P'AGE TWO~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY XSEDNFCDX 1 TT r; I PROFESSOR WINS GRADUATI jPSHAW PUBLISHES COLLEGE SURVEY mm 900HII AWARD IN MATH i nH N DT ON ALUMNI AND ADULT -EDUCATION I --'"- o 3 .s 'nu ANNUL L I YIL1 OF NEWSTEACHERS Stresses Cultural Background Necessary in Newspaper ' Practice. ACTIVE IN DISCUSSIONS Assembly Takes up Problem Preparing Students for All Branches of Journalism. of Prof. John L. Brumm of the de- partment of journalism of the Uni- versity took an active part in the annual meeting of the American Association of Schools and Depart- ments of Journalism which con- vened December 31 in Bator Rouge the seat of the University of Louis- iana, and New Orleans for its three- day - session. Professor ,Brumm spoke first on "Educational Stand- ards" in which he stressed the im- portance of such standards well be yond thc craftsmanship of practice emphasizing the educational an cultural background necessary in newspaper practice. Later he leda discussion with an address on "Re search Work." Schools Now Classified. The convention took up the prob lems of education in journalism and laid plans for co-operation with the Committee on Education of the American Society of News paper Editors. The Schools of th country are now classified in group and the Council of Education fo Journalism is at present primarily concerned with the necessary re quirements for journalism in th groups of class A colleges of th United States which is comprise of the University of Michigan and 19 other leading colleges and uni versitie's. Special attention is being giver to the need of preparing student for executive and managerial posi- tions in the journalistic field rathe than exclusively for the reportoria positions. A number of researc projects are also being fostered b the association. Brumm Meets Dorothy Dix. Professor Brumm met Doroth Dix, the highest paid woman jour- nalist in the world, during his at tendance at the convention, whic was given a dinner on the evenin of January 3 by the Times Picay une, one of the oldest papers in thi south. Dorothy Dix made her star reporting for this paper over 4 "vears aqw. the" IIAs a result of a six month;' s u-. more equitable relationship with Pro. T H Hiderradtof hevey of 41 colleges, Wilfred EB. Shaw, h college; that the college owies mathematics department, was jdirector of alumni relations of thetr e ur ' awarded the Chauvenet Prize in University and field representative thcs angr returnothat in- Mathematics at the annual meet-I Michigan Board of Dentistry to of the American Associaticn for c a vo thti ing of the Mathematical Associa Test Both Practice and Adult Education, has recently pub- teiest. for its own good, should tion of America held in Des Moines, This Year. lished a booklet entitled "Alumni buiad for the exchange of amei- Iowa, on December 31 and Jan. 1.to and Adult Education." It is the im- ths alnus could continue after ITheie isgie every three mediate res'ult of a conference, held teaunscudcniu fe he prize is given every thrne 42 READY FOR QUIZZES at Vassar in 1928, of college.pres graduation, receive certain serv- years for the best expository on idents and alumni officers, called ices look ir toward his intellectual mathematics, appearing in an Seven members of the Mi:higan together as a joint committee by preservation. edin priodicalurinthe pre-t State Board of Dentistry have be- the Association under the auspices hgtTheh are a number of avenues }ceding three .years. The presentthog wictisripcare award covers the period from 1925- gun the semi-annual tests at the of the Carnegie Corporation, touhhich the al rn 1928, and is made for Professor Hil- University of Michigan dentistry Unqestion the mont in- i istitutionmay be developed, by te result of the six zonths' in- 'h nttto myb eeoe. derbrandt's article, "The Borel The- school. The tests will be taken byvestigation," the report states. "has Mr. Shtv believes. "Personal con- orem and its Genarizations" which 42 -members of the mid-year grad- been a demonstration that interest tacts with alumni groups by col- appeared in the bulletin of the uatmng class, following the regular in a continuing educational pro- lege presidents and university of- American Mathematical Society in procedure which necessitates a lic- gram for college alumni is wide- flcers, the distribution of speeches 1926. ense by the Michigan board before spread among college executives and printed reports to the alumni, The prize was established about ac4ual practise may be opened. and alumni officers. book and reading lists, the organ 10 years ago, and has been award- Those comprising this year's "College presidents, with one or ization of discussion groups and e ed only once before. board are Doctors E. G. Robbins. two exceptions, have everywhere alumni conferences, and the estab- ; president; J. W. Lyons, secretary- shown a thoughtful appreciation of lishment of an alumni information - Prf At d treasurer: J. R. Furman, vice-presi- the problem." Typical of the opin- service, are among the more obvi- P r essors Attend dent; J. F. Spencer, J. C. Arnold. ion generally expressed by alumni ous measures," the report stated. I Associaton MeetingP. S. Sutherland, and Charles Mar-organizations, Meccording to the re-'hvn ninngwt h e , AssociationMeeting s inkiewicz. They will remain in port, is an excerpt from the Cor- EDINBURGH. - Jokesmiths are - Ann Arbor throughout the week. nell Alumni News: having an inning with the new - Several members of the political six days of quizzing being required "There is a rising feeling almost ! prayer book for the Episcopal n science department attended meet- for this year's examination, which potent enough to be called a con- Church of Scotland because in the - ings of association interested in the is unique in that theory and prac- viction, that many alumni of many I marriage service it does not require - study of political science during the tice are equally tested. Actual work colleges are intellectually compe- the bridegroom to say "with all my - holiday period. Three members of Ion patients will be required. tent and worthy of a closer and worldly goods I thee endow." the department journeyed to the The mid-year tests are usuallyIi d twenty-fifth annual convention of ,given in November, although the n the American Political. Science as- procedure was shifted to January a sociation which was held in New this season for convenience of - Orleans December 2, 28, and 29. those applying. Two hundred are Prof. J. R. Hayden, who is the expected to take the examinations STA T secretary-treasurer of the organi- in June, when the 1930 graduating'TCDAY - zation delivered the 'annual busi - class will attempt to pass the series n Pess report before the body. Prof. of tests which lie between them -; n James K. Pollock, Jr., spoke on and professional standing. n "British Party Organization." Prof. The purpose of the State Board; - A. W. Bromage spoke before a to insure a superior quality of den-I e round 'table group, conducted by tists in Michigan, as well as to is Prof. Thomas H. Reed, who is away maintain uniform standard in the r on a leave of absence this year, on preparatory schools. The board is y the subject of "St. Louis and St. comparable to 'those of the law, - Louis County." This speech con- medicine, pharmacy and others e cerned the question of city-county who require state recognition be- e consolidationfore practice may be begun.x ' 1 4 Shows D~a ilIy 4 2:00 3:55 35c 15C 7:00 9:00 50c 25c HAROLD LLOYD The Kingof Comedy Speaks! "WELCOME DANGER" Pretty Barbara Kent is the Girl COMING "TH E GR EA T I1 NINO, 41 .&r ~ t.. Passionate lovers of die sotith- NOW SHOWING west borde afraid to o ther man r sk erlands who are not fight-or love an- 1's gir, even at the of their lives. 7/I 'r / ^ / - I K0'_ AV d i- NOW SHOWING w UE n 1 ALL h TALKING y y - TH E h L g ALL - l THRILLING e rt 0 IRT2:00-3:30 7:00-9:00 J C JAIL BREAK SCREAMING SIREN CRACK OF - GUNS T y CITY IS AWAKE f caballeros senorita yval rt u. DilL / Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Has the Honor to Present . Harald Kreutzberg , . e,: , . and -i i i I I i I { i i i I i i i s i I i 'j METRO BC NEWS HOWl i I I _____ u _....p ____- -..- f, I Ii ,; , { ,i I I vonne Georgi In a Dance Recital-Extraordinary .f Thursday, January 9th Friday, January 10th 9 97 "Leading tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company will give a program of songs and aria :15 P..M In the Choral Union Concert Series, l Auditorium, - Ann Arbor Mr{. Martineili will take the place ,f r. Padercwski who obliged to cancel his American tour. Conceit goers will il)lase( prcet for admission Choral Union coupon No. 3, reading "Padcrewski." A Limited Number of Season Tickets Are Available at $6, $8, $10, $12 N LAND Ti -I Seats $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 The artists have graciously consented to pre- sent a different program each night On Thursday Night the program will include "The Angel of the Last Judgment" and "Persian Song" There are still several good seats available for , ,,. I{1 q