- _ ... _ - _: - _. . .. . . w . . .... r . . r .. _ .W..w .. :.. . . T .-+.W, ,W W:' .,, r ,...wr.. ... 7 7- . r r .w r !"lf' FACE TWO TIME MICIGCAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 O Forensic Society Will Test New Debating AutoEngineering Department Makes New INC Method Devised by Instructor of Speech Advancements in Industrial Researches HE CLOSED MEETINGS ans for a newv method of de- question-answer method. The sec- One of the most neglected divi-itor. the men occ ed in conduct- vohlltii hiciesuc contests,- nd negative speaker will foss of the University, the Auto- ing the tests seem oblivious to ev- o il be ticd for the firswitimelatl dw regiven fifteen mbzinutesb mDirects Attention tiveEngineering tdepaertmento is erything save their dials and guag- Georg oclock this afternoon ini the Alpha for the presentation o the negative Loyz iecsAtetinpehaps the least deserving of re- Cs. k ase. He, in turn, will be cross- to Ambassador to Mexico; glect. Housed in an unsightly shed Tests are being conducted at pre- will b CnNu room, on the fourth foor of examined by the second affirmative Mf L covered with red tar paper, there sent on a six cylinder motor of a of th Student Committee Plans Series l e is a collection of the finest testing popular make, to determine the erecte of Closed Meetings for se d ofThe debate will then be summed euipent found at any university most efficient type of intake mai- part o .-speech department, coach of the up by the third speaker for the ne- }LINKED WITH MiORGANS in the United States. But the fold. As soon as this series of tests ing pr Limited Number.i team, and. as far as can be discov- U b l hr pae o h e sti eisigp te.d as nvr bs tcn a for gative, who will speak fifteen min--- building which covers the equip- is completed a group of tests on last r eret has never been tried a fr-utes in refutation of the affirmative ment is sadly inadequate for the mufflers and muffler substitutes Comm 75 IN FAVOR OF PLAN ewa n tenay.e arguments, and the third affirma- WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-Dwight value of the work carried on. with their relation to the efficiency tiac S the "cr oss-examination" method tive, who will have the floor for ten W. Morrow, ambassador to Mexico Prof. W. E. Lay, of the Automo- of the automobile motor will be preser Need Realized for Restriction will be triedoutby membes mothe minutes. The men who will try out had much interest in Cuba "be- tive Engineering department, while conducted. Professor Lay stated; Dr. of Numbers at Forums; varsity debating team and will the plan tomorrow are the same cause of the close relations between being interviewed, was forced to that, due to the excellent equip- tende ' have toe effect of .mafi d/hoi debated in the two conference J. P. Morgan & Co. and the Cuban move i-nto the center of the main ment of the department, they oc- Hospi Comment Favorable. h et ma atesdebates last week. Albert Donohue government in the matter of gov- testing room to avoid the swirling casionally ran tests for leading au- there -sordirecakr u er t af r atv ,31, will start ,for the affirmative, enment loans," a letter read to snow which filtered through the tomobile firms which -did not pos- Sheet In an effort to determine the a e undebate withwanwily with Howard Simon, '32L, and Or- the Senate Lobby Investigating; cracks in the side wall near which sess the facilities for testing motors and w amount of sentiment favoring the minute constructive speech, which mand J. Drake, '30 Ed., speaking Committe said today. he was standing. But the inade- in certain particular ways. The the Y establisling of a series of student Iwill establish the case for his sile. second and third for that team. Mr. Morrow was associated with quate building doe not seem to in- American Car and Foundry com- Fsalsh fasre fsuetwll sals h aefrhssd.benelon Boeschle, '31, James Dunn, m tecte- "closed" Forums, the Student Chris- He will be followed by the first ne- . B, the Morgan company before he be- terfer with the quality of the tests Pay was among those firms whose tt wr gative speaker, who instead of de- 31 and Nathan Levy, 31, will com- came ambassador to Mexico. He is eing carried on by this depart- motos have frequently been test- j struct tian association cistributed cards livering another constructive speech pose the negative team. The ques- a member of the American delega- ient. In fact. to the casua visi- e March to the audience at the last All- will cross-examine the affirmative tion to be debated will be the chain tion to the Naval Arms Conference LosesDr. Campus Forum. Over 75 persons speaker for ten minutes by a direct store system, which has also been in London and after these duties SHAW TELLS OF Offcer L ss ay acting indicated that they would be in-_ used for conference debates. are completed will resign to becomemazoo twThe new plan, it is hoped, will United States Senator from New Adi gINISTRATIVE After Walking Beat ointe terested in attending such a series jrhave several important effects. and, Nersy.MINISTRATIV G Be tot should the project be undertaken if accepted by intercollegiate cir- Jersey. JOB AT LANSING ytOwe after the holidays. ItVies, will revolutionize debatmg, Lakin, president of the Cuba Co. ~osiatd PI >mr Thie questionnaires passed out at The debators will be competing to his attorney, Edwin P. Shattuck, Announces Decisio for Change CHICAGO, Dec. 18.-Officer Oscar in the o recent Forum aby the Ie againsts bec- thrdirectly, y said: in College Curriculum. T. Hansen walked his beat-walked, He h Forum committeetwho e stead of indirectly through the me- "Inclosed is a memorandum on and walked and walked. hospit findou owit ee w esireo dium of the audience, and will Cuba of which Morrow has copies,.( ,tcd ) It was his first night at the Jef- The p tn the ameein weie epd-o robably make thegt, careeontest muhe I wrote it in long hand while on my EAST LANSING, Dec. 18.-Presi- ferson Park police station, and he j will a omien otie ntire series, each, pint of view of the participants way to Mexico in November to visit dent Robert S. Shaw of Michigan was a straner in them thar parts. will c however, stressing the need of re- of Cvilization Pp to nt e o the tmy friend E. R. Jones. As I hav He asked his superior officers what on a stricting the meetings to a fewer Modern Erathepar.Tn eadeaybe already told you my visit to Mexico State college gave a detailed ac- his beat was. ( acqui number. Accordingly the commit- id * df t uwas primarily for the purpose of counting of his administration "Walk," said the lieutenant, "from unit k tee is working on a plan whereby a I Inge r an n em sre uncpv- v iting Jones, but he, in order to Tuesday to Michigan agricultural here to an imaginary line marking The series of closed meetings will be EUROPE ered after a number of experi make sure that I would come to extension workers gathered here in the northwest city limits." units held for a limited number of per- ;ments.Mexico, cabled me that Morrow was annual session. "Here I go," said Officer Hansen, pital, sons thus allowing for a more in-, Michigan's Museum of Anthro- 1 _ anxious to talk with me about Cu- As a speaker on the prograinof and he did so. The p timate and comprehensive discus- 'pology is in receipt of a collection MICHIGAN BaIj 1 K.S ba, in which Morrow has had much seventeenth annual extension con- He walked. And he walked. And ward slion of the subject with aevery one of replicas of European pottery ex- CL IAIMED STABLE interest because of the close rela-- ference, the president announced he walked. Oth entering into the discussion. emplifying the various ages from _ Stions between J. P. Morgan & Co., his decision for a complete change Eventually he came to a spot in by th That too few were entering the 18,000 years B. C. to the beginning _ _and the Cuban government in the in the college curriculum which! the prairie which was marked by a are b discussion, after the speaker had of the modern era in 500 A. D. This,(IS.oiatcaPres matter of government loans. will add two days a week to the'Police call box. He lifted the e- an o taken up the greatest portion of the collection, which is composed of LANSING, Dec. 18.&-The gener- "I originally prepared the memo-1 working schedule of the faculty ceiver and spoke to his commanding time presenting the subject, was 5 piecesog plaster of Pariseecopies al banking situation in Michigan is randum in order to clarify my ideas and student body. officer.Fe felt by. many to be the chie . of -inte opangmals which are existent good, according to a statement to- about the Cuban situation from a The new system, the president well, here I am, he said Michi jection to the present series of Al-.n European museums,was deiver- day by Rudolph E. Reichert, state standpoint of personalities influ- said, will mean a working schedule Splendid," replied the C.O. "Now old g Campus Forums. In order to rem ed to the Museum building yester- banking commissioner. I ential in Cuban affairs of today of five and a half days a week come back. ,have ede this objection the proposed i day morng and may be placed on "Banks generally are maintaining and had not intended to show the contrasted with the present system All right," said Officer Hansen, class. metings will serve merely as .anexhibition after the Christmas ho- adequate secondary reserves and memorandum to anybody, but of three and a half days. It will in- "but how do I go about same? I'm are i exchange of ideas with a very short I idays. 'deposits are increasing. This evid- when Morrow heard of the memo- dude Saturday classes. The presi- lost." high introductory presentation of the } Replicas of every important ences a healthy condition, both in randum from Jones, he insisted Oq dent estimated the revision would "Take Camfield road to Higgins while subject. The subjects will be of a change in civilization from the industrial and commercial pursuits, seeing it. wipe out a "present loss of 18 to 20 road," said the voice, 'turn left and sisten similar nature to those discussed in Neolithic to the end of the Roman as reflected in our banks," the "He took the memorandum and per cent." keep on until you get here. o the present series with possibly a period are included in the collec- statement continued. had several coplis made, returning Defending his student body as Officer Hansen took Camfield road 'Ce more detailed discussion of each. tion. The location of the original "A new banking code this year to me the original memorandum "one of the best behaved in the'. Higgins road. Arriving at the opera The meetings will be led by pro- pieces center about Bohemia and replaced the old state banking law and a carbon copy which was type- country," the president scolded ntersection, he failed to recall asked fessors and, in some cases, by stu- the southwestern people of Europe. which, became effective in 1889. written in the American Embassy alumni and older friends for their which way he should turn, so he "Of dents familiar with the subject un- Development from the early neo- This interval between the effective- in Mexico. adverse influence on stuen turned right, which was wrong. lowed der consideration. While no defin- lith and his implements to an age ness of the did and new laws was Senator J. Thomas Walsh (Dem.), "We have no liquor problem herepHedwtfked an enkd.ovhs Ye 'te arrangements have been made less than 1,500 years ago is shown a growth in the number of banks Montana, asked Lakin why Morrow in East Lansing except when older passed ,but Officer Hansen drove his "Ye I frendsweary limbs forward. policeman }opera as regards meeting places, it is in the pottery. Definite examples of from 90 to 575 state and 10 in- wanted to talk to him. friends bring in the moon to cele- mutry ai fati. when , IpeNa thought that private homes will be I such changes are to be used as an dustrial banks, deposits jumped "Why should Morrow care to talk brate," President Shaw said. cls. inal heY ame to a i e used for the most part. aid in the study of the changes from $3,850,000 to $1,373,333,590 to you about Cuba unless it was calls.tation ta head came eto a Hine tred Realizing that many more than 'which occurred in this 8,500 year and 'resources from $47,350,000 to about sugar?" Walsh asked.tP the 75, who have already indicated period. $1,613,385,081. "I don't think he wanted totalk Fete Randall atarty gave his police station's number. other they would attend the proposed "Bank deposits have increaseda to me soP much," Lakireplied D PartyFifteen cents, please, said the The tohme soomch,"tLakid replied of Physics Department'oeatr meetings would like to take part CHURCH TO GIVE $16,934,728 since the beginning of "Jones said that to get me to come "No such thing" said OfficerHan-wpatro in these discussions, the Student 1929." down. I had been concerned for a More than 100 persons attended en"ca calls ae afnicel." Hans Christian association urges that all CHRISTMAS PLA Y _ _ _ - long time about what I conceived tq- the annual Christmas party of the Local calls are a nickel. wear who are interested communicate !d o Cobleee Women jb a misconception in this county physics department held las ng with Lane Hall or give their names The ;. of the Prince of , itoward Cuba. i in the League. The party was fea- to any member of the. mmittee. Peace," a three act Christmas tust Cover up Knees "I thougt at that time Morrow tured by the presentation of a huge --pageant, will be given at two peror- might be Secretary of State and birthday cake to Prof. H. H. Ran- Berry A tends eetinginances Sunday afternoon and wanted to impress on him the ne-da.AChsmatrdnnad night in St. Andrew's church, N. MOSCOW, IA., Dec. 18.-Univer- cessity of adopting a definite policy a program of entertainment ar- of Educational Group Division and Cathrine streets. The sity of Idaho coeds are going to be toward Cuba." ranged by committees from the de- pageant will be presented under, the in style. They are under olers to f Walsh asked Lakin what New partment rounded out the program. Prof. Charles S. Berry, of the Edu-c direction of Prof. Herbert Kenyon,cover up their knees before return- York banks, in addition to the Na- According to Prof. R. A. Sawyer, STARTING TO cation school, is in Nashville, Ten-I of the Romance Languages depart- ing .to school after the Christmas tional City Bank, are interested in of the physics department, the nessee this week attending a meet--I ment. . recess. Cuban sugar. Christmas party has become a tra- ing of the National association for -Characters in the three acts, p2c- Miss Pernteal French, dean of Lakin named the Chase National dition in the department and invi- vie the Advancement of Rural Educ- turing the promise of a Messiah, women, annoui;^pd the edict at a Bank, the Corn Exchange Bank tations were issued to all members Lion. the court of Herod, and the journey meeting of represetrati ves of sovor- and the International Acceptance of the staff and their wives, ad- Professor Berry is a member of of the shepherds, will be portrayed ities and girls' dormitories The Corp.voced students. the White House commission on th by Prof. A. D. Moore, Prof. Arthur dean said "measures will be taken" - - health and education of handicap Canfield, Prof. Richard Hollister, to enforce the order. --- ped children, and while in Nash- and Dean Joseph A. Bursley. I2030 OA ville will confer with educational The presentations, scheduled for Shows at LAST TIMES leaders from all over the country 5 o'clock and 7:30 o'clock Sunday :00-3:00 TODAY on the subject of education in rural afternoon and night, are open to ECIE7:E0 districts. ' the general public. i DECEMBER 6 11R21 "" BROADWAY0D H ELECTED TO AD NEW STATE EDICAL SECTION TIAC, Mich., Dec. 13.-Dr. e F. Inch, of "Traverse City, e the medical superintendent e new State Hospital to be d near Ypsilanti next year as f the State's $27,000,000 build- ogram. He was appointed ight by the State Hospital fission, meeting at the Pon- tate Hospital. Gov. Green was it. Inch, who has been superin- nt of the Traverse City State tal, will surrender his duties to his successor, Dr. Philip s, who has been his assistant, ill devote his time to plans for 'psilanti institution. He will with Albert Kahn, the archi- planning the building, con- ion of which will start in z. Roy A. Morter, who has been superintendent of the Kala- State Hospital, was ap- d to succeed Dr. Herman rider, resigned. Dr. Ostrander, er, was named superintendent tus and will advise Dr. Morter administration of his duties. as been an executive at the al 43 years. Ypsilanti Hospital, which ccommodate 5,000 patients, ost $7,500,000. It will be built site of 14,000 acres recently red by the State. The first gill house 3,000. board asked bids on two new for the Traverse City Hos- where $435,000 will be spent. rogram calls for a tubercular and a sick ward. er State hospitals will benefit e building program, and plans eing prepared for new units ther improvements. shmen intelligence tests in gan State showed a 16-year- irl, and a 16-year-old boy to the best score of the entire It was also found that men nclined to make both more scores and more low ones, the f7tmen stick, fairly con- tly to medium scores. rtainly, sir," said the patient tor, "but the number you for is in Chicago." - course it's in Chicago," bel- Officer Hansen. "Where do hink I am-in Des Plaiimes?' s, sir, Des Plaines," said the tor. w isn't that ridiculous," mut- Officer Hansen, who had d and walked clear into an- town. e kind police .station sent the 1 wagon to get him, for Officer en by this time was extremely Y" GAI )DAY TFI1L P, fen a nn Aft no le _: - Offil WITH EVELYN BRENT-GLEN TRYON > t ROO {f QUE w P .r i 4 i a mayink, j. I PL $ 8450 ASK Dad to make your Christmas gift a round trip ticketto Europe next summer. See how inexpensive tht Unit#$ States Lines makes it. For example, you can so Tourist Third Cabin to England or France on the 'palatial -bin liner REPUBLIC for $184.50 round trip. A few dollars .moe... and you can cross in 5 days, 6 hours as a "Tourist Third" on the LEVIATHAN, World's Lar*est Liner. Or on those great cabin flyers, the AMERICA and the GEORGE WASHINGTON. College atmosphere invests you ... because the United States Lines is the official fleet of 103 college and university alumni organizations. And your accommodations ,re so cheery and modern . .. individual dining tables seating four and six .. . ventilation and airiness in clean, triim staterooms . . won- derful food .. . and a sun deck that is a regular stadium of play. Write for this Booklet Send at once for our new brochure, TOURIST TIRD CABIN TO EUROPE. Read and see how delightful the United States Lines makes your days at sea. Let Dad read, tool Then t - fly -TOMORROW H. B. WARNER-LOIS WILSON " THE GAMBLERS " A Gripping Drama of the Stock Market. lf: j LV I)sSLft!W Rita LaI Stage Thrill to thi of Gay I Talking .R e f Roy and Superb e-Screen Cast ie haunting melody Love," sensational song hit. Screen's Perfect ?oinanceP I IIIIW1 EVEN TYON11111.7 LAROC i :;.,:.: . . ..: . -'a Before Going Home No Time to Spare THE LIVING Two Your the Web SCREEN PRESENTS TODAY AI, ng Lovers Entangled In of Unfulfilled Dreams! His Innocence Gave Him The Power To Resist Her- And To Free Her From Her Past ND FRIDAY Also Great Added Bill 100 % DIALOGUE EXTRA:!PCA MID-NIGHT SHOW TONIGHT AI Y e 1#0 You cannot afford to p o s t p o n.e your Christmas shopping any longer! Gifts you are sending away should be mailed by the end of this weck. With the Michigan William P ox Prejenti ! FRANK. B ORZAGE'S a ยข}t r, " r r r, 1r 4 In answer to many requests from students, the Michi- gan has arranged a special 'STUDENTS MIDNIGHT SHOW TONIGHT, starting at 11 o'clock. The picture requested will be "GOLDDIGGERS OF BROADWAY." Booking requirements originally forced us to play this unusual attraction during Christmas vacation. Therefore we are using this method of affording our student patrons this nnn ,nnt ofSa art; JnwtatninvitnAntl- ..Mv Sl t F 4 x I