ITH E M I C H'I C A''ll - D A I'L Y* .. Wit~ THr MICHIGAN TAIL Y - P?~7~ m~ vAUM is'- I sue. i |DM( T1V 0 [TGargoyle Editor Advises Work on Publications .EN d 01 ( M N Various Donations of Tr WO L |V UO|Ifor Artists Interested in DrawingCartoons W UIL J 1lNML to Add Christmas C Ir"Thefinest outlet for any one in- this reason is not sufficient to keep OF IPChrtna.; genially penetrates terestedin illustrating is in cam- them from submitting drawings, a Ueven into the monotonous wards P aWa--'pus publications, stated Jerome there are wits on the staff who can -of the University Hospital. The Ellison, managing editor of the write humorous captions for any Two Glee Clubs and Varsity Hospital itself makes no provisions: Gargoyleas ng il u ratorpublica- drwingc lle-espBand Will Take Part in anything ept e edc tinteaprn lutao a x aycle:spublish an alumni care of the patients, but a merry ! periment until he developes a char- number of their humor magazine, Annual Event. Christmas is made possible by the Intercollegiate Association of acteristic style, and no amount of all the cartoons being drawn by gifts of magazines, money, and Women Students Will Meet poor work can be detrimental to graduates who are successful illus- TO BE HELD TOMORROW service, that are offered through- in Pennsylvania. his reputation as an illustrator. The trators for current magazines. The out the state s _______ only work that is recognized is the Columbia Jester published an ex- A joint concert will be given at 8 Chprstmof teae an clbipon- I TWO WILL GO FROM HERE and h a establish a repu eptionally fin alie numbe s o'clock tomorrow night in Hill aud- Whatever trees are given, usually tation for great possibilities by one! did the Yale Review, whose chief Itoiinb h nvrit il'b.rtriie n ooiis r or two clever drarings Many stu- contributor was Peter Arnold. ltorium by the University Girls by fraternities and sororities, are Problems of Self-Government dents hesitate to attempt to work George Lichtenstein, '28, art ed- Glee Club, the University Men's utilized. There is enough room for Will be Discussed by on a humorous magazine because itor of the Gargolye, is a good ex- Glee Club and the Varsity Band, 45 or 50 trees in all .the wards and they do not feel able to draw any- ample of the successful illustrator announced Nicholas Falcone, direc- roomi of the building, hut if less Delegates. thing funny," said Ellison, "but who began his career on a campus tor of the band. The concert, which are offered, some portions of the _ipublication. At present he is on the I an annual event, will be open to hospital have none. These trees Announcements of the sectional gTnd for the public. Following is the pro- are all gifts of the organizations on convention of the Intercollegiate W. CAAT.SPONSaS Life and 'Judgeagram: the campus. AssociationWofSWomenSStudenON O e a e f Overture to the Merry Wives of It is. not only the children who ORGANIZA ION OF ( There are a number of omlen s Windsor (0. Nicholas) ... enjoy Christmas. Surprisingly which will be held at Pennsylvania . Ncontributing to Gargoyle this years. State College, April 9, 10, 11, and W O ME N ARCHERS! although as a general rule there I.................Varsity Band enough, the grown-ups have an are not this field. Cornet solo, "Jupiter" (E. F. Gold-- even keener appreciation of the 12, in 1930, have been received by! Dorothy Elsworth, '32, was elected y Istratny fo morin agsie man) ........ ......Owen Reed spirit of the season. Many of them the Women's League. There will the first president of the new Istting for a humor magazine Selection of Christmas Songs, have never before had a Christmas! ]!is broadening for serious artists for "Beet h -ol, (arr. L.r present. Knowing this, an attempt be two representatives from the Archery club at the last meeting of there is no be er ati i Beneath the -ally,arr L.nd i e to i t evr pt University of Michigan this year, the organization. Miriam Carey, '}2 traying expressions than in draw- Londonderry i Taditya has some gift. Useful gifts are do- Margaret Bush, '30, active president was chosen secretary-treasurer. At ings of this sort," concluded Elli- .'Ti"ofry Air (Traditional." nated from all sources -- books, of the Women's League, and the the same time the members voted; son. Mof Michigan We Sing to call the organization the Arch-_ (Moore); Cratins H y imn new president who will be installed cry club, permanently. IsDito_(Beethoven).....Men's Glee Club NEVADA W 0 M E N in the spring. ! Since the club is a new one mem- !nsccrlpton RAOC Is Moonlight Sonata, First Move- The L. A. W. S. is made up of bership is still open to any one: National Monument ment (Beethoven)..Varsity Band TELL M E N THEIR all women student governments. A who is interested in archery. Skill; WSnow, Violin Obligato (Elgar ANNO YING HABITS1 national convention is held every with bow and arrow is not a re-Preserved in. .est . . .. ......Thelma Newell two year a which representatives uire nt, though it is desirable,---Italian Street Song (Herbert) So- "Is things like this that make from all the colleges that are ;ucerding tou A is deirabl, In a western valley of New Mex- loist-Marjorie MeClung.... pp like you get on the nerves members of the Association meet ;accordtngdtoaAroiering missaofsanp-op, and discus.f current problems of '30Ed, archery manager of the ico stands a towering mass of sand-................Girls' Glee Club of people like me," says the stu- self-government a it concernswo Women's Athletic Association, stone popularly called "Inscription Silent Night; Carols (Gruber)- dent of the University of Nevada. in en. which is sponsoring the club. The R , b ,y pa..... ......Girls' Glee Club in a psychology quiz conducted A national convention was held next. meeting of the organization 1l Morro" because of its resemb- March of the Toys from "Babes in such a way that no one knew last year at the University of Ok- will be held at 4 o'clock, Friday, lance to a castle. It is truly "In- ,. in Toyland" (Herbert)......... except the author who had written lahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. In January 10, at the Women's Field scription Rock, however, for on its ".. . . . ... . ... . . . .. Varsity Band the statements, it was discovered vntioc are eld sectional con- House. - 'ace are engraven names and re- Ole Grey Robe (Huntly) I Want just what habits of college rC:u- tentrnaeedall over the ia o- uords of olden dcys when history to go Back to Michigan(. Iunt- dents were most annoying to their United States, and it is to the con- was in the making ley); Promis' Lan' (Burleigh) fellow students. vention of the central section that T..he earliest inscriptions are...............Men's Glee Club The women say: "I just can't Michigan will send it two repre- Notices those of aTcient Indians in the lan- The Bells of St. Mary's (Ad- stand men who 'wolf' their food at aentatives next spring. yThere will be a mneeting of the guafe of the pictograph which is ams); Finlandia (Sibelius).... the table; shake hands limply; re Thue convention th.ra year will b W. A. A. Board this noon in the un decipherable. Two crudetrails...................Vsity adard 'College Iumor' as their in of particular interest to the in- ! Russian tea room of the League lead to the top of the rock where ept textbook; are conceited; 'color; coming president inasmuch as the building. All members must be there are ruins of Indian dwellings ( their experiences when they are national convention will be held in present. of an unknown era of American telling about them; have cold, sll- Ann Arbor in ,1931, at which the Junior women interested in i history. Calendar my hands; ,Nsume an air of world- president of the Women's League I digning scenery for the Jun- "El Morro" stands on one of the Tueoday, December 17 liness and are effected in dress; will be the national chairman. ior Girls' Play are invited to oldest trails on the continent, the 1200-W. A. A. Board. League who wear ,pats and riding boots. At every convention discussion j meet with Miss Amy Loomis Zuli-Acoma. The first mark made Russian Tea Room. The college man says: "I can't groups are formed separating and the chairman of properties, by civilized man was inscribed in 4:00-Junior and Senior bas- stand women who powder their members from the smaller schools Kathleen Clifford, at 4 o'clock, 1606 by Don Juan de Onate, the ketball practice, Barbour gym. !noses continualy; try to be kiddish and those from the,. largercol- December 19, in Miss Loomis' founder of Santa Fe. 5:00- Sophomore basketball and cunning; come gaily into the leges, thus enabling the women office in the League building. Two young Americans, Lieuten- practice library, greet you cheerily and who have problems in common to Junior and Senior class bas- ant Simpson and R H Kern plac- 5:30-Kappa Beta Pi, League loudly for the purpose of attract- them out together. Oth etball practice will be held at Kalamazoo room. ing the attention of admiring sui- ketbmd 4 o'clock today at Barbour gym. the rst nglish incriptin 7:15-University Girls' Glee tors; give details of their illnesses; discussion group nrarepformedrfor 4o'cocody atsbw gym the rock in 1849. Since that time club, League Committee room. have high shrill voices; use af- the pe proofs. Several f certai o'clock this afternoon. The rany cowboys, hnters, tourists, 7:30-Portia, Portia room, An- fectation in spelling their names, questions which were discussed at occsh isn paternoon b e and dates which have very little, if ell hall such as "Pryscylla or Allyce the national convention last year 4 to 6 o'clock tomorrow. and dtstwichave v ie, if 7:30--Athena, Athena room, in rew their faces into cunning con- ocnnolast yer-school group number 2 al- . Angell hall. tortions and purse their lips; try evets ord of the Ann Arbor branch of the El Morro" has been a national Wednesday, December 18 to make their voices sound like a f eship, sholarhips, es, mill American Association of Univer- monument, and heavy fines have 3:30-W. A. A. party, Palmer tinkling bell; rave over everything fioows ip, solars ips, ass a- sity Women will meet at 7:45 been exacted for marking the rock, Field house. as "adorable," "perfect," and "cun- tion of junior college girls, and stu- o'clock this evening at the home so that it may always be kept sac-I 4:00 - Freshman basketball ning"; and tell gentlemen friends; dent newspapers with which w of Mrs. Henry Lewis, 725 Oxford red to the, record of famous men practice. about the proposals they have had m re conene.Road. -The program, Music for and deeds of long ago.-; previously. A report is made of the conven- thr-coohlisacn_-____ -_____.____ --- - - --- -- lion taken from the minutes of the the Pre-School Child, is a con1---- ~-~ tintknfo hemntso h tinuation from the last meeting. 1r meeting which are written downt: nu(t1(n 1!mrthe 1aI meeting word for word. This report is sent to all of the colleges which are Members of Theta Sigma Phi, na-f members of the Association. tional honorary journalism soror- --- ____-- ity, at Louisiana State University,: Miss Doris Cary, a student at issued a scandal sheet recently in Louisiana State University has ai which they printed all the campus: ees and Gifts Help heer in Hospital Wards' toys, and magazines. Each girl receives a doll; each boy a box puzzle or something that will stum- ulate his mind to effort, and help to relieve the monotony of hospi- tal life. 'rhose who receive their Christmas from home do not get I toys here. Since there are about 1,000 pa- tients-almost %half of them young- ,ers--infinite planning goes into: making the season a happy one.I Children are sent home for a short time whenever possible. When this Is not feasible, they work to send some happiness home. All the children make simple gifts for their families. The children learn while' making them, and it is often the only sign of the season in some of the homer. Black Quill, honorary literary society, has five new members, in- itiated at a recent meeting. They are: Helen Barc, '30; Clovice Al- exander, '30; Barbara Fleury, '30;j Elizabeth Pheiffer, '31; and Margar- et Harris, '31.3 PRTY IS PLANNED BY ATHLTICI CLUB High Point Scorers of Play Day Will be Guests With Faculty Advisers. All members of the Women's Athletic Association are invited to the Christmas party being given at 3:30 o'clock, Wednesday, in the lounge of the Field House. The pur- pose of the party is to present "Waa," mascot of the organization, to fresman group 90, which won it during Freshman Week in the Play Day which was held then. Entertainment, dancing, cards, and refreshments are planned for the guests, who will consist of freshman groups 103, 108, and 111, and their faculty and student ad- visors. Those who wish to become members of W. A. A. in time for the party may do so by presenting their points and money at the W. A. A. office this afternoon. \\ I (I ,/ i ii t UI 2R / 1 K -, ... , I r ,,e : ' ^ .y, BK /. { t i / / tame king snake as a pet. "scandal." I i i Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying GO To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical Lowest to Suit. Play while you pay. Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crotley Pianos:- Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records Th bict .w T heU egu' ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 DON'T WALK, TALK' Call 9416 Drugs Cosmetics Are to be FOUND rght in the pages of Do Your Shopping Now Before You Go Home The oew days you have at home are precious. You don't want them to pass away in con- gested stores and in battling hectic mobs-p { ' / V \ WELL- I)RESSF131 CIII