ESTABLISHED 1890 .2 Ste-4 sItl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 68. ANN ARBOR, MICIIIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS L CLUBS, BNO Flying I TO PRESENT JOINT, nstruction at a Nominal Rate IFlyer Forced Down w Available to University Students UUAfter Atlantic Hop ILl IILULIVL O UI ILLIIUi Under Supervision of Airplane Society CR4SHOIN FORCEfl _______ -SECTS JOIN IN UNION fl P RD G AM TO NI G H TPossibility of Club Owned Plane1 instructor, with 1 ,000 hours of f l N0IN6 N CO S PROGRTONIGH toExplained to give flying instruction at re-" at Meeting. duced rates. In the future, ar- To be Fourth Annual Christmas rangements are also being made to Plane Wrecked in Soft Ground Program by Combined Means whereby actual flying in- have two military instructors give After Eventful Crossing struction at a nominal cost is now! lessons. These men are Clarence Organizations.available to airminded men and j Ellicock, '30E, an Ensign in the of South Atlantic. women of the University, and also Naval Reserve; and. Victor Rand- UNITE IN ONE NUMBER possibilities of a club owned air- ecker, Spec. E., who was formerly BOTH FLYERS INJURED plane in the near future, will be ! a member of the High Hat Fight- _ explained at a meeting of the Air- ing squadron, premier battle squa- Concert in Hill Auditorium Is plane section of the Aeronautical dron of the U. S. Navy. Miss Uraguyan Goal After 364 Last Appearance Before society, to be held tonight at 7:30,1- The Airplane section is also a Hour Flight From Easter Period. in the Engineering society rooms member of the National Intercol- Seville.' at 212, West Engineering building. I legiate Aeronautical association, Due to the local interest shown and is competing for the $2,000 --- Combining talent in a joint con- in flying, and the activity of the) prize moneytbeing awarded by Gro- M atMM rW cert, the University Women's Glee Glider section which has gained a, ver Loening, airplane designer, to RIO DE JANERIO, Brazil, Dec. 17. Club, the University Men's Club national reputation, the Airplane. the most progressive aviation club -After making the sixth sussessful and the Varsity band will present section of the society was recently in the country. This contest clos- crossing of the South Atlantic formed, with a view to promoting: es December 31. 1929. In this con- a varied program at 8 o'clock to- powered flight among the Univer- nection, the Aeronautical society ocean, Major Tadeo Larre-Borges night in Hill auditorium. sity students to the same plane 1 of the University, in addition to Uraguayan aviator, and Lt. Leon Associated Pre '1 Pto This is the fourth annual event now occupied by the Glider sec- sending in a written report of their Challe, French flyer, were forced Lieutenant Leon Challe, of the organizations and is com- tion. usactivity to the awarding judges, down in the darkness last nig French aviator, who made a sa Through the Airplane section, ar- will send in several reels of motion forced landing with his companion plimentary to the students an rangements have been made to put'picture films, depicting the activi- near Santo Antonio do Salto, neir Major Tadeo Lare-Boges, Uru townspeople. a plane in the service of the club ties of the club in airplane flying, the northeastern coast of Brazil. guaTn ace, in northeast Brazil Have Practiced Long. at reduced rates. A commercial gliding, ballooning, and other They failed to reach their goal.'Alhou ate iensrailedtoBrake Have PracicedhLThgeywf...ed..t.+r,~,.h the1r,.g ++.vAlthough the flyers failed to make i BANQUET TO FOSTER TOLERANCE Regent Murfin Advocates Golden Rule for Temporal Creed; Rabbi Fink Flays Intolerance on Campus. W\hile eietan ae (. \ [Inur. of Detroit. utged thai all perso adopt the Golden Rule as their temporal creed; Rabbi Adolph i. Fink, of the Ii illel foundation, attacked the intolerance which exists about the campus today. in speaking at the niiion's first annual Goodwill banquet. "enerally imbued with a spirit of understanding and sympathy, which was held last night in the ballroom of the Lnion. Regent Murfin declared that if every- individual would adopt the Golden Rule as his teuporal creed. bigotry would be abolished, religious intolerance would disappear. With the sympathy which would result. iny religion could be held, lie said. and noting coud be-do e Ivon struedas offensive to another. No Goodwill Feeling. D S/ICTEO M0MITIEUS n"Today only the romanticist can think that any degree of satisfac- 1 ELE0tory8underYHtaUndinS- xi~t tha o T e th e or a i a i n wi l a -s e e . T h ese p ict ures w ll ibe ta g. c r u r m aV . h The three organizations will ap- en in the near future. Montevideo, after setting out from the non-stop flight of 6000 miles Class President Appoints Seven t pear together for one number on If the club is successful in win-, Seville, Spain, on a non-stop Hight from Seville, Spain, to Uruguay, Chairmen Who Choose Own Jews," the program "In a Persian Mar-p.AY C M U T NI ning one of the cash prizes of the attempt. they achieved the sixth successful Comttee tet" has been selected as the piece M ! contest, it is intended that it will Hurts Not Serious, crossing of the south Atlantic. exam they achievedhthepsixth sccessful CommTtteeken. ean for the combining of the two glee rEnN EF go towards the purchase of an air- TheaiNlAMEn ciubs n hebn. lnJAadigwhc aAmd bte n N ME6nFROITONha_ clL adA USince it is possible to handle only landg which was made betweenI The three have been practicing a maximum of 25 students for each 9 p. m. and midnight. Lr. Challe N IUL ICommittees of the freshmen d for the event for several weeks, and Prof. Rowe tIscusses One-Act airplane in the service of the club, was injured and both flyers were class of, the literary college were ation wir t ke their f irst concert ap-Mnu sc s; eWinners ct(f t p it will be necessary, after the quo- stunned, but their hurts wer InotL announced yesterday by the pres- ec wi aeManuscipts; Winners to (for the plane now in use of theJwih pearance this year in Ann Arbor to- to be Produced. club has been filled) to place addi- serious. uLident, John H. Huss. More than 60and s night. The band will be arranged !_,.tional students on a waiting list Commander Tetit of the Brazil- -- , students were named to seven that t in concert formation for the pro- E ANNOUNCED until more planes are available. an navy and a director of the Rea Cautions Students Against committees. The members to each of goo gramU French Compania Aero-Post ale Infractions of Auto group were appointed by the re- Scor Christmas decorations will adorn Manuscripts for the one-act play Latecoere atePernambuco,thurriedRg t .arive chairman, a methodrdef siadL the stage of Hill auditorium. A: contest which is being conducted'VT to Antonio by automobile. Phyi-; electing of class committeemen. Rabbi large Christmas star has been ythe Division of English are due cians were sent from Natal. RECOMMENCES JAN. 6 Members of the various commit- stude torgMChrstmsUstrha be n dyJn1yaceSanto Antonio is remote and in- tee are: house placed er thetrees have been ar Pr . Kenneth T. Rowe, instructor accessibile and it was some time: The automobile ban will be lift- Advisory; Harry Begley, chair- refuse ranged on the side of the platform. of the course in play writing and --- before a coherent account of the ed at 12 o'clock Friday noon, it wasi man, Jrmes Temple, Wyman Hohn, i"Such, announced at the office of the Richard Egan, May Leckner, Eve- and Last Combined Program. general chairman in charge of the Lockwood, Bruce, Moore, Also landing could be obtainea. Lt. dean of students yesterday. lyn Lehman, Philip Lathbone, Jean they n -This cnert bill be the lastvaca scompetition. The plays should not' to Speak on Last Pre-Holiday Challe was reported to be cut over Although students will be permit- Cowden, and Katheripe Challenger. being bined program before Easter vaca- be delivered directly to the judges, Studio Broadcast one eye and severely brised. Major ted to drive their cars in and away Social; John VanSant, chair- said, i tion, according to Robert A. Camp- but to the 'English,' rhetoric or dLarre-Borges who went to Santo fron Ann Arbor during the entire man. Robert Carson, Ann Tobin, but r bell, treasurerof the Universityband speech offices. The authors must T WILL ANNOUN Antonio for aid after the flyers had holiday period, enforcement of the Martha Wheeler, Kenneth Yourd, Differe faculty a so o ty b . sABBO been located by a party of hrse- ban will recommence at 8 o'clock Margaret Shermack. Helen Benz, but si' Nicholas Falcone, director of the place their name in an envelope; men, said that he and his comrade on the morning of Jan. 6, when Mirian Root, and Samuel Brandon. sized,r band, has announced the follow- accompanying the manuscript. Any Speakers on the last pre-holi- i:ad struggled against head winds classes resume, says W. B. Rea. as- Auditing; Donald Baudeman, ing program for the concert to- number of plays may be submitted day campus radio program to be most of the way across the south sistant to the dean. chairman, Francis Stewart, Harvey lie night: by one student. broadcast Saturday night will be +Atlantic. No special permission will be Harrington, Helen DeWitt, Virgin- meetin overture to th Merry Wives of The promising. plays sub- Prof. Albert Lockwood of the for- Covered 3,600 Miles. given students to drive automobiles ia Taylor, Barbara Braun, Margaret than Windsor (. holars.... ndmitted will' be ainounced in The estry deprtment, Prof. Clarence D. They gave up their atempt to to Ann Arbor from near-by towns O'Brien. Harry Vaughn, and Thom- ingless ....... Varsity Daily on January 11. They will be . reach Montevideo after a flight of and cities during the earlier part of as Wall. rng pi cornet solo, "Jupiter' (E. F. Gold- produced by Valentine B. Windt's Thorpe of the rhetoric department, more than 36 hours from Seville, the week for the purpose of pro- Discipline; Jerry Rosenthral ing to man) . .......... ....Owen Reed play production classes. The win- Dr. James D. Bruce of the post- which they left at 12:40 p. m. Sun- viding themselves with a means of chairman, Dan Marcus, Henry thetic Selection of Christmas Songs, ning authors and Professor Rowe's, graduate medicine department, and day, and covering 3,600 miles. transportation to their homes at Large, Charles Saner, Dan Aaron the di Y,ar. L. class will attend the laboratory Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical "For the first few hours of the the beginning of vacation. +Herbert Breyfogle, Charles Pal-. the es Brochton) .........Varsity Band presentations in order to study the engineering department, according flight the winds were favorable, Friends of such students, how- mer, Louis Haner, and James La- ifestat "'Tis of Michigan We Sing"tPproducingtechnic.tprof. Waldo Abbot of the rhet- Major Larre-Borges stated, "but ever, may drive students' cars to kin. ' tained T{oo; Crions1 After a final revision, the plays after passing Cape Verde on the Ann Arbor for the latter, providing Athletic; Parker Terryberry, he sai ( oe) eins Club ~will be re-judged, and the best four 'oric department, director and an- African coast, we ran into head the students do not ride in their chairman, Ned Turner, James' In h (Beethoven)....Men's Glee Club will be produced before the cam- nouncer of the Morris hall st'vdio. winds so unfavorable that about 4 own cars, driven by their friends Jenkins, Richard Reynolds, James sentat Moonlight Sonata, First Move- pus. The best of these will be cho- ' Professor Thorpe's topic will be o'clock in the afternoon, we decid- (except members of their imme- Grube, Jack Root, Ernest FreemanI dent A nient (Beethoven)..Varsity Band sen by guest judges who will wit- "Judging a Book," and Di. Bruce ed to ask the course to the nearest diate family . Such transportation Robert Evans, and John Kellehr. that ti Sno, ioln blgat (d r) es te prfrmace wll isus "Pevnttiv Mdiland and to head-for it." constitutes violation of the auto- Cap Night:; Joseph Oakleaf, design Snow, Violin Obligato (Edgar)Jud nnes e perfor e.m"n wl ,,nue Hard to Find Way. mobile ban. and is punishable by chairman,hand JhnReer. ......rfrac.!ln n o edfrit"dl n:cnttThelma' Newell Judges of the preliminary con-wildsus"rvnaveNd-;Hrdthnd aymoletsvolinofheuo- Cp ig;;'sph Oka,; Italan tret Sng (erbrt)tin," wth artculr emhass o puishale y cairan Charles Reed, Edwin the sti Italian Street Song (Herbert) tests are Prof. Peter Monro Jack, cine, with particular emphasis on He said they found it necessary penalties of probation or suspen- Kretske, Roderich Cox, William said, i Soloist-Marjorie McClung..., of the rhetoric department, Prof. the phase of anti-toxin innocula- to change their course from Per- sion, it is explained. Kelley, Forest Baldwin, Virgin Sity. " .......Girls' Glee Club' Oscar J. Campbell, of the English tion. Professor Moore will talk of nambuco where they had planned Shepard, Allan Beardand Ben train Silent Night; Carols (Gruber). department, and Mr. Windt. "The Mentor System in the Engi- to land and to make for the nearest WHibschman. . should ... . ............Girls' Glee Club Rules for the contest are as fol- neering College," and Professor Al- point on the northeastern coast of; rlsWinsExtempore Finance; Robert Schoen, chair- te thr March of the Toys from 'Babes lows: i will consider the timely sub- Brazil. They lad difficulty in Speech Contest Final man, Willard Brown. Neil Gates, selecti in Toyland" (Herbert) ..... "The contest is open to all un- enfinding their way because they -- June Sote, Lucien Chipley Elea titude .. .........Varsity Band dergraduate students of the Univer- ject of "Christmas Trees and Con- were unable to get their position by Carl H. Urist, '30, won first place nor Lock, Barbara Scott, Margaret The U Ole, Grey Robea(Hu tyIWn siyadtangruaetdnte'vtn" Robe (Huntly) I Want ity and to any, graduate studentservation."wireless. Flying low to pick up theI in the All-Campus Extemporaneous Eidson, and Edward Young. faiths to go Back to Michigan (Hunt- not teaching in the University. Prof. Albert Lockwood of the land, we could not see the lights speaking contest, last night, be-t . Prof.;AProrisLoLan'd (Burheigh)an"Theeplaysdmustsebetin onehact.eakingtlions. Mley); Promis' Lan's lee lub"The plays must be in one and 'School of Music will play all the of thedcoast towns and finally we fore a joint meeting of the four Ashes of Flier to be pusMn'literary j "hsocietiesbein AthendsA he EdFieUt(b The Bells of St. Mary's (Ad- of the judges at 4:00 o'clock, Mon- miusical selections on the program decided to land as quickly as poss- camuslter odeties, AthenarE aEduc in he or ofpino olo. evealble. The wheels touched soft ground Portia, Adephi, and Alpha Nu. The ' Distributed on Estate was ia ams) Finlandia Sbelius . day hema uscripts must be typed. several selections, including some and turned over, knocking us un- winner's subject was the "Aboli- heaps, cad "h aucit utb ed eea eotos nldn ome" From the paei hc eboi "The name of the author must of the work of Bach, are scheduled. conscious tion of the Michigan Auto Ban." plane in which heorM r not appear on the rnanuscript but There will be no program next I recovered first and foundi Arthur L. Gotldson, '31, won sec- spent many of his recreational only c Noted Anthropologlst should accompany the manuscript week, Professor Abbot states, but Challe pinned under the plane. I ond place, while Donald R. Tobey, hours flying over Ann Arbor last tolerax Doubts Age of Bones j in a sealed envelope bearing the I the one-hour program of Saturday, dragged him out and he soon re- '31, was third. Medals were pre- Ifall, the ashes of the late John fleetsi D____B_ title of the play on the outside." January 4, will be given over to covered. He was not seriously in- sented to the winners of the con- Blake, former freshman in the Uni Fat the Alumni association who will jured, then I started to find help test, under the auspices of the Ora- versity, will be distributed over Cathol (By Associated Press) S k us t endeavor to have President Angell and started toward Santo Antonio. torical association. Wood of O', the Geddes road es- out th SWASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-Doubt kYale, and President Campbell of "The airplane was entirely The judges were: Prof. R. D. T. state of his grandparents, Mr. and are s' that bones recently found near for Pianist's Concert California speak by remote con- wrecked." He added that he and his Hollister, Floyd K. Riley and James Mrs. Sidney W. Clarkson. the A Peiping, China, are as old as claim- trol on the Michigan Night pro- comrade were exhausted when they H. McBurney, all of the speech de- Blake, who .left the University ance a ed has been expressed by Dr. Ales Charles A. Sink, director of the gram. landed and that their fuel was low. partment. late in October, died of pneumonia Ition,p Hrdlicka, noted Smithsonian an- School of Music, is closing negotia-' ---'-------~-- - "Friday at his home in Oklahoma al on thropologist. L tions in New York for a substitute F Cremation of the body will be per- God a "Not until the remains have been for the Ignace Jan Paderewski conFate of Sixty-Six Miners Trapped in Oklahoma Shaft by Explosion formed in Detroit this week. AMay passed upon can there be any talk cert.MCk Arumor that his ashes would be behalf' of vast antiquity," he said. Mr. Sink left for New York last Remains a Mystery; Crews Work in Attempt to Save Imprisoned Men placed in his plane here and then Union "The finds, as reported, are high- week, and it present is negotiating burned were denied yesterday by sight ly interesting and may prove of with a booking office for a suitable t rspe' a dispatch from Oklahoma City. banqu considerable value but until the ihab oigofc o tbe (ny Asocted Pres) feet down the slope, said they were enmtombed in the Old Town Coal Hewsoeo;hey u gs va whole subject has been studied by I substitute. The name of the artist McALESTER, Oklahoma, Dec. 17 driven out by smoke from the ex- Co.'s mine at North McAlester by He was one of the youngest avia- bestutoeprey is being withheld, pen'ding Mr. -Fate of 66 men, trapped by an plosion, which, they said, occurred an explosion which occurred short- tors at the University. When e!Cel outside experts it is best to pre- Sink's return sometime this week. explosion today in the Old Town 3,500 feet down the slope, where ly before 11 a. m. today. came to Ann Arbor last fall, he serve caution." Coal company's mine at North Mc- most of the miners were working. Rescue crews were rushed to the brought his plane with him. obtain- i La Ten headless skeletons and one W+kBe r^1ester, remained in doubt as res- mine and immediate efforts begun ing hangar space at the Municipal complete skull were reported found Waiepcue crews rushed efforts to reach McALESTER, Oklahoma, Dec. 17 to free the imprisoned miners, airport. Every day, when the in limestone quarries at Chow Student Journalists the slope where most of the men -Sixty six miners were reported Officials of the mining company weather was favorable, his plane POR Outien, 30 miles from Peiping. were known to have been working. said 66 men went to work in the was in the air. Uusually he was ac- The I Prof. John B. Waite of the Law Fear was expressed that few of mine this morning and none had companied by one or more of his for th ,Prof. Slusser'Speaks School, spoke to the Student Jour- the entombed men would be found r TeatherMan left before the explosion. campus companions. 5, was t Student Art Club naists' club in the Women's League alive because of poisonous gases Unable to enter the mine through Charle wls n igh t he"D m esfLe-Ihich were believed to have spread fhe opening, the ti rescue crewsProfessors toA tend teS last night on "Difficulties of Prose-1 through the mine following the - started sinking a shaft near the sponso UIUCa g Ist# exo aniong "rotestants, Catholics, and declared Rabbi Fink. As an le of intolera.nce existing in Arbor, Rabbi Fink assrrted the Christian policy oi ex- g Jews from club and o. 'an- memberships is carried into mpus life. "The existence of and Christian fraternities ororities side by side shows here is little genuine feeling d will extant." ing the attitude of Univer- eague house operators to- Jewish non-sorority women, Fink pointed out that sue ts mu't go from house to in search of lodging, being d on one"pretext or another. " he said, "is the spiritual mental humiliation which nust suffer for the 'crime o Jewish." This situation, he s no longer a Jewish problem, tther a Christian problem. nces may continue to exist, milarities should be ernpha- urged Rabbi Fink. Wishes Action. expresses the hope that the ig would amount to more merely a graceful but mean- gesture. "No group is seek- ty, pardon, or a condescend- lerance, but rather a sympa- understanding, inasmuch as fferences of faiths are not in sentials but in material man- ions. "Unity should be ob- even without uniformity," d. is first address to a repre- ive student gathering, Presi- lexander G. Ruthven statel 'ie University does not aim to ate what religious dictates udent should follow--that h s immaterial to the Univer Our function," he said, "is to the student in the way he go; to enable him to bat- ough a long religious growth, ng the philosophies and at- of the sages as he sees fit. niversity would recognize all and aid in their interpreta- Education Needed. ation, in the broadest sense, ailed by the Rev. Allison Ray representive of the Ann Ar- Inisterial association, as the ure for religious bigotry, in- ice, and prejudice which re- ignorance. ter Allen J. Babcock .of the ic Students' chapel pointed at such good will gatherings trictly in accordance with merican attitude of toler- s embodied in the Constitu- lacing the stamp of approv- the principle of worshiping s the heart dictates. or Edward W. Staebler, in of the city, thanked the for the initiative and fore- which made the Goodwill et possible. brities Witness tunching Ceremony (4 Ass.~'ociated Pte TSMOUTH, N, H., Dec. 17. - argest submarine ever built e United States Navy, the V- launched here today. Mrs. s Frances Adams, wife of reretary of the Navy was r of the craft. Rear Admirl If