THE 1XITTRICAN J"-I; I1: ' t / .L' i II. j.- Y'1717'J._SY Y "- .I.'aw' " 1 ci . lft Sir~toau Ialg Pnblished every morning except Monday turing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use 'for republic3ation of all news dis- pcitcecs credited to it or not 'otherwise credited in thi. paper and the local news published :.erein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- toaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ward Street. Phones:Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4:925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman..........George C. Tilley City Editor.................Pierce R erhrg ~News Editor........... .. Donald J. Kline Sports Editor......... Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor.......... Marjorie Folliner 'telegraph Editor......... Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama.... William J. Gorman Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor......Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-ditorial Board Memhers Frank'E. Cooper Henry 3. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Slossj Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds etrey. willams Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bare l)avid M. Nichol Maxwell Bauer William Page Mary L. Behyrmer Hioward I.Peckham Benjamiin II. Perentsorl lugh Pierce Allan H. Berk-man Victor Rabinowitz Arthur J. Bernstein John D. Reindel S. Beach Conger Jeannie Rberts Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell John H. Denler lost ph Ruwitch Helen Dominie 'illiam 1. Salzarulo Margaret Eckels C har les R. Sprowl Katharine Ferrin S.4adwell Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer Ruth Geddes M agaret Thompson Ginevra Ginn P i( bard L. Tobin Jack Goldsmith Eliz abeth valentine IMrris Groverman H arold0. Warren. Jr. Ros Gustin . Charles White Margaret Harris G. i onel Willens David 1 .IHempstead lJhn FWilloughby Callen .Kennedy Nathan Wise can Levv Barbara Wright. ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zinit Dorothy Magee BUSINESS STAFF. Texephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising.............. Hollister Mahley Advertising ...........Kasper II. Ialverson Advertising. ........Sherwood A. U pton Service........George A. Spater Circulation. ....... J. Vernor Davis Accounts ... ..... ... Jo.....Ihn 12. Rose Publications ........George Hamilton Assistants Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker JAmes E. Cartwright Lawrence icey Robert Crawford Thomas Mluir Harry B. Culver George Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton Y mes Hoffer Joseph 'Van Riper orris Johnson Roert Williamson Charles Kline - WiPiam R. Worboyi Business Secretary-Mary Cise Laura Codling Alice McCully Agnes Davis Sylia Miller Bernice Glaser I dlen E. M usseiwbite Xortense Gooding i-leanor Walkinshaw Dorothea Waterman Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1929 will be available in sufficiently lit '' r rc n r ra~o rl aa c t * rr~~rc no regularly dependable financial)A bout ' III V nargeamounts, There are, in fact -Ab Books ,MscAdDaaT I EV C O avenues which may be used for - ai-An 1 IC E promoting widespread entertain- WHY DO WE A KISS FOR CINDERELLA. CHRISTMAS VACATION 1929 ment. HIGH-HAT FOLK LEGEND? ~ilan..~ra In the face of the previously GH ATF KLEE ? A Review by William J. Gorman. FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN STU. the ace the ~ IAmerican Folk and Fairy Tales by' high mortality rate of past Bluei DENTS, RETURNING HOME FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20th, FOR CHRIST- Key organizations, and of the evi- Rachel Field; Charles Yrries onedfing boetpeven is py- MAS VACATION, THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD WILL PROVIDE THE resented herewith, which s yrk Price voved in the experience of a play FOLLOWING TRAIN SERVICE FROM ANN ARBOR TO TOLEDO, PRO. in effect an analysis of Blue Key's' 30 yteknl ngt area i There is a tendency prevalent by theEkindlyAKnight.DBarrieEatIhis: chequered past, there remains lit-sy worst hovers dangerously at the TECTING ALL TOLEDO CONNECTIONS: tle ground or occasion for revivify- mongollegen sp i ess t brink of the sentimental abyss. In Lv. Ann Arbor 9:58 a.m. (c.t.) Lv. Ann Arbor 2:16 p.m. (C.t.) ing that now unobtrusive ghost. lard folk legend as worthless ban- Ar cr iiu :5 ~.~ r e is ackinguto i and s s ality. There is no justification for a Kiss for Cinderella his foothold AY. Toledo 12:35 P.M. (e.t.) Ar. Toledo 4:55 pm. (e.t.) Because a real or necessary pur- the attitude. In most cases folk- is secure because more constantly NORTHBOUND TRAIN SERVICE pose is lacking to it, and since fin- ancal and administrative inade- ,lore has never been read; if it has, aetherial. Way up there in heaven Northbound Trains Nos. 51 and 53 leave Ann Arbor, 8:05 a. m. (C.T.) and ancal nd dmiistatie mde-th~e attention has been loose and 50 C '( ' G k MVC quacy is bound to be its lot, any ts we expect and desire a little drud e 5:0 p. n. respecivey, connectngwith rand run, ichgan entra anV attept o rhaplitte im ostincomprehensive. To such people,a attempt to rehapilitate the lst c e s bok ec being cute about Venus de Milo's Pere Marquette for all principal destinations in Lower and Upper Peninsula of Michigan. eat Balue Key would be futile Folk and Fairy Tales" should be of feet, getting pneumonia saving a ^ All trains will be provided with additional first class coaches. great value. It offers the represen- bunch of starvelings and waking Would suggest purchase tickets and check baggage in advance so as to avoid un. NU0SERY RHYMES tative types of American folk tales; up in a delightful hospital to have necessary delay and confusion at train time. - and what is extremely significant, her policeman-prince mumble Joseph R. Grundy, she places beside the stories two wohrdsN poetr e be N ARBOR RAILROAD Born on Sunday atricso mria oatcWords of poetry to her, And if we'e il BronSnamasterpieces of Amareican romantic{H. A. Mills, Commercial Agent Ann Arbor, Michigan ( Lobbied on Monday, literature, "Rip Van Winkle" and don't happen to have a grudge' .mgA AM g Subpoenaed on Tuesday, "The Great Stone Face," which against heaven and anyone with a ot°{ °o °O °0 {0 """" o o""">recere0 } 0 Was quizzed on Wednesday, had inspiration in folklore. vision of a heaven we're quite visinzoda heveTwe'esquty' nd - - Razzed on Thursday, Indian legend, negro stories, likely to -enjoy Barrie's. He makes Scred on Friday, Louisiana folk tales, and southern Appointed on Saturday, mountain stories are all represent- s And seated on Sunday, ed in this book. The simple direct mas tree does, eager to spill a kind- Thus did the Senate diction of narrative and the su- ly trail of humanity and spread To Joseph R. Grundy. pernatural elements of subject balm balmily. The classic lady who (With apologies to Mother Goose matter which are common to all objected to "Alice in Wonderland" nd the New York Times. folk tales are brought out in the j 0- stories of this collection. The sim- as "so improbable" may very well Our hats are off to the student plicity of language and clever speak her line here. If we caught (name withheld) who walked into moralizings which are existent in her, though, we should choke her. Mickey's room last Saturday night, all literature of the folk are clear- The fancy that Barrie offers as spied Sergeant Norm Cook, Detec- ly exhibited. a drama in A Kiss for Cinderella is tive Cliff West, et al., and remarked, The author has not deliberately so tenuous that one wonders how "Has anybody got a Murad?" givn asvoer ~ i f l 1 nather it hs contri to haI.O' 41 Al r1L1wuuy te vaue of ioi k-1; lore to literature. But she has ar- together. Partially, of course be- CusO inionranged the stories in such a way cause of Barrie's thorough accli- L S that a study is suggested to the matization as a dramatist. He long contriltitors ar eta ed to e hief 1 reader. Beside the Indian legends, ago effected the complete trans- confining them selves to0 less than 300 }o: words if possible, Anonymo~s con- which are so preposterous in their lation of his essential infantility of ianicat o nswite wisrell dehower assumptions about the nature of attitude into terms of the theatre. he regarded as confidential, upon re- things, she has placed the story of The ball in this play is one of his qus. Letters publdished should not be construed as expresistg the editorial Rip Van Winkle. When reading master-strokes. Play Production's opinion of the nail ',ithe Indian legends along with presentation of this scene is most Washington Irving, one can feel charmingly acceptable. Cinderella "THAT IOWA AFFA"that the great author has captur- and her policeman-prince and the To the Editor: ed the supernatural spirit of those king and queen, right out of a pack The recent action of the West- legends in style and thought. of cards, insert a charming Cock- ern Conference in severing ath- When in this book you have been ney taint into the stately mood of letic relations with a member, for reading along about Uncle Remus, the dance, giving it the hilarity of the alleged subsidization of athletes, and enjoying his out-spoken mor- a dream and making it just loads alizings, you turn the page to find of fun. Mr. Windt's staging of Cin- while unquestionably actuated by "The Great Stone Face." It is plain derella's entrance in very effective. the loftiest of motives, has incurred to see how Hawthorne has taken Cinderella walks out slowly from no prolonged roar of commenda- the moral attitude exepmlified in the night-a blue-black drop with tion. folklore and imprinted it forever the four white heads of her starve- The .fr.b.into great literature. lings propped up against it-into Tbng m in 3 There is indeed much a student the daylight and brilliance of her the Middle West as a deplorably can learn from these tales. We see court-her dream. This is an intel- stupid and drastic piece of business in them the longing that people ligent bit of symbolisation on the almost worthy of Congress. have to understand the forces in part of Mr. Windt. Inasmuch as the Western Con-#the world, and learn how these Influenced by the mood of thej ference has long been held up as primitives believed in the super- play, one feels like saying: "God femenel hasloenabeen ahel diruptanatural. We witness how they told bless Miss Loomis' 'cart; she did e fan intellige nd e ntheirstories in simple and direct Cinderella so nicely." The natural- besut ofd in nteligentathelitelanguage; and how they were ever ness of her command of the dia- board in control o athletics, the present mess is occasioning some conscious of moral value despite lect contributed to her success. But. astonishment and not a little con- the romantic nature of their stor- she also had a rhythm of sighs stonihmntad nhot ah lttlen. Aes. This is why read Rachel Field's' (thin, whimsical sighs) and a stit as troughethe bilfan-Atnew book. R. E. M. rhythm of head and shoulder mo- best it was a wretchedhit of mne- _ _n1 tx hi i r i 2 t { 1 ;, r 1 !' (i f, 2 t i !i i i7 f' 1 yYtl''3 { v sac RatesAre urr n y C} j+ -/YA) Lo f' 604 . Long .dsaceRtsAr L~rsnl x a 1 THE BLUE KEY SPECTRE If, as seems imminent, the al- mnost forgotten remnant of Blue Key is resurrected at Michigan,s after its demise several years ago from natural causes, we shall again be presented the spectacle of an intricate, hetegroeneous organiza- tion contorting itself to accommo- date situations for which it is ill- adapted. The difficulties which be- set a loosely-constituted group of campus organisations formed to extend the hospitality of the Uni- yersity to visiting athletic teams are so ingrained and self-generat- ing in the group itself as to make suicidal any revival of Blue Key as it once prevailed at Michigan. In. fact, we are inclined for certain well-pointed reaesons toward the opinion that any organization. whatever would be ineffective, and eventually self-destructive.- In the first place, from the view-j point of the visitors, organized overtures of hospitality often in- terfere with the well being of theI team. Before the competition, coaches usually demand complete supervision of their charges as to' food, eating places, rest and diver- sion. This usually precludes ban-} quets or private dinners, movies, social affairs and sometimes sight- seeing. After the game is over, there again exists little chance for mass entertainment, even taough the visiting team stays over in Ann. Arbor long enough for it. In fine, coaches and players, alike care lit- tle for extensive social arrange- ments before or after the competi- tion. This capital difficulty is aug- mhented, however, by the innate weaknesses of a group modelled and propelled as the proponents of the now mummified Blue Key would have it. Indefinite adminis- trative responsibility, little direct interest on the part of its mem- bers and unwieldly methods are re- latively minor deficiencies in the light of finanialn oninotivnt uvering and no whit typical of the enlightened direction that has regulated athletics in the middle west, the past decade. SIt is fairly well established at this time that Iowa made a con- certed and honest attempt to ad- here to the mandate of the Gods that rule the conference. Elaborate investigations were carried out, va- rious charges either substantiated or refuted and among other things a basketball captain went by the board. The opinion is held by many that the attempt to regulate the person- nel of the coaching staff .at Iowa City was an unmitigated piece of insolence and that coming other than through the university board of control, would immediately be interpreted as an attempt at hu- mor, and probably get a big hand. No similar act in recent years has been so universally berated and la- mented as the present expulsion of Iowa. Student sentiment through- out the conference is solidly ar- rayed against the move. Confer- ence coaches have gone on record as being against the disbarrment. And none have been so outspoken in their sympathy 'as the athletes themselves who theoretically should suffer the most from any infraction of conference rules. Certain it is that Michigan's sympathies are with Iowa. The severence of athletic relations, means the irreparable loss of a respected and honored foe as well as a shattering of traditions, cher- ished as culminating from a rival- ry of many years standing. Michi- gan, as perhaps no other school in the conference, grieves at the parting of the ways and is sincere in the hope and belief that it may once more welcome Iowa back on its schedule, in the near future. And now, having concluded the second scene of that delightfully ri',nl little-I fnrrp nn nfpricn, BRIEF NOTE OF BOOKS !Lo so nmiaimvmns ON HAND. that were perfect physical transla- TONi Hr tion of the quality of Barrie's soul. The King With Three Faces, by ' hn h ie are etil Marjorie Allen Seiffert, Charle she believes in heBarrie certaily Pricer$2.00. Harry Allen, too, gives an intelli- The volume by [iss Seiffert con- gent capable performance as the Thevolme y Mss eifertCOWprince fainting at the, sight of I tains one long narrative poem for Cinderella's feet and as the police- which the book is named, a dra-mCi ing entondistpi- mati poe, an numrousshor man giving vent to lyricism at Cm- matic poem, and numerous shortI derella's wheel chair. ones, chiefly sonnets. Miss Seiffert The whole cast deserves credit has won her position as one of thet for enjoying Barrie's heaven so leading women poets of the young- mu jo. Mr. Windt and Miss Loomis er group through her volume called. deserve our thanks for wavin~g Bar- Ballads of the Singing Bowl, pub- deseran or thek rran campus lished in 1926.'rie's wand over the errant campus The poet is a graduate of Smith at such an appropriate time, Cheoetand asgrabete frSumtChristmas which bit of sentiment- College and has been a frequent ality proves how thoroughly we en- contributor to Poetry. The volume jtoyed the play. in hand is meritorious principally because of its whimsical dramatic o -- poem, Noah's Ark, a play in verse THE QUEEN WAS IN TIlE for toys. It should prove no end TEQENWOUR. of delight when done by and for PARLOUR. children. By far the most attractive offer- ing during the holiday season in Memoirs of Casanova, Edited by Detroit is a presentation in the Madeline Boyd; Modern Library, Cass Theatre of lovely Pauline N. Y. C.; Price $.95. Frederick in "The Queen Was In Casanova, that gayest of the the Parlour" - an arrangement eighteenth century rakes, is pre- made possible by a long hop of the sented, not in full, but with suffi- company from the Pacific Coast di- cient completeness to give an ade- rect to Detroit to open Christmas quate account of his life and all its night. rakehelly adventures. Mrs. Boyd's! The play is the work of Noel abridgement is intelligently done Coward, the playboy and all- and the result of the effort is a around athlete of the London The- brilliant and intimate account of atre whose first nights there are 4 the century as viewed and lived the big social events of the sea- by a contemporary. son. His musical comedy, "British Sweet," now is the center of con- Peter Whiffle, by Carl Van Vechten. troversy in New York, the hoary The Modern Library, N. Y. C. voice of George Jean Nathan being Price $.95. the only one that has denied it Mr. Van Vechten's most popular } unusual merit. Miss Frederick was novel, first appearing in 1922, is selected to give "The Queen Was In being reissued by the Modern Li- the Parlour" its American premiere brary. The book presents a con- and it has proved one of her; tinuous' procession of modern greatest successes. sophisticates-artists, writers, act- Coward, with characteristic in- ors, and their associates. Some of difference to the play-substance, them are drawn from life and some has used the old musical story of a' !even anneanr li the n hr iinrl : - ii.,-...d- n r. A,'4 - 1".4 +ni--. 1 n.r" LJw 1.,- .. EW'W y'I 4i Delicious and Refreshing d "t Y rawFAkV1 JiA AND ANYBODY WHO EVER RAN AFTER A TRAIN THAT WAS GOING FASTER THAN HE WAS KNOWS THERE s 5NOTHING ELSE TO .Y. o0 BUT. Run far enough, work long enough, play hard enough and you've got to stop. That's when the pause that refreshes makes Nit) C r fir, h yJ r s{ t ' s err i t' q f ; "+ I I / the big hit. Happily you can find it around the cor- ner from anywhere, wait- ing for you in an ice-cold Coca-Cola, the nrsredrink /' 4 ' ,...N ,, r I I