor Michigan. You would hardly care to miss the first issue. GENTLEMEN: Please send me THE MICHIGAN DAILY for the school year. Enclosed find $4.50 for issues to be mailed beginning with the October issue of the paper. N am i .."...".f . . . . " .". .. . t (PLEASE PRINT) Street...............................................