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December 20, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-20

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.1iVIDAY, PECEMBER 20, 19'"'9




Publication in the fBulletin is constructive notice to all members n
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- ;.I N ISG 19 B '
dent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. in. Saturday) ff
Y01. il__A\ruPEay I AT CEREMONY,29Sl 0 4
C H MNColiegc of L~itera ture, S*riv'e, a wl th t Art . I'r speetijc Can ia tes Appointees Inducted into Sacre;1
:fur the Cowlbiold (orm: Atteil~i,,;i caltcd to tlhe fact. 'that the College by Piusi; Papal
. .cholarshxip requirement tar -ackrpi s~ciu to ; a. Y of thae combined ceo'irse
withl the professiona!l i~olhts lia:-tb c rai ed. beg'inini with September, Secretar)y Assists.
1930, and hereafter one-half move bouor point.s th an hours are required
rather than one-third mre al,~ c~,tn case i the past. NoticU of, INCREASES NUM NBER TO 63
this change was annol:,xled ayeac tit al-aio, and is contained in all of h rne-nonenn~sftV, tre~ er - - --fEcl Crinl Wt
PIOp I .J(YWUS, 'Crosscs,


Pr es. I Ioovcr'ls Plan for Stuidy
of Conldition'., in Ha-iti

to be Voted on.




FT'a1.k r it}' Coiuie t{° uIc~l~:;.1 . 4m eir and Thcmar ;Cord , arid aps.
L. Donnelly have b een p1a.:ed oni -tebati;l f(cr-r wienainder Cfth
schiool year for ireg.lilti jPt uec, ion wJtihtherwork <is ipwenbrs. fW oh):oePf)n(oua.,c' Ar ~b. .r''DC; luv
' PA. D1AWtx1 S, ecrctiiy Tiuti toaly ipoed tth. rrd ht '1 i~~ i lr( iila wl
Alembers of the Unier sit1'±ltff : 1r.AlfC( de fieawilSX 'Wyh1d(2rinas.tu
lecture and conldut. a (t)lmrltatofl U Icl ;, lthaic~r (dinL il , the iflduct-U-",° thf-t into te acr uu ed l-
at ea Scece aucditorrjtij ron :00 to 9:01 . il., ovm FP~k'ldyv Jau- lege o liiYW'(- of the chrel.
nary 10. Mirr ograplw;t inlfoi'uaion for alvv))uu.cmneWt.to htereted; The pilifl was assited in the
classes will be isuted prior to the m:)eti~g. Dr. Adler is being brougt
to Ann Arbor by the Childr e's build of Michigan in cooperation ,wit iNalyrem e co w istorwas hlprynE-
the Society for the Scietific Study, of Ch~arter. olyi h ossoilhib
Purther information coI)cerin-1T the flocl arrangemeicits for' Dr. Ad- Crdinal Gasparri papal secretary
li's visit ma^y be obtainied fromi the undrsignled, of state. The cardinals were intro-j
,, ;(duced singly to the pontiff, who
11 !art! C. Os.on, 4-203 U. II. then endowed them twith thea eps-"Xzf:
Uniiversity lWoten in AnotArbor IPoring Vacation: There arc "ea owth pcorlcrs, h
oral good opportunities to Wor in An Arbor during the vacation.I cardinalate cord of red and gold. I
If any girls are I.tcrcsted please cal me at 3316 on : iday nmining. < and the red beretta or skull ca . Above are shown the members ot the Washington naval delega ti
Byri FjX Iacer. Adcv isr of Women Th e adn~ eeteP-I time in WCashinton to lay plans for the January disarmament co lit
triarch of Lisbon, Msgr. Emanuele s(,jarles F. Adams, scrtary of nav: Senator David A. Reed of Penn
Inidustria[lIHygiene, Course 249: As seveal tudents have expressed Gomales Cerejeira; Archbishops cretary of state; Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas; and Dwig
a desire to elect this course, which has been offered only during the Lavitrano of Palermo, Sicily, Mino- Mexico.
firlst semester, this couirse will be g;i\vefl durring the .'ec(,tid semester retti of Genoa, MacRory of Ar-!----------.
T... & Thr. at I o'clock, room 133, West Medical building. 2 lhrs. credit:mah, relndandVerierof orl
Dr. E.W ii c Paris, ard Msgr. raei, , papal S PE IR fais Gru
nuncio at Berlin. IW l
anld ayci wiirts ;.i11 be AFeitd D"j I t r 2( i;.tto Jiua6ry 4, incluive, ad e rdlals to 63, of whom 3are of w~lf I nnin r~Im en on 1930 Prgram1I
nill beoe oaiyn'I]Vef d ~thr iuifo+:uitiou mway be ob- non-Italian nationaity and 30 Ital- IIl l~ iiluhf~11
tained at room! 1224, Eat:; Fnvcr vh n; irbr'imtdhv-'.a1.).he ~United States has four U LIIIUS~1IU! e1tin;; January 3 as the date
J. L. Morison r('Jarsentativcs in the collge, -- for iheir firtt meetig of tile coill-
----------Archbishops O'Connell of Boston,
Ecojojies 171 Ths c urs niy e eectc~l~xih E ono ics52 ~eDou hleity of Philadelphia, Hayes For mecr Schools Sliitcicnca nt lug ya, the Instigate of W ord 1
second semester by eligible studeiiis. The Monday two o'clock confl ico e ok n udli f Vniae yJug a' tar nDtothsscrda
will be adjusted. ! ieg.Grayhsfu ad Negative Dcishs noigltof neraionll
R11Brgs i inals, while Fance has : even. ~nwn Ulil to addess them at a I
II.Jrgs IAfter imposition of the berretta,1 cofivmetnstruotI
EVENTS TODAYl~ the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon; WAS OUSTED FROM PO 0S ' r Offv ietig houhu
New Exhriition in Ars'itecrtur~riI Burildinlg: There has .low been ins' read, in the mne of his compare- the yar il the Statler Hot. On
l nc a xibaition of oIirjial pencil drawings by N'ew York artistsos, a spec, .h of profound brat- flv A.ds ; t") th c a te set for their first meeting
a-n la cl1tiide for the pontiffs benevolence.? CHICAGO, Dec. 11. --For nearly 19thesekrwl eNwo
in the ground-floor gallery of te Are~itechiral building. Ttepublic ih 90tesekrwl eNwo
is cordiit ly invitecd. pnc~rys:atpta dy, from 9 to 5. The .,tpel)reptliedl that he wii ltvo years, William MAndrew had D l3aker, frer Secretary of War
Ope (ady:~cepin; Siuays gateurtha h wa prmite, ' ou t to disprove cares tati'c- Among other proinnt m.!eto
Soco'oy f)~: Ishll V'1 1" O~lt t kel) usomay Fid~y lliek raise to te college such worthy;
houtrs. Will all students reg}istr1,d in Course 201 make arairements ji'5 to h"v [1h gle'sie i i Ute I Tl)~y lc teWlo diitain
l'^ 'r rh 2aesole im drirPthefistwecc 11iivrsary of is priesthood. 1928, as suprhn~nidei; of schools, Who twill tak on Titse World Court."
fo itenmnt cf(,__ )~ l n onctm urn h irtwe "When we see that. Th-tulgal. gad Wednesday hie was vindcica ted adr. s the discus-,ii society late
after Chrltnas vacation?' {Franice adIead l tl n.adwl
Alice W. .rjer allsuperiorl court1.Ital andill b lHariry . Collis, !ead of
alGermany rejoice with us.it ~i uprirhout.depart ment of comnerce at the11,Iob<Nlut.0.1l,.!einttathsjysoxtsv IMorWlamaeTopor' x
Uocwiuag for j rwnren: .il.rysinot be open ll ievdtthtti O,50(Xni' ayrlamale Thumpsi te ~j of Pennsyvana; Paul
~~hebowiur aleysWil to a. ad so iiitUisC., is tint.0conlfirmation ade one of these charges i tec 3liishird associate editor of the
CQOtN(; +..I EENS LO Dt rchotftddiice"Httit was turbulent chool sq uabble In fhe altrt:C ladi CarleS L. Husscy,
Economic 171: Th examina ion Mond y, Jl nln.iry 6,with) tvthey1 were.elevated latefed ultersuofe1of21-9thatha thee text: reeireareairalirof thehe U;. S.
tllth1025 A atroel: tooIIN.S.kiu.;usedQ,105'A I.;ntavy.t The subjectthy Wres to bev. he udectscubedicu d.d
inbh olwn 'o~ oI,~ .Ad;..' I to the l:puple at <a nonentrm wh ckuedin the Cicago scools aall of them having an international
25 A. H. _. thouhts fluried to the huuiiia- ere "pro-British." soe ilcvrsc ilsa
} im alsr dtSuffearins of the "Divie; As to tills charge, the court sud "Thec United States and Latin Am-
heicuefor the Michiganlensian will be taken te Kig thehetalestl] atl ileil.nothin,for it clned to Cei:<iiiIlCe'i."ANwWolEcn is,
l He Tepcur lstj1i said the dign ty of the cari- the '0 or so book, offered in cvi- ad "Cina'i1 Strugle for Free-.
Wednaesday after vavationl, January , at 12:15, at Speddingl's studio. uilate connotes sacrifice and mlar- due ug uoPmdcdd
Parntsandfrindsof hidre inI~htli C's reivtdt tyrcom bcause, as the ritual de-'the matter on two principal points~
fa~rents :end freedthey must be rinadyytoin"Grass arrstiwas Mo fidrew iarubordinatet berreadu bbs"Lecture.
oapen. lesson onl Saturday moring, December 21, at 10:15,) in theitu nddfedI {fcucheent istv- cnrwi~sbrbae la, ~a cue
of ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t thsomnsAtlti-uldn. n p hirboa. nd seecod lhe was given due legal
of th W o m e 's At letic b uil i n g , i n g t p th e r tenim p rtedn o tiv e o f th e ch arg es. o i a f t o J v
The Lhilippine-M1 ihigan Club will have a special smeeting Sunday I apost o ti ffc b slv'ssihath n di rted this T e dcsinaeed b~ i-
afternoon, 3:00 o'clock, at Wesley hal. (:partinents~, where tie new cardi- tie negative and granted a wr 1 t: Dr. Carl L. Hubs, curator of
.. .. . --- - - - - -_ nos actually recivedt from hliiii that wrote "void" on the ouste' andl fises at the Unversity iuseum
" E H CLHOPE TO MAKE 'M C A IC LfRAIN t'de rd skull caps. Emel(rging later, squashed all r cords of tie ase buiding, pke to the assembled
theac cs~rinl wert e ( by delia- When word (,f the court' aCtioh s~emtbir's of the StaltI yesterday a-
IORE ACCURATE AND EFFIC1IENT lions of(Atfriends aid relatives and iw'ds tcived(, counsel or MAn-; erif.)il lat a (o'cloc , iing his sumi-
- ---_-- ----- _ teetlc.Sinatis. drew apelar!A before Jud e hor--c' Li oJ'v atatpc
{Ii' A~5UCjtcJr)cd ", aic I Tre icr'niiy ,leas atnc, yva lorandmlwo~elto dnis ' t Y 0A.111!li)'e Colored ses er-
} in nidol ty Iintr'i'pap l our bu M luste s $25000') t i l _rist1 14 1 et r) i~ u tle tu'e, to lltrAnite'?
"fiiiechaik-al Jbra~n i' s olanc'''c b a li;'el)ln4t s a' Cit ~ "pr Maoritihomsn b lo tei ',it,_ } . ,. 'so
8 t ','iviac t is the parl i llie;it le!d to t the *)(. r.t.i Ciz(,tyand'p-ritih'tx t ook! car" . d l a]'a, oren(ratwg
to school, so to speak, to ca iii t ta ue hdhw i.jgWge spcal
eqluivalenlt of a college degree. ts ia cultban o Ltnurh~ ~is oitito oror".cly " ,°'°' pr"'" ''*"^ "+" ^+ '"
Thog oiie mehnc l atisit traveling? To draw this LYoNCH COt iatoi hnoe
Thouhs meinc~ali dil ~lciotof Ute few cardinas. ERILL.YCH&
charanl s requiring a year or more,'.;mti In a graph oil paper-- an- showbet4
_ tin' ,ipeed of' the electron at each Ruthvcn Will Attend h
to conlehte, the "brain,"' scientific, p it. i:s the problem handed to the' . New York~ Stock xclang
marvel developed by Massachusetts maechaniical brain, whose collegiate Zoology Convention Chicago Stock Exchange
made ten turnes as accur'ate alld The equations are potdo w ee ie r ftezooyd-i {
_ntiue .. ehnlgywl b aeister rout 7-Int-gAh. ......-..-- pttdontw.evn..ri(r8o the ool, ticn -.I3Clevel' °. 0An Stock Exh9.ng

r ;-VSIINGTON, Dec. 19J. - - Thic
'° wL c r esolution to carry out
Prs1nt IT1 viv' :w u fr a study
of conditions ;i 1)i rr -;(Adtat
I -'i sen-ate side of U'w Captol t1.)
I day andi was made the newest addi-
tion to the list of subjects slated by
th. Et clhaahnbc 'for action after
l-lous~ approval of the measure
(Wednesday has placed it squarely
bef ore the senate, which body usu-
ally interests itself deeply in all
matters per taining to foreign rela-
tions, and although senators so far
have had but little to say on the
subject, it is expected considerable
dis cussion will develop.
Associated Pveoac Photo Ti rvdtechei h
zn, who assembled for the first Thspoe te caeite
erence in London. Left to right: hue hr twscle pwt
ylvania; Henry L. Stimson, se- ind catiorns pointing to speedy ac-
,t W.V Morrow, ambassador to 4 ion without extended debate. Mem-
____ ers, however, engaged in a verbal
row in which Representative Moore,
SDemhocrat, Virg inia, accused Rep-
STRE S E ONOM C IYor~k. of having injected the racial
pquestioni into the issue. The New
A9T FARHM MEET IN P orker had proposed that a Negro
e i member of the commission.
i BeorePiedebipsubsided, Rep-
resentatve Oscar De Priest, Negro
Seventeenth Conference of State Republican, Illinois, took the floor
Agricultural Association ! and made his first regular speech
Addrxessed. y Hibbaird. }ii tile house,.lHe supported the
p resident'5 posit ion and advocated
^ - that one i enber of the commis-





EAST LANSING, Dec. 111"-'l'1c I his sc-it, De Priest said hie wished
seventeenith coitecrencee of Michn- I the mnembers of tile minority were
ganl Agricultural extensionn workersj as solicitouts about the "black peo-
closed today with continued em plc of America" as they were about
phasis 01n farmn econmis. h: , of i~ii



Dr. B. 11. Ilib a-d, Ullive)I'sitY of
\ViSCODSin economliSt, was the 11a,0i
speaker on the Program which inl-
eluded Dr. Victor R Gardner, dhi-
rector of the Michig-an State col-
loge experiment station. 13. D. Dei'-
rick, representative of tile federal
farm board. Dr. E. L. Austil, head
obf the M.S.C. education departrncnt.,
anad Football Coach Jan-cs 11.
ICounty a gents Wedniesday naight
honored A. 13. Love of slaginaw
county and Carl 1-1. Iheinstreet of
IOccana county as the "mos~xt dis-
tiguishecl" agents for 1929-

l1t>tra t; U.t ;i.c1.t1 i.


New York Listed
Private Wire Connections
twith all Markets
Securities bought or sold con
com, nission b irs
Tielephone 225<'11
Brown-Cress & o.


All Steel Palace
Leave I P. m.
and Reservations
at the

have three ctilles its present ;Scope.
Theli "brah)" isi electrical up-)1
paratus which solves problems tool1
complex for the human mind, andI
does, in eight minutes to a few
hours, computations that would
1keep an engineer busy from a
month to a year.
It is rnot a toy, but is used in
:npplicd industry. Itis maker, who
ilow is ecxpaiidirig its usefulness, is
Dr. Vaninevar 'Bush, professor of
electric power transmnission.1
One of the latest illustrations of }
its usefulness is in picturing action
of the energy that flows at almost
inceonceivable velocity in every,
lighited radio tube. This energy is l
in streams of electrons. Mlathe-
matical equations treat the per-
formnance of thesecelectrons and

sheets oh paper,, whichi arcluidoilonparimcut irtduniig vtiuaeiu.
two small tables, wich each moves Alexander Grant Ruttiven, will at-
slowly forward beneathl a cylinder, tend the meetings of the American
This part of the brain looks much!1 Association for the Advancement
like a very small scale mangle :for? of Science .Dec. 27 to Jan 2 at Des
ironing clothes. Moines, Iowa.
Pointers connected withl the cyl- The mene are Presidenit huthven,
inders follow the path of tile plot- head of the department, and Pro-1I
ted line on the paper, and as they fessors George R. LaRue, A. Franik-
mlove, cause fluctuations in an elec- lia Shull, Paul S. Welch, Frank N.
trical current. 'This fluctuating Blanchard, Harry W. H-an, and
power is transferred to apparatus Peter 0. Okkelberg.
that moves two pencils upon an- Prof. George E. Nichols, head of
other sheet of paper. One pencil the department of botany at Yale,
draws the graph of thle electrons I will visit Professor Welch Dec. 27
path.; the other shows their speeds.j and 29, on his way to the Des
______________--Moines, meeting..
A student at the University of-- -
South Dakota commutes by air-i The freshman women at Mar-
plane, as he lives sixty miles from I uette University are required to
the campus. wear the traditional "frosh" cap.

!!i +

New Y urk Curb Market
Accounts Carried on Couscryative Margin
20 Frt atlBank Phone 4294
IT __ _____ __ _ i

Wishes You
The Season 's Greetings
During the


In the i'c nter ceiling fixture, a .-"bwatt
bulb p ~vides proper kitchep illunu-
nation. The multitude of ®ousehold
rtasks carried on in the kitch n demand
that shadpws be reduced to a mini-
mium. Th 100-watt bulb i + ample for
kitchens 4~f ordinary size, $upplying a
bright, ge 1eraz light that greatly facili-
tates the preparation of meals. In
large kitchens, a 1 50-w tt bulb is
preferred. For kitch~en w l brackets,
6t.=watt lamps are recommenlded.



Would thoroughly enjoy one



Show them your Univcrsity in thfinest set of pic-



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