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December 15, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-12-15

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,,T","nAV- nrrmmrr, 1

-- -_- ___ __ >:_ _ .I 1Y '-'4 . Y s ..4.& J .; 4 Y J.4' . L LU .&F 14P I17 '


Major Francis Keally Addresses"
Architectural Students
on Airport Design.
"There were more people shoIt
to death last year in the city of~
Chicago alone than were killed ink
..he entire country in airplane ac-

Scabbard and Blade Admits New
Pledge Class; Banquet to
be Held'Tonight.

University Loan Co~mmittee: The University Loan Committee will
mee t on Tuesday, December 17, at 2:00 p. mn., in room 2, University hall. NEW OFFICERS
All applicants for loans should call at the office of the Dean of


Initiation of 16 pledges to Scab-

To Students Having Ii
1. Students having in
versity Library are notifiec
ber 16, before the impends
tegental regulation:
"Students who
of more than ak;
2. Failure to return
student liable to an extra
3. Students who have
comber 16, and the beginr
by applying to the Stuperli
bet 16.
4. Students who have
vacation may a.pply to the
ber 10 for permission to dr
Organ Recital: Paln
the following program, W(
The gene~ral public, with1
Foote: Christmas; Gaul:7
mant: Alsatian Noel {Sleet
Choral Preludes; Bonnet:
Midnight Mass at Christmwi
Christmas Hymns.
Classification : Beginr
the College of Literature,
an School of Music mnay
Music student~s ho ld callf
nary blanlw, School of F (ii
Tappan hall, for their blaY
will not be taken care of vu

.. at io o o -
J. A. Bursley, Chairman bard and Blade, national honorary . .Acens,' stated Major Franc4
1. 0. T. C. society, was field at 2 (i.eally, well-known architect and
ibrary Books: o'clock yesterday afternoon in the critic at Columbia University, to ai
their po,sesslon books drawn from the Uni- j military training headquarters. An Dalreotrtthcnlsin;
d that such books are due Monday, Decem- i initiation banquet in honor of the+f j; a. his lecture to studentr of the arch-
ing Christmas vacation, in pursuance of the; new members will be held at the Uno t 'loktnih.i tectural school yeserday
Unio at o'locktoniht.When asked his opinion of the
oleave Ann Arbor for an absence The newly elected officers of the development of comercial ava-
reck must first roturn all borrowed organisation are Georges Ryerson,"j tion in this country as compared
bok311r h acto il edr "bcrtain or president, John Q with that in Europe, Major Keall
bosbfrth vaainwlredrteLangen, '30 F&C, first lieutenant replied that at present facilities i
spca edfrcranbosbtenD-or vice-president, John Haldane,A.. this country did not approximate.
spin onetedvarcainbaysretain euchboos-J'30 E, second lieutenant or treasur- pthose abroad. "But," he xwent on
ntendent of Circulation on or before Decem - ir, and Richiard Osenburg, '30 E, Delegates of the five nations, United States, France, scaly, and Japan will discuss the question of power ifeomltquitosfiea rdict ica
first sergeant or secretary. naval disarmnaent at a conference to be held sometime in 'January.'Dih .Mroab~ao oinfo w ofv er mrc
special need for certain boors during the Thintae are J. A. Raye, '31, Mexico and recently appointed to the senatorship of New Jersey, left vacant by Walter 1. Edge, wil fa supas Euopein ha
Sunritenen ofCicuatin fte Dcc RY~ A. Kunkle, '31, D. W. Hickox, '31i to France, will represent the United States. The parley willmeti the conference ro ofS.Jms ,in aottnt.tet er
raw thsWok.E ,. G. Bird, '31 E, B. W. Fouch,palace at London. The last power naval conference was held at Washington, D. C, in 1920. Iair otlbenastommoenyineth
Win. IW. Bishop, Librarian 1'31E, ando Hasse, '30, W.G.Gordon, coutryas-ailoadstaion-ar
,'32 EB..W.Jchn'30 , .,'D1ck-Sociology Iprofevivor 'Ocean' now. It will note very long be"
nor Christian, University organist, willivle witz, 3 ,C .Jhsnr 3 rfso en " ivien, S fore every average American cii
'ednesday, in Hill auditorium, at 4:15 p. m.n . Lester, '31 E, E. J. Johnson,, to Attend Dedication 1 wl aeisonartria.
the exception of small children, isinvited D.,Gordna'3 , ihBnet.aeue TW. conrIno H ro wl aeit wLi tria.
rho Christmas Pipes of County Clare ; Cuil- I '31, C. W. Shelheimer, rdB V Prof. Arthur E. Wood, of the SO-! t - ---~- - enon is the heaviest and rares
,p well, Thou Heavenly Child") ; Bach: Two Johnson, '31 E. ciology department, leaves for Chi- j(llr . oi:,ri 1' ...........of the schooners Lloyd Jack and o teamshri ae.I a
Rs;Hapsdy CalaSne; Chrisi:Commnaion Wlotforty othDkt2 aotoday, where lhe will attend S. JOAN'S, Newoundland, De'-.'Netune, which are still missing. discoveed in 188.4
shows an increase of 30,000 acres Ithe dedication of the new ;social 14-Ten "dead" men walked the I-lope for the rescue of the crews: Italy has increased its purchase
Charles A. Sink l in farm land this year over last' Science Research building at the street& of St. John's Friday. For of the Lloyd Jack and Neptune, of foreign frozen meats about 25
nigMonday, Dercember 16, Sophomores in yeart University __of.Chicago.eeksthey hadI been listed as dwindled when the steamers Be- i per cent in seven years.
Science, and the Arts, School of Education, Research Club wll]. meet in room 2528 East Medical building on lost, gone dowVn to the sea1 in a othic and Meigfle, which had been e lm isac{tlpo
las,%ify. Literary student-s and School of Wednesday, December 18, at 8:00 p. in. The following pasperswill e Esli Thecy ad fa3celdcdah bat had'sarhitotemfo Awek r- cable, one avialeinthle pone
first at Uriiversity hall, roof 4, for hen _e-presented: Professor 1. D. Scott, "The Morphology and history of Mich, ' ~eirai c l~~ ung f ortemftor aandooningr- cbe tobelaibettenpri n
y o h eo s n ealel iCer L~~c s n ri, u n r o p r cation students should call first at room 105, igan Strand Dunes." Professor J. H. Drake, "Some Ancient Analoge s,;fi r a a d n n s b i g li e w e ai n
nks. Juniors and Seniors not yet classified of Consideration." A meeting of the council will be hield in room 3012 Ot of is 'lkiid. their (quest.- Versailles.


ntll Wednesday, December 13.
D. L. Rich,. Director of Classification

t-nige-I iinail can IjecernIue u at 4:30 pIJV*I.n

I UV 1 t lll'..)O ii 1111'! IN ViS cJ' Itla
C tjpt. 1erneau.x, docked hiege Friday;
and7 she b oii'ht CaIpt. Rod.-ers and
his crew of nine of the schIooner
Jean Blackwood. On Nov. 29~ they
had left here for home with their

Recommendation in Fre~nchi and Swanish : February, June, and 1
August seniors in the Literary and Education Schools and graduate
students who will have completed the requirements this year and wish
to be considered for a "Departmental Recommendation to Teach Frenchj
air Spanish" from the Department of Romance Languages, should leave;
their names this week in room. 112, R. L., for Trench, and 212, R. L., for
Spanish, It they have not already done so. This recommendation is in-I
dependent of ,the individual recommendations from teachers already
handed to the Appointment Buireaui, and candidates should have both.
Only those who leave their names can be considered.
All students looking forward to this recommendation, including un-
dercls.ssm-en, should consult with Dr. Thieme, 110, R. L., with regard
to French,, and Dr. Wagner, 212, R. L., in regard to Spanish, when
electing courses. TH. P. Thieme
Tnterm~tional Forum: Mr. John Khalef of Palestine will .lead a ,n
open discussion on "Problems in Palestine," at. a Forum to be held at,
Lane hall, '4:00 p. M.
Scabbard acid. 1lade: Supper will be served in the Union at 6 p. m..
Lutheran Students are cordially invited to attend the Christmas
Party at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, corner of Third and W. Liberty,:
this evening at 7:20. Everyone is requested to bring a 10c gift.
J-Hap Committee Meeting at 3:15 p. in., at the Michigan Union.
-New Exhibition in Architectural Building: There has now been
openedan exhibition of origina~l pencil drawings by New York artists,
in the ground-fpoor gallery of the Architectural building. The public
is cordially :Invited. Open daily excepting Sundays, from 9 to 5. I
IFaculty, School of Education: The December mneeting will bo e 1Id
Monday, December 16, at 4:15 o'clock, in the 'physics Lecture rooin, fir1st
111r University High School building.
Industrial Motion Pictures: The School of Business Aclinistra-.
tion will present the following fihns in Natural Science auditorium at
4:05 p. in., Tuesday, December 1'7: "Power," "A Day with the Tractor
'guilders." All persons interested a~ic Invited to attend.


Varsity Glee C10): There will be an important rehearLisal DMonday.
evening, at 7:15. No absences will be excused.

Th~e Botanical Seminar will meect Wednesday, December 18, at 4:30,
room 1139, N. S. bldg. Paper by C. D. LaRue-- The origin and develop-
ment of intumescences on poplar lea!ves."

[: - i

Physics Cofloruillm: Prof. R. A. Sawyer will speak on_"Excitation
conditions in the hollow Cathode Discharge," in room 1041, F~ast Physic:
building;, on Tuesday, December 17, at 4:15. All interested are cordially
invited to attend.
A special business meeting of the Forest~ry Club will be held in room
2039 N. S. Bldg., on Monday, December 16, at 7:30 p. in.
F'reshman and Sophomore members are especially urged to attend.


(] °'}(

C Clh

R. & S. Lunch

will be
here again
the first


will be with us next

A Pleasant Duty
in thje meantimle is

set (lit

for uis

to wish yotu


505 Church St.

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An Incentive

to food

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