----------------------- TR7 tv "M f""- lw -- - . . H - - II aVS ..R v a ~~I i f 4 a.AT (V"4- af r~ .uarr 4, "42 -- 4" V.L - i2m Published every morning except Monday, luring the nniversityyear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. ' The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republiation of all news dis- atches credited to it or not otherwise credited orthis paper.and the local news published' Iherein. Entered at the ;ostoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, :as second iclass matter. Special rate of postage gr.nted by Third Assistant Post- waster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.30. Offices: Antn Arbor Press Building, May- lard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.l EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman ......George C. Tilley City Editor.... . .Pierce Rosenberg .ews Editor. ........Donald .1. Rline Sports Editor ... ....Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor......... Ca."am A. Wilson Music and Drama........William J.Gorman Literary Editor..........Lawrence -R. Klein Assistant. City Editor......Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper i Henry J. Merry I William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bare David li. Nichol Maxwell Bauer William Page Mary L. Belymner Ioward i. Peckham Benjamin 11. Berentsottlugh PierceI Allan H. Berkmean Victor Ra>inowitz Arthur J. Bernstein Johu D. Reindel S. Beach Conger eannie Rbherts Tiiolbas V. Cooley Joseph A.\Russell John H. Denier loseph Ruwitch Helen Domine William P. Salzarulo Margaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl Katharine Ferrin S. Cadwell Swanson Sheldon C. F ollerton Jane Thayer Ruth Geddes \[argaret Thompson Ginevra Gin Richard L. Tobin ack Goldsmith Elizabeth Valentine Jorris Groverman harold s. Warren, Jr. Ross Gustin Charles White Margaret Harris G. Lionel Willens David B. Ienpstead John F_ Willoughby . Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise ean Levy' Barbara Wright ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magee BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR.E Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising...........'1. IHollister Mabley Advertising............ Kasper' 1-. Halverson Advertising.......... ,.... Sherwood A. [Upton Service...................George A.'Spater Circulation .......... ,......*Vernor Iavis ccounts ... . ...... ohnR . Rose Wublications.....George Hamilton Assistants Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey Robert Crawford Thomas Muir Harry B. Culver George Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eiiezer I.ee Slaytonr ames Hoffer Toseph Vano Riper s orris Johnson kobert Williamson Charles Kline Wiliam R. Worboy, Business Secretary-XIary Chase Laura Codling Alice McCully# Agnes Davis S'la miller Bernice Glaser H lelen E. liisselwhite H1ortense Gooding I leatior \Valkiushaw Dorothea Waterman Night Editor- WALTER WILDS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929I teaching profession must be made more attractive to men of this call- bre if universities are to become finer. To meet this need it would seem logical to divert expansion funds to the raising of faculty sal. 0AED ROLL SLUSH TALK ABOUT THE Music And Dramsa - - THE ONE-ACT PLAY COMPE- TITION LEATHER I aries. - _ wn-WEATHERaThe Thefurther announcement yes- 0 The Rolls Weather Bureau went - 0 1' T e R lls Weat er ure u w nt'terday of the rules for the one-act SUSPICIOUS DIPLOMACY. into session yesterday afternoon ds Diplomats from the five nations and drew up the following report: 1 play competition emphasizes the uppermost in sea will meet For Ann Arbor and vicinity; slush, 1 date of the closing, January 6, the p mud puddles, rain, snow, and wet first Monday after vacation. There in a naval conference shortly after feet. This will last until June 3, at is no over-stating the importance Christmas. The spirit of the sea- which time the University will de- i of the event as an idea, whatever son, universal goodwill, is exceed- clare a two-day holiday because the nature of its results. As has ingly appropriate, but it is quite un- of the phenomenon known as sun- been said before, this contest prov- likely that it will influence the re- shine. ed last year and will prove this year the only effective means ofr spective delegates. Instead, there In the meantime Rolls is con- bringing about practically that co- will prevail a mode of suspicion, ducting a special sale of sand-fill- operation between the several de- that may bring the whole parley to ed buckets at the absurd price of I partments of the University inter- little morer than naught. $8.50 each, to be carried by each ested in the drama necessary to There is nothing particularly new student and gradually sprinkled on the establishment of a real dra- about a naval conference's ending the so-called terra firma. matic tradition at Michigan. There in failure. One has only to remem- . ,* is no questioning the fact that the ber the one in 1927 at Geneva. Dif- What do you think of the new unification of effort which this con-. ficulties arising out of fear of each step called the Campus Walk? It test represents succeeds in making other by the United States and goes like this: step, slide, sit down, articulate the demand for a Uni- Great Britain made a conference get up; step, slide, sit down. This versity Theatre that all can cer- in vain on that occasion. keeps up until you reach one of tainly now recognize. The difficulties between the two your classes, bruised and broken. From the student point of view, have been ironed out, it might be ar- A bucket of sand will cure you of there is the more immediate aim gued, through the Hoover-Mac- this dance. Buy one today. of making available to creative Donald agreement last summer. I * writers that support and self-criti- But there are more than two na- A Daily reporter who is tickety- cism that the synthetic field of tions in the conference. France, tick dinging behind me just stopped production can give. There is no Italy, and Japan must also concur typing long enough to remark that need to urge student co-operation ibefore a conclusion can be reached. if the Student council wants to this year. All creative modesty And those countries are, despite move the University seal in the Li- should have been swept away by all the propaganda about peace and brary so students won't walk on it the soundness and success of the naval disarmament, sharply sus- they'd better put it up on one of project last year. Mr. Rowe, who = picious. Traditional prejudices are the walls of the lobby, teaches the class in playwrighting, still very much alive. Moreover, . * * particularly wishes to emphasize they strongly resent the "under- That would be all right except his hope that the competition will standing" by which United States that there would then be one less be wide in scope, proving the stu- I and Great Britain will be able to tradition for the students to break. dent aspect of the idea to be lively present a concerted front at the Think of all the unhappiness that and vigorous. pending conference, would cause.-0 GOODS For Christmas Gifts. They have distinction and durability -two important requisites- if 'they bear the Mayer. Schairer tag. '1 ! i , I' INSd from +ke 1J+ ~O 1c~ostd14 t d + I 9jCWILIA S. POe 7/ 10 .air- EONStP/I/'t6 ~ue~f~!Ot ..~,.{ . * 0r 4 DAY BEFORE GOING HOME t li-i - FW; r 1' i Bill Folds Wallets Note Books Collar Cases Diaries Bridge Sets Bien's Blue Blowers A Snappy Band Is now open for engagements. JOE BENJAMIN, MGR. 6749 Phone 4310 ;. ' I II II 6[9Poe41 Traveling Sets li' Brief Cases Photo Albums Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying1 GO To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical -d France, Japan, and Italy each fear being over-ridden by the Eng- lish-speaking combine. France and Italy are afraid of an increase of British strength in the Mediter- ranean, and Japan desires an in-! crease in the ratio of its parity with Great Britain and United1 States.s With its own security in mind! each of the three smaller nations might naturally come to the con- ference with thoughts of bucking any concerted action by the Eng- lish speaking powers that would' work to their disadvantage. With all that has been said and printed about the value of univer- sal goodwill, it is most unfortunate that the naval powers cannot cast off jealousies, suspicions and meet! in a common understanding. Per- haps, sometime in the future they, will be able to do so. But that time1 will hardly be next January. 0 'KNOWLEDGE FOR ITS OWN ! £~ P " ~ Can I sell you a bucket of sand? * * * This "Shop Early" business is great stuff if you can afford it. If you can't you'll be interested in the little diagram below, showing an easy way to get Christmas money. * * * This plan, however, is frowned upon by the police. They are even against shopping early. "Don't do your shopping too early in the morning," a sergeant told me yes-- terday, "or you'll have me to deal with." Well, I'd rather deal with you, sergeant, than not play my cards at all. -I guess that'll hold IKKREUTZBERG AND GEORGI. The announcement coming from the Mendelssohn Theatre that Miss Loomis has been able to secure Harold Kreutzberg and his partner Yvonne Georgi, sensational ex- pressionistic dances of the mod- ern German school for a two night appearance in Ann Arbor has met' with enthusiastic response. Many have bemoaned the fact that ex- ponents, good &r bad, of the in- creasingly important art of the dance have never found their way to this town. That the introduc- tion of this art to Ann Arbor should #be in the capable hands of such well- known artists as Kreutzberg and Georgi is nothing short of a happy miracle. ' The press notices that this Ger- man dance pair has been receiv- ing in Boston and New York fortify our impression of a fortunate co- incidence. John Martin of the New York , Times writes: "It would be difficult to call to mind any other si'nw le tpin in of dncxvln The Mayer- Schairer Company Lowest TERMS to suit. Play while you pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Piano:- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor. Coltimbia, Brunswick Records PI YRAkVi Xt))iS Thtre n t r I Do Your Christmas Shopping Early I~ ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East W;lliam Street Phone 7515 I~ . i I TAKpen Evenings o Shoppers TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SAKE. him.) zagieaggregaton o canoes wnienh FINER, NOT BIGGER Limitation of algebra, romance* * I is its peer for freshness and vi- Yale students, lamenting the languages, and ancient history to SANTA CLAUS LETTER. tality. He particularly called at- ' a exeedng) smal nuberof Letersshoud nt b co- {tenztion to the novel effort of these resignation of Professor Robert D. an exceedingly sa enumber o iLtte sunot e nod- students was advocated recently, strued as expressing the edi- Partners to introduce some sort of~ French, describe it as an irrepar- by Dr. David Snedden, Columbia toal opinion of Rolls-much.) a unity into their recitals: "The able injury to the principle of a I professor of education, before, e igeneral scheme of their perform- "finer, not bigger, Yale." Their Michigan high school principals. Dear Santa Claus: ance was endowed with a novel pa ha happy one. It is a clean The statement, though having Will you please bring us a few unity, which gives logical rise to and hard blow at one of the maj some earmarks of a reasonable so- carloads of sand to fill in the Great the suspicion that perhaps the fallacies of American higher edu- lution of the present educational (Depressions on campus, some new dance recital can be remolded into cation: the fallacy, to which many problems, seems to be an abuse of typewriters for the journalism de- a legitimate theatrical form with universities subscribe, that great Dr. Snedden's much-bruited theory partment, and some Florida weath- the conventional beginning, mid- size is great glory.I of education: that college students er? dle, and end. Part of this effect of It is, of course,enot news that should be taught according to their Hopefully, wholeness was produced byathe since the war there has been a respective objectives: i. e., SAM. homogeneity of the musical back- phenomenal increase in the de- ground. Where we are wont to be xnan forcollge ducaionsandcal, academic, and social. mand for college educations and His idea of grouping students is Here you are, Sam. Be the first invited to skip nonchalantly from for special kinds of college educa- a bit of profound common sense, customer. Buy a bucket of sand! Bach to Debussy to Gershwin to tions. This demand has been ac- but his remark about confining theceto Schubert. all in the scope of an companied by millions of dollars humanities exclusively . to some- A gent in the Lawyer's club sends evening, here the musical setting worth of new teachers, floor space, thing like 10 per cent, indicates me the following item, clipped from was the product both in creation and educational devices. In short, that he had laid down too narrow Tuesday's Daily: "Miss Doris Cary, i and performance of a single musi- American universities have never IcinFrdihWlkes-tsno a path for those in the technical a student at Louisiana State Uni- clan, Frederich Wilckens.-It is not known such a decade of expansion., and social groups. D. Snedden versity, has a tame king snake for to be assumed that the aspect of Now, at last, it appears that the sets too great an emphasis on the a pet" and wants to know if this novelty is forced or superficial; it available supply of college educa- technical and ephemeral, on the is due to a shortage of parlor is perhaps not so much a novelty tions has overtaken the demand, material and the current. He would!snakes. as simply the outward manifesta- and that the demand has slowed have the students Fliving Wholy * * tion of a vigorous creative imagin- down to a normal increase or stop- in the present, their eyes closed to SHOPPING HINTS. ation which is part of the endow- ped increasing altogether. A ped the past with its wealth of experi- I can't help heckling you about! ment of both dancers." He con- riod of assimilation is at hand Christmas because it won't be long cludes a long enthusiastic analysis ence and wisdom,.ihtiscmlmet g tewn when university presidents can sur- Appropriate advice comes from now. If you're not sure what to with this compliment: "In the work vey the post-bellun growth, lop Professor A. E. R. Boak of the Uni- give, say, a student, here is a par- of , these dancers combining as it off the freaks it has produced, con- versity, who recently told Phi Kap- tial list that should help you. Hip does the standards of sincerity and solidate, and adjust the largeness pa Phi initiates that "one of the boots, snowshoes, skates, skiis, substantiality that characterize of the present institutions to ante- chief faults of American universi- slickers, diving suits, boats, and modern art, with the polish and bellum academic standards. I ties is that their administrative of - hot water bottles. A bucket of graciousness of the classic dance, Our fear is that the expansion I ficers are too much influenced by sand would also be a nice gift. there is seen a hopeful promise for has taken such firm root in the materialistic considerations in the $8.50, delivered. the future of dancing as a real minds of the university-minded planning of curricula. th * art."I that new buildings, new schools "Knowledge should be taught at Several days ago I disclosed the The critic for the Boston Evening and departments, new educational a university for its own sake," he system by which Junior Girl play Transcript had an interesting diag- devices, and new research projectsI said further. "Every person who tryouts were to demonstrate their nosis of the audience that may will continue to be added simply would place himself in the category , stuff and I said then that if the shed light on the student reception from the impetus of the*past dec- of the educated needs at least a three minute system worked I'd of these dancers: "The audience ade's big idea. Under the thrilling foundation in the purely academic apologize. Well, I don't have to apo- below the balconies, distinguished' stimulus ' of skyrocketing enroll- studies. Without this factor, one's logize. Some of the girls, I under- socially and sartorially, containing ments, administrators have map- I education is a 'house built on the stand, teamed together, thus tak- not a few of our illustrious Victor-j ped huge expansion programs that sand.' " ing up six minutes of time, and ians abhorring all things modern. will be abandoned with extreme re- The well proportioned system others spent the entire three min- I ist, received the recital with cool- luctance. Donors catching the re- would follow the basic lines of the utes trying to collect themselves ness. Yet I refuse to see in their cent inspiration to commemorate proposed University college. After I sufficiently to talk. But after the reaction a criterion for the Boston something in brick and mortar, will a survey of the humanities the stu- first hour the system went by the future before Krentzberg and Geor- be hard to loosen from their urge dents desiring only social develop- boards and it was every girl for ,gi. The balconies were anotherI to build, build, build. (ment would leave, those seeking a herself. thing and another story. In them Such activity will make our uni- I technical training for the bread- * * youth abounded-Our youth-the -RS et ci-- c r~v t.4 -..i.. - 9.- - .. -_ - - -_1-_." ._ 6 UNUSUAL OVERCOAT SALE. WX{GOIFJ.COMP r Jor /1en ice I&4& ~ ' .isI ! '' _ i The most popular ready- to-eat cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra- ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Corn Flakes, Pep Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies., Wheat Krum- bles, and Kellogg's Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee--t cof- fee that lets you sloop. YOU CAN "keep up" in your studies as well as engage in college activities if you maintain good physical condition. Since constipation is the cause of most ill-health, it pays to prevent this widespread evil. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to bring prompt and permanent relief from constipation-even in chronic cases. It supplies the system with roughage in generous quantities. Just eat two tablespoonfuls every day. With milk or cream--fruits or honey added. Ask that it be served at your fraternity I. L .Olk a h R . u w rx .w..a. .. z.. _ . _. .... L _.. _ _.._ _ _. a