THURSDAY, DECEMERP. 19, 1 ICH 14:1 1"r ~A, A l VA VAM -m-0 W-11- vz , V r -- * M AT HOR H AS N EW TT(T|TV LOC AL SHOPS DISPLAY SUGGEST IONS O BO PUBLISHED'SUD [T ITAL LEAL S FOR ATTRACTIVECHRISTMAS GIFTS CHA 4 9I UIS 09NC HS, UTHO < PvB ISH ! S Uan ITT U rc Ufl (® Rfl19 Recent tiis to various local shades of brown, range~ and gold. ! 1 + 19 ISS O N 'Isoshv ileifraina WIL A PA O N LH L H A E SIU~ _L D IGto the mostpoua gifts to please : h ay hp r T w3---- the feminine heart on Christmas who smokes, many shops are show- ing graduated ash trays with novel Miss Florence Boycheff Sings on Prominent Women Lawyers Are day. For evening wear rhinestone decorations and lighters and pack- Invest A I 1 S F H~ l LEi I A E-T, tdns ocr ooayMmeso and crystal jewelry is in more de- Third Students Concert Honorary Members ofan er s a prssof age holders of leather to match. Off madta vr a r usso Gloves, of course, are alwysac .-~ ---Series. Kappa Beta Pi. either sequins or brilliants in the c ee Thisyearte asa-o Orchesis Will Bring European --- rectangular shape. are opular. Pigskin gloves, to de- / p ~~~~~~~~A pleasing combination of pocket ar oua.Pgkngoet1e Artists in Public Recital Y.44 SELECTIONS ARE VARIED MEMBERS TOTAL 1,600 booiseasn cmiati n is suge t g the collegiate taste are racle WIL January 9 and 10. -- -- s up in three ways, button, short, The third concert on the Stu- Commemorating their Founder'slong and slip-on. There are hand- Unu TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE dents Recital Series was given by Day, Xi chapter of Kappa Beta Pi, SELECTION OF kerchiefs of all kinds from pra-vestig !cal linen to flimsy dance ones inI --- Miss Florence Boycheff, '30SM, mez- legal sorority, held its annual RE VOLUMES "" i'e past coloxs Detroi Kreutzberg and. Georgi Were zo-contralto, on Monday night, De- pledge services at 5:30 Tuesday, Along the line of leather goods those Accorded Highest Praise cember 16, in the School of Music I afternoon in the Kalamazoo roomn DEMANDS CARE are "line-a-day" books, purses, ests lie in Previous Tour. y - !auditorium. Miss Boycheff, who is of the League building. Virginia d sets, and clocks in leather who a ____L. Dell, '32L, and Charlotte C. Dun- ! cases. Several of the book stores tosa Juilhard scholarship student, is L.are also showing book covers in tion o Stl ovrdwthtegor fapuirfThooeHarsn nebacke, '32L, were the new pledg-1 Many Professors Use Displays bih ete. Jwlyawy a Still covered with the glory of -. ae ee e e SP ia pupil of Theodore Harrison. ('{bright leather. Jewelry always mas v~ their first American tour, Harold , 7Especially well-received by the es. A dinner in their honor fol- As Means of Illustrating makes a pleasing gift, and along Arthu Kreutzberg and Yvonne Georgi will audience was Schumann's "Frauen- followed the ceremonies. Miss Mary Courses for Students. with the wide selection of costume of soc appear . at 8:30 o'clocl( Thursday Liebe Und Leben," a group of eight Francis, '29L, of Detroit, addressed jewelry much mosaic is being Rese the pledges. "We have two purposes in mind fown. and Friday, January 9 and 10, in Mary Roberts Rhinehart. German love songs, and Tschaik- Kappa Beta Pi, which was es- when we select exhibits: we try to - - emplo the Lyndia Mendelssohn theatre, Unfailingly popular among wom- owsky's "Was I Not a Blade of tablished at Michigan in 1920, has MINIATURES ARE the Y under the auspices of Orchesis, en readers who has recently pub- Grass Upon the Plain." Mrs. Grace the distinction of being the oldest choose those pertinent to events UNCatho which is the organization made up ished a new book, "The Roman- Kauffman Snyder accompanied legal sorority. It was founded on going on at the time, but more of- USEDment o womnfiterstedinthda ,t Dec. 15, 1908, by 10 members of the ten to show the students the un-p DURING FESTIVAL ossib - Miss Boycheff, and no en- Chicago-Kent College of Law. The usually fine material in this room The a Miss Georgie is considered one of E e T A cores were given. The complete purpose of the sorority is to pro- to which they have no access," stat- Santons, the collections of min- studen the outstanding modern dancers of REV1E W ST A 1 E { program was as follows: mote a high professional standard alperson Germany, and was a member of ,TIl Mio Bel Foco-Marce lo. among women law students, and ed Ella M. Hymans, who is in charge nture figures of Biblical charactersz STUDENT LOANS Chi Vuol La Zingerella--Pasiello to add, by educational and social of the rare book room at the main connected with the Nativity, which with v bhe o i ch so man e ! ATSotto Il Ciel--Sibella. enjoyments, to the interests which Library. are a Christmas tradition of Pro- blanks leading dancers of Middle Europe Nebbie-Respighi. they have in common. Many requests are made by pro- vence in the southern part of and fu have come. d__dE 'Frauen-Liebe und Leben-Schu- Since its founding, 39 chapters fessors as an effective means France, were first introduced at the en's Cae . . mann. t ahave been established in leading I of illustrating their fields to the I end of the eighteenth century. The Depar Career is Accident According to a review issued re-collees and universities. Several students The present displa Tiny figures were made of plaster The Born in France, and trained for cently by the Harmon Foundation, the Plain-Tschaikowski. alumnae chapters have also been of earl mathematics was a and were painted to -represent the ing th the career of a concert pianist, it funds advanced to needy college The Last Hour-Kramer. established with the result that the request from Professor Karpinski Virgin, the infant Jesus, the shep- be use was pureyby accdn ht isI!sorority now has a total of 1600 prequest fromwiProfessore parpinsai Georgi tok up dancing, when dur- students for educational purposes Come Down to Kew-Deis. r by Wih s ation of of the mathematics department, as Ierd the wvse men, the pope, c in co- ing the War she was asked at one!are considered an investment rath- By a Lonely Forest Pathway- a chapter at Osgoode Hall Law being of interest in connection pasns. These were placed in a variou time to substitute at a festival for er than a form of philanthrophy. Griffes. School, Toronto, Canada, in 1925, with the meeting of the American tiny stable, with the Christ-child S ti o a dancer who ha been taken ill. Seven years of field experience con- __- ___ Kappa Beta Pi became the first Mathematical Association now being i un a miniature manger surrounded doing The objections of her parents to I I international legal sorority. There- held. Professor Godspeed of the by all the others. This "creche, orplan following dancing as a career stitutes the basis for this state-' SECOND TRYOUTS. is now a chapter in Paris, France. Bible department has made effec- crib, was the Christmas tree of the half d caused her to run away from home ment.F The Hon. Florence B. Allen, of tive use of the cases to have rare' French children. of wh in order to study at a school in I It was the purpose of the late FOR PLAY BEGIN the Supreme Court of Ohio, andi New Testament Bibles displayed The history of making these san- I be fill Hellerau. A short time later, she William E. Harmon, the founder, to AFTER VACATION many other women prominent in for examination by his students.|tons has been a very interesting I work joined Mary Wigman's ensemble. prove that students were potential-{ - -- the law profession are honorary With the idea of the illumination I one. Often certain molds were the Profes It was at thit school that Kreutz- ly a sound business risk, and, after Second tryouts for parts in the members of Kappa Beta Pi. I of old manuscripts, Professor Dun- precious envied possessions of one are u berg and Miss Georgi first met,; transferring such enterprises from Junior Girls' Play will be held from -- .lap has asked for exhibits. family for years. Today the great- I ter un but at this time they had nothing the field of philanthrophy to that 3:30 to 5:30, beginning Monday. Council Calls Delayed During the recent celebration of I er part of the work is done by Mle. leen J more in common than being pupils of business, to give the student him- Jan. 13, and, extending through .a the 50th anniversary of Edison's Marguerite Gastin of Marseilles who bation at the same school. Later, Keutz- self training in financial responsi- Wednesday, Jan. 15. Cards have 3 Rushing Total Falure! invention of electricity, an exhibit models clever figures for the mod- record berg went to the Hanover Opera as bility. been sent to those who are to be on early science, light, and elec- ern children of Provence who loves a member of the ensemble and .iss Character has been the basis of called back a second time. Deferred rushing by sororities tricity was presented. The original their "creches" as dearly as did Nea Georgi became ballet master at credit in the work of the founda= On the first day, women whose and fraternities at the University water color by Mary Hamilton those of long ago. of Sw4 Gerax inea theatre subsidized by tion. The foundation has advanced numbers are between 1 and 50 will of Wisconsin has been termed a Frye illustrating the famous chil- - ---- Duke of Reuss. The following year, to students during the last seven try out. Those from 50 to 100 wIll definite faure by tinterfrah dren's book, "Adventures of Nils,', Miss Georgi went to the Hanover y20,38a total of $538t2 hWhile en come on the second day, and those ternity council. Violations of the b y Se ac erlof wa a New Spring SI ' Opra t arrnge numer oyears$20a38tothalou382t hileombut from 100 to 160 on the third, rushing rules were the chief ob- ularlyelattratie rrangemeanc for'pin S Ope a to arrange a number of at-i$2ueunderfthescont asm$228,756 Each junior who is returning for jections registered against the rChildren's Book Week. g lets and Kreutzberg frt w oe'ha d edyehecnrats,$22, second tryouts, is requested to pre- rushing plan that was inaugrat- Most of the material in the roomn IInFet the g k has already been repaid and only pare a dialogue, which must be ed this year. . s uh by the University, but Made on Head ,.tgte.$4,500 of the delinquent todal due rsne hte h styn u .t h ra eli bandb it.1 Mc I SE A Dancers Combine Talents. is considered doubtful of collect dfor, the chorus or a place in the Pile dwellings attributed to the a gea deal is obtainedyMdice CKINSEY tA Last season the two dancers com- without legal action. cast. Stone and Bronze Ages have beenII 227 South State bined their talents and came to The foreword to the review con- discovered during partial drainage by Dr. Pilcher, was a gift of the 1 America for a seven weeks concert eludes by saying that, "As a resui, Betsy Barbour held its winter of Lake Redro in Italy. author to the room. -o - - tour. A sensational reception was of this ,experience it would seem formal dinner Saturday night. An ~ accorded Kreutzberg in New York, I that banking institutions would be ! attractively decorated Christmas when he was presented for a quite justified in making properly tree and a log lire enhanced the single recital by Max Reinhardt, administered educational loans to prevailing Christmas spirit. during the run of the Reinhardt! rigorously qualified students in --e _ -- ,production of "A Midsummer! lected colleges and universities." Night's Dream." The foundation feels that it has Christmas Kreutzberg and Miss Georgi are gone further than demonstrating Kac-redited with a repertoire of 1001 the soundness of student loan pa--1 Presents dances, and received the highestj per, but has also shown to the stu- praises from New York and Chi- dent the value of personally estab- JAMES FOSTER cago papers during their tour last lishing a sound credit rating dur- House of Art season. According to the opinions ing his early life, and of budgeting of the two dancers, and of those) his expenses so that he may oper"- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN who have seen them work together,! ate his affairs on a business basis. their partnership is an ideal one. ----.-- -- ----_---------- Mail orders for tickets are now being received at the Mendelssohn.I theatre bqx office, telephone 6300. ~ Seats arepriced at $2.50. $2.00, $1.50, H oliday FrOc s AID OF JUNIORS H lda rok ASKED FOR PLAY! t INCES OPEN FRH RK INRESEARCH igation of Unemployment ered by Women's Bureau f Labor Department. L FILL OUT BLANKS sual opportunities for the in- ation of employment among t women will be afforded women students whose inter- e in the sociological field, and re willing to give over a por- f their time during Christ- acation to the work, Prof. r E. Wood, of the department iology, announced yesterday. arch work in the fieldof un- yment is being conducted by .W.C.A., the Association of lic Women, the state employ- department of Detroit, and ly one or two other agencies. im of the project is to have ts Interview unemployed s at the offices of there or- tions, and to obtain material which to fill out appropriate , which have been prepared Irnished by the Federal Wom- 3ureau of the United States tment of Labor. resulting material, indicat- e extent of the problem, will d in seeing what can be done -ordinating the work of the s agencies. dents who are interested din this research work should o spend about two or three ays in working on the blanks, ch there will be about 500 to ed. Inquiries concerning the can be made at the office of sor Wood, 208 Ec. Those wbo able to take care of the mat- til later may see Mrs. Kath- . Lowrie, of the women's pro- department at the Detroit er's court. rly one-eighth of the surface eden is covered with lakes. hades T SHOP St. PAL l t x r ; Lucile Strauss, '31, dance chair man of the Junior Girls' Play, re quests that any junior women wh have had experience with stag dancing, chorus routine, tap dane ing, or who are familiar with musi cal comedy steps get in touch wit] her today at 9814. Those who ar unable to reach her todaysma; {write to her during Christmas va. cation at 4003 Hazelwood Ave., De troit. Furs and Fur Coats Makeup, Repaired, Re- modelled and Relined Prices Reasonable E. L. Greenbaum 448 Spring Street Phone 9625 - righten Your Christmas - IM 41 * h kr _ $16501$ 16135 The surest way to enliven your holiday mood is with a new frock or two . . . and when you see - our holiday dresses of canton crepe, chiffons and velvet, you'll feel like a new gay person. I& - - w w w m mm w" F.' -- r! L , "I.w'k"w froli'cs- fimsof everything Lfull o£ photographs for only five dollars in the tuichignensian Be Sure to Get A Genuine Bonat Permanent Wave G i If