.{ r' T-. fix I N Lip THr MT~iiT~AN ~ATLX' t~i~r~ 17, Published every morning except Monday duiring the UnisversIt year by the Board in Control of Student >ulications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. TheAssociated Press is exclusively entitled wo the use for' republi':ation of all news dis- pthscredited to it or not otherwise credited to this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoff ice at Ann Arbor, Mtichigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.30. Offices:. Ann Arbor Press Building, May- heard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4923; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman ..........George C. Tilley City Editor................. Pierce Rserherg; .News Editor . ............Donald J. Rline Sports -Editor ........ Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor.......Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor ......... Cassam A. Wilson Music and D~ram, .......William J. Gorman Literary Editor.......... Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor...... Robert J. Feldman Night Ed itors--t ditorial Board Members PRalk E. Cooper- Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Slos Charles R. Kaufman Walter WV. WVilds gurney Williams Reporters Bertram Askwith Lester May Helent Barc David A. Nichol Maxwell Blauer William Page Mary L. Blekymer Ioward ff. Peckham Benjamin ft. llerentsouI I ugh Pierce Allan Ii. Berkman Victor Rahinowitz Arthur J. IBernstein .lohn D. Reindel "S. :Beach Conger Jeannie Robherts Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell Iohn H. Denler Joseph ltnwitcli fJelen Doniine William 11. Salzarulo N argaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl Katlharine Perrin S. C'adwell- Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane "IThayer M~uth Geddes ?Marga ret Thompson Ginevra Ginn Richard I.. Tobin Tack Goldsmith V.1izahetlt ,nlentine Morris Groverman Hlarold n. Warren, Jr. (toss Gustin Charles White Margaret Harris C. Lionel Willens David B. Hemprstead john VF Willoughby S.Cullsen Kennedy Nathan WVise can l.evv Barbara Wright ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magtee BUSINESS STAFFTepon 21 4 B3USINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERERI Department Managers Advertising....... .. liser obly Advertising......... "...l1tasper It. lHalverson Advertising ..........Sherwood A. U ptoni service..... ...........George..A. Seater ashes and prays "How long, 0 Lord, how long?" .' Musc-A d D an Uinder the present organizatio OofTED R L ~M scA dDai our municipality there is no relief Io in sight. It has been repeatedl RENEWING j TONIGHT: The Michigan League shown that manufacturing cn AN OLD < presents Play Production in "At terns, which bear a good share of' TRADITION Kiss for Cinderella" by James Bar- the burden in other cities, cannot' The Student council is to be corn-j re, beginning' promptly at 8:15 in be attracted to Ann Arbor because !1teLdaMnesontete of high taxes. New residents are I mended on renewing the old tradi- th yi edlsontete leery of coming within the city; tion, of never stepping on the Uni-t FLORENCE BOYCHEFF. 0 a I . s DAYS BEFORE GOING HOME I Al i Christmas Presents JAMES FOSTER Ho use of Art 213 S. State Street ANN ARBOR. MICHWGAN rs and Fair Coats Makeup, Repaired, Re- modelled and Relined Price. Reasoiabl t P. L. Greenbauni 448 Spring Street Phone 9625 11 R pr limits, and a peculiarly vicious phase of this leeriness is the diffi- culty encountered by the Univer- city in attracting substantial men to its faculties. Educators of abil- ity and reputation-the type most cryingly needed at present-have homes for their families elsewhere' which they could not afford in Ann Arbor with the salaries that Michi- gan can afford to offer. Nor is it simply a question 01 bringing in new blood. Professors who found homes in Ann Arbor 15! years ago have watched their sal- aries increase 150 per cent while' their taxes have increased 500 per cent. And now tha.t these homes have become financial burdens, they can not sell, for the market has all but disappeared. Yet they must watch the University-and possibly the Greek-letter organizations - take more property off the tax rolls and increase their burdens propor- tionately. It is not surprising that those more firmly rooted in Ann Arbor are being driven to a lower standard of living, and those less firmly rooted to other universities. A way out must be found. The city council must inaugurate the most rigid possible economy and appoint a commission of tax ex- perts to discover how Ann Arbor can return to a, tax rate that will make her attractive to people Iwhose financial status is that of a faculty member or lower. Perhaps a city-manager is the way out. 0--- Campus OpinionI C out, ibutor arie asked to hbe lbrief, versity seal on the floor of the Li- A Review by William J. Gormnan. bray lobby. I stood there (not on Despite her own nervousness and the seal in the lobby) yesterday for poor, unsympathetic accompani- fifteen minutes and observed no mernt, Miss Boycheff last night re- less than 24 students and one in- vealed a voice well on its way to structor give the seal a good Scuif- j importance. Her program showed jfing. ,the seriousness of her intentions.; * *! including as it did the Schumann IThere are two objections, though,, Frauen-Liebe und Leben, a diffi- to the renewal of the tradition. (a) cult and varied group of love songs. Who will polish the seal if it is notj Miss Boycheff showed a fine art- stepped on, and (b) how will the B. istry in insinuating her voice into and G. boys patch up the holes ,this variety of moods. Her voice has which will be made on each side limitations which the more tender, of the seal by jumping students? and quiet lyrics brought out. It is Two members of the Rolls Research not mellow; it hasn't the lovely' Bureau are now working on the soothing quality of some contral- problem and will probably report j tos. She couldn't impress an audi- a solution after one has been found, ence with the purity of each indi- by the council. vidual tone. Her voice is powerful CiT7jl P I Do Your SChristmas Shopping Early Want Ads Pay' mm, I ' i THE ATHEN EiBERBACH &SONCO ESTABISHED 18I43 s s I III ;} , . >I . i ., ., . rt . t VRES * * *and agile; impressive more for its Only three more days now and success in group effects, where she pi tr seCriosmqustoiongNwthateouraca hrlIy e zaPriyigDONO Ntr j seiou qustin. Nw tat ourcolor, quality, and modes of vocal- ' Christmas Club check has come in ization-considerations which seem Dial 21 01 3 and you've spent it on a bender or to me to point quite definitely toji a new suit what are you going to the specifically dramatic as her NEXT TO POSTOFFICI2 { I do about it? I thought you'd get' field. in a jam so I figured out a way for In fact, her voice can in those ___- __- you to send out your Christmas respects be compared to that of cards for next to nothing. All you Sophie Braslau. But she hasn't the have to do is collect a lot of copies !sheer force of will that Miss Bras- Le ' D " of this issue of The Daily, cut out! lau has. And that is where I would ' f iour the card printed below, and mail it. like to make a 'suggestion. She will So earn j You're entirely welcome. I'm have to get over a certain timidity sure. in tonal release, and certainly her I * * stage nervousness. In last night's Hih es Quality k i s1929 recital, instead of being a bit timid, she should have benefitted by the of Work 4 !chance to know her voice, to learn its possibilities for dramatic effect. ece ;Frtechnical certainty contributesA.T CO H Eyteiein no small degree to the confi- A. .SONIC f ~dence. in. intellectual interpreta-& O ,r ~^ Lion which Miss Bovcheff seemedrlto LABORATORY SUPPLIES SCIENTIFIC 200-202 C. LIBE7RTY ST. i . mdmll .. L enawee 401 Drive U This beautiful eight room English home over- looking Huron Valley and River has just been offered for sale; owner leaving Ann Arbor. House includes curtains, drapes, gas stove, elec- tric re#frizeration. 02 furnace. mealslcreeni~s n theri~ Pubrclation................I.Vwint's'f ihl-1 ovmnn1 om0lack. When Miss Braslau sings 10 Suh nsasw Accut...........uli .Rs od fpsil niCioi on orW.Icon Y1t1109eSouth cUniversit30Items, Possesson July 1st, 1930 ruieations................eorge I lamilon Itluncatinns "'ill he disiear~ld. The i hT'em n iof F t~ o go names of comunn,cants w.il, ihow~ever.h acmniofIFt" ogo Asitnshe regardd ascntdeut",]. upon,, ,e last May Festival) one cannot im- Hl lc rmCmpus qet tespbihd=on o eaaedrn h xeineayW ilb lae oso ayene E. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker cntredas epeisng thederitrial I 'in dent. CaW ll Mb ewestoshown Fames $. afr arelehmCartwright ThlareuceLucey Iopinion noof Ite ail'. i TO FR1OM ; .other possible interpretation. She qus._e~r- ulse l udnt1 rng~eeprec n et alM.Nwoeei Harry B. Culver f erge. Patterson .** has convinced by the force of ____________________ Thomas 1A. Davis C'harles Sanford I__CLOISTERED______IDEALISM_______BAH!_ Norman EMiezer Lee Slayton COSEE D~ SBR ALL-FACULTY ELEVEN. her will. Miss Boycheff would do Tames Hoffer Jseph va Riper To the Editor: Dear Mr. Tinker: well to acquire some of Miss Bras- oris Johnson Robert Williamson ! It Charles Kline yWia R. Worboy~ It appears that onlce again the As I see that you are not going to !lauws zest (vulgarly "spunk". It 2357 ro k- ____ campus is infested with one of its use this column for humnor alone, s an important requisite of the I w ii. ,Is Lar oln lc ~~lyi semi-annual whispering camnpaigns. after the Sunday's review of the singer who thrills by the variety 187i Agnes Davis Slia Miller1 This time the Union Opera is the !'Opera, I submit my All-Faculty-All- and power of her voice, rather than IiL ./' Bernice Gaser Helen F'.. .\lsslwhte '3 Hiortense Gooding I:lean tor \'lkisbaw j innocent victim. American football team, which is j by the purity from note to note. irte aemnBO K UL DohaWtean The source of this campaign canl in keeping with the season and ______-ROK B- Night Editoi-ROBERT L. SLOSS be traced to a small group of everybody else is doing it so whyI A KISS OR CINDERELLA. r227 _______- -- cloistered idealists, who take1 shouldn't I? The current performances of Sir TUSADCME 7 99themselves and the world a trifle James Barrie 's "A Kiss for Cinde- i t too seriously. For the moment, they Here are the posts: Hobbs at R. rella" being given free to the pub- ,- . ------- _____ ___ fogtthey are the favored few of G., Guthe at L. G., Mattox and lic at the Lydia Mendelssohn the- l __________________ the privileged one percent, and over- Humphries at tackles, Forsythe and are represent a sort of Christ-' TAXES, QUO VADITIS? I look the fact that the remainingI Cabot at ends, and Cuncannon at mas gift from many sources. The Ann. Arbor property owners have; ninety-nine and ninety-nine hun- ! center. In the backfield there wouldJ Michigan League is sponsoring the Vim' q for some time been facing a taxt dreth percent might have a right be Taylor at quarterback, with production and opening all the f a- situation fraught with the direst to tastes and ideas of their own. Pargment and Eaton at the halves cilities in the way of a workshop G I V E consequences and so extraordinar- i These intellectualists who areĀ± and Muyskens at full, that they have to Play Produc-} fly menacing that it can not and unable, or perhaps unwilling, to un- WHY? Why becau se Hobbs and! tion. The Stagecraft class of the t ,,j miust not continue to be viewed derstand why the Opera should; Guthe have been digging around University is building the sets and 3) )' - / - with complacency. This winter exist in its present form, have ad- in the earth most of their lives.jalotecsu sfrtheabae Ann Arbor property taxes have pro- mitted that this source of irration What two men would be a better set ball scene in the Barrie Drama. The longntupwrdbrenaadohveertetaiinstwohorshndialfofoentr wuldbesustpoitialdeded tehdrecionofoissSyliaongd!boantheusesontherPcn-l haCuforednhem anmsttn-dfagardnPulcuncnnnsa dacineclssyecetlyfoeed n-nom reached a new high level that is . amusement. To the average per-' enough to out-fox the opposing Adams of the Physical Education Reor not only out of proportion to ratesj son such a direct contradiction linemen. Mattox and Humphries department is putting on the ev- N so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oudfpootoaotenclt scncla tma oni sIa nbl oudrtn.My l e lumetosngThe Gr' audi- ar in most cities of similar size but al-I sounds a bit confusing.j are chosen at tackles for reasons raldacnubr.Te Gl' me t aefo of local residents to pay.j never the less true that the Michi- be I ran out of players. Forsythe ence during the acts. There must:fo The University has been embar-! gan alumni in our various cities! and Cabot couldn't even catch a be something in the myth of the You cannot afford rassed by the high local taxes: it I would never sit through a perform- cold, so they'll make excellent Christmas spirit. Such co-opera- to p o stp onte your it now committed to at program of ance that offered a book represent- ,ends. With economical Taylor ati tion is unprecedented. And all thisj Christmas shopping building dormitories on tax-free fing a collection of "wise-cracks" ; quarterback this eleven just COULD: wealth of effort going into Barrie'sI property to save its students ex- j written by some immature student. NOT lose. Then, too, we would have wistful little fantasy should make any longer! Gifts you Crs traordinary room rents. The fra- Neither would they be content to! Pargment at left half and Eaton for an interesting production, in are sending away areitisputtingttheponh: foot g zaupmovement t at eretend-productfand if ofycsome' I piteof-ennothensi-rittalkeshoenoughile b arrputin onlanguagesentI etopodof f PlayverProduction'soug f reipublicgestoappear- Pr ducions eblendpea -ofI thisd o week.ek to render their properties tax-ex- astic art student's nightmare, exe- muddle the' opposing team, I'm ane.Tcesae bandbIn empt. Meanwhile the common va-! cuted by the Home Economics de- a saw-horse. Muyskens could su- ! vitation which are exchanged atj With the Michigan riety of Ann Arbor freeholder is( partment; or upon sets designed pervise the signals and explain the box office. staggering along under a rate ofj and executed by Stagecraft. them to the linemen, most of whomo Daily before you, gift early $40 a thousand-plus pay- ?Play Production affords ample would require much attention. ORGAN RECITAL choosing can be done r n ic nsdwladdanass-aprul o h ra nel-;Takn o e uhfror Ple hita speetnBy g ucl n hpigMns etstudent' effort." It would be a ( space. I am. Wednesday afternoon an interest- beomsa!iml,-n 'wise policy to keep to h a-Sneeyyu' ing selection of carol music tran-beo sasipen Worse still, it is not as thoughpitontecm;Snerlyus,79N thUi tAnn Arboro residentsc were xr living i1-land pus. Let us not disillusion the world Bedlam Bill. !scribed for the organ. The most ' joyable selection ac- by sowig wat lttl suh efort' ** *important number on the program complished w i t h o u t efficiency that this tax rate wouldi we have to offer. Thanks, Bedlam, even it you're! is Two Choral Preludes by Bach. trouble or worry.I OPEN EVENI seem to indicate. On the contrary, It might be a good thing for those! a bit late. How about writing me I Mr'- Christian will first play these! pressure is being brought upon the I well-meaning propagandists, who! a Christmas column along about' through in the traditional church city to install a sewage ,dosl I insist on trying to cram their ideas! February 15?I harmonisations and then in the 1 . plant to end contamination of theI down the campus' throat, to re- ' * * *" broken melodic style of the piano' Huon rve. n xpnsvepul-I member that after all it is the Aren't all the Christmas trees transcriptions. The program is the o co ror l oo co o~ c< ~ iication plant is being contempat- Michigan alumni who enjoy the? pretty and everything? I wish I1foing ed to remedy the obvious defects Opera and it is their money that could find one, though, that smells. Chistmas.........Foote '1 .I~ S F R\ I ( of our water supply. A system of j makes it possible. It appears they None that I've seen have the old A Fantasie on three traditionalV alarnt boxes and an additional sta-'I approve of opera as it has beeni balsam odor that used to mean English carols:C HSTA 'C'r a . tion house is urgently needed be-( given, that is in its present form. j Christmas. This age of substitution "Listen, lordlings, unto me" fore Ann Arbor's fire-fighting: Its continued success and National; is getting- my goat. The Christmas Pipes of County ! FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF UNIVERSITY 0 equipment can be given a respect- I reputation as the best of college * *lr ....*ala ETRT RIG H ME FIA ,DCM E able tate ating Our irpot en-showsshoul proe tThisacold Stune, of"ThestLeading of old unMASThVACATIONf o MTHEV CANNO ,ARBOANNRAILROADLRO D WI] terprise emts periodic demands' Ini our snutg little univeirsity town, here is a warning that should be I the Star" (about 1080-1750)t is one', FOLLOWING TRAIN SERVICE FROM ANN'ARBOR T for more funds. Our police depart- free from contamination of the clipped and tacked on all fraternity of the most popular in Irish car-TETN AL TO DOC NCINS cre n rd olw oe ultnbad:olry. It was used in procession withLvAn Aro 9:8L An Abo metisfamfoeapaaonofe-vre n rude o rldh e soe-'blltinbord:n*flutes, oboes and pipes. L A nA bo '8 a ( tm. nnAro sidlencyto Our secondary schools are tie.vrok h atta said t be over-crowded, Iour views are inclined to become ( FRESHMEN: Alsaian Noel ("Sleep well, Thou Ar oed 23 soehtbgtdadditre, e ." r oeo 1:5P.m. (@ t.) Ar. Toledo 4 These defects are all challengessoehtbgedad itre,! IF YOU MUST CHOP DOWN j Haveny C~fhid) ... Guilmantu NORTHBOUND TRAIN SERVICE to that mysterious demon. civc not to say impractical and over- CH-RISTMAS TREES GO TOI Two Choral Preludes........ Bach ! o --- this house by appoint. gs 6125. Jewto DING II i. hoo .2 versity INNS O~FO N 1929 'F MICHIGAN S"TU. Wtl, FOR CHRI SrT- LL PROVIDE TH~E ro TOLEDO, PRO. 'k