"T r MTe'RT(, N i'l 7 1.'V .M-l TIM I IT7 TIN V e n-w , W"m TI T5 1: 1 ?I *. TT-awl x w.. owi.M L 'T? V _ . _ 1 fP4bli.hed every Iorning xcert Mody luring the Universit year bybtc tios he Board in Control of Student &Pub icntoni. Member of Westera Conference Editorial Association. I The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republi'~ation of all news dis- fatches credited to it or not otherwisecredited in this- paper and the local news published heren. Entered at the postoff ice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage grnnted by Third Assistant Post- waster lGeneral. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.90. Offices. Ann Arbor Press Building, May- giard Street. PhonestEditorial, 4925; Business, :zr4 EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman.........George C. Tilley City Editor............... Pierce Rnsenherg tNews Editor........Donald J. Kiline Sports Editor........Edward 1. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor.Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor......... Cassam A. Wilson Musc and Drama.William J. Gorman Literary Editor..........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor...... Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert II Sloss Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds (hirney Williams Reporters Bertram Askwith Iester May Helen Barc David M. Nichol ; Maxwell Bauer William Page Mary L. Belymer Ifoward If. Peckham Benjamin TT. Berentsonifugh Pierce Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz Arthur J. Bernstein Tohn D. Reindel S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell John H. Denier - Joseph Ruwitch tfelen Doniine William P. Salzarulo Margaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl Katharine Ferrin S. Cadwell Swanson Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson Ginevra Ginn Rihard T,. Tobin T'ck Goldlsmith Eliz'abeth Valentine Morris Groverman arolde. Warren, Jr. Ross Gustin Charles White Margaret Farris G~. Lionel Willens David B. 1femo tead Tohn E.Willoughby Y. Cullen Kennedy Xathati Wise lean Levnyedy Barbara Wright RussellE. McCracken Vivian Zimit Dorothy Magee. BUSINESS STAFF Teiephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising..............'. lollister Mabley Advertising ...........RasTer 1-1. Il[alverson Advertising..............Sherwood A. Upton Service ...................George A. Spater Circulation .................I. Vernor Davis Accounts ...................John R. Rose Publications .. ..........George hamilton Assistants Xyrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker .smogsF., Cartwrigbt LawrenceeLucey ohbert 'Crawford Thomas MrI Harry B. Culver George Patterson Thomas M. FDais Charles Sa ford Norman Eliezer l.ee Slayton Jamnes Hoffer Joseph Vao Riper Norris Johnson Robert Williamson Cbarlep Kline -Will-m R. Worboyi Business Secretary-Mary Chase Laura Codling Alice McCully Agnes Davis Sa lvia M iler Bernice Glaser i eleu E. Musselwbite Portense Gooding . Eleanor Walkinshaw Dorothea Waterman Night Editor-- WALTER WILDS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1929 rely on it. Thus they lose some of the independence which is the es- sense of self-respect. There is the additional consider- ation that Christmas is an emoti- onal occasion which the trained so- cial worker can utilize to bring families closer together by working within the home. Through a judi- cious gift of cash wherewith mem- bers of the family can purchase small gifts for one another, a more substantial basis is laid for rehab- ilitation than can be accomplished if the Christmas celebration is tak- en out of the home and transplant- ed in some fraternity house. In the light of these proved facts it appears that those fraterni- ties who still wish to do something for Ann Arbor's poor children would be making the most valu- able possible contribution if they gave the cash formerly splurged on one or two children into the hands of the Family Welfare ou- reau. The cause is so worthy that it should still appeal, even at the sacrifice of the glow that comes from making a loud noise like Santa Claus. 0 COLLEGIATE AIRMEN. I Because twenty American uni- versities and colleges (one of them being Michigan) have formed fIly- ing clubs and placed tbemselves under the guidance of the Inter- collegiate Aeronautic Association, the nation-J body known as the National Aeronauti: Association has, not only Cccided to form an affili- ation with the air-minded students but has gone so f.-r as to change their by-laws to meet the require-' rments of college w ,in. this s;.Ep gives the student .r-} gar zadon even a greater back- ground of experience and author- ity. rnd does much to u::.' the -jifferent branches of the as.x - tion. Already Grover C. L ening, maker of the famous Loening planes has contributed a grant of $2, 9 tor l.c set ,ide in th 3 treas-. ury of the contest committee of the National Aeronautic Associa- tion to stimulate college competi- tion, and the annual dues to the organization have been reduced? by more than half.- It is gratifying to note the pro- gress that college flying clubs are making in spite of general lack of faculty support or consent of pa- rents to fly. The time is bound to come when land-tied people will freely admit that flying is not thej terrible risky thing that newspa-I pers frequently intimate. Such i mergers and affiliations as the, college clubs have made will tend to hasten that moment-as well as to promote interest in aviation ! OASTEDROLLV HERE'S THAT OPERA IC' ----- -,--- Music And Drama r__ _._.______ ... .____ I MONDAY NINGHT: Miss Flor- ence Boycheff, contralto, pupil of! DUKE UNIVERSITY SCl ," OF MEDICINE Duirham, N. C. REVIEW 'Theadore Harrison in recital in On October 1, 1930, carefully the School of Music Auditorium be- selec',.'d first anrd third year stu- "MERRIE-GO-ROUND" 'ginning at 8:15. dents will be admitted. Applica- (A Review by Joe Tinker) tions may be sent at any tine and will be considered in the order of (It's not organized, either, but that MERRIE-GO-ROUNI') receipt. Catalogues and applica- doesn't matter). A n tion forms may be obtained from Aftr hvin ben urnd aay An intimate moment of confes-( the Dean. After having been turned away sion should preface these remarks: from the box office eight times- as Merrie-Go-Round was the first related yesterday-we finally man- 1 Opera I had seen-a !act mention-;fLT~VANjINTI E aged to craoh the Opera yesterday ed neither as a matter of pride )AL CPO/hEURYTHMICS afternoon by announcing in the nor regret buL only to make clear r Nimd-I Education in lobby of the Michigan that George f that I haven't been subjected tor M. er E aon Johnson had contracted a severe the year-in-year-out aspect of the MOVEMEN case of water on the knee and Opera and can't ride the waves ofMUSIC would not play the matinee. In the comparison. These remarks, then, o .ia resulting confusion and panic we are the record of that rare thing- + y 'Icrip oPs tic ovein,! slipped in unnoticed and chos, a a virginal experience of the Opera. !composition. seat in row S which was far' Frankly, the Opera as a venture NORIMAL TRAINING enough away to make invisible the (always judging solely by this year's Jalcro2e Certificate Provides hirsute growth on the legs of the show) strikes me as a good case of New Profession for College and otherwise perfect sisters of the "the bloom on cold gravy." In all ooklet on Request chorus. its professionally derived bloom. ior the Opera affords a lot of fun; "a Volunteer 1357 Now that the able critics over good time was had by all" is good= in the next alley have had their reporting on any performance of say without having materially de- it. I am never denying that. But :-- I creased the ticket sales, and in i fundamentally (that is, as the the-i view of the fact that there will be I atric event generally deemed most . no more Ann Arbor performances, important and supported most en- anyway, we will tell the truth. thusiastically by the campus) the ' * * * Opera is as disconcerting as the The George onson gag refer- gravy. I am depressed by the lack' red to above threw the corridor in- of student achievement in the Op-- to a panic because as everybody era-which should be, of all things, knows the iJhow would suffer se- the grand exploitation of student vere lacerations and contusions if ability. With the exception of Ma- anything happened to Johnson. yer's song which, with Hempstead And as everybody probably doesn't employing pantomime and a rich know, Johnson (figuratively speak- voice intelligently, became a high-, ing) made a one-act laugh riot out class number, the songs are not no of a two-line part. table. Most of them-certainly tool many of them - are sentimental) The most hampered man in the songs with a disgustingly tender Love is alive at Christ- show yesterday afternoon was sort of love as the theme, giving a , Hugh Claney, due to the fact that musical equivalent of Edgar Guest, 'he slipped up on his lines badly at j the love-poet. The two peppy num- B~ulov Watches one point and had to crawl out of Ibes lc-fotT Stop pp Dnm Guea Watches the difficulty as best he could. The and Out Rhythm, are effective en aches prompter appeared either to have nough but the effect there is of Silver Ware gone to Detroit or quietly died.,soug insrted.fInttheeist something inserted. In the first If we had been Claney the promp- act Finale, the chorale "getout ter would have been dead by now ge outlof the ary" "ged sus - at te laest.get out of the army" sounds sus- at th a piciously like a German drinking? Claney's lines are too long, song and the accompanying ges- though. Several times; during the tureh are of the "bottoms-up" sort. course of the show we noted many dancing of the girls' chorus of the audience turning to the ads quite possibly is an achievement. h program for smething to It certainly is a task well done. while away the time until Claney But the value of all this effort (ef- - ------ finished what he had to say. fort quite too obviously reflected in f h * facial contortions( is certainly DO Your That's the only adverse criticism questionable. Christmas Shoin that should be made concerning the As for success in acting, the book, by the way. If the book is achievement is nil. Here, I think, Early I inadequate, who cares? How much the blame goes the way, with all of a musical comedy book does one; due respect, or Mr. Haines. Nullity want to remember five minutes af-' has always refused to be acted. _ ter the tuba player has sponged out Actors can's be expected to inflate ~ _ SUD UN , " SERVICE 3 Ifs Tlp y .. rMlr 3+a (j ,I _ i' : ' i' j t, i j Ij 4 i4 f 4 From the Hutzel Sho Hundreds of Gifts awaitiug * your selection-You need not e , look further. Sure this will be an advantage to those who have so much shoppin ; , to do and so little time in which to do it. Your troubles are half over[1 the minute you walk into this store bursting over with Christmas s xirit. ,l Our selection is broad, nr;zes moderate and back of it all .ia i;ls ,iir reputation for carrying only merchandise of derendable uality. LOUNGING ROBES Corduroy Plain and Striped Flantial Modernistic Silks NEGLIGEES SILK UNDERTHINGS SILK HOISIERY ln:lmi ng Conrod's ",$45" America's Smartest H tes $1.95 $3.95 Silk Pajamas Lcather Bags Gloves Handkerchiefs welry and Musical Novelties And other Gifts in inrinite variety Main at Liberty _ }c r - o~yo-y<-yo--o<-()- e-yo--o yu_-y..- ."o<='--= f1 4 4 4 among those who will in the future his horn and put it away? empty footballs-good old parts BIG*TS AND BANQUETS. count air transportation as one of ( * * (the father-colonel and the vil- I The recent installation of the 1 life's necessities. Dave Hempstead deserves hon- lainous captain, etc.) that have "goodwill banquet" as a part of the o orable mention for his rendition been kicked around New York for Union's annual progrm is a much- PAX VOBISCUM. of "A Vagabond Dream." The first years in the doubtful musical com- 1 he ie esagi eems edy tradition of that more lively needed and clean-cut step toward During the recent months no threetimes he sang it were most ad tatditon. Geore Johsy conciliation a n d co-operation less than fifty-five eQuntries, com- enjoyable. By the time the chorus and talented town. George Johnson among the various religious fac- prising the larger part of the civ- ad sung and danced it, however,' tions extant on the campus. Spe-i ilized world, have ratifiedthe Kel- and Hempstead had gone over the funning quite adroitly to furnish tins eanton te camps. Sue- lied world, averatsfiedithte arbl- whole business again we found our- some very amusing low-comedy. cialization in any form is a citues-I logg peace pact to substitute arbi-f selves sign tbcwrsadi'But the book sends him long"-leg- tionable plan, and the specializa- tration for war. Its principal lever e singing it backwards and ittestaghim nog- tion of campus life, a life which was to be the force of public opin- funny t y. thing to do or to say but look obviously should be par-social in ion. Now this lever is undergoingI O essence, has in the past developed ; its first real test. Unofficially, the e successfully a number of student religious cen- news comes that the crisis is past, brings down those roses. The amusingly. We get enjoyment tes that have, willingly or unwil-I for Russia and China have mutu- lighting on the BlacI Foot Stomp from imaginatively picturing him tingly, lived entirely p orthem- ally dispatched envoys to start dance by the special men's chorus in situations, which is a tribute to igy ie nieyhmdr from row S the scene our imaginations but hardly to pelves. I peace negotations. However, theis so bad thatfrmrwStesne yo seves. peace negotiations. However, the minded us of the time we sat on Haines' book. It is evident, however, that the victory is not complete. There was e n t w at Although the direction is for the evil has been flInally realized by conflict between armed forces, cul- the Atlantic City boardwalk at m th rth de etink the the religious groups theniselves, ; mination in the bombing by Soviet midnight and g * are faults. Inthe first rendition of and the banquets should provide forces of towns, stations, and even the theme song,"For You're My' an excellent machinery for bring- a Red Cross train, with rather And now for the roses. Boy, bring Love the chorus is grouped regi- ing the factions together in a spiritsheavy casualities on both sides. ; a big bunch down for Byron Dal-thenssro d g - gn y.s rymple (who let a couple of gents mentally for a drill, hardly help ofgeniality. It remains to be seen j The United States was instiga- maelv'o i ihutloigin-g to project the cirooping-ros whether there is enough sincerity r tor of this anti-war treaty. Na- siky le oyer whos lk mood of the song. The Chorus in back of the idea to mature a vigor- turally then, she was the first to ' lowing lacked any trace of stag!mi the "Vagabond's Dream," too, is ar- ous effort toward breaking down take diplomatic action for its en- n k (wo suc ranged in a straight line, calling the petty barriers so ong existing forcement. As early as the eight= oray a Co sra- attention to the disconcertin sim- cessfully portrayed a Costa Frian) at o the s ei among these groups. eenth of July, a statement was sent although we must admit we never ilarity of the gestures. o---_ to the conflicting powers remind- saw one)), and for the entie com- I admit that such wholesale GREEK CHARITY. I ing them of their solemn promise pany which yesterday apparently slaughter of the Opera doesn't con-' Fraternities and sororities that to forego the settlement of inter- did its best in spite of a half-filled stitute a review. I am not trying have made a Christmas custom of national disputes by other methods house, to review the Opera but to primi- taking Ann Arbor's poor children J than arbitration. Now, in the light * * tively strip it naked. The point is Into their homes and giving themI of the recent hostile outbreaks, ; that I can't understand from one - . * ~~~~~Also hand a bunch of daisies tocatunrtndfm e clothing, toys, and a dinner, seem similar sternly-worded statements a ncho se oexperience why the heat of the 1 the experiencenwhychthesheateofothe to have taken amiss the refusal have been forwarded by the Unit- 'splayhoeia mndsthchruoteos tumes, the music, the scenery, the Ipahuead h lmu fa of the Family Welfare bureau to ed States , Great Britain, and girlschorus, the rest of ther, prn- such se blagets sti ouinduce furnish the names of such child- France, and it is expected that It- ~islshhtustherstotheMcin-, I ' ; c~ipals, the ushers at the Michigan, uh enthusiastic acquiescence ren this year. This refusal should aly will very soon; take definite the Michigan, the Union, E. Mor-' every year from a student body that not be interpreted as inappreci- action in somewhat the same man- timer Shuter, the orchestra. all the is almost denied expression. Ad- ation of former charities. Rather I ner. Japan, however, refuses to add committees, Donal H. Haines and mitted that the Opera is a phan- ]t represents the studied conclusion to the general voice, stating, offi- everybody that had anything what- tasmagoria; but it is such a con- of local welfare workers that tih cially, that the matter is of no ever to dQ with "Merrie-Go- summate one that it makes for ab- sort of charity the Greek-letter or.- consequence. Actually, she has a Round o solute belittlement of really intelli- ganizatigns have been furnishing rather active, personal interest in y * gent student effort. In other words defeated its major purpose by da."the outcome and it is materially Also give a bunch of Bowers ,e charge is the old one, I sup- aging the self-respect of those conducive to her own welfare to (slightly withered if possible) to poe-professionalism. A combina- whom it sought to benefit more keep silence. the program committee fr having tion of aged stimuli, quite free of than their economic stability, The fact remains that the con- ; contrived to publish all the pro- the many interesting slants that health, and Christmas happiness. flicting nations have resorted to grams several weeks before the I amateur student efforts could In carrying help to homes ofC attempts at diplomatic settlement. routine of the show was arranged. bring to it, seduces everyone year- poverty the most difficult prob- Whether it is due tQ the Kellogg apparently. ly only because it has a gorgeous lem faced by social workers is how treaty or merely to China's inabil- ,* dress - bought quite expensively to avoid breaking down the self- ity to continue is still a question. At one point we wrote "Not so from Lester, Ltd. respect of the family. This is a One thing is certain. That is the! good" after the name of a song and To justify its existence as the I fi: Shea A