.tT~TmAV 'T 1 .I44a4w4'. %m.J.L~.A . 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY :.,, . f.7 V1'IUA Z. LLLL lYA.DL"LL lytn 1Va5.Y r I VA VOTE OF WOMEN ON REENT'S BOAR SHOULDB9E CAST CONSCIENTIOUSLY' Freshman Group 90 Wins 'WAA' Bear in Play-Day Competition INITIATIONS, CHRISTMAS PARTIES AND DINNERS- 1 M L COMPRISESOCIALACTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEKi ron rnrr YrIIIrv Several of the sororities have Esther Marsh Cram in "Talk on the Won Regent' Over WJ Declares made by the Regents of the Uni- men's versity in January, 1870, "That the R. Board of Regents recognize the right of every resident of Michi- held initiations (uring the past Mascot to be Presented at Party week, and there have been the in Field House Lounge on usual number of faculty dinners. Wednesday, Dec. 18. A few of the sororities and dormi- _____y tories have already inaugurated ..Waa," brown bear mascot of the Christmas spirit in their par- the Women's Athletic Association, ties, but most of them plan to limit will h~ resented to frhman their festivities to the coimnt at dinner Wednesday night. Miss Grace Edelman, Miss AnnetteEriuon flh r I U U 11L Kappa Delta entertained more Fisher, and Miss Pearl Waldman of than 100 members of the faculty Cleveland; Miss Esther Kovinsky, at a formal reception which was Pontiac; and Miss Germaine Baer, Opening Tilts Played Last Week; held at the chapter house Thurs- Toledo. day night. Miss Virginia Parmeter Miss Bertha Scheimer, province Tourney to ontinue up to of Pontiac and Miss Marion Ross director, is a guest at the Gamma Last of February. of Ludington are guests at the Phi Beta house. house this week-end. Kappa Alpha Theta is holding a I TILTS WELL UNDER WAY LLOYD ALSO BROADCASTS gan to the enjovment of the privi- K'III pejl~cic LIU tlCS:ijuall { leges afforded by the University grofip 90, at a Christmas party week. Pi Beta Phi announces the ii- patroness tea at the chapter house Elliot no rule exists in of which is to be held at 3:30 o'clock Alpha Phi announces the mitia- tiation of Jessie Brown, '30, Sav- this afternoon. Mrs. Fielding Hi Thep Wednesday, Dec. 18, in the lounge tion of Betty Car-penter, '32. Batth :minah. Ilinois; Marion Finch, '31, Yost will pour. Mrs. Franklin Moore, tramur College Education for the University statutes for the ex- of the Field House. The group won Creek; Martha King. '32, Detroit: Ann Arbor; Mary Willard, Grad., and the Misses Alice Wolf, Agnes Women. elusion of any person from the Un- "Waa" by bcing high point scorer Lois McGuire, '32, Petersburg Penn-f Benzonia. The sorority ente ain, Davis, and Dorothy Briggs will be coming iversity who pos 0ses the requi- in the Play Day which was held sylvania; Virginia B. Loomis, '31. i Professor Donald 1ain'es ,aid in the receiving line. The to "I believe that it is the duty of 'site literary and moral qualifica- during Freshman Week for all en- Grand Rapids; and Josephine Mrs. Haines, Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur ------- last we any woman coming up on the tions." tering women. Miss Laurie Camp- Smith, '31, Pontiac. Guests at the Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hyma, TRYOUTS will be Discusses Rise of Co-Education bell, of the physical education de- initiation banquet which was held Mhr. and Mrs. Michael Pargment, Board of Regents to co-operate to The sixty yearts following this nartment was the adviser of this yesterday after the ceremony were and Mr. John Cloppet at a formal FOR PLAY LYRICS until ti the best of her ability, to weigh rather uncordial invitation to wo- group. the Misses Marian Lundquist, Anne dinner Wednesday night. Last Sun- the lat ro an acons conernin a e- men to attend the University, has Three other groups will also be Henshaw, Frances Densmore and day afternoon the pledges were Women who are interested in ThisN sider thaton and to castp afvote oas brought almost incredible advances the guests of W. A. A. at this party, Betty Hall Hade, of Ann Arbor; entertained at a tea given at the writing music or lyrics for the Jun- Mond sietios y an st a ote a~ i ropportunities for women, she groups 103, advised by Miss Ellen Ruth Sorge, Marion Merns, Helen home of Mrs. Homer Heath in idr Girls' Play are invited to meet PifBe centi" declared Regent Esther B. Stevenson, and group 108, whose Richards, Eleanor Ferry, Margua- Highland Hills. with Marjorie McClung, '31, chair- MrhCa inhrdcsso ofpointed out the two new women's ;avsrwsMs ai .Cae e eladBtyNro fD- KmaK lyAtm arsh Cram in her discussion of uilding on the campus, the Ath- adviser was Mrs. aria L. Crane, ret Beal, and Betsy Norton of D- Kappa Kappa Gamma announces man of music for the play, between Alum "The Women's Regent" which was letic building and the League because they were also high point troit. the initiation of Ruth Brooke, '30, 2 and 3 o'clock on Tuesday in the 5:00. broadcast last night through WJR building, as ell as the new dormi.--scorers in the Play Day, and group Collegiate Sorosis announces the Detroit; and Dorothy Mapel, '30, Cave of the League building. Thos Sigm as the feature of the 11-women's tory for women which will be op- 111, because it was the only group initiation of Louis Breaky, '32, of Traverse City. A formal dinn r was who are unable to be there at that Michigan Night radio program. ened in September, 1930. The with perfect attendance. Miss Ann Arbor, and Louise Quarles, '31, held at the house after the cre- lime may call Miss McClung at Mrs. Cram stated further that health service for women, and the Thelma Lewis sponsored this group. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ;mony last night. 5534 to arrange for another time. Tues for a long' time legislators have effiient system of supervision of All members of W. A. A. are invit- Alpha Chi Omega entertained at Delta Gamma announces the ini- I is not necessary to hve , Delta clearly recognized the educational the women students, comparative- eed to attend this party, as well as a formal faculty dinner Wednes- tiation of Pauline Notuagel, '32, technical knowledge of music in ma. need of a woman in the territory ly recently instailed, now provides freshmen who have received in- day night for the following guests: Corunna: ivary Rich, '32 Ogden, order to write songs, Miss McClung Alpha of Michigan. "I think no one lfor their interests. ';dividual invitations. Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. Utah; Josephine Timberlake, '32,1 announces. Those who are able to I pha Th doubts that a perfect home is one Miss Lloyd expressed the wish There will be dancing, cards, en- Effinger, Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Jackson; Lydia Shaw, '31, Ashbury compose the tunes, but unable to 8:00 in which the, father and mother that all women entering the Uni- "ertainments at the party. The en- Grace Richards, Miss Adelaide Ad- Park, New Jersey; Lina Schreiber, harmonize them, may submit the Gm0 and children jointly and unselfish- versity realize that the require.- tertanment will consist of three ams, Professor W. C. Trow and Mrs. '31, Grand Rapids; Marjorie Mc- tunes alone. all ly consider each other's happiness ments are just an high now as they acts from the Sophomore Cabaret Trow, Professor Roy . Cunp 3M Grd Jd- and welfare. If, as a rule, the were 60 years ago and that too which was presented last week. and Mrs. Cowden, and Professor ith Babcock, '31, Milwaukee, Wi Msl At ota father provides the rherewntihal ch cannot be taken for granted These acts will be a toe dancing Bruce Donaldson. consin; aid Lois Callahan, '31, far caring for the children, the when they accept the privileges number, a tap dance, and an Ap- Dr. Walter Maddock and Ms. flnt.KLeagppVDetetcs Work mother no less uses her ful capac- which the University offers. ache dance. Maddock, Dr. Philip Amadon and Delta Omicron observed Foun- tha Co ity of time and thought an Bush Discusses League --Mrs. Amadon, and Dr. Elizabeth dei's Day with a banquet held at Mrs. Porter Daily, Lexington, Ky. iDelta strength to further the .tereth Margaret Busn, 30, president of GIRLS' GLEE CLUB Bagley were guests at an informal the League last night. It was fol- has recently been appointed As- eltP and happiness of the home. I do the Women's League, concluded dinner given by Alpha Epsilon Iota lowed by a musicale in the Alum- sistant Food Director of the League 5:00 not think we are.carrying the ana- the program with a talk on "Wo- PLANS YULE TEA on Thursday night. na room. Mrs. Alexander 0. Ruth- building to replace Miss Dorothy Betsy logytooftoo f efar taifi we onsaysdathatit.inerot. Ms. lexndesG.StthdentilinGovernment."s orohyShes same w ay th t a ne men's Student Government." She Christmas trees lent a festive air ven, the sorority mother, was a South who had to resign because ry same way there is often a need of; represented the part which the .The University Girl's Glee Club to the forma dance held Saturday ~west at the banquet, of ill health. Mrs. Daily has been' rChi t the women's viewpoint in the lar-I League plays in the lives of every will give a Christmas tea on Tues- t t formal dance hel Sat - ' ht a e ma qet ofmill ealth Mhs Daix Hbee ger affairs of the University." Univer~ity won ant's life, and dis - lay afternoon at 4:30 in the ball- night at the League b Alpha (Cin Pi Sigma igmia and Sigia Al- connected with the Phoenix Hotel Delta, Prof. Margaret Elliot Talks A'so cs eif t pses o the room of the League building. The ma Delta sorority. ;plia Mu exchanged dinners last of Lexington, the Womens City Thur, Prof. Mairgaret Elliot of the eco-w ni te c iaton of thi, Freshman Girls' Glee Cluband MI StrteClos Dtit, and the Eastern I Alph nomics department, the second governing body alumnae will be guests, and Miss at the Alpha Xi Delta House enter- man, national president of Phi Sig- State Hospital i Lexington. She is team. speaker on the program, discussed Interspersed with the talks were Alice Lloyd and Mrs. Alfred White, tained Mrs. Hugh Keeler, Mrs. M. ma Sigma, is a guest of the local a graduate of Mont Eagle School Theta "The Value of a College Education;111s the niversit .i&r > patronesses will be present. A Kent-Miller, and Mrs. W. D. Riggs chapter. Week-end visitors are in Tennessee. 1ver. laying schedule of the in- zl cage tournament for the week includes 14 games. urney got well under way ek in the opening tilts, and continued after Christmas ie semi-finals which come er part of February. week's schedule follows: ay, 4:00. ta Phi vs. Zeta Tau Alpha. ni IHouse vs. Alpha Delta Pl. a Kappa vs. Kappa Delta. Omicron Pi vs. Alpha Phi. lay, 7:15. Gamma vs. Phi Sigma Sig- Chi Omega vs. Kappa Al- eta. Ma Phi Beta vs. Couzens Zeta vs. Alpha Epsilon esday, 4:00. is Kappa Gamma vs. Mar- ok. Delta Delta vs. Alpha Ep- hi. Barbour vs. Helen Newber- Omega vs. Alpha Q1amma sday, 7:15. a Xi Delta vs. Independent a Phi Alpha vs. Adella Chee- 7 i 6 r x ryi d w r fi t t ?S tlti y U e U 11 y t l~l ( " for Women." According to statis- Glee club concluding with the quartet composed of Irma Krapp, tics, she declared, it is evident that "Yellow and Blue." Soloists on the '31, Kathryn Evans, '30, Jane Rob- _____ college educated women are earn- program were Audrea Haver, '31S inson, '31, and Elaine Frost, '30, ing from $300 to over $400 a year Mus, Marjorie McClung, '31SMus, will sing at the tea and at a more than those in the high school, and Mildred Drinkam, '31SMus. Christmas program of the Wo- normal school or college non-grad- men's Club the same afternoon. A uate groups. However, as she On Wednesday, December 18, the pointed out, it is impossible to de- NO ICEe Cl"bwil take a basketof termine whether it is the educa- fruit to the Anna Botsford Home, tion which accounts for the dif- where they will present a program ference or not. of Christmas music. The follow- "The New Opportunities for Wo- I There will be a meeting of the ing night, they will go caroling tcO G m V e men at. Michigan" formed the top- W. A. A. Board at noon Tuesday,I from 9:30 to 11:30, and they ex- ic for the talk by Miss Alice C. at the League building. All mem- pect to visit the dormitories, the Lloyd, the third speaker. She re- hers must be present as it is the President's house, and all of the caled the New Year's resolution last meeting before vacation. sororities. ? awJnra ar n Jr FeiEaRIJ?$ 9 JJ2JVr12m re Many Charming Things the House