PAGE FQVO',, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1930 _ , Published every morning except Mondayt t' ringthe University year by the Board in t .n rol of Student Publications. Mm-e- ofXWetern Conference Editoria, .ociation.. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the- use for 'republication of all news dis- patches credited td it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at -the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special'rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- !n ester General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4. 50. Officest:Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ntard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman . . . ....George C. Tilley City Editor.......,.......Pierce Rosenberg News Editor... . .Donald J. 3 i ne Sports diti...... dw ard L..Warne, Jr. Women's, -ir \I .!arjoric Follmer Telegraph dT .or .Cassamn A. Wilson Musicrand IDrama. ..' lliam 3. Gorman Literary E ditor....... awrence R. Klein Assistant C ity I dam Robert J. Feldman Night Ediitors-E Iditor ial Board Members Frank E Cooper henry J. Merry William C.(rGentry Rober t L. Sloss Charles R .K 1 \\alter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters university training should be "a preparation for a life of indepen-1 'nit judgment and responsibility"t Id not for "a life ordered from1 withott." Cigarette smoking, het be ieves, is a question to be judged solely from its social and physicalz aspects and effects, and not at allt from a moral point of view. Here is a president who knows1 his student body. He realizes that1 any iron-bound rule against smok-c ing would start almost every wom-< an in the university puffing furi- ously whenever she thought shes could get by. Understanding psychology, these administrators k'n.ow that any arbitrary attempts curb youth will meet with violent resistance. The reaction to the pro- hibition amendment is no more than an example of this. If presidents of universities wish to stop certain undesirable prat- tices, or members of the W. C. T. T. want to stop everything, or members of the Anti-Saloon league would like to stamp out drinking,, they will find people much more willing to stop bad practices if left to think the matter out for them- selves than if clubbed into it. President Righmire is to be con- gratulated on the wisdom of his administrative policy. venture,.knows why the days are long in summer, short in winter. One of my students - one of the best men I have had, too-thought that the sun was "many light years" away from the earth. One may have small Latin and less Greek, but he ought to know theI distinction between stars and planets-still more, I should say, between stars and satellites. I am convinced on an unannounced ex- amination on such simple and im- portant questions as these our stu- dent body would not average 30 per cent. I do not wish to make fun of tft ignorance of students. It is a cheap sport, and the matter is serious, pathetic, and somewhat disgraceful. In the popular mind it reflects upon the College and its faculty. The undergraduate wil' present in this matter a ready alibi (American just now for excuse)- he isn't supposed to know why the moon changes shape, for he hasn't "taken" astronomy. Just how goo, an excuse is this? It will not be understood by those people whos. money supports the college. Every- day people may be ignorant, buw. they regret it. They do not expeci it in people who have had an ex- pensive education. I could proper- ly say they do not like it. L Music And Drama t- --0- I f t? ir tr :) yr m Bertram Askwith L ester Mfay Helen Bar eDavidaM.yNichol Maxwell Bauer W illiam Page Mary L. Beliynmer Isoward II. Peckham Benjamin If. B erentsoullIugh Pierce Allan H. Berk man Vietor Rabinowitz !Arthur J. Bernstein Julio 1). Reindcel S. Beach Conger J cannie Roberts T1honmast. Cooley .l) A. Russell John 11i. Dcnier Lvsephi Ruwitch Helen Domir! William P1. Salzaruilo Margaret Eckls Charles R. Sprowl Kathearine Ferrin S. Cadwell Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton )inc Thayer Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson Ginevra Ginn Ricihard L. Tobin Jack Goldsmith E lizabth Valentine Morris Ce overmnan Harld 0. Warren, Jr. Ross Gusti'ut(CharlIes White Margaret Iarrig G. Lionel Willens David, B. Hempstead John ;. XWilloughby J. Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise Jean Levy Barbara Wright Russell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magee . Ann Arbor greeted the homecom- ing with some soggy samples of1 typical weather, and many students will now have a great opportunity1 to give those Christmas slickersE and hip boots a trial. The Illinois student who shot his mother and father while home for vacation must have found things extraordinarily dull. From England comes the news that there is a national tendency to drink less beer and more tea in Great Britain. Its the other way around over here. - 0 _ - BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising ............T. Hollister Mabley Advertsing............Kasper T. Halverson Advertising ......I...... SherWood A. Upton Service...................George A. Snater Circulation................J. Vernor Davis Accounts.............. .....John R. Rose Publications............Geor-ge R Hamilton Business Secretary--Mary Chase Assistants 1 Byrne M.Badenoch' Arvin Kobacker Tames E. Cartwright T,awrence Lucey Robert Crawford Thomas Muir -Tarry B. Culver George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman ltliezer Lee Slayton James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper Norris Johnson Robert Williamson Charles Kline William R. Worboy Laura Codling ' Sylvia Miller A gnes Pa--is ~ len E . Musselwhite Bernice Glaser. iteanor Walkinshaw Portense Gooding Dorothea Waterman w+#le McCully Nirht Editor-ROBERT L. SLOSS TUESDAY. J,,i TA Y 7. 1r90 TN MEMO7RTA i3 The Daily Joins the rest of the campus in mourning the death on Christmas day of Professor Ralph H. Curtiss, director of the Univer- sity observatories and head of the astronomy department. The pas- sing of this great scientist and teacher is at once a tragedy to the many here who knew and loved him, and an irrepairable loss to the University. As head of Michigan's famous astronomy department, Professor Curtiss ably carried on its high. traditions of scientific achievement. Professor Brunnow, who o rganized the department in 1850, was - a world famous astronomer; Profes- sor Watson, who succeded him at the invitation of President Haven, discovered several new asteroids; and Professor Hussey, who died only two years ago, did notable work in astronomical expeditions. Professor Curtiss' special field was the study of spectroscopic analysis of the evolution of stars. In the prosecution of this study he design- ed several new astronomical in- struments and came to be recog- nized as the leading authority in his field. His untimely death at the age of 49 is not only a tragic loss to his friends and to the Uni- versity: it has cut short his bril- liant researches and left unfinished a life work of incalculable impor- tance to the science of astronomy. 0 - Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than Soo words if possible. Anonymous comi- ni"ications will he disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- rr'.u t I.tPrs publish s h 5h hieo lh construed as expresisng the editorial d opinion of The Daily. ASTRONOMY. To the Editor: Tn its administrative activity there are two general plans whichl the University may follow. It may offer its courses to anyone wishing to take them, without any concern no esl-ctions made by individ- lii sitdet,: or the combination , seq uences. aid educational results.l It may on the other hand, and in fact it does, exercise more or less supervision over elections, for it Iseems justified in specifying the performance for which it will be- stow its baccalaureate benison. In this supervision the University has, f suppose, some ideal of an educa- tion, and some idea of' a standard to which the successful candidate for a degree must conform. It is not clear to me, nor has it in fact ever been explained, how far our supervision of the elections of lit- erary students ought to extend. But from the group regulations it appears that even the specialist. in Romance languages must have a1 little science, and the would be chemist a little history. Such be- ing the case, it seems that complete and complacent ignorance of a subject fundamental alike to science and to history ought to be deplored. If the University is to exercise in this matter of choosing subjects any constraint at all, it should require of all literary stu- dents a little study of astronomy. I cannot advance for the justi- fication of this contention all my arguments at once, but only with1 some sort of decency one after an- other, and I beg to be heard for the little time I shall require to set them forth. Among our students there is the most amazing ignorance of the make up of the solar system, and the causes of the largest, most ob- vious and most important of na- tural phenomena. One of my stu- dents, a sophomore engineer, learned with surprise that the sun was the center of the solar system, a position he had assigned to the earth. Another, who had been a teacher, supposed the various planets to be in one ring, like beads Ion a string, about the sun, whose. vibrations up and down through the plane of the ring gave rise to j. changing seasons. Hardly any- one in my classc --I have inquired repeatedly - knows why the new I have now raised, as the reade t perceives, a very large question Should the University be-can itc be - responsible for the general; education of its graduates? It ap-r pears to me that in acceptingc money of the state and the mone of the parents of minors and ir- responsible children, it has assum- ed some measure of that respon- sibility. The case of the Germar universities is somewhat different They discharge very well the re sponsibility of giving, in courses ii mechanics, what is to be knowr about mechanics. They do not ac- cept any responsibility about whether or not Johannes Re should elect mechanics. But with us the literary freshman is as clay in the hands of the patter, and w have established our group re- quirements, In order to show that astronomy ought to be studied it is not suffi-- cient to show that we are ignorant of it. It is necessary also to show that knowledge of it is necessary or at least desirable, and, I suppose more desirable than that compet - ing, or conflicting, subject which Astronomy will displace. I see nov that someone may be able, if any able man is willing, to destroy m argument by a reductio ad absur- dum. For it could be maintained that our ignorance extends to ana ,omy as well as to astronomy, arc o chemistry and to geology, an', i could be argued that knowledge of geology, or of all sciences, i desirable and necessary. I am not: an astronomer and I ask the for- bearance of the protagonists of other sciences until I have said about that science what little more I have to say. The study of astronomy has tak en the leading place in deliverin=, men from ignorance and darkness. The History of Astronomy is the history of human enlightenment Astronomy was the first science, ii any science can claim to have been first, and in its study was laid th: foundation of those applications of mathematics to nature which have given rise to physics and chemistry - or at least to great parts of physics and chemistry. No one ignorant of astronomy can have any conception of what hu- man progress has been and is. It has meant more to culture in the wide sense than' any other subject the curriculum can offer. If a.student should study astrono- my, what course should he elect? I have advised students in this matter, and some of them have been diappointed. I do not accept such a verdict as the final word upon a course, but it seems to me that before the beginning student is given lessons in the textbook he might hear, and better still see, a little about night and day, the sea- sons, the phases of the moon, the paths of the planets among the stars, eclipses of the sun and moon, and be given questions and nu- merical exercises on these things. It would not take long to give a little of the history of astronomy in its relation to civilization. One might in this way lighten ignor- ance a little and even hope to arouse enthusiasm. Is it not a great pleasure to know even the little astronomy represented by Bode's Law and 1Kepler's laws? It is enlightening to learn how Gallileo tried in vain to measure the velocity of light, and how Roemer succeeded by mak- ing use of the moons of Jupiter "THE QUEEN WAS IN THE PARLOUR" A Review' by William J. Gorman. Miss Frederick has continued her raditional indifference to the uality of her supporting cast. Her ! eading man, just as was the case n her "Scartet Lady" production f last year, is entirely unworthy o: he affection Noel Coward's play nakes her show for him; and the est of the cast is merely adequate. 'his type of flaw in professiona aroductions is a most frequent ource of annoyance and certain-+ ne of the more potent argument n the impetus of the Little The- tre movement. For the over-zeal- aus sincerity of the more 'arty' of he amateur productions at least esults in real effort to meet the roblem of casting. Such an unbalanced cast as the resent production displays make real experience of the play im- ')ossible. There is nothing in the lot substance of Coward's play to stimulate interest; that is invari- .bly true of shim. Nor in this par- ticular play is there smart writing to compensate. Coward writes "scenes." In this play, they hap- oen to be love scenes - brilliant, ,tirring ones, the 'real thing.' These rumerous love dialogues are never clearly motivated. But they are there -vivid theatre. Even the most asty reading of the play would °eveal that those scenes constitute ll the substance the play has and hat production should be planned zecordingly. But the man opposite Miss Fred ,rick was a huge, lumbering awk- yard fellow, very timid about swooping Miss Frederick into his .rms. The result was that the il- usion was never possible; our visu- LI perception of the male's lack of ;race destroyed all the effective- aess of the lines. Irritated, in the back of our consciousness were mut- erings to the effect that "Pauline E'rederick has better taste tha1 .hat." Coleridge's "willing suspen- ;ion of disbelief," to be serious about it, was impossible. Our judge- .ents on the "lovingness" of Miss Frederick's leading man is alm I .nstantaneous. We don't have a -hance. The production makes us ,eel miserable. We were fookin; .orward to the love scenes. It w, he old story of "the sfar's the Ching," an old trick of the profes- .onal theatre. Telephone 22571 Evenings 6125 RESIDENCES OF DISTINCTION FOR SALE 401 LENAWEE DRIVE---10 room, brick cons-ruction, large lot overlooking Huron River and Valley. Two tile baths, large library. Owner leaving Ann Arbor. 1926 NORWAY ROAD-10 room Colonial-lot 80x15---beautiful trees and shrubbery--2 baths--- ,as furnace-electric refrigeration-garage-owner leaving city. Price reduced. Terms. 1954 CAMBRIDGE ROAD--11 rooms, 2 baths, heated garage. Wooded lot. Owner has left Ann Arbor. Near University and grade school. 1703 WASHTENAW AVE.--"13 rooms, large lot, 9 bedrooms. Could be used for organization. Terms are offered. 2117 DEVONSHIRE ROAD-7 rooms, lot 80x 160, stone fireplace, electric stove. Priced under v~ I , .OOt. 4 An exchange might be considered on some of the above mentioned. 930 YOUR YEAR BOOK BROOKS-NEWTON, Inc. REALTORS BROOKS BUILDING 4 S .00 Do not wait until the price advances to $5.50 k GET YOUR 'ENSIAN NOW' At the Press Building 4 I ORGAN RECITAL. Palmer Christian, university or anist, is renewing his series C. 'ednesday afternoon recitals with :n unusually interesting and var- .ed program. The first number is a 'antasie Dialogue by Leon Boell- man, a contemporary French com- )oser. This number will make good ise of the magnificent ensemble 'f the Hill Auditorium organ for as original scoring was for organ - nd orchestra, and the solo tran- acription is still definitely orches- rral in character. There are three more contempo- :ary compositions, new to follow- ;rs of Mr. Christian's recitals, the allegro movement of Maquaire's symphony for organ, the Medita- tation in a Cathedral of Enrico Sosi, and a Pastorale by the veter- an American composer, Arthur Foote. KREUTZBERG AND GEORGI. Kreutzberg and Georgi, dance .artists of the German expression- stic school, continued their Amer- ican tour during vacation triumph- antly, receiving enthusiastic ec- claim in Indianapolis and Chicago. The intelligent minority in Ameri- ca interested in the present renais- sance of the art of dance with con- comitant shedding of the flowing veil aspect of the sentimental bal- let tradition, sees in the tour of this noted pair of dancers the most potent influence for good in some time. Great pains are being taken, consequently, all over the country to make the scope of their appear-I ance as wide as possible. An exceedingly unfortunate clash of dates may damage the successj of their recital here. The first night of their appearance, Thurs- day, is the night of Choral Union concert, two events with an almost identical audience. Fortunately, their engagement holds over until{ Friday night of this week.} MORGAN TRIO. The Chamber Music Society of Ann Arbor is presenting Tuesday of next week The Morgan Trio in ., 0 _____- - __ f--F---. -4- x. * - .~ ., -' S>1 - .....f-.... -----.......- 4k-.- ' I.. _____ ....................ze- -- __________ -~....~ - ~ --~ ~-;-- -.......- -- --- -- ~.... . . ...* ,- .----...--..--.- . 36 It .,.. . .... __. . - . _ . . UP FROM THE OXCART "Acceleration, rather than structural changes, is the key to an understanding of our recent economic develop- ments."-From the report of President Hoover'% Comnnittcc on Reccnt Iconomic Changes WOMEN SMOKERS. Whether or not women smoke has come to mean little to the ave- rage person, and President George W. Rlghtmire, of Ohio State Uni- versity, has sensibly handled the matter. Appealed to by various or- ganizations referred to him by 6ovdrnor Cooper, President Right- mire -e nied that while he disap- rcoved o f ~waue e .en re n and ex resY -- > U I \3lo2 tha tJOIN" U3 1inTHE GENERAL EECTRIC IHOUR, BROADCAST EVERY SATURDAY AT 9 P.M., E.r. ON A NATION-WIDE N-BXC. NETWORK ESTRDAI' the rumble, creak, and plod of cart and oxen. To-day and to-morrow the zoom of airplanes. Faster production. Faster consumption. Faster communication.t Significant of electricity's part in the modern spccding-up process is the fact that during the last seven years, con- sumption of electric power increased three and one-half times as fast as population. Gene ral Electric and its subsidiaries have developed and built much of the larger apparatus that generates this power as well as the apparatus which utilizes it in industry and in GENERAL ELECTRIC is