1 t"i F. 1 V I T i_ H I Ci A
r _, _.. a. ... i 1 1 'TJ L1 l N A \,..3.1 . C !]-.A M/ ' 1,
Meeting to Commemorate Tenth i
Anniversary of League
of Nations.
Full Credit Will Probably be
Given Here for Any
Foreign Course.
Spanish Students Have Special
Advantage in Learning
The Language.
University students who desire to
contrast the warmth of tropical
summer with the arctic cold of Ann
Arbor winters, and are accordingly
planning to join the large number
of American students who annually
attend the special summer session
of the University of Mexico, will be
interested in the following an-
nouncement made yesterday by
Dean John R. Effinger of the liter-
ary college.
"All requests forkthe recognition
of credit for work taken in the
summer session of the University of
Mexico will be given most respect-
ful consideration and credits will
be given under theusual regula-
tions that they must be recom-
mended by the departments of in-
struction interested."
Will Be Tenth Year.
Probability of full credit being
given for work taken at the Mexi-
can school is said to add anotherI
attraction to the combined facilities
of augmented faculty and beautiful
scenery of which the directors have
boasted for the past ten years.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
recently received the following let-,
ter from Juilo Jiminez Rueda, di-
rector of the school:
"The national University of Mex-
ico takes the opportunity of an-
nouncing its tenth annual summer
session to tell its friends, the uni-
versities of North and Central
America, of the great pleasure and
satisfaction of the University au-
thorities feel in looking forward to
the annual visits of foreign students
to its halls of study.
In the course of the nine years
since its founding, the summer
school has surpassed its original ob-y
ject--that of affording teachers of
Spanish in the United States a more
efficacious means of learning and
practicing our language-and has
come to be a medium for a mutual
understanding and abond of union
between the intellectual people of
North and Central America and
those of Mexico.
Catalogues Available.
Catalogues of the courses of
study will be mailed to interested
students from the headquarters of
the University of Mexico at Ribera
de San Cosme 71, Mexico, D. F., it
is announced.
W. L. Willey, of the German de-
partment, has attended the Uni-
versity of Mexico summer session,
and pronounces it to be at once
interesting and valuable.
On the tenth anniversary of the
founding of the League of Nations,
a meeting is to be held to discuss
it under the title "The Tenth
S .s :.Birthday of the Living Corpse" on
January 10 at 4:15 o'clock in the
Natural Science auditorium.
;' Under the chairmanship of Dean
H. M. Bates of the Law School, thee
discussion is to be carried on by
Prof. E. D. Dickinson, Dr. H. B.;
Calderwood. Prof. P. W. Slosson, Dr.
>= F. S. Onderdonk, Rev. H. P. Marley,
Mrs. O. W. Haisley, Fung L, Liu, G.
# H. Smith, and J. M. Brumm, '31.
The purpose of the meeting is to
bring before, the mind of the public
the importance of this organization
associatd P Ce '±(10 which has been contemptuously re- A t I lres PhOto
enatr cr m enuky wh±aerred to. even on the University Dr. Scott Nearing,
Senatorfrom Kentucky, who was campus, as "Dead." Former college professor, whoj
recently, selected by President The contention of the speaksrs is was recently eported to have been
Hoover to be the United States am- that no issue may be called dead sd
bassador to Germany. Senatort that has not only survived ten expelled from the communist party.
kyears of existence, but actually has Doctor Nearing formerly held pro-
Sackett will move into the Amer-! the support of more than fifty na- fessorships at University of Penn-
ican embassy in Berlin immediate- tions. It is their desire to prove sylvania and Toledo, losing each by
ly. j that the issue is of such importance radical preachings.I
that it may be regarded as one of
the outstanding questions of today.'ER Y O G E
DENSMORE NAMED Friday noon there is to be a -
FOR SPE ECH PoS luncheon held at which Prof. Edwin FIVE LECTURES
Dickinson will speak on the world
Prof. G. E. Densmore, of the court. Reservations may be made
Prof. der ensohed of heforthis by calling either 2-1753, or Dean Willard L. Sperry, dean of
speech department and head of the 13405. the theological school, at Harvard
Michigan High School Debating Tl.e meeting and luncheon are to University, will lecture at 4:15
League was elected assistant execu- j be held under the joint auspices of every afternoon next week in Na-
tive secretary of th National Asso- The American Assn. of University tural Science auditorium, according
ciationsof Teachers of Speech at the Women, The Tolstoy League, and to an announcement made yester-
cianutionofTeachers ofSpech a The International Committee of the day.
I Student Christian association. The Origin and Nature of Re-
held in New ,York on January 1st .;ligions" will be discussed Monday
and 2nd. "This is a very important Carr, Angell Attend by Dean Sperry. and it will be fol-
post, said Prof. James O'Neil, head M i lowed the next afternoon by "The
of the speech department, "and Sociological Meeting Decline of Religion." "The Religi-
carries with it life membership in ous Spirit and the Scientific Meth-
the Executive Council and member- Introducing a pioneer movement od" will be his topic Wednesday,
ship on all of the important com- in sociological research, Prof. Lo- and will be followed Thursday and
mittees of the association." well J. Carr, of the sociology de- Friday afternoons by "Religion and,
Besides Professor Densmore, four partment, read a paper on "Ex- History," and "Religion and
other members of the speech de- perimental Sociology," before the Churches."
partment, Professors O'Neal, Muys- annual meeting of the American I Dean Sperry for many years has
kens, Eich and Riley participated Sociological socity held in Wash- been one of tile foremost men in
in discussions and gave papers at ington during the Christmas recess. his work in the country. He ob-
the convention. Prof. Windt and:Prof. Arthur E. Wood and Prof. tained degrees from several col-
Prof. Fleischman, of the speech de- Robert C. Angell, both of the de- leges in this country, and later re-
partment, also attended. 'partment of sociology, also attend- ceived a Rhodes scholarship and
Professor Densmore will take of- l ed themeeting. k studied at Oxford University, Eng-
flce a year from now.E Professor Carr has been working land.
with student. groups on his project, I Dean Sperry is being brought to
Wood to Speak Before recording the relations and adjust- Ann Arbor under the auspices of
ments between them by various de- the Michigan School of Religion
Annual.Meeting Friday vices, machines and human observ- which is an endowment that has
ors. The experiment, however, is been created, for obtaining lectur-
Prof. Arthur E. Wood, of the so-! still in its initial stages. ers to speak at the University on
ciology department, will speak be- I religious questions.
fore the annual meeting of the PHILADELPHIA-Fifteen Univer-
Washtenaw County Medical society sity of Pennsylvania athletic teams WARSAW.-The body of a giant
next Friday at the Michigan Union. won 98 contests and lost 66 dur- rhinoceros 100,000 years old was
A dinner will be served at 6:30, fol- ing the 1929 season, making one of found at a depth of several hundred
lowing whichProfessor Wood will Penn's best records for many years. feet in an eastern Galicia oil field.
talk on "Diagnosing the Delin- --- - - -- - - -
quent." There will be a general dis-
cussion and a business meeting
which will include the annual elec- Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying
tion of officers following the speech.
114 A
tural cor
of the Cl
chosen t
other in
open to
the Unit
choose a
j memorat
ces of al
IWorld W
ES INC NTESI Prof W. E. Lay, of the automotive modern auto, when pioduced a
CO T 'Tengineering department, has re- producedion bisi hemera&
produtionbasis, is the materials.
Gentlv completed at graph showing ,Csl
to be Judged in Finals t encied o auton oin- Costly alloys, lavish ornantation,
Chicago Memorialh- numerous accessories, all'develdped
Chicago1 ufacturers toward an increase i for the, comfort of the driver, 'are~
Competition. cylinders in their m(odels. The four-I the chief cost of productiona, ,dor
cylinder motor, as used in passen- i machinery removes the tediousness
RCHITECTS ENTER ger cars, was at its*peak in 1910, and expense of hand assemnbly. ,
declining in popularity from then When questioned about the new
Albert J. Rosseau, of the on. The six, on the other hand, 16-cylinder model which is, appea-
ural school, has recently was dominating the field in 1924, ing on the market for the first time
word that the drawings but has since declined until, with this year, Professor Lay refuseddo
d thanth the incoming of a great number of pass final judgment on the-,practi-
.d to him in the architec- new models this year. it is now sur- cability of such a car for the mod-
npeti'tion for the designing passed by the eight. Professor Lay I ern driving public. "The trend," he
hicago War Memorial were pointed out that the reduction 'n ! said, "seems to be more .and: more
o be judged with several cost of production was perhaps the ! toward development of smoothness
the finals of the conpeti- largest factor in this rise of the Iin motor operation, and in this par-
eight to prominence. ticular, there is a great advanttage
Production costs, according to i in the increase of the number of
competition, which was Professor Lay, have been reduced cylinders. The modern driver ,s
all architects residing in to a ridiculously low level. An au- growing to expect an automobile
ted States, was held to tomobile, at the present time, ac- which will perform faultlessly..ha
design which would corn- tually costs less per pound than an die easily, and travel switly.,:In
ordinary house furnace, or, to carry addition he wants a car in .which.
e the services and sacrifi- the comparison still further, less I he can ride so comfortably. aid
l those who served in the per pound than beefsteak. This is smoothly that driving is a complete
Tar. It was the desire of an ideal condition, and the ability relaxation. In the last few: years
mittee that the memorial of manufacturers to place high- giant strides have been made-.,in
powered, luxuriously appointed cars perfecting devices which will- in,
in a manner relating not on the market at such low prices is crease the comfort of driving. The
aiously to the adjacent immensely profitable both to them 416-cylinder motor may,, be .:such.a
ural and landscape ele- and to the prospective buyers. The device; and if it increases comfort,
Grant Park, where the greatest element in the cost of the is here to stay."
monument will be erect-
ed by the importance and
possibilities of such a
114 architects, amongj COR~jN WELL COA L - C K
ne of the foremost in the
submitted designs. The
r the winning design went
. Gubler and Paily, of Chi-! Scranton, Pocahontas
the com
be styled
ments of
Ithem som
award for
to Messrs
According to Professor Rosseau,i
the problem offered great oppor-
tunity for the artist. "The magni-
tude, location, and significance of
the memorial," he said, "are three
ideal conditions seldom found in
one problem.
"The designer was faced with two
possibilities: either to create aj
composition in scale with Grant
Park, well open toward the city
from where it may best be seen,
which would shut out to a certain
extent a part of the view of Lake
Michigan; or to designe aong lower
and more seclusive lines which
would give the monument a privacy
more suited to the memory of an
individual than to that of the sons
of this middle western metropolis."
This is not the first time that
Professor Rousseau's name has ap-
peared among the leaders in such:
a competition. His design received
honorable mention in the Chicago
Tribune Tower competition, in*
which renowned architects from
22 countries participated.
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