TUESDAY. DECEMBER .17, . ,192'9 THE MICkIGAN AILY PACE SEVEN _ ____ r... _ .. . ._._ . ... _ __. W.,_ _, . ,._a_. Junior Vafrsity Calters WSOSNSA C~e4WISCONSIN S'TAR ntram al Ne Lack Scoring Accuracy MAY BE BARRED l W (Continued From Page 6) dition for competition. With his -?flashy play as a nucleus, Coach; Goldsten Stars j ieligible. He was m thc finals of Courtright feels that he should be l i6 pound wrestling championship able to whip s it a Intramural S~ that season. This year he reachedm V2JL the finals in the unlimited division. which will win Conference games. Phi Beta Delta has been quite Detroit City ,college will furnish2 Irving Goldstein of Phi Beta Del- successful in athletics the last few the next competition for the Mich- ta fraternity is taking part in his years. In 1928 it finished fifth, not igan "B" team, on Jaiuar but; ifhfIt Imn ons away from the win- . .;ry"4,:u: year of Intramural compe- I many pintts awyfro the win- due to a ruling which prohibits the tition. Goldstein, who is unable toes l e this junior Varsity from returning from' aclose second. vcains early forprcieth swim a stroke, was goalie for his team which Will oppos ertenvad- house's water-polo team. This is Clark Wins Campus ers on that date will be made up quite unusual in view of the fact I of Varsity reserves Who are now that Phi Beta Delta finished sec- Tennis Chaipionship the first squad under Coach ond. CVeenker. Especially encouraging in the: In 1928 Goldstein competed i 16 Robert Clark of Chicago defeated Kalamazoo 'game was the work of eVents out of 18 for which he ws W. G. Phelps of Saginaw in the Carl Torrell who counted 'nine of finals of the All-Campus tennis his team's points. Trrelf went on a scoring ,spree near the end of thej tournament. The match was played gamre which coppe d the econ Eastern Star s aiher on the indoor courts .of theR In ga m penspeed the decision GatheBr and compensated for sonic of the Sr East-West atf& ,trami.ra1 Building. The scores poorer work which the team had, -were6done.With Weins tine and Torrell By Associated Picss). Clarke, paired with Rollin Clark, both in the .line-ip as first rate ChICAGO, Dlec. 16.-'T'wenty-teo won the doubles championship last threats, the Wolverine mentor will1 ICG P n D eas6:-'Tweinty wootlspring. This tournament was or- in all probability put a team on the strs who will easen fhe balt iginally started on the outdoor floor, which will prove to be one of j st h wrepresent the astcourts but had to be completed in- strongest junior varsity outfits in against the West in the Shrine doors because of adverse weather. the Conference. ,benefit game New Year's day at ITom Justice, who played an end San Francisco today began 'active --on the Wolverine "B" tem lst orgaitization. Soseason played a good game against Bud Foster. Tie squarc includes 11 eastern *i e KOurtKalamazoo, showing good form in Shifty Wisconsin cage star, who pl.yers and a like number from the taking the ball off the back board may be ruled ineligible by Western midwest, the former selected by Shnd starting It down the floor. Conference authorities. Coach Andy Kerr of Colgate,andI -'''" the. rest 'by Dick HIanley of North- - western. The first workout was set . for today at Dyche Stadium, North- (CntnedFomPgeP western's home field, which will be came was responsible to a consid- the training ground until the squad erable degree in finding the open- starts west. ings thrduigh which the Varsity Famous backfield men of the 1aesse ots h inn season who will invade the west are goalrs sped to toss the winning "A VAN'AGE 0F THIS 'Frosty Peters, Illinois; Willis Glass- wgow, Iowa; Lloyd Brazil, University Witi the news rriving of REMARKABLE OFFER. of Detroit; Tommy Dowler, Colgate, ands Tony Holm, Alabama fullback the 58-11 drubbing adminis- Our bil sale of two p-ant suits and o'coats will continue through star. tered Albion, the Thursday this week. Many have already taken advantage of the low prices on night opponent of the Veenker these fitfe clothes-be sure that you don't miss out. 1*051 1n spirarnts coached team, the Varsity ca- tn'gers are not greatly perturbed SUIT OR SUIT OR to Mket in Tbutrne over the outcome of the en- OcA 'OT WISCOISIN PUCKSTERS ANTICIPATE LAS SiFIE TE GOOD SEASON IN SPITE OF LOSSES ADVERTISING ~ to - 1NOTICE (Special to Daily) Lakeville. Conn., will be playing.N I MADISON, Wis., Dec. 17- The'jr!_ .-___.. their third year. Kruger, who was SPECIAL! FROM NOW UNTIL saddest man on the University of at left wing last year my be shift- XMAS-Our guaranteed lasting Wisconsin campus the days is a 'etowightlahi s.easn. .eift-.! Permanent, $5.50. Frederic's Per- J yto right tthis season. Moile-thmanent, $7.50. Raggedy Anne Johnny Farquhar, varsity hockey john will again compete for his old Beauty. Dial 7561. 123 coach.~~~~~~~ place at center-~~-~~.~~~- ^~~ ~ Farquhar arrived last Tuesday STUDEBAKER driving to New York from his home in Winnipeg, to find Four other candidates have had City for Christmas holidays. Can the Badgers' ouodoor rink in splen- tone years varsity experience. They bake four passengers. Phone 3652. did condition and his squad in fair are Ed Swiderski of Duluth, anoth- -"---___ shape as the result of a week's vol- er center; Art Thomsen of Mu- THROUGH tickets and reserva- unty practice with puck and waukee, who shines in the defense; I tonIslan dpoinlPha Newark, The next morning the cold snap Art Frisch of Chicago, goalie; and " ' 61 wilted, the weather grew balmy, the Howard Segal of Eveleth, Minn., NOTICE ice melted and skating was impos- right wing. Swidernki is a senior \E Ilble. Johnny has fretted for three but.he was ineligible last season. WE BUY USED CLOTHING days praying for a sold snap. Fri- The others are juniors. H. BENJAMIN day afternoon he was jubilant The outstanding sophomore can- 215 E. Washington Phone 4310 when the mercury dropped almost didates are Bill Metcalfe, defense; 246c to the freezing point and the wea- Mickey Bach, left wing; Fred To- $10,000 TO LEND on first mortgage ther bureau predicted a tempera- G man of Virginia, Minn., and Dick at 6%'; without bonus or service ture of 25 degrees for Saturday. Walsh of Chicago. charge Phone 4356. 135C Wisconsin's outlook for the ice Practice will be resumed on the sport is encouraging this season, ice as soon as freezing weather en- TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair despite the loss of a number of !sues. In the meantime, Coach Far- rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. stars by graduation. The Badgers' quhar is having his men report j C co-captains, Gil Kruger of :Neenah i daily for "skull" sssions in which ------- and Don Meiklejohn of Madison, he discusses problems of strategy' 150 TUTORS-ALL SUBJECTS who prepared at the Taft school, and tactics. MACK TUTORING AGENCY _____________I__ ___________ -_____l-- '310 S. State St. Phone 7927 123 SERVICE AT YOUR SERVICE W. H. Clark, life time experience in making shoes, riding boots, spats. = .Six experienced workers to wait on you. Largest place in the city. Factory 534 Forest Ave. Branch .. 1113 S. University. Yes, we do repairs. C _ I_ A WONDERFUL way of putting your self through college. (In- '" - comes guaranteed). Address Box 113. 234561X3 TYPING efficiently prepared. Uni- . --x'$versity Typing Service, 718 Mon- roe. Phone 21474. C WAIfED WANTED-Refined, quiet young man student to work a few hours c 1per week for payment for room. :IAddress Box 116. 12 Choosing the Right Kind of Gifts Is Child's SPlay at Fiegel's. FOR RENT Then the safest course is to come straight to the store that SANTA CLAUSE SUITS FOR RENT is as anxious to please the recipient as your are. -Ms. A. L. Spaulding, 515 South 4th Ave. 3581. 1. BOY'S OUTFITTERS MHALF OF LARGE SUITE-Second From Heart to Foot. semester; first floor; single; Jan- uary 6. Girls' League House. Dial 8145. 12 ." { OR RENT-Four zoorm furnished apartment, newly decorated, in my stone house. Fridigarie. NANARBORS/CE// South State. Phone 3403. 561 BEAUTIFUL Woodland Club House, Ann Arbor's Foremost Clothiers available to rent to Fraternities 322-324 South Main Street and Sororities on reasonable wterms, only 20 miles from Ann iArbor. Call or write Mr. Peters, Randolph 4447, 408 Detroit Sav- ing Bank Building, Detroit, Michigan. x I (Continued From Page 6) counter with the Methodist forces. Despite the excellent '40 '32 $50 $40 to be the best in that weight. showing made by his senior Several more gridiron warriers players the Wolverine mentor will take the mat in theiunlimited is. anxious to uncover a number division with Auer, Draveling, of capable sophomore players Sorenson and Wolfe from the grideg squad paired with Stoddard as the and the sophomore contingent favorites. I is likely to see most of the ac- Coach Keen stated yesterday that tion.j the results of the matches would inI no way effect the make-up of the 'San Francisco, Dec. 17-Two year wrestling squad, but that they will ,home and home football gainesI give a chance to the untried men have been arranged between Stan- to show how they perform under frd university and the University, ire. The winners in all events will of Minnesota, Al Marsters, gradu- be awarded medals iate manager of Stanford, said to- beaward. day. First game at Minneapolis . ~next October 11._j TIMELY iFT SUGGESTIONS Socks Gloves Hats Belts Ties Suspenders Dressing Gowns Scarfs Handkerchiefs Smoking Jackets 213 E. LIBERTY $T. * F-H tenxup and at 'em.' MOKING a pipe is like flying an airplane-you really ought to know how, if you're hoping to cnjoy it much. Pipe technique canbe piciked up through experience, or it can be learned outright. Master it now, to relish your pipes. Rule One for Pipe-smoking is "Find your tobacco." ,Rule One stops some beginners. They look here. They search there. They hunt . . . we must discard false modesty! Rule One means Edgeworth! Rule Two is'. . but would you learnall the secrets of pipe tech- iique? Then, let ids send you our Rules for Pipe-smoking-anld ;a Tree-for-nothing trial packet of genuine old Edgeworth, the tobacco made for pipes. Think of It--rules anid Edgewortlh, the how and the what of pipe-smoking, all for your 2 stamp and that coupon there below. Edgeworth is a careful blend of good tobaccos -selected especially for pipe-smokirg.Its quality andflavor never change. Buy Edgeworth any- where in two .frsns - 'Ready Rubbed and "Plug Slice"--25;pock- ct package to pound hu- midor tin. EDGW- Q1 ' Ti 1A M fJ 1 e' { 4 s I Gift - { The Christmas Shopper may buy Gifts of a rare and lasting naturc from the firm of Van Boven, Inc., Gifts which are not easy to procure elsewhere. Robe Ensemble of Pajamas e and Slippers. Pajamas of Silk, BroadCloth, Tiored in Club or Russian style. Imported Sweater Ensemble in various ades of gft blue, whe n, tan, ginet and Impored half Hose of the inest Cash mere plain, clocked or patterned. Demi Bosom shirts n plai white ox or o, colored madras or Chambrey striped or fe. A variety of very excellent novelties. .~ -UX ., v . , ... , ,.. . vacation so near! there's surely a good reason for us all to get dressed up before we go home. you need new hats-new shoes new ties, new shirts? and We havthe and also a perfect line of christmas gits for h im FOR SALE I FOR SALE-Hart Schaffner Marx Tux with black vest; size 38; good condition; $25. Phone 39451 FRATERNITY" HOUSE FOR SALE -A Fraternity or Sorority look- ing for a fine home will be in- terested in the house at 1017 Oakland Avenue. This house has boon entirely rebuilt and redec- orated throughout, has large Ecomniodious rooms on the first floor, nine study rooms with three baths and dormoritory sleeping twenty four on the sec- and and third floors. In one of the best residential sections the frontage of 150 feet at the head of Arch Street is ideal being but three blocks from the campus. The large and commodious base- ment has laundry, store room, chapter room and a finely ap- pointed porter's room. The plumbing is all new and modern. The owner will be glad to show the place if called. Phone 8621. .1 FOR SALE-Ford Model A Tudor, 1929. 2000 miles. Owner must sacrifice. Phone 6680. 12 BOOK LOVERS-A rare opportun- ity to obtain at very low prices first editions of the following: Cabell, Clemens, Conrad, Crane Dreiser, Joyce, Lawrence, Mac- hen, Menken,,Millay, Moore, and others from the library of B. O. Shitt,551 Church. Phone 21737. L123 LOST-New dark blue Chesterfield overcoat with Greenwood and Kilgore label checked at Alpha Delta house Saturday. Owner would appreciate return to 502 E. Madison St. Reward. Dial 5017. LOST-Man's wrist watch, Satur- day on Washtenaw or in X's Ford roadster. Reward. Dial 4837. I LOST-Brown suede purse with bill fold, containing checks. Reward. Dial 21635. Jeanette Hillers. 1