f ESTABLISHED 1890 .V -t E u:'>IJE IL lu MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 67. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS Japan May Engage in LondonNaval Parley FUCWASHINGTON,D. C., Dec. 16.- Authoritative Japanese sources in- dicated tonight that the Far East- ern empire would enter the London naval parley prepared to sacrifice other categories if necessary to maintain-the force of submarines Application Must be Received; considered vital for defensive pur- by Dean of Students poses by the Tokio government. V-The Japanese delegation to the SENATE WILL Congress Enactment Reduces Income Tax T FTT NTION WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 1. Income tax reduction of $160,000,- 000 was enacted today into lawc 1 FOLLOWING DECES Swhen President Hoover signed the t ! =--joint congressional resolution pro- Agreement Among Leaders of viding for the slash. The chief executive xflixed his All Factions Promises Action signa ture in the presence only of After Christmas. his two secretaries, George Aker-' ____ _ .__.___ . __ _ ,.ti . 'FlyersP PHO[CPTON B900 on ear Brazil QITU1ILITO Atlantic Flight I -'TflhInIfIT T Iiiflhl Beore riday. conference, now here for conversa- son, and #Lawrence Ritchey, using tions with American officials, prob- EXPECT SLOW PASSAGE thn pen with which he r saCts 1930 PLATES NECESSARY ably will ask for a submarine fleet __routine business. of 80,00 tons, the present approxi- Tus the American income tax Present Permits Expire Dec. 20; mate strength of Japan in this Watson, LaFollette, and Borah paying public was assured a reduc-' category. Unite to Bring Pressure tion of 1 per cent upon normal and New Tags Must be on Cars A submarine fleet of this size is for Action Soon corporate levies to be paid next by January 6. considered by the Japanese to be i __year. the minimum which would be ne- (By O. Harold Oliver, A.P Staff The measure has been sent t o the Students who, although qualified, cessary for the defense needs ofW e.treasury department where Secre- have not filed application for re- their country in view of its island ;Writer.)tary Mellon quickly gave his ap- newals of automobile-driving per- position and particular location. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 16.- proval. A Treasury messenger re- mits, will be given until Friday to; Another type of war vessel which Temporarily laid aside today in the turned the document to the White: do so at the office of the dean of the Japanese are desirous of mak- Senate, the long disputed tariff ,Hese and the President signed it' students, it was announced by W. ing an important part of their navy bill was promised an uninterrupted immediately after it was laid on B. Rea, assistant to the dean. is the 10,000 ton cruiser. It has . C. lis desk. All student driving permits ex- been indicated also that the pres- right of way after the ristmas Enactment of the legislation pire Dec. 20 with the holiday relax- eint cruiser strength of 206,000 tons recess in an agreement entered in- which was the first to complete the ation of the automobile ban and, is considered by the Japanese to be to by the leaders of all factions. Congressional circuit in the regu- since it will be necessary to have the approximate level at which Senator Watson of Indiana, the .ar session, was finished all but for new permit tags affixed to student- they would desire this category Republican leader fresh from a Mr. Hoover's signature when the driven cars after the re-opening maintained. 'Senate gave its approval Saturday of school Jan. 6, applications for: _conference at the White Nose at by a vote of 63 to 14. the renewal must be made befor nwrhich the Congressional program - -- Friday if the students are to oper- was discussed, entered into on ate cars on their new permits after ,((agreement with leaders of the 6. DARic-Republicane ind - CHI NPUCKMEN Before applying for a renewal of T Democratic-Republican disciu permit, it is necessary to have aUF IDIV I] I ent coalition during a disculsion on fhlI lI~lf record of the 1930 state license the floor concerning the priority of plate number assigned to the card,C legislation. Mr. Rea said yesterday. Time is Play Production, League Corn-ill Not Pass in January. still on hand, he pointed out, for bine to Present A Kiss for Despite the general understand-:ompkinsuGnt einhiwscAianttge students living i Michigan to get Cinderella.' ing to give the tariff an undisputed in Stopping Western Ontario) their'1930 state licenses before the claim on the Senate after the hoi- Scoring Offense. deadline for applications for re- FREE SEATS AVAILABLE days, little hope was held out to- newal of University permits.A night that it could be passed much Out-of-state students may ob- nig.tehatiFebruyd aenmch- TEAMWORK IS ERRATIC tarn blank renewal applications at Three performances of "A ;iss dbefore February and finally enact- d into law after a conference be- the office of the dean of students, for Cinderella," by J. M. Barrie, will tween the Senate and house be- By ROSS GUSTIN- and mail their applications back be given through the combined ef- fore the first of April. Revenge for two successive de- to the office as soon as they buy forts of Play Production and the Watson's assurance that the tar-. 'eats at the hands of the Western state licenses at their homes dur-L iff would be given undisputed Ontaipucksters was the portion' ing the Christmas vacation period.+ Michigan League, tonight, tonmor - uktr Afte the newm Unversty perirowin gght, ndThursdayright of way beginning January 6 ; of the Wolverine hockey sextet After the new University permit rownght, and Thursday night. came after Senator LaFollette, Re-! tag has been obtained, it must not Last night a presentation of the publican independent, Wisconsin ast night in the coliseum at the be affixed to the 1929 state license, play was given at the Ly ia Men- had served notice that after the re- ong end of a 5-2 score. Michigan's but should be held in reserve un- delssohri theatre for high school cess he would object to the taking ;tick handlers, in displaying a com- Mr. fened toi.a 10state license,: students and children from the up of all bills, no matter how ilm- lete reversal of form at the ex- Mr. Rea said. This arrangement ys hospitals. An enthusiastic, and at portant, ahead of the tariff. La- .:ense of a powerful Canadian team. permit tag is issued fora certain times vivacious, reception was ac- Follette also had said it was ap- !ave brightened the prospects of stt licens, and ifr nw pertn corded the production by its first parent that enthusiasm for passing 3 i season marked by at least a ma- tags were affixed to old state plates audience. the tariff had disappeared. Sena- Iority of victories instead of mar- confsio w ouled resultd sine Uni- Costumes for the show have been tor Borah of Idaho, another of the sed by a succession of defeats. confusion would result, since Un- designed and executed by the stu- independent group, inquired wheth- In Tompkins the Maize and Blue versity police would be unable to dents in the Play Production er Senator Watson would agree not eems to have unearthed a goalie bearing a permit tag were the ! courses, and the scenery has been ; to propose or vote for considera vith a natural aptitude for im- ha benisseoretherethe built by the stagecraft class of the tion of any measure than the tar- posing himsei in font of the puck had been issued, or whether the Play Production course. iff after this week. The Indianiai. whenever it traveled in the imme- peri d been borw f Dances, required in one of the replied that this was exactly what diate vicinity of the goal. Tomp- by the student o er of an- scenes, have been planned and set he intended to do in's ability to smother the inces- owner with the assistance of the dancing Watson Agrees. sant peppering the Wolverine goal,. other car, class, handled by the physical edu- "The main task before us is tc especially during the major portion cation department. tariff," Watson said. "I am suie of the final period when the rest' EXPLAINS RECESS RULES Offering this show a laboratory that we all agree that this bill of the Michigan defense was rather performance, Play Production has should be enacted at the earliest nadequate to keep the Canadians Holiday relaxation of the auto- 'made all of -the seats gratis, and possible opportunity." out of scoring territory, proved a mobile ban will begin at 12 o'clock ; attendance has been by invitation. Only one protest arose over theimajor factor in the evening's suc- Friday morninw, it was announced only. program agreement. That camces. yesterday by W. B. Rea, assistant The few seats remaining for the prom Senator Fletcher, Democm'n.i On the offense, Joseph, veteran to the dean of students and in production, however, may be ob- Florida, who suggested that . ; ,enter from last year, and Langen., charge of automobile legislation. tained at the box office of the might be going too far to bar at left wing, were the outstanding Students will be permitted to Lydia Mendelssohn theatre from ocher matters, which might come stars of the evening both scoring drive their cars in and away from 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the after- up by unanimous consent. A bill to two goals apiece. Langen's ability Ann Arbor during the entire Christ- noon. provide further funds to combat Lo carry the puck through a maze mas vacation period, but the en-' The production is scheduled to the fruit fly in Florida probably of opposing defense men and Jo- forcement of the ban will recom- start at 8:30 o'clock and no pa- will soon be in position for Senate eph's knack at checking the On- mence at 8 o'clock Jan. 6, the trons will be seated during the acts.; action. tario attack before it could get' morning classes resume. started accounted for most of the No special permission will be Moving Day Completed Special Bus Service Wolverines' superiority during all' granted students to drive automo- but the half of the final period. bies to Ann Arbor from near-by for President's Family W ill be Introduced Western Ontario received one of towns and cities during the earlier their pair of markers as a gift from part of the week for the purpose President Alexander G. Ruthven Leaving Ann Arbor at 1 an-d 7 the Wolverine pucksters in the of providing themselves with a and his family were practically o'clock Friday, Dec. 21, a specialperiod as the result of a mix-up in means of transportation to their completed moving their personal bus service has been introduced front of the Maize and Blue g homes at the beginning of vaca- effects into the presidential man- for the convenience of students where Bryant accidently pushed tion. sion on South University avenue whose homes are in the vicinity of the puck into the net, much to the. Friends of such students, how- late yesterday. They expect to be Buffalo, New York, and intermed- jubilation of the visitors. ever, may drive students' cars to comfortably installed by the Holi- iate cities. Lieup. Ann Arbor for the latter, providing days. Using the Parrot Restauant aMichigan Ontario the students do not ride in their Since Dr. Clarence C. Little left headquarters, the new line will op- Tompkins ..... C.......... Kress own cars, driven by their friends Ann Arbor June 21, the president's erate over a different route than..Hart ...........R.D....... Quigley (except members of their imme- house has been idle except for the that usually followed, crossmig the Bryant ...... L.D ....... Sinclair diate family). Such transporta- slight , alterations and improve- new Ambassador Bridge into Can- Joseph.......C.......Paterson tion constitutes violation of the ments which were made this fall in ada en route to Buffalo. The ser- seh.... .W......aterson automobile ban, it is explained by preparation for the new President's vice is to be permanent, running Schanderer ... R.W........Lnoui officials. {occupancy. The Ruthvens formerly at the beginning and end of alIjLangen Fs.W......anou vacatons.First Period. lived at 1220 Fair Oaks parkway. __vacations. Goals-Langon (M) 4:29, Onta- Wildcats Protest Rest rio (kicked in by Bryant Michigan) on Gophers' Grid Card EVILS OF TSARIST RUSSIA CONTINUE 19:20. UNDER NEW DESPOTS, SAYS SLOSSON Goals-Schandeeriod.M 1:55; A wv t rnHI L U n PA NIhIAA111UNION Dec. 16.--An airman of the new world and an airman of the oldR have nearly completed another non- GOOD VYIL BANQUE stop flight across the south Atlan- ticocean from Europe to South Maintenance of B Average for America. Major Tadeo Larre-Bor- Murfin Heads List of Speakers ges. Uraguan ace, and Lieut. Leon Four Semesters' Work Challe, noted French flyer, were Scheduled to Address Is Requirement. smearing the South American coast Student Body. -- Monday evening after a fast flight; FIRST OFFERED IN 1924 from Seville, Spain. They were ex-. LARGE CROWD EXPECTED pected to make their landing at Natal. Brazil. and to reach Monte- Seven Recipients Have Served video Uraguay, their goal, on Believe Gathering Will Create on Daily, One on 'Ensian; Tuesday. Better Feeling Between Each Receive $100. The aviators who left Seville at Campus and Town. 12:40 p. m. Sunday 17:40 p.m. E.S.T. were signted at several points Appearing for the first time be- Scholarships of $100 have been along the African coast and kept;ore a large representative body of awarded by the Board in Control of in touch with radio stations on both sides of the Atlantic. Their re- students, President Alexander 0. Student Publications to the eight ; - t..L......sl.t41..._..._ I ---t0 --n ..n+. r graduating seniors who, during their undergraduate life, have been members of the staffs of one of the major campus publications and have maintained for at least four consecutive semesters an average grade of "B" or better. Those who have been awarded these scholarships are pictured in this column as follows: George Til- ley, Marjorie Follmer. Charles R. Kaufman, Ed- ward Warner, Valborg Egeland, Robert C. Silbar, C 1 a r a Mitchell, and Howard Si- mon. This is the sixth group to receive t h e publications scholarship, t h e commencement of which took place in 1924. In thl:t . year three pri , of $250, $150, ani Tilley $500 were award- ed to members of the publications staffs ranking highest in scholastic work. A change was made in the next year, how- ever, and it was ;... . decided that $100 should be given L t o th o se w h o maintained a "B"k average f o r at least four semes- ters as a member of o n e of the staffs. The res- olution which set forth this policy Folimer was adopted in 1925 and has been in force ever since that time. Seven of the above named group have been or are members of The D a ily editorial staff, while o n e was a member of the Michiganen- sian staff. 1. Tilley, w h o is at present chair- man of the edi- torial board and formerly a night Kaufman editor of The Daily, will receive the award, as will Miss Follmer, women's editor of The Daily, Kaufman, Daily night editor, sports ed- itor. M i s s Ege-. land, a member} of the women's staff for five se-i mesters, S i1 bar, assistant city ed- itor last y e a r Miss Mitchell, a junior w o m e n's editor of the 'En- sian in charge .of sorority features, Warner and Simon, a member of the lower staff of The Daily for two years. Applications for these scholar- ships were made in November and w e r e considered by the Board at that time. The four semester re- quirement holds good only for the students working during that time, but the students who attained po- Egeland sitions on the up- i I} } port showed that they were making Ruthven will speakr at the Goodwill fast time, keeping near an average banquet at the Union tonight. Men of 100 miles per hour. and women of the student body, The aviators while asking about faculty, and city have been invited weather conditions in the after-y noon reported that all was well on and a large crowd is expected. board. The weather bureau at Rio. Regent Tames O. Murfin. of De- De Janiero were favorable along iroit, .jiil be the principal speaker the coast. a t evint, and will be followed Sn the program by speakci: repre- SP EL uH rFt NAL I I fenffing all of Ann Arbor', :i7; organizations. The Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will talk as tho repre- Tnrr sentativc co the Ann Arbo: nmins- terial association, Rabbi Adolph ll. Fink:k the Hillel Foundation. and Remaining Aspirants to Deliver "the Rcv. Allen J. B-bcoect for the CathlicStudents Chapel: Talks at Joint Meeting Staebler to Talk. of Four Societies. Mayor Edward W. Staebler wll offer evrisions of ceodwi l On b,- MEDAL WILL BE GIVEN half of Ann Arbor, whti' T. 1iiit.,v 'ThAppn, general see':,ta.r'y of the Final addresses in the all-cam-Aim i asoimtion, w ll apt as toastmaster. pus extemporaneous speaking con- mastlrobj.;iwof th bt:- test will be given tonight at 8:00 uet, wv+"b is spo hbored:by tim i, the Alpha Nu rooms in Angell Union, v in effect a better under- Hal, it was announced yesterday stan ding between tl-e various reli- ' ,nioes ects on the c atpus and to by L.. wrence Hartwig, '31, of the create a feeling of oth-will e- Oratorical association. t"'e(FPn camnus and to'wna. Out of the 15 aspirants original- Thi' ;t-:-uet is rece x. 3 , rhe sup- ly entered in the contest, five now Port oi it the studO . rligiOus remain to compete in the final 'boul) i. addition ao T Ann r- e . o .bor -organizations mentioned. The eliinations. 'Ihose still in the Student Christian association has competition are henry E. Camp- been actively working for its suc- bell, '31, Arthur L. Goulson, '31, cess. as have the Student council Josephine Sullivan, '32, Donald R. and the Women's league. l,' Ruthven Expresses Approval. Tobey, '31, and Carl H. Urist, '30. xpressing his hearty approval of The finals are to be conducted the plan, President Ruthven said: before a joint meeting of the four "I am much interested in the pro- campus oratorical societies: Adel- ject and trust that it will be suc- phi, Alpha Nu, Athena, and Por- !cessful. Such gatherings should as- sist in breaking down the isolation tia. The subjects are to be chosen, which differences in belief tend to i s c i , i from a list of five that have been known to the contestants for a week in a general form. From these! wider topics five definite ones will be selected this afternoon and giv- en by lot to the contestants to pre- pare by the time set for the speeches. Such topics as "Coeduca- tion," "The Michigan Auto Ban," "Fraternities and Sororities," "The Vare Case," and "Prohibition and the University Student," have beent assigned for study to all the aspir- ants. Certain particular phases of these are to be selected for the ad-! dresses in the evening. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are to be awarded to the winners of the final trials by the Oratorical create, the existence of which make for provincialism." "I give the Goodwill banquet and the movement resulting from it my most hearty approval," said Father Thomas R. Carey in commenting on the affair. "Any contribution that banquet may make to the spirit of religious tolerance makes it worthwhile. I trust that my own people will further the efforts of the other groups in making the Goodwill banquet an unqualified success." A few tickets are still available and may be obtained at the main desk of the Union or Women's league, Slater's or Wahr's book-. Association, under whose auspices the contest is conducted. These speeches are the first of a' series to be held for the purpose of. stimulating interest in oratory and stores, at all church offices, and' at Lane hall for $1.25, A turkey din- ner wvill be served. The Union orchestra under the direction of Bill Suthers will play a few selections. The entire pro- gram of speakers will not occupy more than an hour and .a half. finding material for both the var- sity debating teams and the inter- Art 'The Great Shires collegiate speaking contests to be Is Decisively Trounced given later. (B Associated Prwss) Iowa Athletes to Face CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 16-George EligibilityCommitteeTrafton, burly center of the Chica- go Bears, pro-football team, won a (decisive victory in five rounds to- IOWA CITY, Ia., Dec. 16.-Thir- night over Charles Arthur (The teen ineligible University of Iowa Great) Shires. Shires was down athletes will have an opportunity! wice in the first round, and once on .January 9 to persuade Western 'tweithfrsronadnc Conference officials of their right in the third, while Trafton, not in to engage in further intercollegiate perfect shape, also finished in a competition. In accordance with a rather bad way'. Shires weighed request by the Hawkeye board in 179, and Trafton, 218. Trafton is control of athletics, the Big Ten managed by Red Grange. eligibility committee will visit Iowa City on January 9 to investigate theSs status of the athletes barred by the Iowa board for borrowing from an Will Meet Committee allegedly unethical "trust fund." Word of the visit of the Big Ten About 15 students who register- eligibility committee was received d yesterday at the office of the (By Associated Press) EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 16-Meet-k ing Minnesota on a football field is: a tough assignment under any conditions, but meeting the Goph- ers after they had had two weeks'! rest is asking too much, North-I western University football chiefs claimed. Northwestern today called Min- nesota's attention to the fact that it has an open date next October 25, a week before its game with the I _ - ______ _________ I (This is the eighth of a series of interviewe s with faculty members on~ leading topic., of 1 lossoni believes this an evidence . dcurrent history). eof Russia's inconsistence to her Declaring Secretary Stimson's "world peace" program. 'Russia's' note to Russia, and the unfriendly aggressiveness is not hyporisy, answer received, as not merely an however," he declared, "but it isI unfortunate 'international occur-, merely human nature. Russia, like ence, but as a definite testing of i England and America, will not wil- the Kellogg anti-war pact, Prof. lingly reliquish advantages once: Preston L. Slosson, of the history gained abroad." department, yesterday stated, "It Professor Slosson said Russia's is at first glance strange that so- mistake was in her support an d Langen (M) 15:05. Third Period, Goals-Joseph (M) :29; (O) 2:09; Joseph (M) 8:55. 1st 2nd 3rd Kress Michigan........1 W. Ontario .......1 2 2 0 1 al per staff were required to maintain 5 1a "B" average during the entire 2 'period that they were actively en- gaged in publica- tions work. The rules set up by the Board: are as follows F. VP vstenft :;. i Thomas E. French, of Ohio State - University by Dean C. C. Williams, dean of students for appointments head of the Iowa Athletic board. with the University loan committee NEIL" .--v .0 W,!m