rl _ AA ' TWO 4 -THE M-ICH-I-GA DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 192~ S'TU[NI YMN4IUMEdison "Scholarship Contest Winners Enroll At Maussachusetts Institute Of 1Technology Is- NOW READY FORHUSE TROOPS PATROL TOWN OF RIOTS City Planning Body Forms Greatest Concern of Thi rty-first Season of Municipal Leaguei Athletic Apparatus And Sihowers Thoroughly Ovehauled in Summrer Vacation Waterman Gyminasium is now ready for use. The temporary scaars left by 'the registering stu- dents 'tramping 'thiough the gym! hi; e b'een removed,.'Athletic ap- praratus and showers have been thcooghly overhauled .arid are s.waiting the appearance of the students. Any' studient wishing to use the gymanisumr's facilities is. invited to do so.' Lockers may beI hocred by purchasing a locker ti~ket for 'two dollars at the Treas- urer's office and presenting it at the gym. Freshman 'classes will begin Monday, October 14. The week or soof inactivity before that time will be ' used for the classificationI of the freshmen. Doctor MN~ay: warns 'the first year men to class- ify at the earliest possible date in order to escape the rush that comner durfing the last few days before clases start. Freshimen may class- ify at the' athletic office in Water- man Gym anytime next week be- tween the hours of 9 to 12 andi 2 to 1 5. ' N~ti il GardCaledToS ee' "h ,yai iit kitheLhiy-irs Iinvitations to all the members to ! hiale Guard Call nestigatecrueasoi ol't ihigan Mutnyiparstattend a conference of the Ohio Whie OficalsInvstiate S~a~lkol he ichganMuncipl Cty Planning Ascain ti Gun RBattle Killinigs League. Orgaized ciin 1898, themoth MihiAssohatinognerals _____Michigani unit was one of the pio- mnh ihgnhsn eea By Associated [Tess) lieers in the fied. In the UnitedciypangboadMrSmt MAIO, . .,Oc. .-atonlStates at peet there are twenty- hopes that this meeting will give guardsmen patrolled the district S si iilar institutions, with ten teofcasf~ hssaea p p ~Canadiaii Unions which serve the portun~ity to judge whether a simii- around the Marion Manufacturing same p urpose for Canada. lrognzto would be beneficial RIIIEYHOLDS TRYOUTS FO DBTIGSQA Tryouts for the varsity debating class were held yesterday when Floyd K. Riley, new coach of the team, heard fourteen men and four jwomen deliver short talks on mil- 'I I 4,f A, A i>- t4 rf: f R y.. I . }; . : k. F . '. i: . .,. i:,i: r _. " Co.'s mill today, while in the town The fundamental purpose of the ivto iwiicligan, iitary training in colleges. Result~s !of Mvarion, a mile away, '~il ihgnMunicipal League is the - of the tr-you ts will be announced Megan their investigation of Wed- nnpE~ v viit of iuiiipal govern- GOR E T CIIES soon. nesday's gun battle which toutuok it tiur111o "uut t Le entire state, COURSE 1 ART In addition to those who appear-. three lives. Phnii;, L), cti 1,,i,;advanced through e etray buEwet aii nadiontth the uno titnatciacohacnrlo- Waiter J. Cadres, instructor in dates have, already registered for men who died when strikers iadf(e rI o ae nAn ro. decorative design in the architec- the class from which the team will sheriff's deputies clashed, foul J he organization is composed, at ture school, Wednesday night held eventually be chosen, The debate others are at the Marion General j pLt. 9(-it, of practically all the prin-j in Detroit the first mheeting of a for the meni's team this semester Hospital still in a serious condition,i cipal eities in the sAite and also class in the history of applied art, will bie held on Dec. 16;, when Pur- nine are less seriously hurt, bt man ,,iy of the smaller towns and vii- one of the extension courses which due, will meet one of Michigan's ronfined to hospital beds, and, a; lages. Cane [unried arnd seven mu- the University offer~s each year tote s here, while the other team dozen others are nursing minor n- ; nicipalities ,ire enrolled in the( citizens of Detroit. m iakes- the trip to Minneapolis to juries at their homes.I league. Whl:en ever a question of I This course, which parallels prof. meet the University of Minnesota The national guardsmen, ordered vital irrpo tan:e to the communityI William C. Titcomb's course in de- team. The question for the debate here from Salisbury and Nort i axrises, the dscsit referred to c orative design, meets each Wed- heas not been decided yet, but will Wilkesboro, arrived last night. One, the central burea"uii lf the league forI nesday evening from seven to nine probably be announced within a company went immediately to the fitadice 'lc, thruhu;h year and week. The women's team will meet Comgapelan~tld, *'Th Mich- gives two hours of University ere- Ohio 0tate inh Ann Arbor, and In- 'Mlarion mill and Col, Copeagazine euawaitfrom home commanding, ordered out patrols. igan Mulknicipal Ittvit w" is the dit. Enrolled in the course are ar- diana Untive rsity awy fo oe * Will Maintain Guard iT] uty public.-diom of the organi- chitects, architectural. draughts- ---__----------_ _________ Will.Maintin Chrd ;atioznd s; .] clnzefly concerned men, teachers of architect~ure, and '--- -- S t'hese patrols marched thi with prcubit-mie; of cit'y manage- interior decorators.I streets of tile little mill village, ; reent. The large enrollment for the . where the workers live in old, Harold 1), hjiiith of Ann arbor is' copirse, Gore says, is indicative of f a e h u e setn hi h o stls Di et r o th Le g e wih L id t ed sr of D t otp o totaround the mill, throughout the f. Troyer, M atyor of Laising, the ,advantage of the Uni-versity i.x - WE night. presid ent, Mr, Smiitha has issued =tension courses. LAST TIMES -- - - -=-!SATURDAY ~iDAY EV ONLIroIFOUROMAR IOA Hear!CCONUS The ivig Sceeid yotu catch that joke about the P rice of Wales? Bet ter come back The Theater With Perfect Tonal RerdutonIand~ hear this picture again: You lHen Pecked Husbands! Neg'lected Wives! Missed Some I atnghs-they come so E - f ast. Asso,,atd Press Photo Left to right: Dr. ..ames Tryon of faculty, Iva. Getting, Fitts- burgh;1,W ilburi' iiuAoi, ,Seattle; C harles Brutiiiss im, West Redding, Corn. WHITNEY -. FL EVE. OCT. 11 - GEORGE E. WINTZ - P&Based on b The Most Thrilling Operetta Ever Produced In America. As Played for 63 weeks at the Casino. 3 Theatre, New York, and 32 Weeks at the Great Northkern Theatre, Chicago, BRILLIANT :. CAST of 100 With Superb Touring Orchestra. Name company that relays Boston, Providenc,,, l> iffalu, (Aeveland, Pe roit, C"rininnati, Pittsburgh, and 10-week retan k iii "i'mert, Knicker- bocker ~'h fer, N. Y. Ochietra> $3.00; Balcony: $250, $2.00, and $1.50; C lulery: $L.OOz No Tax -MIfRDR O ' 4 , ;;; <; -:: s N; . ' ;ti :.; 37 -: MID-IT1E SHOW SATURDA Y 4 fAr.> > .iuslrCl l eY;t,, " -;-* v-- v v'The Carnation Kid" 1in a All-l'ralking Coinedy Pew laugh fest! 'Featuiring lovely "TI E RIHT 'ED"Marie Prevost, Frances Lee -Tl iHTBD nd Johnny Arthur. All- Cr ut News Cariosity talking! SA l~ IAY.=CAIABOW-"'DANGEROUS CURVES" I : rnJ.'- - - Uive rsity of ichigan Oratorical Associa~ction eft 4d j{ ttlfl MilE t t41tt11{1ttillll{Illit!ltilt !!ilfltfil111111 IEf1[I ' Y IMftMfll tMttl tiMtttill2iltflltlhilt11f11E ll t lflt 11lr1 littElEflllliitl A WILLIAM SHIARI WILLIAMBEB E. H. SOTHERN CARVETH WELLS R~ecognizedJ Authority on Crime _ October 23rd and anid America's Foremost Naturalist, Sci enlist, Auithor, Explorer. Nrove -r 2st America's Greatest Actor, matic Recital and Lecture in Dra- The Man Who Makes cinating and the Truth a Lie, Facts Sound Fas- Like Deeeniber 5th February 27th A SERIES OF FEIGHT LECTURES OF GREAT EDUCATIONAL VALUE r EAON TICKETS NOW ON SALE $3150-$3.00-$2.50MILO.,S O M IL ORDER NOW « m