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December 18, 1929 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-18

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IflflI~II2M PDftI~III~iSuccessfu1 Isolation of I

RfAw/iii x Jrl lif V Je11Y3.J.J 1:1.4 4 i 4.. .A 4/+FI U


Successful Isolation of I
~UIU Announced by Yot
e -'
Little Learned About Fate of,
Foreign Travelers Held

Attempt to

Hide Looting andf
by Chinese
ntin ents.

(Hy Associated Press)
TOKIO, Dec. 17.-Foreign consuls
in 'Manchuria today appeared de- -I .
termined to continue their pre-
carious journey into the war the-
atre west of the Khinghan moun-
tains, despite Japanese advices re-
porting that both China and Rus-
sia were attempting to prevent an
international investigation into the
condition of foreigners in the bat-
tle area
Reports Received.
Although somewhat reassuring
reports were received here from
the Japanese consul at Manthuli
on the condition of his nationals Dr. Isad
up to the latter part of November, Youthful scientist of the Uni
little has been learned of the fate announced the successful isolatio
of foreigners elsewhere in north- enza. A vaccine or anti-toxin ma
western Manchuria, where Rus- disease under control, thereby eli
sians and Chinese have been fight- able sickness. Influenza is one o
ing for control of the Chinese shown with Ruth A. McKinney w
Eastern railway. search assistant.
The Japanese reporits said both h ---_--s- -__
Russian and Chinese authorities I I
had made efforts to prevent the RelIgilon Placed With G
consular train carrying representa- by FOurty-four St
tives of foreign powers from pro-
seeding westward from Mientuho, Religion's position as one of the
Village Desolated. great issues of life was considered
The foregn representatives, con- most important by the majority of
sular officers of the United States, the students who attended the
Great Britain, Japan, France and sixth All-Campus Forum at which
Germany, were at Mientuho at last Prof. S. A. Courtis of the education
reports department spoke on the subject
The Rengo news agency repre- "Fact and Fancy in Religion." Pro-
sentative aboard the international fessor Courtis distributed question-
train said the Chinese military naires to the audience in an effort
order preventing the train from to determine the conclusions
continuing was to keep the con- reached by undergraduates on the
suls in ignorance of looting and subject.
destruction of which Chinese sol- Of the approximate hundred
diers have been guilty. 1 who attended, 44 sent in replies
to the Student Christian associa-
tion indicating their opinions on
Angell Will Publish the questions asked.
Study of College Life To the first question, which in-
quired as to the reative position
Prof. Robert C. Angell. of the of religion among the great issues
Sociology department, announced of life, 18 indicated that it was
yesterday the publication of "A the most important, 12 refused to
Study in Unde'rgraduate Adjust- classify it, while the remainder
ment." The University of Chicago subordinated it to vocation and
Press will publish the book and personal and social relationships.
the date set is December 20. , That any scientific knowledge
This book was sponsored by the considered with religion was not
Sociology department and was fin- final was the opinion of 38 with six
anced by the Faculty Reasearch holding the opposite vi'ewpont
fund of the University. It attempts while 42 replied in the affirmative
a comprehensive study of the prob- to the question "Do you believe
lems of undergraduate life in con- that there are values, experiences,
nection with the ,University. This forces, modes of existence which
survey touches, among other things, are "supernatural" in the sense
such questions as adjustment in that they have not yet been per-
academic work, adjustment along ceived by man and brought under
social, sexual, and financial lines. control?"
It also includes studies on student Asked whether thay thought that
religion, self-support, cultural in- religious problems should be in-
terests, and the influence'of sorori- rvestigated by scientific methods, 29
ties, fraternities, and extra- curri-
cular activities.
Two hundred and sixteen stu-
dents from the beginning psycho-I Hark To His Mas
logy courses were chosen, two years I
ago, for this experiment. They were ,TGNIVE
given tests, interviews and each 0
wrote a personal history of himself. i F
WVERTH ILowes tMajstic, Vi
I to suit. Baldwin, Kohl
Play while Orchestral
you pay. Victor, Column
S601 East William Street

4 ~0" %
# ,~ -

Influenza Germ E[Statements Made by Educator in Address 'n ncicll
uthful Chicago Scientist IDefended by Professor Raleigh Schorling IUULV U L U L
EHT Professor Snedden is not the' they give purpose andenergy to
babbling fool the newspapers this undertaking. The burden of
Measurements Taken From Hu. might lead us to believe," was Pro- proof certainly rests on the educa- Describes Expedition in Queen
man Heart in Motion for fessor Raleigh Schorling's state- tor who advises closing the gate- Maude Range as Very
First Time. ment in rcgard to Professor Sned- way to one of learning's greatest: Profitable.'
den's speech given here recently. fields at an early age.
FINDS STRANGE RESULTS Professor Schorling is a member of "With the more important part BYR TO RETURN SOON
Ithe Education department of the of Mr. Snedden's thesis one can__
Working in association with Dr. University. readily agree. It is true that we Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geol-
, Frank N. Wilson, professor of the "He has an exceedingly alert have in our classes large groups ogy department, announced ye-
Medical School, Dr. Paul S. Barker, mind that sees numerous solutions who have not the aptitude to do a terday that he had received the
:Dr. A. Macleod and Dr. John Al- to many problems in our schools. good quality of work. It is a curious following radiogram from Larry
exander of the Department of Me- I He is, moreover, in the enviable po- I fact that this effort to teach all Gould, University of Michigan
dicixte at the University Hospital, sition in which he does not need pupils the same curriculum giving member of the Byrd Antarctic ex-
i were able to accurately record, to bother about checking the valid- all the same chance is supposed to pedition:
probably for the first time in the 1 ity of any of his suggestions. In ftbe the essence of democracy when
: istory of the world, the electrical short, he is not much concerned byferent chancesn each to his pecu- logical and geological trip in the
currents generated at different re- experimental results or practical liar need. Probably one of the larg- Queen Maude Range with dog
;ions of the human heart, and see administrative considerations. If est wastes in education is trying to teams. There are plenty of crevas-
the heart at the same tine. Dr. Snedden had to teach a group teach folks that do not want to ses and plenty of thrills, but we are
A normal human heart in beat- of children every day he would rap- learn.
ng produces electrical currents idly reduce the number of his sug- "Finally, I am delighted thatTcareful.
hich can be measured by a galvo-. gestions. Like Stephen Leacock's Professor Snedden at last has come The message was sent from Camp
oerider, he jumps on a horse and gal- to see he faculty of the so-called Strom, about 400 miles from Little
mere . inthee dfinsit of thelops away in every direction. vocational courses in our high America, Byrd's base. In comment-
Sferences in the intensity of the My eyes were caught by Dr.i schools. Here at the University gm
currents during different stages of Snedden's statement 'many of. our High School Mr. Marshall Byrn is ing on Goulds message, Professor
the heart beat. This is of aid in the older high school offerings--algebra, giving a required course in the in- Hobbs said that he would prob-
diagnosis of different diseases of l French. ancient history, chemistry, dustrial arts to our boys. It is one ably be returning to Little Ameri-
the heart. In some diseases cer- classical literature-hotrever edu- i of the most popular courses of the ca soon. The steamship Bolling left
phases t cationally nutritious they may be school and .probably is as rich in New Zealand several days ago, and
Aeso1 e a P1iotstmo teeeticlcr for upper intelligences, are educa- disciplinary and cultural values as ithe City of New York will leave
ore Falk rents are changed and it was be- tional sawdust and gravel for sec- f Latin or algebra. It is the kind of soon to take them back, so that
versity of Chicagb who recently lieved that certain changes meant and quarter intelligences. Hence course that Dr. Charles W. Eliot they Will be finishing their work
n of the germ that causes iflu- i diseases of the left side of the we must find high schools or high had in mind 40 years ago when he in a short time
y be developed that will bring the heart and other changes meant school departments or curricula or made his vigorous pleas for a wider i
minating the source of consider- diseases of the right side of the at least courses for near-morons- training of the senses in an educa-
f the most common diseases. He is hat whose educational souls we must tional program.
'ho i woriiigwith him s a e- ihelp to save as certainly as those "It is also satisfying to see thato°
ho Is working with 'him as a re- hArpatient in the Hospital devel- of the brainy ones.' There isthere Dr. Snedden has the horse before
oped a disease of the chest which an enormous gap in reasning. Not the cart when he says "Certainly
iecessitated removal of part of the many thoughtful teachrswould our junior high schools and per-
"eat Issues of Life chest wall, expoigtehat.Fr otoghfltahr
I theefirsttime th e in he aito designate pupils in the second haps our senior high schools will
o hefirte thworl , octor eehbletoyuarter of our high schools as Idevelop for more miscellaneous
adents inQuestionnaires of the worl doctors were able tt
- accurately measure these electrical I near-morons.' It has not yet been f shopwvork-and, if facilities can beoE
indicated they would be in favor currents while the heart was in shown that algebra is educationali had, gardening and stock-raising
ofdscad plan ninedwereopposer starsthle ti herta uI sawdust and gravel' for second -than they have, but not for voca-
Sof uch aprmainderwere pnded They were startled to find that i rt intelligence tional preparation nor even for vo
while the remainder 'were de- the present beliefs were entirely gebra is commonly taught, it ob- cational guidance purposes, but Y BEFORE
cided. Twenty-two answered yes/ wrong and that the changes which viously does not meet the needs of: rather for spiritual, cultural pur- J XA i
ahd 11 ho, to the question "In the were thought to result from dis- the lowest quarter. poses not greatly differe nt from GOING HOME
past have yo reached conclusions eases of the right side of the heart "Mathematics as a key to one of those realized from sports, travel,
in religious questions by the same were, in reality, due to diseases of the great divisions of human miscellaneous reading and general
process that you use in other fields the left side of the heart. learning cannot be cast aside science-that is, developmental ex-
of experience?" thoughtlessly. It might still 'be pos- perience, all-round growth, person-t ,
The majority, 23, rated their at- Professors to Attend sible to reorganize either the sub- al enrichment in the finer pleas- j ,
tendance at the meeting helpful f ject matter or the methods so that ure-giving things of life.
and stimulatiig, 12 thought it ex- Socilogy Conference more people can understand and
tremely profitable, eight interest- -- appreciate the contribution which
ing but not helpful, and one a Prof. Arthur E. Wood, Prof. Lo- this great science has made to civ =.y
waste of time while none thought well J. Carr, and Prof. Robert C. ilization's growth. At present I am -rT e .Q al
of it as unsettling and harmful. Angell will attend the annual teaching 25 pupils, girls and boys, i-
Many suggestions for the im-! meeting of the American Sociologi- of the seventh grade (a course inftyFr
provement of the Forgims were given cal society which meets In Wash- which we begin with algebra). y
in the questionnaires, with several ington, D. C., from Dec. 27 to 30. ;There are certainly not over twostr
in favor of meetings of small At this meeting, Professor Carr will pupils in the group who will ever For wife, mother, and sister.
,groups, allowing for a more inti- read a paper on "Experimental So- have any trouble in rhathematical
mate discussion of the problems. ciology." courses short of calculus provided werdling's 25'h Anniversary
Some objected to the speakers' ----a
evading direct answers to the
questions, others to the formality tarts Today An opportunity like this comes but once a life
of the meetings. Suggestions in re- time! It's a sweeping clearance of our entire stock of
gards to calling on unselected mem- i-substanal
bers of the audience to contribute_ fur coats at very substantial savings. Every coat is ,
their ideas on the subject and the fashion's favored style . . . the pelts are carefully
discussion of political problems Hfshic'NNaNtCEem s eetshe e fo
were advanced. The largest num-1.I. selected the models meet the deiands for
+ber, however, were content with \ ASHER EM TA Tis.ss
just a favorable comment on the - ER T IM P A l miss and matron. You must buy NOW to secure these
series. savings. -
oCHAMPAIGN, I11.-Mayor FrankI k
CHMAG. l.MyrFak i-M ks bIt r of Champaign has decided that! He as =Make t osibleto bighpiess into_
Sunday dances are not banned, and ebelled Ae.
that the manager of the local Coli- Rou nsteWiles
seum need not obtain a license to -rus e
hold them tn the Sabbath. FRNllt A GE'Snx Pr dutison' All Furs and Fur Coats half price
FRANK BORZAG'S Producton..
The Zwerdling Service, Storage, and World-
er's Voice! Saying 4 =wide Insurance Free with every Coat.
. Everything Musical
With TA. - U v u m i-N M M

tctor, Crosley
rom Tristam uhppcr s Novc -
r& Campbell Appointments
Instruments -I-AHAPPY BIRTHDAY _____ltl______ ____N__i__I ___________I1f l1 i
bia, Brunswick - --
ords - All-Talking Coiedy /






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