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December 18, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-18

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Y1MIlIf[sM ;

IRE. M..........I.

. _ - _


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presla
dent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) _______
VOL. X11. WEDNESDAY, D ECEMBVER 18, 1929 No. 69
Students and Townspeople: The annual Christma~s Concert of the
d-.t tErmn- - -S~ NI..In 014% a 11 ' K3ei . R .ad w11ill rh i ,

Collnittve merbc'rship for 1,11
Bronson bistitutes Essay Award s'~nior law clas~s cas as annomin.-
to Honor Foirner Head of ecd by Ndorjman 0. Tic trens, presi-
+Gertnan Department. dent, is a.s follovvs: cane comri'-

!A musing Caricatur of Pesident HooverI F PD SH AD P HII CPT~
B.avred From Art Exhibition in Washington ll114 I I
- v-: ___ - -- _ __ JOIN ASSOCIATION


v^ .ev. vi-s w-.

Lee, MV. E. Smrith, chairman, A. L.

Mven's Glee Club, Womens iee v~ juJ ~ity nc varsiL .anawin L Fgive PRIZE VALUED AT OEey, .,oma;caps and gowns.
Wednesday, December 18, at 8:00 p. in., in Dili auditorium. You are ;X0cEe,.Iomn
cordall invted No dmisionchage.L. Schwichtenberg, chairman, Joel,
cordilly ivitedrto A.issanpchale. "he Bronson-Thomnas prize e Pley. J. F. Miller; Class day, * ,P.
Raybwirin A.ntCamoptbelorksNorth. ch^ irman. R. L. Lindenmuth,
E~igieerig an Archtectre: heresall e oitod o est o n is." oring JolimTodd; Crease dance, H. J.
Faculty, Colleges of EgneigadAchtcue hr il eo hooeSor s"acrig;Gundlers~onchairman, R. M. "vax -
a meeting of the faculty of these Colleges on Thursday, December 19,1 to Pro. Max Witikler, of the Ger- well, !. aR., Murphly, J. 11. Vander-'
at 4:15 p. in.,. in room 348, West Engineering building, The purpose : man~ department, '~a coinpetitior E Wal, C. L. EwingL ETeyr
of this meeting is, to discuss arrangements in connection with the that should attract a'll Fsyet
forhcoingEngneeingConerece.whoarepuruinlseond udentsI Crease paper, George. Rich, chair-"
fortcomng ngieerng onfrenc. ;whoarepuruin seondyear Ger- man, William Day, W. Carl Bauer;s
Louis A. Hopkins, SecretaryI man studies at the University. In- I Finarne F. D. Heilmnan, chaiman,.

First Year Engineers Included
ini Speakers' Society of
Engine School.
One hundred and thirty-two
freshman engineering and arcebi-
tectural students have joined the
Engineering Speaker's club which
has recently been organized in W Le
engineering college.
These men have been placed' i
groups by Prof. Robert D'. Bracket.,
of the enrgineering English depart-
anent, and they will receive s.eciai


deed, it is a ditinction to twin or 7' . elson. C.-F. Traeger, N. P.°pr ss>Y training
Faci ty School o1f Education: The December staff luncheon will compete in a contest that was Rider, B. 1B. Wolfe. C. J. Yoakum; w y ;rupyn&
be held in the Michigan nLeague building on Thursday, December 19, fouinded in hono fUnoal niain .I Wchm hi.............................. iroup n'
a12:14f o'clock.I scholar as Prof. Calvin Thomas. man, H. E. Hunt, A. W. Storms.a3h;
at cO . Davis, Secretary I"Formerly proeso o eranc Pitrecmmtte V . e
languages and literatures at the ' Cate, chairman, George Dixon, J----------------------------------priln
1~t rmPie fj ~maonigt bu 5 saadd~University, to which p3osition he Wise Scott; Social committee, T. KYsln
EmaK o r z , h s) p i e a o n i g tsao t $ 0 i w r e w ahq e ht i
dent's own community. It. is open to undergraduate students of theI Thoma a one of the most emi- Ruth Ttte, and Boce Gross. qu--; emsin
University and is not limited to those who major work is in Sociology. nent teachers and scholars that:tlmwl
The essays should be typewritten double spaced, and should be sub- Mcia a rdcd" rfso_-mteothoilgeatetoae hnMy1 93.AIWnlrsi."Hscre a y-frt rao lse. WenaCalsDn ae
minimumn of 5,000 words is required. It is possible for students to sub- ical of early students. When he chair was established in German, Washington artist, who is pictured with the caricature which. he! EVAN
mit essays that have been handed in for required work In some course.I was graduated from Mvichigan in he wa appointed to the position. drew of President Hoover. This drawing was barred from a current' Univesi
Students interested may see me nridlays, '2-4, 203 Economics Bldg. 1877 with an A. B., he was consid- ;-he remained at Michigan as head 'Art Exhibition in Washington. ' conventi
s ~A. E. Wood eredt as were all college students; of the German department untilColg
athttmprepared to teach' his death in 1925." 1WYRK-aigo tehue--
A Request for Student A.sistance on l'nenptelymeiiL Study in De- any course required for admission! "Professor Thomas was an ideal which inspired the poem beginning!
trot:' A Detroit committee is making the 'study of unemployment into a college. !instructor, scholarly and thorough-i "'Twas the night before Christ- !Chl'~ritma:
am~ong women and would like to have the co-operation of some Uni-I "Specialization at Michigan was ly practical, admired by his stu- mas," is threat~ened for subway pu- P resents
versity students in this work during the Christmas holidays. If arW i unheard of; like many other stu- dents and beloved by his col-'po5se. In the house at Emhurst,
women, students from Detroit care to give a little time to this during1 dents he went to Germany for spe- leagues," Professor Winkler con- Long Island, Prof. Clement Clarke JAMES FOSTER
the holiday period, I wish they would send in their names and ad- cific training in philology. H-e en-( eluded. "It was probably some such Moore °wrote the verses that haveHosoAr
dresses to me at 200 Economics building. rolled at the University of Leipzig; idealistic sentiment which caused -thrilled generations of children. iHueof Ar
A. E. Wood with the purpose of getting a de- j Mr. Bronson, who was at one time Borough President Harvey suggests 21 3 S. State Street
gree of Doctor of Philosophy in! his pupil, to establish the essay that the house be moved to a cty ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN
University Girls' Glee Chub: Late returns of one hour are extended classical languages. But when he award in Professor Thomas' mem- park and preserved.
without further? arrangement to all members of the University Girls'; was about to take his degree, he ;.ry. Essays for competition will --- --
Glee Club who tale part in the Christmas serenade.f was called back to the University be written under supervision of the
Grace Richards I of Michigan. Modern languages, German faculty on Thursday, May
Sanskrit (a very popular course in 1, 1930. The value of the prize is
Presidents of Campus Organizations: Will the president-s Qf all, the old days), and history were his about $50.00." Ai
campus organzations see that the contract for their organization's j ---- -- --- --- ----
page in the 'Ensian is returned to the 'Ensian office before ChristmasI Thursday, December 19, at 8 p. i., in room 445 West Engineering Bldg. {
vacation? Prof. Upthegrove will present a paper on "Metals-Applications and
Chemical Engineers: All those who will be in Ann Arbor over theImiaios"-noe nerseyivte.W E HAVE THE KEY-THE ANSWE
holdays and would be interested tn a party please sign up at once - Intramural Building will be open all during Christmas vacation
on the bulletin board outside roferrvor Baker's office, 3026 ast Engi- except Christmas day and New Years dlay, from 9:00 a. in. to 5:30 p. mn. ne-- buldng
neigbuhlg_____Swimming pool will be open from, 10:00 to 12:00 and 1:30 to 5:30. ELM -x

from members of the fac-
.upperclassmnen. The first;
.eting will be held at the
gements have been made
liminary debates wvith the
ti debating squad following
idays. The disarmament
iand the chain store prob-
1 be the subjects for de-
[STON, Ill. - Northwestern
ity will be host to the 1930
ion of the Midwestern
Comics association.
This Afternoon at
2:00 to 4:00
25C Person


Organ R~ecita~l by Palmer Christian at 4:15 p. mn., Hill auditorium.
New Exhibition ini Architectural Building: There has now been
penedi an exhibition of original pencil drawings by New York artists,
in the brond-flood. gallery of tWe Architectural building~. The public

Izaak Walton League: A reorganization meeting of the Ann Arbor
chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America has been called by
Mr. Earle C. Doyle, Executive Secretary for, Michigan. The meeting
will be held in room 4039 Natural Science building on Thursday, Decem-
ber 18, at 7:30 p. mn. All interested are urged to attend.


is cod1l ivtd pendiyecptn udy,!rm9t The Michigan Dames Club will hold their annual Christmas party on
CampDavs otio piturs ofCam Dais ad vcinty wll e 'Thursday, Dec. 19, at 8:00 o'clock in the Women's Athletic building.
Cam a~s Mtin ictre o Cap avi ad iciit BillbeAl members and their husbands are invited, and each is asked to bring
given in room 203 West Engineering Annex at 2:00 p. m.# a ten cent present wrapped for the Christmas tree.
English 31--Mr. Litzenberg's classes: The make-up examinations !--- -- -

, ;:
._r, ,



Certainly there is nothing finer, more suitable or more acceptable-Two
large stocks for your inspection and approval--Everything that is lovely,,
wholseomne and worthwhile in books at


i '


in these classes will be given at three and four o'clock, 2218 Angell hall.
No make-up examination will be given after this date.
The 13otanilcal Seminar meets'at 4:30 p. mn., in room 1139,WN. S. bldg.
Paper by C. D. LaRue- "The origin and development of intumescences,
on poplar leaven."
Research Club meets in room 2528 East Medical building at 8:00!
p. m,. The following papers will be presented: Professor I. D. Scott, I
"'The Morphology and History of Michigan Strand Dunes." Professor 1,
J: H. Drake, "Some Ancient Analogues of Consideration." A meeting I
of the council will be held in room 3012 Angell hall at 4:30 p. m.
Mathematical Club: Tea will be served at 4 p. in., in rooin 3201
Angell hall.a

I _ I


The Engineering Discussion Society meets at 7:15 in the assigned
group rooms. Know your subject.
Romance Club meets at 4:10 p. i., room 408 R. L. bldg. Mr. IH. V.
Wann will speak on The Tradition of 1linmeric Simile in French Poetry.
Prof. C. A. Knudson will speak on The Two Saintres.
Eta Sigma Phi will hold a rc u'.ar m--cuing in room 2013 A. H-., at
4:30 p.,im.
Archery Club meets at 7:00 p. in.. at Yhost Field H-ouse.
The Varsity Glee Club will meet at Dill1 auditorium at 7:45. Come
in full dress .with ribbon.
The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club meets at the home
of Mrs. Max Feet, 2030 Hill St., at 7:30 p. m. A children's chorus will
assist in the program. Husbands of members are invited.


Scranton, Pocahoritas
Kentucky and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This business has been grrowing ever
sing~e it was established. The seeret-
"giving aibsolute satisfaction to our
customers." We believe it payx to do.
busizacss in a friendly way. It you
think soy too. let's got together.
Phones..Office :4lei-45.S2Yard Office : %l52

Colloquium in Applied Mechanics: The

next meeting will be on

Wednesday and Thursday at
A gay crowd of students
happy that it is Christmas


m _
ZS r i d 'k; n' i - ! "t,." - of st ,
.3 i t { .. , y.. i

Cash C& Carry 00
Whf °in


aia endelssohn Th,&eatre
Has the Honor to Present
Harald Kreutzberg
Yvonne Georgi
In a Dance Recital-Extraord'inary
January 9th and l0th




timie .

worried, slightly, over

Seats $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00

studies . . . dancing to Sidney
Woolnier's orchestra . . at Joe


Parker's Cafe.

"the smartest

p~lace in town."
Wednesday and Thursday evenings
there will be dancing from 8 'till 10

AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT--Tickets for this
recital will make a' gif t that will be appre-
ciated on Christmas and memorable after the

,o'clock. No cover charge.


_ . _.. _., 1r I 1


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