1 8901 Ir 41pp-WI rt q an I aug MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS a VOL. XL NO. 71. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGIAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1930 EIGHT 1PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS3 WOLVERINES ROUT GOPHER:. IN CONFERENCE OPENER _ __ _. _ _ w _.._ _ U AM I Scapegoat of Ft P,[,4 'l C9 HI1H IITIISACRAMENTO, Ca lif.,}Ja T After a year of .avestigatR AT LONDON EnlnJ. Edward Morgan, recently proprictor of a print in Oakland, has arrived at thi r_ -E z Plt itci1 i h t orv rLT' 1 hlfull REFUSES TO BAN rtd WOMEN SMOKE 1. G -. loll i ,Until it shop e con-, v duel -~. .RS YMt1MA T* TcttvYYA 'X Nllf ie'7 1}' 4'A !-1ANf!'. G1L1 311.l11 (iil.i,4 Atl.l;J 1:1j llUlull 10 t~irrai isue rouuL U [UUVFrancis Bacon has been thrown to as Delegation Prepares William Shakespeare by English for Conference scholastic circs because of royal _ politics and to prudish antipathy PREFRS MALLVESELSfor a man of ilic~itimatc firth. Morgan, it was announced Su- " - jday in Stratford-on-Avon the United States Maintains Naval home of Shakspare, is returning Aircraft Limitation to i to the Unitd States with what he be mpactcalf believes is conclusive proof that ' be Ipractiable. acon. has been made the scape- goat of a gigantic literary fraud. (fly Asoiaed rc A riot unknown writer of vers WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. i--6 himnsef, Morgan has for years been The American delegation vwill enter, intrsted in the theory of the the imirnent conference on naIval j Baconian authorship of the plays limitation in London prepared toj attributed to the bard of Avon. discuss further restriction of air- Morgan has obtained enlarged craft carrier buidng, shoul that photographs of th bindings and important matter be brought to theil pages of the original folios and as-i fore; srts that i. the vry decorations, Piiial considerationl of the funda- p ictures and letterings of the script mental issues at the meting the Bacon wrote his name many times world is awaiting, has ral Ud the.; over. arraft question. Would Limit Sea Forces. With completion 'byt the American !OI R TCS L IT delegation of detailed preparation ERA I SO IT for 'participation by the United States, the attention of oficial dir- TOSN H R 0 1 ce here turned to the basic ob-SIGIV D Y jects of the parley bringing forward;ptonyhelmainofigin.'- - sea .forces but also the halting of I Giovanni Martineli Will Appear competitive building of all aten-,or- ait ris nCoa Among the classifications which asSxhAttonC rl offer possibilities of limitation is Union Program. tine. aircraft cosrier whichi trans- ports with the flets the combi1atant' RECITAL. DATE CHANGED and observation planes. That typeI of vessel was limited utder the'-Goan rtne Washington. treaty of 122. There {GoahiMrnel. tenor of te Have been no indications during the 1MAetroolitan Opera company, will preliminary distissions among te i be featured, in recital in the sixth powers, that the United States htas i the Choral Union concers chaihgaNditji licyregardipg .the Zu~da !lill i1111Auditorium 3111rao'irtalI.~y Qift liting naval This cutae iri n aigc aircraft;. There have been indica- from~ Wednesday night to Thursday tioons, however,; that. the seven years night, as was originally planned since the signing of the Washing- because of Martineli's appearane change in the theory of American in Chicago Wednesday. ton agreement have brought a Martinlli has been ,secured ~y naval experts on the uses of the Charles A. Sink, director of the aircraft carrier.F University of Music, as a substitute Ask More Tonnage for the Scheduled Paderewski pro- The Washington agreement lit- 'grain. Du 'to an emergency opera- ited aircraft carriers to 27.000 tons tion for appendicitis, the Polish with the Ulnited~ States assigned a} pianist and statesman was twic total of 135,000 tons. In urging: forced to postpone his tour of itpoi Congress the conistuct,i'ori of Amerian cities, and to finally an- additional carriers to fill. t beLAmer- eel it entirely. I loan quota, namvali'experts 'have Scheduled for the first of the stressed the value of small_r car- seisoChrlUonccrt riers, roughly one-half the size of hsries oChoril Uionecmertll treaty.and Madamre Louise Homer, of the Ithsappearedl that the theory Chicago Civic Opera company, wa othAeia ayi o ta secured as soloist in his place. the aircraft carrier is a defensive Mr. Sink spent the two weeks be. ai of the fleet deriving its ow fore the Christmas vacation in thej defense from anti-aircraft gus and East in an effort to secure a sub- mnuch smaller weaponls ttan were stitute for the Padcrewski program placed ogn America's two largestI' Martinelli has been a member o: carriers, the Lexington and the Sa-~ the Metropolitan Opera compan:, raoga., since 1913. As a young than in Eur The writer., of the Washngtori ope he made successful appear treaty themselves' anticipated anes in Milan, Naples, Mont changes in theories surrounding Carlo, Budapest, and Brussels. Ir the use of capital ships and air- 1912 he created a sensation in the pane carriers and provided in the Convent Garden in London, an treaty for consultationvs among the the following year came to Aericrseaowr vrsc (ie-Ir ecm filtd ihteMt dions as the airplane carriers pro- Irplitanr Opera company. Since vdes. that time he has rsen to tie pusi- t-Japan is expected to be the sup- tion of principal tenor. porter of a proposal to reduce the lie has created numecros leading ariait, of the aircraft carriers. .or- roles, and has a repertoire which in. nier Premiier Reiro Wakatsuki; the eludes principal parts in mary chief Japanese deegate to the par- operas. ley said in an interview shortly Cuo ubr3 hc rgn after leaving Washington 'Where h al. Coupndmmedfr 3, ich uerigi hiad conferred pith Ateriau of fic- iiy itne o h aees ills preparatory to the conference I program, should be used for the that it was the view of the Tokio concert Thursday night. government that the limits of air- craft carriers should be reduced be- Palmer Christian. Wil low the figures set at the Washing- ton conference. Give Weekly Program collision Costs Lives Palmuer Crstan, University or fTw Ar A viao aniost,wil present a program to of wo ~ry A iatrsmorrow afternoon in -Hill Audi toriunm. This is one of the regula mfy Asociated1 Prs) weekly organ recitals presented b GALVESTON, Tex., Ja}. 6. - An Mr. Christian every Wednesda airplane ,colision near here today afternoon. cost the lives of Lt. Clarence C. The concert tomorrow will fea Mitchell, 25, and Sergeant Julius ture the ensemnble of the orgar T. Bihami. 32. of the Third Attack Several of the numbers on the pro- group. Fort Crockett. Their planej gramn have been written origin'all collided with another Army ship and solely for the organ and or- piloted by Lt. William C. Mills, at cliestra. at altitude of 1.500 feet. - Both Mills andc his passenger, Marshall Is Winner Sergeant Lindsey Braxton, took to 0V 1'T 3GAIGE WILL ATTEND! CAR0NEGIE MEETING! IN MAYA-N COUNTRY! kAssistant Museum Head to As- sunmc Charge of Biological Research. LINDBERGH AIDS WORK ]Excavators Restore Old Temple in Ancient City of Chiclien Itza. Frederick M. Gaige, assistant di- rector of the museum of zoology sails Wednesday for Yucatan where he will attend a conferencE I of research workers under the di- rection of the Caraegie Institute } The ancient Mayan civilization will be the subject of the meeting with j intensive study given to the exca- vations made by the Carnegie in- stitute in' Yucatan and Guatemala. Gaige will return from Central America in six weeks to make ar- rangements for the University oft Michigan to asstune charge of the biological and zoological phases of the excavating. 1Ie plans to go back to the district in the spring. The Carnegie Institute has been working in Central America since: 1923 and has been found the most Fred NEW YOR1K, N. Y.. Jan. b.-_--The! New York Yankees announced to- da~y the signing of Fred Asbeck, '29.' :)f Lakewoodi, Ohio, giant University Aj Michigan pitcher, who stands aearly six feet six inches, Asbeck pitched good ball in college and )attled several Japanese teams ast summer on tour of the Orient vith Michigan. Asbeck was a three-year veteran: in the Wolverine baseball teams of1 927-28-29. The lanky pitcher cap-! gainecd the team his senior year vhich won the undisputed Western, ',onfereic championship. Along 1 with Bill McAfee, '29, of Chicago, ,he Wolverine diamond contingent' )oasted one of the strongest moundj ~ores in college baseball. Abseck takes rank with Jablon- :'wski, Don Miller, Pess Edigars, Bob: Knode, and George Sisler as promi-! nent Michigan performers who .ave turned to big league baseball. in past performances Asbeck has ;hown himiself worthy of an oppor- vunity to break into thec major leagues, and the Wolverine hurler; should make good with his fast bal and accurate curves. COUNCIL WILL AID U N ION, MER IT PLANI Commnittee Will Meet Toni ,!) to Discuss Amnendmnent to Constitution. Asbeck Signs as Yankee Pitcher i Georgc IW. Aight mire President, of Ohio State univer- sity, who, when approawhed on the question of women smrokers, said that while he disapproved of the practice and hoped women students would eventually condemn it, lie 1would decline to promuolga te any prohibitory and u nen foreable rule against it., ("University traing," said Presi- dent Rightmire, "should be a pre- lparation for a life, of independent judgment and responsibility, not for a life ordered from without." 'ENSI.AN (GROUP' PICTURES All class officers and senior committeemen xwhose pictures are to appear in the 1930 Mich- iganensian must have their pho- tos taken be-fore the end of the the week, it was announced by George E. Leonard, '30, manag- ing editor. This will be the last opportunity to have this done. All organizations, fraternities and sororities, must make ap- poinitments with the official *hotographer s at once, Leonard aid smlall score is f oun'd ill t1erl(- ,g'nardiig of Truiskowski aiid )r wig, Alwere onilicheeels of the~ l Gopher forwards froin stars to iIi- ihwheni the hall was inl their' pos- ,sessioni. Orwig and Chapman led a close- race to determine which was t, w~n the scoring honors, with the former winning out by one polint with a free throw near the end of the game. Orwig scored 10 p oiln t to Chapman's 9, while Truskowski was a close third with 7. Kanit~ scored 4 and Daniels 2. Loose, Minnesota forward, led " the home team scorers wth 6 points MICHI1GAN'S CAGERS OVERCOME DETERMINED MINNE[SOTA RALLY TO WIN BYMARIGIN OF 32-11 Or-wig, Chapman Lead Winners for Scoring Honors; Wolves Hold 19-6 Advantage at End of First Period. (By Associated Precss ) MI NNNi'APOJALS, lii., )"anl. 6--Nlaking its first chargze toward the I93o Big Nine batnicr. the Uiniversity of Mlichig ar basket ball teamt last 1nfght rouated Alinnecsota here bay a 3 to 17 score. Thie Wolverine v'ictory ca"mw after they had fought anI uphill battle a' ainist a bitter (C;oijiir rally early in the secon d halfI and ret tii O( contecr oflfensi ve of their owns to swecll th ie wiiini ng marg.11"in. This rea"lly umarked the only time which the Gophers even threatened, and Al ichi.,ati foundI an almost uriubstrInctedI path to victory. l ,eadinig at the close of the first half by :ig to 6, -Michigan oiitlia\ d the hiome~ teamixill every (departmient. lhe maini reason IorAXliuhles ta's I I I S t 5r r l Fl ~ r rprodiuctive site the ancient city of W I fl NI OChichen liza in Yucatan. At thi:. Wn il 15 c - n - lIace1 the xvorkers unearzthed ,and POIF Tcom~pletlCy restored te emlezIPI k ln-a oloe y onewho PIM S j Warriors. Many friezes, coluns iTO CIRCULATE PETITIONS chSS[I nad up 4olowte opertoaw P IT IN bUWTILS and other valule findsm have beenifrb fEAiitJLITN The bos on both teamns roughed it up a bit and 16 personal fols Jac, ainbLI, nd~v ni WI 'At the city of Uacvaxatuniz n hemeitlstem foin the prmoion of i iiCTl~ lfi in all were made, 7 by Michigan 1A Enmm%;Wuw o f heMaanemir;leeiae h Student council wil be taken yrd9U LE.I tUi and 9 by Minnesota. None of the ,._, ~,, u~ ,..,caers were forcer from thic gains, be N~iinedSatw'day.alsov been many importanit findcs , t,7:15 o'clock tonight, when a * u eewre oso hi Thec discoveries cov :r a period of +,onHnittee of 50 students, who will. tdnsSol ieDsrpinruhtcis 1l600 years and date back to near e1 ye as "nterpreters" of the few SEVERAL TO B3E MOUNT1EDl the beg innirug'of the Christian era ''Man for the selection of the presi-, of Cars Held in Order to The shotint was rratic ii te CoonlLiderhhaee o-ient and recording-secretary of the Obtain JH License.t early part ofe the game, but whenoi With thne closing of the arniua.i operating inz the work. In his recent Union to the undergraduate body of othi me-act play writing contest yes- flight over the country he is said the University, will meet at the Um-'thbakthelopdsvrlcn terdy ateroonit as oundtha -t hav fon c man lage empl' 101) NEW PERMITS AVAILABLE secutive shots cleanly through the teda ,ferooitwa fud ha o av fud an are eml . in nets. The Gophers could not lend thirty-eight 'players had been sub- andi monuments which have been rjThe proposed system provides for ru'itted. The plays have been elms- previously unknown. President! he selection of the two highest Students who have driven auto- the asket during most of the first triute~byPro. Knnth . RweI Aexade C.Rutvcn hasals I,udcut officers of the organizationI mobiles back to Ann Arbor from half and wasted many shots. 1nstuctr i ply witig, o te ben itenelyintresed n teseby a committee consisting of seven + their homes with the intention ofnohaemcoprtiytosw instuctr i ply witig, ote beavaitonsel neetdi hs members of the board of directors'iohaemcoprtnytosw ;hrec judges, Prof. Peter M. Jack.;exatin and contemplated at ofteUin pe omte ol storing the ars here until spring I ter wares as thce entered the I)f the rlietonic rdepatmea nt:Prof. lending the conf reuce hibut latxibi o co.ei teUno..ofTecomte ')sar J.Cambel. f te Eglsh hanedhisplas.I ~O cmpsedoffour faculty or 1 vacation brinl; s a rlaxation of the lame late. Osca JCambel. o theli~zglsh h~ini~e hi Iiiin" jalunnui nienibers and three studenzt; auto ban are requested by W. B.; The box score follows: lepartinent, an(i\Valenmtine Windt, ebr.Rea, assistant to the dean of stu-p mebes Michigan, 3 llrector ofC Play Prodution. A de-> Wolverine Sextette I The details of the system will be dents, to regster their cars immze- f FG. 1. PI', ision of the judges will be printed i xpiined to the committee so that diately at his office.IKaizf........2 0 1 n.Thre Daily Sa~turday morn'ing.Peprsfo gge it in turn may explain it to the Registration coisists InI filling out KWeis, f.............2 0 (l The intention of the csnipetitioi - (.students, prior to the circulation of a frm bearing blanks for the fol- ITm'uslowski f *..,.3 }1' 's to select a bill of stud~ent written w Returning from a :four game trip) I petitions to have the system lowing inifor'mation:name and Daniels f. .....s1 ~0 0 plays next semnester. A. pieliinary in the east, miade during the last broougt before the directors of thei make of car. license number, and Chamnli ,,.. ?rodcution will be given for the1 week of vacation, Coach Eddie Union. T'he petitions must c~oma- location of storage. 4 ~c..~. i23 wvinninig plays for the purpose of Lowrey's Wolverine puck eoiiibiw- I t aiii at least 200 signatures before i "While there is no particular oh- owivel, g...........4 2 3 evision before final poutn. 'ion will open the final pre-confer-I it Cai be presented to the board. { eto1t t nsrrvn ac o'Loel .....-.0 (!00 "If one cant judgie friim the playvs ,,once drive ovi the inlne ice this If tie students successfully pt,- ! Ann Arbor fron their hiomes after - - 'g g.. ,.. ...0 0 -ceacd in thne play~ writing class," Mr.;- evening when the Michigan teami. tition the board, the queetiozi,I vacation and keeping their cars :z lowe said yesterday. "anid fromi the meet the Ontario Aggic sextette,. which would be In thde form of anl here for the 'pring. holidays, we Tlotals ... .1.3 6, 7 )lays that have been brougit to me'I at 7:30 o'clock in the Coliseum . amendnnt to tihe Union constitu-I deem it helpful to proper enforce- 'i innesotLa, 17. by students not in then class for f A winner over Michigan by a 4-3 ion, will be submitted to a special ment of the automobile regulation, Sommuer, f ........... 2 0 1 criticism, the somewhat largerj count last year, the Canadians will m ieeting 'of student members of the to have a complete list of all stu- Loose, f... .....3 0 1 number of plays submitted this:i again take the ice with a strong;I Union. Every male student of the I dent cars in storage here,".MR Rea Norgaard, c ......0 3 2 year over last should represent a! team and should force the Maize University is a memiber of the Un-i said yesterday. Novonty, a............ 1 0 0 much higher average quality." ' and Blue stickhandlers all the way. in Those who have been granted; Gadler, g ........1 0! 2 ____faculty exemption from the ban are Karsner, g..... 0 0 also requested to promsptly register Schoeningb, g.... ..... 0 0 1 AI'N ARBOR STUDENTS AND TOWN'SPEOPLE ENDORSE 1 tiheir cars at tle office of Mr. Ra. All cars must be registered ac-' Totals......7 3 fl IRESOLU TION SUPPORTING INDIA'S MVIOVE FOR FREEDOM1 cording to 1930 license numbers. Referee -Getchell, St. hms jSuetwhhaecrinso-fIncli's strike for in~de~pendence of con erence at London by removing age in eAnneA roeamd whyovfailbe TAF"T W1I LL TAKE Britishi rule was gie alcl su;sgla otand's needs f or a large naval reitrtecrf)oel i givenes aa lowyalthas-tat thUn eid bnft ftecsoay TWVO' EK RES pec~t here yesterday wvhen a resolu- otaan hr ta h Uie special privileges granted at J-Hop ______ tion support ing thme Italian National teshsawy supported eXTforts time to those who have cars avail-(yAsoatdre) Congress's motion for freedom was f;. atoward feo eofa tha ntedtime s able amnd ish to use them for so- WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 6. stnsig andy retwnpeopleAnd sb-r I eer teiifleneporIniai-cial or transportation purposes. Chief Justice Taft has decied to ;stuent an tonspepleand su- exrt hei inluene fr Idia m- Most applications for renewal of I'direct all his efforts to the recup- mutted to Senator John J. Blaine of dcpendence, and that the PresidentI regular students driving pemits !eaioi fhssrnt uigf Wisconsin. Thme stastement was -------~.-~ be asked to recognize India as aaIweretroneofehisestrengthiduringvth drawn up ?s a result of two I sister antd sovereign republic. cation, anid the permit tags issued next two weeks.wek zs~a speeches delivered by Dr. J. T. ITelclsae ntwhhWtSyesterday. but students who failed+-cHediin e a we en hcalo Sunclenland of New York, author - "~-" apended to a copy of the Blain('d1 to file applications for permit re- Icniin4et eurneo of "India in Blondage" which was ( resolution, after taking Cognizance newas will be given anl opportun-thbldetruefowic le by imeEngishlimInda.of the demands of the people of ! ty to do so this week, Mr. Rea .said Iwas treated several years ago. -uprssd yth Eglshii nda. With much protest, .le finally .suessed Iwo poe tth !India for freedom madle through t herNaioaCngesecmer;_ilddothiprtniisfi rUnitarian church, pointed out that -' ~" -erNtima ogesDcme' Basktbll Scores I-fyildedhto thesiiprnitis his "the background of India's desire 31 at Lahore, 'states that the un-1 aseelIfmilyof h Spsi Ciant andas- I orfredm is n heaniqiy i ''.~r- designed students of the University Ilmn;s 19. Ohio State 15. cae fteSpeeCut n and perfection of India-n civiliza- r<: , ,of Michigan amnd citizens of An i Pittsburgh 33, Montanai. State 37.willtrgotint.GarfiseldHpitaldtere * ) ~Arbor, Michigan, at this meeting, Manhattan College 24, Yale 18. frtetet ti xetdta tion, whichm contrasts acutely with ;.!wti ek ewl esfiin- %he many barbaric customns which IK-- support wholeheartedly India s il___relevedtogohtstofreed____addloowithin a week, hevilleffcNot idpnetWsenper"Dr-Idisfavor on any attempt on theu~ra trXf 1 Carolina, where he will rest. Sun derland poin ted out aspeccts of # )- art of Englanid to resort to mii- -LstJnin ekndcn th1rsswiheit oa nIi I laiticato ymc edema-I/~dition caused by tie high t ei~on~ wh ri hichhre et t oabrigoven- ,,! tca'j fatinwhc w ee uder xhich. - lehad been pushing 1dia and the difficulties in England ! i,' , solmtely out of harmony with the . Ithe wr fteSpeeCut mrenit from keeping its promises to . Americas, principles of democracy. cinttwo viet hisbrthwereknCiHe I _"" .. ._ __ r ..,, _, Aud ndannaioalstlede, Acony of this resolution was sentIinat, hodid as/wek iI